Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 54: Ask for help online


His chest was not warm at all, and there was no breath on his body.

Such a person is what I hate the most, because there is no such thing as a cold human touch.

But that night, I was still lying in his arms, biting my lower lip forbearingly, crying a little embarrassed.

I am not a person who likes to cry, but before there are too many choices and helplessness in life, we all have to sacrifice for the choices we make.

That night, Xuan Cang took the glass coffin of Lian Xuan and I back to the graveyard where Yin Yang Magazine was located.

Xuan Cang spent a lot of effort to open the glass coffin.

The good news is that the glass coffin was finally opened safely by him.

But above this success, we have nothing to be too happy about.

Liu Zhen's soul body still hasn't fully recovered. Although Lian Xuan's body was found, we only have the soul that Xuan Cang brought back with the help of San'er.

Lian Xuan's other soul body was next to Lian Yang, and Xuan Cang said that there was a hidden expert around him. It would be a little difficult if he wanted to bring the soul body back safely.

But despite this, even Xuan hasn't found another strand of soul body yet.

Because I was injured, Xuan Cang forbidden me to run around. Because Liu Zhen in my body was afraid that she would come out to do something from time to time, Xuan Cang placed me directly in the office of Yin Yang Magazine.

Since Sister Zhou can take care of me in that way, otherwise I will suffer from Liu Zhen's air again. On the other hand, she can also take care of her work. After all, in a huge studio, there are only two employees, she and me.

I haven't had time to buy a new cell phone. I sat in the office and watched Sister Zhou busy back and forth. I felt bored besides being a little sad.

My ten fingers were unsurprisingly wrapped into ten big pillars by Xuan Cang.

I couldn't move my hands, and I progressed to a cripple who couldn't do anything.

Boredly lying on the couch Xuan Cang specially made for me, I also stroked my mind about the recent period of time.

What surprised me most was that Lian Xuan did not expect to be Lian Yang's son. And looking at Liu Zhen, who looked plain, she turned out to be Lian Yang's wife.

However, it is a pity that Lian Yang has become a big hit, but Liu Zhen and her son are still living a precarious, hard and difficult life!

But the appearance of Lian Yang taking care of Lian Xuan that day didn't seem like a cold-blooded person who didn't care about blood and affection.

Does it mean that under the temptation of money, people's hearts will really become indifferent

Thinking of Lian Yang and his son, I thought of Lian Xuan's situation at this time.

Xuan Cang hasn't stopped for a few days. Every day, he is trying to find a way to find Lian Xuan's remaining soul, and then trying to find a way to reinfuse his three-opened soul into his body.

It was boring anyway. Driven by curiosity, I suddenly remembered the anonymous netizen in San'er's post.

I always feel that the netizen has some understanding of things about the spirit body. I don't know if I can consult him to see if I can find any way to help Lian Xuan.

I used the index finger of my right hand, tapping the keyboard one by one. It seems that it is easy to open the web search on weekdays, but today it was very hard for me to do it with one finger.

Finally, I turned to the page where the anonymous netizen left a message. I hurriedly clicked on "reply", and then typed on the keyboard one by one.

'Hello! The three souls leave the body. Is there any way to find the three souls and return them to his body? '

I strenuously typed a line of words and read it along, feeling a bit inaccurate. So I quickly pressed the backspace key, and after careful consideration, I typed the same line and sent it out.

The internet speed of Yin Yang Magazine was much faster than that of the small internet cafe, but the other party did not reply to me.

Sitting at the desk, I bored through San'er's post twice again.

After two times I refreshed again, but the other party did not return me. The one who replied to me was still the netizen who called "I love tofu without sugar".

Love to eat tofu without sugar: three souls and seven souls, three souls are separated from the body, benevolent mindfulness, and evil souls remain in the body and maliciously grow.

If the person who has lost the three souls and masters the soul, then he will become dementia. If the Lord loves the soul, he is desperate for love and thirst. If the Lord hates the soul, he is addicted to killing...

If you want to retrieve the three separated souls, the premise is that the person has not ingested human blood during this period, and has not been occupied by evil spirits. If not, then even if the three souls are retrieved, they will not be able to return to the body.

In other words, that person must die!

"When we found Lian Xuan, he was trapped in a glass coffin... There should be no problem!" I muttered to myself as I watched the reply on the computer display.

"Huh?" The opposite sister Zhou thought I was talking to her, so she stopped her movements and looked at me and asked, "Madam! What did you just say?"

"It's okay!" I smiled awkwardly at her, and continued to stare at the screen in front of me in a daze.

After hesitating for a while, I hurriedly typed a line under him again:'Do you know how to find the missing soul body? '.

The other party didn't let me wait for a long time, and then I saw the answer in the reply below.

But when I saw the answer, I almost felt an urge to spit blood.

I saw it said:'I love tofu without sugar: there are so many ways! However, they all require professional execution. '

All right! When he said this, he didn't say it.

Xuan Cang and Liu Zhen are both ghosts, and Sister Zhou is also a ghost... I even said that most of the ghosts I get along with now! It is impossible for them to find a Taoist monk with advanced Taoism to do the trick for Lian Xuan and help him call upon him!

It is estimated that even if the monk Taoist is found, if the other party is really advanced in Taoism, I am afraid that the first thing is to collect this nest of ghosts on the ground first!

I immediately stretched out my right index finger and tapped on the keyboard one by one to reply: Is there anything Jane...

I haven't finished typing my reply. I just saw that a red '1' suddenly flew on the letter, and some people actually responded.

Love tofu without sugar: The easiest way is to find someone closest to you, hang the underwear of the lost person on the flagpole, and go outside to call that person's name after midnight.

This method has been used by many people who have watched TV and movies before. At the time, I thought that this was just a imaginary thing, and the village goddess and fortune-tellers used to deceive people, but I didn't expect that there was a way.

But I thought about it carefully. The closest person to Lian Xuan is probably his parents!

Liu Zhen was already dead, so it's no use that she should go out and call her soul. Then only his father-Lian Yang is left!

However, as a public figure, how could Lian Yang go out and call his soul in the middle of the night regardless of his image! That can be regarded as an open expression of support for superstitions, and it has made the government propagandize science in the face!