Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 5: You know who she is


I once heard the blind fortune-telling man in my hometown say that people who die in the face of misfortune are easy to wander where they died with grievances.

At that time, the blind man told me in his hoarse and frightening voice: "People who are in vain, if they want to re-enter the cycle of reincarnation, most of them have to find a substitute for the dead, instead of wandering in the place of death forever."

I watched this group of terrifying ghosts approach me with terrible greedy smiles, as if a loud-volume player had been turned on, repeating the words of the fortune-telling blind man, for the dead, for the dead.

"Sister, do you think I'm cute or not, let me get off the car, okay?"

The crisp childish voice awakened my mind, and I looked at the talking little girl suddenly, and I opened my mouth wide but couldn't even make a scream.

The little girl actually reached out in front of my face, pulled out one of her eyes from her eye socket, and chewed in her mouth with relish.

The sound of popping eyeballs caused a surge in my stomach. Fortunately, I didn't eat in the morning, otherwise I must have vomited out now.

The old skin on her face was about to fall off, and the old lady with the red flesh and white bones gradually exposed inside stretched out her head in front of me, and said to me anxiously with a mouthful of yellow teeth: "Don't listen to her nonsense, this little girl is bad-hearted. Very, you still take good care of my old man, let me get out of the car first!"

A strong smell of dead corpses rushed into my nose, but it made me suddenly wake up.

Even Xuan Cang's kind of ghost who knew absolutely extraordinary status at a glance, I hid, so why did I fall into the hands of such a deadly ghost who was always trapped in the bus? !

I quickly stepped back a few steps, leaning against the inside of the rusty car, and suddenly felt a soft object in my side pocket with my right hand.

There was a flash of light in my mind, I reached out my hand to take things out without thinking, and Liang looked at the group of dead ghosts who were pushing and shoving towards me.

"You want to kill me, aren't you afraid that the adult will come to you!" Although I said that I was full of confidence, but I closed my eyes subconsciously, for fear that what I saw was the scene of the group of deadly ghosts rushing up nonchalantly.

After I don't know how long, I almost couldn't breathe because of my long-accelerating heartbeat. Only the sound of wheels rolling over the gravel on the mountain road was left around me, and I dared to open my eyes.

What made me breathe a sigh of relief was that the deadly ghosts who had wished to grab me a while ago are all standing still and dare not move, and some have begun to rub back without a trace.

The little girl with only one eye left screamed and jumped and asked me: "You, how come you have that adult's sachet?"

I didn't dare to look at the dark hole on the other side of her eye, looking down at the sachet in my hand, and turning my heart.

"You should have heard that the adult got married last night, and that person is me."

Although from the bottom of my heart, I don't want to admit that I once married a ghost, but when only ghosts can help, I actually begin to feel that I am a bit tragedy as a useless living person.

The group of dead ghosts were shocked by my words and began to whisper. They spoke in a very loud voice, but I just couldn't understand even a syllable.

The blind fortune-telling man once said that the way of communication between the living people in the sun and the ghosts in the underworld are different. Is this the language used by the ghosts when they communicate with each other

My heart beats like a drum and watched their high and low tone discussions. From time to time, I seemed to be arguing a few words, even if the sachet was useless, they still wanted me to be the dead ghost in the end.

Passing a group of dead ghosts, I happened to see the driver looking back at me from the driver's seat. Thinking of the words he advised me to be careful yesterday, a small flame of hope ignited in my heart.

I didn't dare to alarm those horrible ghosts, so I had to wink at him desperately. I was pretty sure that the driver was looking at me, but he just shook his head at me with a sad face, and sat back again without looking at me. At a glance.

The small flame of hope in my heart was extinguished by the cold water with a "puff", and a green smoke came out.

Looking at the exquisitely crafted sachet in my hand, I gritted my teeth and whispered: "Xuan Cang, you killed me!"

Had it not been for this mentally ill male ghost to make these things behind, how could I have fallen into such a tragic situation that I could become a dead ghost at any time.

The thought that I might linger on this bus forever in the future makes my hair stand up all over, which is terrible!

The group of dead ghosts quarreled and finally quarreled. I was happy, as long as they didn't stare at me, I could jump into the car and escape when the speed was slow!

However, just as this thought emerged in my heart, a cold little hand suddenly clasped my wrist.

"Sister, I really want to get out of the car." The little girl's hollow eye sockets were filled with black blood, and she murmured whether to listen to me or to her own words, "I miss my father and my mother, they said Okay, today I am celebrating my birthday, and I want to buy me a cream cake."

Even if it is a ghost, it is only a child after all. I can't restrain myself from getting soft. I never thought that one day would have a maternal instinct for a ghost.

"Sister, you stay here for me and let me see my father and mother, okay?"

The little girl grabbed my wrists with cold hands and pleaded. It was absolutely impossible to agree to, but when I looked at her hollow and dark eyes, I nodded in a ghostly manner.

"I answer..."

With uncontrolled movements of lips, teeth, and tongue, I looked at the little girl with a weird and smug smile in horror. This must have been a method she had just done, and I pity that I still sympathize with her! Am I really going to stay here as a substitute for the dead? !


The cold voice sounded like a clear spring from a mountain, and I felt that the temperature in the already cold carriage had dropped a lot.

A touch of aqua-blue cloth glided across my eyes, and the snow-white jade index finger touched my lips. The touch without any temperature made me feel like a cold war.

The face as handsome as a doll appeared in front of my eyes under the candlelight last night, and my heart jumped.

Xuan Cang is here.

He seemed to be quite dissatisfied with the fact that I almost agreed to be a substitute for the dead. He glanced at me disgustingly, and said angrily: "You can even be fooled by this kind of kid's trick, how can he be so stupid."

If it weren't for expecting him to save me from this group of dead men now, I would really like to spray him with blood on his face.

Why should I be asked to be an ordinary, normal person who can win a ghost who die? Isn't this a rascal? !

Xuan Cang frowned at me and shook his head, with an expression that I can't hold on to the wall with mud, and turned his head to ask those trembling dead ghosts coldly: "You know, who is she."