Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 53: There are formations


But when the white aura touched the wall of the coffin, a thin layer of fluorescent light flashed immediately. The two forces collided, exploding a white light in the air.

Xuan Cang hugged me and continued to step back, so as to avoid being injured by the exploding light.

"Why..." I looked at the situation in surprise, this situation was completely unexpected to me.

"Someone has set up a magic circle!" Xuan Cang held me in his arms, looking at the scene in front of him with a slightly embarrassing expression on his face.

"Yes... Is it a human?" I slapped my spirits, watching Xuan Cang's face solemnly.

Xuan Cang cast his eyes down and glanced at me inexplicably, as if he was despising my question.

"Ghosts don't need any formations!" he said.

My throat choked, and my blush was choked by Xuan Cang's answer.

Ghosts really don't need any formations. If they want to harm others, they only need to use their own grievances.

But people are different. If you want to achieve any goal, you must work harder and accumulate experience for it.

"Is he... still alive?" I joyously asked a topic, and asked the most important and most important question.

If we have worked so hard to dig him out of the ground, and his people are already dead, then all the efforts we have made in front of us will eventually be in vain!

"The soul is not gone, the soul is still there!" Xuan Cang once again displayed his concise and concise speaking style.

I know what he meant by saying that Lian Xuan is not dead yet, that's enough!

"Then..." He said that there is a formation, how can we break that formation

If you find someone, but you can't dig him out of the ground, wouldn't it be in vain!

"Bring the coffin home first!" Xuan Cang didn't seem to have figured out how to open the glass coffin.

"But..." I'm depressed, the glass coffin can't even be touched, how can I bring it back

Just when I was full of doubts, suddenly the ghost kid next to him squatted beside the pit and looked curiously on the glass coffin. Reaching out and touching it inside, I want to remind him to be careful.

Just opening his mouth, I saw that the child's hand had touched the surface of the coffin.

I looked at his hand in surprise, touched the surface of the coffin back and forth, and finally turned my puzzled gaze to Xuan Cang.

"The outer barrier has been removed, and the glass coffin can be taken out!" Xuan Cang explained.

I nodded in a daze, I wanted to go forward and have a look, but Xuan Cang was grabbed by Xuan Cang!

"What?" I looked back at him suspiciously.

He stood there looking at the ghost child squatting next to the pit, his eyes were like ink, and his handsome face pulled me to stand where he stood, neither leaving nor letting me approach, as if... waiting for something.

My heart is depressed, what does Xuan Cang mean

"Ah!" The child squatting on the side of the pit suddenly screamed miserably.

I was so frightened that I subconsciously nudged Xuan Cang's arms, turned my head and looked at the ghost child, suddenly the whole body seemed to be on fire, with green smoke.

He wailed and rolled in pain on the ground, but the green flame on his body was not extinguished at all.

"That child..." I exclaimed, trying to step forward to help the child put out the fire, but Xuan Cang was tightly held in his arms, and couldn't escape.

"Xuan Cang!" I looked at Xuan Cang who was holding me puzzled and angrily. Isn't he the god of the ghost world on earth? Why can he be so indifferent and just watch the disappearance of a soul

Because of my struggle, the wound on my finger became more painful. I twisted my eyebrows, but didn't want to care about it!

Xuan Cang said solemnly: "You can't save him! If you pass, you will only hurt yourself."

"That child is already very pitiful! If it just hurts me, it will be worth it to replace him with a chance to survive!" I pressed my lips tightly, stopped struggling, and looked back at Xuan Cang with some sadness.

I knew that if he didn't want to, even if I cut my hands off the dispute, I wouldn't be able to save the child.

Xuan Cang looked at me, and I will look at him too. Between the two, it seemed that there was a silent dispute and persistence.

Finally... He moved away and took my hand. I endured the pain in my body and ran to the child immediately.

"If you are past, Liu Zhen in your body will die!" Xuan Cang's words sounded like thunder in my ears.

The running pace stopped suddenly, and I looked back at Xuan Cang, and then at the child who was crying in pain on the ground.

I don't understand the meaning in Xuan Cang's words. Why did I save the child, but Liu Zhen died

"That fire is a ghost fire specially used to deal with evil spirits. Once it is touched, it will be burnt and extinguished in ashes! The Liu Zhen in your body can't bear this kind of power at all." Xuan Cang walked over to me and stood by me. It's rare to explain to me in detail.

I don't know what I should say, maybe it's useless to say anything at this time.

To save, or not to save... It seems that no matter whether it is advancing or retreating, I am wrong!

"..." I stood in place, standing shoulder to shoulder with Xuan Cang. Finally, his sight fell on Lian Xuan who was lying in the glass coffin over there.

His life is still unknown, but the child in front of him is already dead. I can save him, when Lian Xuan will no longer have his mother... Although Liu Zhen is already dead!

"Can't you save him?" I asked Xuan Cang. He is so powerful, he shouldn't be afraid of dealing with evil spirits!

Xuan Cang looked at me, faintly vomiting a fact from his mouth. He said: "After all... I am a ghost too!"

Yes! He is also a ghost. Since it was specifically used to deal with them, he would be dying if he got caught!

I smiled bitterly... I felt ridiculously pathetic.

The miserable screams gradually turned into nothingness, and finally the ghost boy lay on the ground, twitching slightly like a person was dying.

At the end, he turned into a black smoke, slowly disappearing with the night wind.

I looked at the child who had turned into a plume of smoke, and my heart was like a throat.

No family close, no friends care. Even if he is dead, he is only waiting for someone to find out, and finally the corpse will be taken away by the police.

I have experienced this child's experience before. But I am luckier than him, I have lived till now! But he died early!

"Human destiny... is really unfair!" I looked up at the smoke dissipating in the night sky, grinning bitterly. I thought I looked up and waited for the sadness in my heart to pass and it would be fine.

But when I lifted my head, tears flowed along my cheeks, across the corners of my mouth, and finally blended into my taste buds.

The taste was very sour and astringent that made my mouth feel bitter.

Xuan Cang looked back at me, and when his black eyes touched the tears on my face, there was a trace of forbearance in his eyes.

"Let's go!" He reached out and hugged me and put my face into his chest.

His chest was not warm at all, and there was no breath on his body.