Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 49: Easily obliterate


Seeing that the other party had no intention of retreat, the squad simply confided in his heart, and immediately clasped the hand that was clasping my neck. I suffocated fiercely, only to feel that the blood in my whole body was going to my forehead!

Am I going to die! I asked myself, looking at the sky with wide-open eyes, bloodshot in my eyes.

The paper figures on the ground didn't seem to see my dangerous situation, they just raised their heads and looked at the stew. Just when I thought she wouldn't be able to do it, a purple light and shadow suddenly shot from the other side of the sky.

The hostess sensed the attack, and immediately dragged me to avoid the light and shadow attack again.

When the light and shadow passed by, suddenly there was a violent sound. The purple light and shadow turned out to be like a detonated bomb, exploded out of thin air!

"Ah!" The ducklings' shoulders were blown to waste, and she exclaimed, and immediately threw me out.

My body immediately flew like fallen leaves, and immediately fell directly to the ground under the call of gravity.

A white light burst into the night sky like an arrow that pierced the sky and flew towards me quickly.

Just before my body fell to the ground, the man in the white light reached out and hugged me, saving me from disaster.

"Xuan, Xuan Cang!" I shook my pale and bloodless lips, calling out the name of the person who came.

It seems that every time I am in danger, he always appears at the most critical time, pulling me from the edge of danger and pulling me under his wings to stop.

When I looked at his familiar face, I only felt that the tip of his nose began to sore again, and my eyes were as uncomfortable as rubbing sand.

Why does he always happen at the right time? Why can't he show up earlier? I wanted to cry, so I really cried.

Xuan Cang saw my tears, a trace of distress and anger flashed in his eyes.

He hugged me in his arms and looked back at the squad that was floating not far away.

Xuan Cang was shocked by Xuan Cang's sight, and Floating's body immediately moved back.

"Yang, braised!" He squeezed these two words out of his mouth, pausing each word.

"Oh! Who do I think this is! It turns out to be the famous Master Xuan Cang in the ghost world!" The maiden didn't seem to be afraid of Xuan Cang, and teased Xuan Cang in a sharp and smiling voice.

Xuan Cang frowned unhappy, and immediately became a little bit more disgusted in his eyes.

"You hurt her!" Xuan Cang lowered his eyes and looked at the black mark on my neck, with a murderous look in his eyes.

This is the first time I have seen such a strong murderous in Xuan Cang's eyes. Just like an invisible force, crushing the opponent's aura to death!

It seemed that as long as he twisted it slightly harder, he could shoot the opponent invisible.

"Haha! But just a mere human being fell into the hands of my squad, how can there be no reason not to kill!" The squad replied enchanting, as if Xuan Cang's anger was not put in his eyes at all.

But even if she pretends to resemble it again, I still see the fear in her heart from her retreating steps.

Perhaps she also knew that she was not Xuan Cang's opponent at all, so she wanted to use pretending composure to cover up her thoughts of wanting to escape at any time!

"Humph!" Xuan Cang snorted coldly, and didn't quarrel with that girl again.

He didn't move his hands and feet, and suddenly there was a whirlwind around him. Feng Xing gradually transformed into a sharp edge, and swung away towards the squad.

The body floated, turning her body particularly flexibly, avoiding Xuan Cang's blade. The evasive posture was quite calm.

Xuan Cang was not in a hurry, suddenly lowered my leg with his right hand, wrapped his left arm around my waist, and waved his right hand out of thin air, and a sword radiating aura suddenly appeared in his hand.

Fingers hold the sword and fly around, and the robe automatically goes without wind. In the aura of inspiration, he was so handsome as a complete mess. I looked up at him, almost fascinated by his looks.

I thought he would directly attack the squad, who knew that he played the sword out of thin air for a while, and suddenly thrust it into the ground fiercely. A strong air current jumped up from the ground immediately.

Many cracks appeared on the black ground immediately, and the white aura immediately emerged from the ground, forming a halo of Tai Chi Yin-Yang picture under the feet of the squat.

As calm as a waiter, he only had time to say a "you-", and was immediately sucked by the white aura.

Before the stallion that fell in the air had time to fight back, he suddenly disappeared in the burst of white light with a sudden "Ah!"

I stared at the scene in amazement, and didn't retract my jaw for a long time.

That's it-he won easily? I can't believe it.

Obviously, the squab before was still very arrogant, but in the blink of an eye, Xuan Cang took care of it like that! How strong is he

"Let's go!" Xuan Cang calmly retired, reaching out and stuffing a red bag into my hand.

I retracted my nympho, holding the red bag in my hand, looking at him with some wonder.

"There is a yellow spell in it! You stick it on your forehead." Xuan Cang told me.

I looked depressed, but still obediently opened the red bag and found a yellow charm from it.

"Take this!" Xuan Cang handed me another white wrapped bag.

"What do you want me to do?" I looked at the charm and the white package in my hand, I really couldn't figure out what he wanted to do.

Xuan Cang did not explain, but pointed forward out of thin air, and a white aura immediately flew out of his sleeve.

I fixed my eyes and found that not far away, where the white light fell, there was a five or six-year-old child.

Judging from the appearance of the child, it was obviously Liu Zhen's son Lian Xuan.

"Why..." I curiously and nervously wanted to ask Xuan Cang what he wanted to do.

But Xuan Cang did not give me a chance, but made a gesture of'hush' at me.

"Don't speak, and don't look back! Follow him, this is the only way to save Liu Zhen!" Xuan Cang's voice was solemn, and his brows wrinkled slightly, seemingly worried and uncertain.

I pursed my mouth, wanting to speak but dare not speak again. Xuan Cang's words are naturally justified!

Lian Xuan is dead, and Liu Zhen's soul body has naturally dissipated into dust! Xuan Cang must have found a way to save her by doing this, but this method requires my cooperation.

"Yeah!" I nodded towards Xuan Cang.

Xuan Cang glanced at me faintly, Lian Xuan in front began to slowly move forward, so Xuan Cang and I quietly followed behind him.

We followed Lian Xuan to every place on Caiyuan Street, to his school, and to the nearby parks... And the one who walked the most was to circle around the Caiyuan community.

I went from being full of curiosity and confidence, to a cripple beaten like frost, my legs were sore as if I was about to break.

I walked straight from late night to early morning, I thought he was going to take me to a place. But Lian Xuan just took me around and kept walking around.