Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 35: The reason for marrying me


"Li Zhen's ghost condensed because she took a breath of her son's anger after death. Coupled with her own obsession with her son, she stayed in this world and stayed with her son."

"If her son is really dead as you said, then Li Zhen should also disappear."

"Then Li Zhen still exists?" I asked.

A faint expression flashed across Sister Zhou's face: "It still exists! Although—the situation is not optimistic."

After finally relaxing a little bit, I suddenly raised it up again: "What do you mean?" I asked.

"The parasitic soul cannot leave the subject for too long. If she does not feel the presence of the subject's breath for more than twelve days, then she will lose the cohesive carrier and slowly become dust and disappear." Sister Zhou raised her head and watched the house gradually darken. The sky was dark, and there was a little worry in his eyes.

I looked at her and couldn't help thinking, maybe in a corner of this world, there are also people that Sister Zhou cares about! Because I couldn't let go of the obsession, I stayed in the world after death.

And what kind of person is that she cares about? Is it her lover, friend, child, parent

Seeing me staring at her in a daze, Sister Zhou frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay!" I hurriedly retracted my gaze and adjusted my mind back: "Then sister Zhou, you mean, if you can't find Tangtang, whether he is dead or not, Li Zhen will dissipate?"

"Huh!" Sister Zhou nodded affirming my thoughts.

My face slowly darkened, and I stared blankly at a corner of the office.

In fact, I don't like the ghosts that stay in the world, but I still feel sad and unbearable when I hear that Li Zhen will turn into dust and dissipate.

I have never enjoyed the love from my mother, and I cannot understand that feeling. This makes me feel that this kind of feeling is even more precious.

"Dissipate—is it disappear? Will it never appear again?" I asked Ms. Zhou, wanting to get a negative answer from her.

But Sister Zhou nodded and replied: "Yes! Since then, she has disappeared in the Three Realms and will no longer exist."

My throat condensed, and there was an urge to find Xuan Cang immediately and ask him to help Li Zhen and her child.

But I couldn't find him, as if he came to me every time. And I have always been in place, passively when he remembers, will appear in front of me.

"Sister Zhou! Do you know Xuan Cang—why does he want to marry me?" I changed the subject and asked what I had always wanted to ask.

I don't understand why she chose me in the first place.

A cramp flashed in Ms. Zhou's eyes, and she turned around and walked back to her desk.

"My-sir, how can I know about it!"

Although she didn't say it clearly, her reaction revealed her knowledge, she just didn't want to tell me.

"Recently..." I hesitated and said, "I always see some weird things!"

When Sister Zhou heard this, her eyes changed in vain. His slightly pale lips opened, as if he wanted to say something.

And instead of letting her speak, I looked at her straightforwardly and continued: "I think this must be related to the reason you want me to stay here!"

Regarding the shadow of the pennant that is always lingering in my mind, I have been thinking about it for a long time.

Although I have seen many things that ordinary people can't see before, all I can see are human or animal soul bodies.

It was the first time I saw an object like that of a pennant.

Although I am not smart, I am not so stupid that I don't even understand the connection between these two points.

I wasn't sure before, but I just saw Sister Zhou's reaction, and this answer is ready to come out.

"Madam!" Sister Zhou looked at me with embarrassment. I have never seen so many expressions on a ghost's face.

In my past memories, ghosts are mostly hideous, and they don't have too many human expressions.

"I want to see Xuan Cang!" Grasping the opponent's weakness, I boldly asked.

I can be so confident that Sister Zhou will agree. To blame, I still have to thank the university for the four years of studying news and media.

Training for people’s emotions and control skills, as well as quickly capturing the facial expression information of the interviewee.

What I didn't expect was that the subject of this first incident would be a ghost that no longer belongs to human beings.

"Sir, he..." Sister Zhou's mouth trembled, as if a little embarrassed.

"I don't need to see him! But if Li Zhen and Tangtang, one of them has something wrong... Even if they die, I won't help you find what you want." I was very resolute, and I wanted to protect myself Something that feels precious.

Sister Zhou was choked by my firm tone, staring at me for a long time as if she didn't know me.

Maybe she didn't understand why I was so protective of a female ghost who had only met once, and even no longer belonged to a human being.

And in my heart, I know why I want to persist.

"Madam! Actually, the adult is not what you think—" Seeing my decisive attitude, Zhou Jie suddenly softened her tone and wanted to explain something to Xuan Cang.

"Okay!" A loud voice suddenly rang out of thin air, interrupting Sister Zhou's words.

My body trembled because of the sound. On the old-fashioned chair in the middle of the hall, the air slowly turned, and a man in a blue robe appeared out of thin air.

He was wearing an ancient tunic robe, with a beautiful white jade hung around his waist. The black hair fell over his ears, along the firm chin, and fell on his chest.

He propped his head with his right hand, stepped on the chair with one foot, and leaned his body to the side.

This is undoubtedly a handsome, handsome man. Even though it wasn't the first time I saw him, this suddenly appeared, and it still made me feel relieved.

"My lord!" Sister Zhou bowed her head respectfully.

"You go down first!" Xuan Cang waved his slender and white fingers. He didn't even look at Sister Zhou, but stared at me straightforwardly.

My scalp was a little numb when he stared at me, and my hands and feet were a little uncomfortable.

But I can't just be defeated by him, I must use his purpose to achieve my own requirements.

"Xuan, Xuan Cang..." Although I told myself countless times to calm down, he still stuttered when he opened his mouth.

My complexion flushed red, and I couldn't help being disappointed by myself, and almost biting my tongue out of my own anger.

"Come here!" Xuan Cang stretched out his hand towards me, his tone was soft and soft, but there was no slight smile on his face.

I tugged at the corner of my mouth, not wanting to walk over as he wanted. My body wanted to be obedient in the past, but my feet were stiff and refused to move.

Seeing me like this, Xuan Cang couldn't help but sigh lightly.

"Don't you want to negotiate terms with me? You stand so far away, how can you talk about it?"