Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 61: There is something to say


"Didn't you have something to tell me?" Xuan Cang lowered his voice, and his voice became a little deeper than usual.

This person... seems to be angry! A voice in my heart told me, but I didn't know what he was angry with.

"Ah?" I looked at Xuan Cang suspiciously, I really couldn't understand, what did he tell me to say

"Say... What did you say?" I asked back.

Xuan Cang's slightly improved face immediately sank again.

"What do you want me to say!" I was so depressed, I really couldn't guess Xuan Cang's mind.

He pressed his lips tightly, fell silent for a while, and suddenly stepped forward and grabbed my waist.

My mind moved quickly, thinking that Xuan Cang came to me in a hurry. Was it because I was worried about what danger would happen if I followed Violence

"Uh-I saw Violence appearing in the magazine so arrogantly, I thought it was your permission! So-"I did it and explained to Xuan Cang why I would come out with Violence.

Xuan Cang's brows frowned, his expression on his face became even more gloomy, making my hair stand up.

Isn't it right? I was a little depressed, except that I didn't ask him to come out with Violence in private, I really can't think of how I upset him anymore.

"Ouch! Young master, there is a lot of people here, but it's better to condense!" Violent's voice came from the side sourly, and a pair of beautiful eyes burst into flames and stared straight at me.

I was so uncomfortable by him that I subconsciously stretched out my hand to push Xuan Cang away. But he held it so hard that he wouldn't let go.

I had no choice but to shrink my hand and let him hold it like this. Although it was a bit embarrassing to say that he hugged so much in the public.

But Xuan Cang is also a rare and beautiful man, even if he is held in such a way and seen by others, it is not a shame.

Anyway, for me, unless Xuan Cang is willing to let me go, I won't think of any other affair in this life!

Seeing that I couldn't think of it for a long time, Xuan Cang didn't wait for me anymore, and dragged me to the road outside the building.

"Xuan! This is just coming, so you have to go in a hurry! Don't stay a while!" Violent voice came with a little bit of complaint.

Xuan Cang paused, and turned his head slightly to look back at Violence.

Violet standing at the entrance of the Sedum Building immediately showed a delighted expression on her face.

"Stay away from her in the future!" Xuan Cang gave a cold warning, and disappeared grandiosely with me in the eyes of Violence's surprise.

The surrounding air seemed to be still, until Xuan Cang and I left, Violet waved his hand slightly, and the entire space returned to its original shape.

The only difference is that, standing at the door waiting for the security guard, some of the two people who were there just now were puzzled, and they didn't see where they went. Why did they suddenly disappear!

I was taken back to the cemetery by Xuan Cang, and without a doubt, as soon as I walked into the gate of the magazine, Sister Zhou respectfully greeted me immediately.

"My lord! Madam!" She bowed her head in salute, extremely humble and pious.

"I asked you to prepare the paper to pierce people!" Xuan Cang hugged me, his eyes fixedly looking at me, and they didn't move.

Hearing him say'paper pierced people', my mind immediately came to my mind, using various papers to tie up a dummy that was as tall as a person, but dull but incomparably weird and terrifying.

"Master Hui! It's ready! Put it in the back yard." Sister Zhou blessed her body to Xuan Cang, and the standard ancient slave responded to her master's appearance.

"Yeah!" Xuan Cang replied coldly, and took me to the back yard.

Thinking that he might be taking me to meet the paper man, he was very reluctant and scared. He tried to escape from Xuan Cang's hand several times, but he was dragged back.

In front of him, all my struggles seemed to become meaningless.

Sister Zhou led us to the backyard promenade. Not far from the center of the yard, there was a man standing with his head down. The man was motionless, as if waiting for us to pass.

Xuan Cang grabbed me and walked over, I was a little scared, so I only dared to shrink behind him. Occasionally a pair of eyes were secretly revealed, wanting to see the appearance of the paper man.

The paper man that sister Zhou looked for was a jade girl with a mess of red, green and green tied into her black hair. His face is pink, and there are two very big-eyed blushes painted on it.

Her eyes seem to be drawn up, and the corners of her mouth are slightly upturned, as if smiling at the visitor.

The clothes on her bed are the more traditional red and green collocation, the color is very eye-catching. Because of the quality of the paper, the red and green clothes still have some reflections of white hair.

The whole paper man is not finely tied, and even a little fake. But standing in the yard like this makes people feel a little flustered. It felt like there was really one more person in the room.

Xuan Cang took me and stopped at a distance of five or six steps away from the paper stick.

"Go!" He loosened my hand and nodded the paper man in front with his chin.

I was a little scared, and looked at him stupidly with my eyes open, and couldn't move anymore.

"Take her over!" Xuan Cang turned his gaze to Sister Zhou who was waiting aside.

"Yes!" Sister Zhou took the order and immediately walked in front of me and blessed me.

"Madam!" She looked at me sorry, stretched out her hand to hold my wrist, and slowly walked over to the paper man.

I was struggling inside, but weirdly followed the footsteps of sister Zhou and walked towards the paper man.

I just walked to the paper man, and suddenly my foot seemed to be sucked by something. Just about to look back to see what was going on, Sister Zhou's eyes suddenly darkened, and she raised her hand and slapped me hard on the back.

Before I understood what was going on, I felt a strong wind suddenly appeared behind me, and then sister Zhou's hand penetrated directly through my body.

"Ah!" I exclaimed, not feeling any pain, it just felt a little strange.

What surprised me even more was that I was clearly standing where I was, and following sister Zhou's movements, another figure was shot out of my body at once.

The half of the figure that was exposed, turned around to see that my body had separated from her, and immediately turned around and wanted to return to my body.

"Liu Zhen!" Sister Zhou scolded, with sharp claws in her hand, stepping forward and dragging Liu Zhen's arm to prevent her from returning to my body.

"My son... My son..." Liu Zhen's face was bluish, and her mouth insisted: "If you don't save him, I will let this woman be buried with him! I won't go... Don't go..."

The stern shout shook the sky, leaving only Liu Zhen unwilling to shout in the entire yard.

The dark sky all around, in a few moments, scattered around many ghosts staying on nearby graves.

They were watching curiously, all in awe at Master Xuancang's mansion. At this moment, something extraordinary had happened.