Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 55: The persistence of the soul


However, as a public figure, how could Lian Yang go out and call his soul in the middle of the night regardless of his image! That can be regarded as an open expression of support for superstitions, and it has made the government propagandize science in the face!

Thinking of Lian Yang, I felt suspicious and sighed, with mixed feelings in my heart.

A dignified star, a big man, but he can't even protect his family.

The beauty of myself outside is boundless, but his wife and children still live at the bottom of the society, living a life of worrying food and clothing, precarious.

"Madam! Madam—" A hand suddenly waved in front of me, and I suddenly regained consciousness.

"Ah?" I looked up at Sister Zhou in surprise. She didn't know when she had already stood by my side.

"Madam is worried?" she asked me.

I pursed my mouth and leaned comfortably towards the back of the chair behind me.

"Well-just wondering why women always wait stupidly, while men always betray most." I can't figure it out, but apart from being depressed, there is nothing I can do about it.

A faint smile flashed across Sister Zhou's face, and she reached out and put a cup of warm tea on my desktop.

"Maybe—in this world, women are not the only ones waiting!" She smiled mysteriously at me and turned back to her desk.

"Ah?" I looked at her confusedly, always feeling that there was a deep meaning in what Sister Zhou said.

"What do you mean? Sister Zhou!" I craned my neck and looked at the opposite Sister Zhou through their computers.

Sister Zhou just smiled and shook her head, looking down to sort out the information on the table.

He curled his lips boringly, looked sideways at the gloomy weather outside, and his mood became inexplicably low.

"I'm going to see Tangtang!" Standing up from the chair, I wanted to go back and look at Lian Xuan.

"Madam!" Hearing what I said, Sister Zhou stood up from the chair with a rush, looked up nervously, and reached out to stop me by stretching out her hand.

I looked at Sister Zhou inexplicably, and I didn't understand why she reacted so suddenly.

"What's the matter?" I looked at her somehow, and carefully put my hands behind me. I'm afraid she accidentally bumped into one, then I can bear it!

"My lord has ordered it! You can't go and see the kid alone when he is away." Sister Zhou looked at me embarrassedly.

I was speechless and couldn't help but angrily said, "Why? I just went to see him and didn't do anything."

Sister Zhou glanced at me silently, the corners of her mouth moved, and she wanted to say something, but she closed her mouth with hesitation.

Seeing how she wanted to talk and stopped, I suddenly understood. Isn't there still Liu Zhen's soul body in my own body? Sister Zhou and Xuan Cang should be worried that she would do anything to harm me after seeing Lian Xuan in my body.

Looking down at his fingers helplessly, isn't this the consequence of letting her occupy the body.

"Hey—" I sighed helplessly, and finally sat back in the chair obediently.

The strange thing is that I obviously wanted to sit down, but my body stood stiffly in front of Sister Zhou.

My heart sighed, "It's broken!" 'I was shocked to realize that my body was out of control again, and I saw my body suddenly stretched out and pushed Sister Zhou away.

"Madam!" After all, Sister Zhou was still a capable female ghost, she was pushed abruptly by me, and her body quickly moved back, without a trace of embarrassment.

Liu Zhen used my body to push Sister Zhou away, and the moment she retreated, she immediately jumped out from the gap on the side.

Sister Zhou snorted coldly, and the lights in the room flashed twice. In a blink of an eye, her figure had already jumped in front of me, blocking Liu Zhen's path.

"Sister Zhou!" I frowned and smiled bitterly, looking at her a little embarrassed.

It's all because I had nothing to suggest to see Lian Xuan, which caused Liu Zhen's consciousness in the body.

"You can't see Lian Xuan now!" Sister Zhou stared at Liu Zhen in my body coldly.

Liu Zhen yelled angrily and said angrily: "What are you keeping me here for? I want to see my son, I want to see him!"

"I said! You can't see him now, it's not good for him or for you." Sister Zhou stared coldly, her slightly squinted eyes revealing a faint murderous intent.

This seemed to be the first time I saw Sister Zhou's angry look, and her kind face was especially strange and terrifying because of the eyes occupied by the black pupils.

Her face was a little whiter than usual, and her red lips looked even more bloody.

"Humph! How could you people really want to help us mother and son? You just want to separate us—you just want to separate our mother and son—you are all bad people, bad people..." Liu Zhen's voice was sharp and harsh. With my voice, even I couldn't help but get goose bumps.

It is unbelievable that there is just another soul in the body, and the sound difference is still so big.

Sister Zhou frowned slightly, having a headache for Liu Zhen's hysterical noise.

"In that case..." Sister Zhou's eyes suddenly cold, her palms turned up, and her nails grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the nails on her hands were as long as fingers, and they were glowing with cold green light, which looked strange and terrifying.

Liu Zhen shuddered when she saw it, but when she thought of her son, her heart flinched and disappeared.

"I won't let you get what you want!" Liu Zhen roared and attacked Sister Zhou preemptively.

After all, Sister Zhou is an old ghost for many years, and in front of a little ghost like Liu Zhen who has only been dead for a few years, she has played an overwhelming suppression. It's only because the body is mine that I kept my writing skills when I shot, so as not to accidentally hurt me!

At first, Liu Zhen was beaten under pressure, but when she noticed Sister Zhou's stay behind, she played more and more unscrupulously. After a while, Sister Zhou was beaten by Liu Zhen instead.

Seeing Liu Zhen forcing sister Zhou to retreat, she turned around and ran towards the back door.

It's just that before she had time to step out of the threshold, she was suddenly strangled by a force behind her, making my body unable to Dongtang at all.

Liu Zhenning exerted all her strength, she still couldn't get rid of the strength that restrained my body.

"..." She turned her head in annoyance, and saw a man in a green shirt and blue shirt walking not far away.

The man was born handsome and enchanting, and he carried a fascinating taste when he walked and moved.

I don't know if it was me or Liu Zhen for a moment. I always forgot to move my body and just stared at the man with wide-open eyes.

This person is not someone else, it is the beautiful man who has a relationship with me and always likes to follow Xuan Cang.

I remember... He called himself "Jiner" at first.

But when he turned into Xuan Cang's appearance and took me out of the grave, in the woods, the mysterious person called him "Qing Geng" again. So in my mind, his name is "Qing Geng"!