Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 4: Bus without seats


Sister Zhou looked this way, walked over without surprise, and threw the severed hand out of the half-open window.

The severed hand still refused to give up and wanted to crawl back. Sister Zhou lowered her voice to warn it: "This is the lady of that adult, do you want to be whiplashed by that adult?"

Hearing the threat from Sister Zhou, she trembled as if she had severed her hand, rolled and disappeared into my sight.

Sister Zhou closed the window and said to me: "Madam, it's okay, let's continue to have breakfast."

I looked at the blood-stained steamed buns, almost vomiting out stomach acid, there was no appetite.

Quickly looking away, I said to sister Zhou: "No, you can find something else for me to do."

"Then please madam please sort out these materials."

Sister Zhou gave me a bunch of news records. I remembered that she said that this is a lace news magazine. She thought it was going to be some entertainment scandal or something, but the first picture on the top almost made me vomit again. .

It was a photo of the scene of a car accident. The black car rolled over and hit the mountain wall, and a corpse was lying on the ground in pieces.

It can only be described as fragmentation. The head of the corpse was cut off by something, and it rolled to the feet, with an arm hanging from the door of the car dangling.

I can barely tell from the corpse wearing a red dress, this is a female corpse.

I took a folder to cover the photo, frowning and asked Sister Zhou: "Why do you want to organize these?"

Sister Zhou patiently explained to me: "Our magazine is a double issue, which serves as both the lace news of the yangjian and the underworld."

"But what does this have to do with the scene of the accident?"

I thought to myself that no one would be so serious about making an appointment at the scene of such a car accident. It would be disgusting to death.

"Just two or three days after that woman's husband died, she got involved with other men, so her husband used a blinding method to get her to die in a car accident."

Sister Zhou gave me a serious analysis, "This kind of news is the best. It can be used in the yang or the underworld. It saves time and readers love it."

My explanation to Sister Zhou was really speechless, how could it be

She probably saw that I was uncomfortable with those bloody photos, so she gave me a bunch of materials again.

"These are all things in the underworld, I'll take care of the underworld."

I was busy returning the pile of bloody pictures to Sister Zhou, while sorting out various entertainment scandals, while secretly observing this magazine located in the graveyard.

I remember that the road in front of the magazine is straight to the entrance of the cemetery. In this way, as long as there are people outside to worship during the day, I can try to escape inside.

After working peacefully for the whole morning, I looked out the window of the magazine, and there were already people outside in twos and threes who came to worship.

I thought about it for a while, and simply asked Sister Zhou: "Can I go outside to get some air? It's too boring here."

The magazine is at the door, and sneaking away is absolutely impossible. It's better to behave calmly, maybe you can be fooled.

Sister Zhou glanced at me cautiously, then looked outside, and nodded to me when I thought she was going to refuse.

With joy in my heart, I tried my best to keep my facial expression unchanged, and walked slowly towards the door of the magazine.

The excitement that I was about to regain freedom filled my whole body, and I even felt my body temperature rise a little.

The sun was shining on the body so warm, even if there were tombstones in front of me, I felt that this place was much more comfortable than that full of ghost magazines.

As I walked between the tombstones, occasionally worshippers would look at me and then withdraw their gazes.

About 20 meters after I left the magazine, I secretly looked back, and sister Zhou was looking down and focusing on sorting out the information.

good chance!

I yelled like this in my heart, and rushed towards the road outside the graveyard. If I didn't succeed this time, I would probably be under close supervision, so I must run away!

It made me want to exclaim how lucky I was that a bus leading to the city just stopped on the side of the road, as if it was waiting for me there!

The moment before the door of the bus closed, I quickly got in through the crack of the door sideways.

There were not many people in the car, sitting in twos and threes, probably because I was panting, and a few people looked up at me.

I habitually took out my change to put in coins, but I was embarrassed to remember that this suit was prepared for me by Sister Zhou, and I didn't have a penny on me.

I had never encountered such a situation before, and I stood there blushing, thinking what to do.

The bus driver saw me standing still, and said to me, "You got off the bus yesterday after you bought the ticket. You don't have to pay for it today."

I found out that this driver was the uncle who kindly warned me to be careful yesterday.

I gave him a sly smile, and said to him, "Thank you, uncle."

The driver started the bus and stopped talking to me.

I randomly found an empty seat where no one was sitting, and only then did I have the real sense of being born in the middle of the run.

Actually escaped from that damn magazine, I secretly vowed never to come here again in the future, and even began to consider whether to change the city altogether.

After all, Xuan Cang knew even my dormitory and could still move my things away.

Wouldn’t it be safe in this city

The car stopped and went, and I was planning everything in my heart for the future. An old lady got on the station in front of me, staring at me fiercely.

"Little girl, this seat is mine, go away!"

I don't know why I looked at her, is it someone who has been on this bus for a long time

Because I didn't want to conflict with the old man, I didn't say anything and stood up and changed my seat.

When I waited for the next stop, another little girl in a goose yellow dress walked up to me and said aggrieved: "Sister, this seat belongs to me."

I feel a little angry. This is a public car and not your living room. How come there are fixed seats!

However, it was quite boring to care about with a seven or eight-year-old girl. I stood up speechlessly and wanted to find another seat, only to find that the car was full at this time.

Only myself is standing.

At the same time, the other people in the carriage discovered this incident, and they suddenly focused on me with bad eyes.

This scene is very weird, and I have a bad premonition in my heart for some reason.

A rural woman holding a floral headscarf pointed to me and said, "She is different, different from us!"

There was a noisy sound like a bee buzzing in the carriage.

"Yes, she is different!"

"She is different from us!"

I looked at the passengers whose faces were gradually distorted in horror. The old lady smiled and the chapped and wrinkled skin on her face began to fall to the ground. When the rural woman got excited, both eyes fell from her eye sockets. It bounced out and was pushed back rudely by her.

Only then did I realize that the passengers in this car are not human!

Amidst the noise, a clear voice suddenly said: "Who can get out of the car this time?"