Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 62: Paper people


The dark sky all around, in a few moments, scattered around many ghosts staying on nearby graves.

They were watching curiously, all in awe at Master Xuancang's mansion. At this moment, something extraordinary had happened.

Xuan Cang was yelled at by Liu Zhen and lost his patience. He flipped his right hand and hit her directly in the void.

A cloud of silver-white aura immediately burst out of his hand, directly through my back, and plucked Liu Zhen's soul body from my body.

"Ah!" The silver light hit the paper man, and the paper man was trembling, and there were women's screams from time to time.

"Xuan Cang!" I looked back at Xuan Cang, wanting to ask him what happened.

Sister Zhou took my hand and explained first: "Madam! Your lord did not kill Liu Zhen. It is already a net opener, so you must not speak indiscriminately."

"..." I looked back at Sister Zhou and understood what she meant. Although still a little unbearable, I still closed my mouth.

Every place in this world has their order. Every group of things also has their rules to maintain order.

As the god of ghosts staying in the world and coexisting with mankind, Xuan Cang would naturally have his own way of maintaining this balance. He can't be like me, everything can follow his own thoughts.

I understand him, but I can't ignore the cruelty in front of me.

The white aura gradually dissipated on the paper man, and Liu Zhen's painful cry gradually stopped. Waiting for the spiritual light to completely dissipate, the paper man has become Liu Zhen's appearance.

"This..." It's hard for me to imagine what kind of power makes a paper man into a seemingly real person.

Liu Zhen fell into a coma on the ground, and all the souls who were watching around, when they saw the ghost sealed into the body of the paper man in front of them, they all retreated in terror.

"They are all..." I looked at the ghosts in a puzzled way, scattered around in a hurry.

In my opinion, it is a good thing that the soul body has parasitic things. But why do they behave as if they are going to be beaten into the forehead and nose hell, so scared that they are completely out of shape

"Hey! Your requirements have been met, now you can let me out!" Sister Zhou didn't rush to speak, and suddenly a woman was furious and angry.

I looked around and didn't see anyone around.

I was curious about how anyone would dare to play tricks in front of Xuan Cang. Sister Zhou suddenly squatted down and took out a transparent glass box from under the corridor.

The box is square, about fifteen centimeters long on one side. There is a pull tab for easy carrying on the top of the box, and there is no other decoration besides it.

"My lord!" Sister Zhou carried the box and walked to Xuan Cang.

Xuan Cang cast his eyes down and glanced at the box, and snorted without saying a word.

Dragging my strength under my feet, I hurriedly walked in front of Sister Zhou curiously, letting in the light and fluorescent light, and then I could see clearly that there was a thin paper man inside the box.

That piece of paper is only a thin piece, but magically moves, jumps and talks. It is somewhat similar to the paper people I saw before, but a little different.

The magical thing is that the little fluorescent light I saw was emanating from that piece of paper.

"This is..." I remembered the last time I met Xuan Cang in the woods, he and Jin Qing said'Shiki God' with serious faces.

"Is this the shikigami you are talking about? Or... alive!" I knelt down curiously and looked at the small box in sister Zhou's hand. I wanted to reach out and take the box in my own hand, but I was afraid that Sister Zhou would not give it, so I had to poke and watch it.

Sister Zhou and Xuan Cang saw my intentions and looked at each other silently.

"Madam! Here!" Sister Zhou reached out and handed me the glass box carefully.

"Ah! Give it to me! Haha..." I pointed to my nose and took the box happily.

Xuan Cang on the side saw the corners of his mouth twitching, and simply turned sideways not to look at me.

I raised the glass box and placed it in front of me to watch for myself. I reached out and clicked on the wall of the paper man, wanting to see how she reacted.

"Hey! What are you doing! Hurry up and call your mate and let me go!" The paper man was irritated by the way I teased the pet, and waved his bare hand towards the wall with some displeasure.

The reaction was so cute and funny, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw it.

"Haha! You are so cute! Are you a human? Why do you speak?" I stared at the paper man, curiously discovering that it still has eyes.

It looks like it was drawn with a pen, and even black ink can be seen. It's just that its eyes seem to be able to change. With her emotions, it becomes a small dot, or a check mark, or a hollow circle.

When I asked this question, the paper figures inside were stagnant for a moment. In the end she seemed to be discouraged, turned around and was faced with me, sitting on the bottom of the box in a contemplative manner.

"Huh? Why aren't you talking anymore? Are you asleep?" I clicked on the glass wall again curiously, but no matter what I said, the paper man ignored me.

I was a little discouraged. I handed the glass box to Xuan Cang and asked him aggrievedly: "Why doesn't it speak anymore?" Then I added: "Is it dead?"

Xuan Cang's brows trembled when I asked him, his thin lips pressed tightly, and he was holding his breath as if he wanted to speak but didn't know what to say.

Seeing her adult depressed, Zhou Jie was happy in her heart, but she still showed a helpless look on her face. She stepped forward and explained to me: "Madam! This is the soul of the heavenly master!"

After thinking about it, Sister Zhou added: "This needs electricity!"

"Tianshi Yuanshun?" What is that? I have never heard of it before.

It's okay for Sister Zhou not to explain, but as soon as I explained it, I became more confused.

"Practitioners with cultivation bases can use their own psychic powers to force their souls out of their body and attach them to certain carriers." Xuan Cang really couldn't listen anymore, and opened his mouth to clarify my confusion.

I was stunned for a while, and it took a while before I realized...

"You mean... this thing is the vehicle for those who have the cultivation base... the soul to stick out of the body?" I suddenly realized.

"Yeah!" Xuan Cang and Sister Zhou nodded, seeming to secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

When I heard of them, I immediately hid the box behind me on guard.

Xuan Cang and Sister Zhou were taken aback for a moment, wondering why I acted.

"How can you do this!" I frowned and suddenly ran away holding the glass box.

"Eh-" Sister Zhou tried to catch up with me, but Xuan Cang reached out and stopped her.

"Let her go!" He looked helpless in his eyes as I ran away quickly.

"But..." Sister Zhou was a little worried.

Xuan Cang shook his head and asked her to stop talking.