Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 65: Heavenly Father and Earth Mother


To be honest, this morning is really not suitable for such an exciting thing.

I tugged at the corners of my mouth stiffly, and forced my sight away from Sister Zhou's legs, using movement instead of walking.

Having been with Sister Zhou and Xuan Cang for a long time, I sometimes really forget the fact that they are ghosts. They are a little different from the ghosts in the legend. They have emotions and thoughts, and they don't show brutal faces at will.

"Ding Dong!" A soft noise suddenly came from the computer. I looked at the display screen and was surprised to find that there was a red '1' on the letter logo at the top right of the page.

Then there was "Ding Dong!" and the above "1" changed to "2" again.

I was so excited that the hand holding the mouse trembled, and the mouse turned around the letter mark twice before successfully opening it.

When I clicked on the letter, I saw that anonymous netizens and netizens who loved tofu without sugar gave me replies.

I first clicked on an anonymous netizen's letter: "To find the missing ghost and the body with the lost soul body, you need to use magic and formation assistance, and you must have a talent for cultivation!"

After reading the above words again, I couldn't help but mutter:'Isn't he saying this for nothing! I have no foundation for cultivation at all, so isn't it all in vain! '

Move the mouse to the "I love tofu without sugar": "The three souls of heaven, earth, and man... The heaven is the father, the earth is the mother, and the man is the center. The three souls are separated blood sacrifices. The mother will nourish it, and the soul will be saved!"

"What do you mean? What the hell is written in this? I can't understand it?" Looking at the succinct words written on it, my head was a little dizzy! I asked how to find Liu Zhen and her son Lian Xuan. What does this person mean to reply to me

Depressedly, I moved the mouse to the top of "red". I was about to close the page, and suddenly the prompt sound rang again.

"Dingdong, Dingdong, Dingdong..." The voice kept ringing.

I was shocked, thinking that there was a virus in my computer.

Look at the red numbers on the letter from the earliest '1''2''3''4'... Finally it stops at '20'.

I trembling hands, holding the mouse, clicked the letter open.

These letters are all sent by the netizen who'loves tofu without sugar'.

Carefully click on the first private message, and there is only a very large '1' in it. I clicked the content with the mouse and found that the word was a picture.

I closed the page and turned the mouse to the second private message. With a click of "click", the page pops up with a huge "2", which is still composed of pictures.

As if to prove my thoughts, I clicked on every next letter. The above content is no surprise, it is all figures made up of pictures.

It wasn't until I clicked on the twelfth private message that the content on it changed.

"Today is the twelfth day!" There was a line written on it, instead of just a number.

"What do you mean?" I didn't know anything about this, except for being surprised and curious, but nothing else.

I then clicked on the thirteenth private message, the page turned a little slowly, and it took a while to slowly display a picture.

The picture was taken a little blurry, as if it was taken from a monitor.

Vaguely, I only saw a yellow school bus on Qing Qing. The license plate on it was not very clear, but I could see a lot of children sitting in the car.

The children put their immature faces on the car windows, as if looking at something in one direction.

After all the pictures were displayed, I saw a date at the bottom of the picture.

"July 16th!" I calculated the time back and forth: "Today is July 28th! That was exactly twelve days ago!"

I suddenly thought of something. I hurriedly opened the drawer and found out the information that had helped Liu Zhen sort out and help her find his son.

"July 16th! That's the day Lian Xuan disappeared." I read the information again and immediately noticed something was wrong.

Why does anyone have a photo of that day, is it possible that there are other participants or insiders in this matter

I opened the fourteenth private message, and what popped up inside was still the street corner. A woman knelt on the ground, her thin body exuding a strong black air.

I recognized that woman at a glance, it was Liu Zhen herself.

Don't let me think about it. I opened the following private messages one by one. Except for the last one is an audio file, the others are all photos.

The photos are marked with the date, and how Lian Xuan was stripped of the three souls, put in the glass coffin, and finally buried.

"This'loving tofu without sugar', even if it is not a participant, must be an insider!" I was a little excited, unable to restrain the anger in my heart.

Why does this person send these things to me? With such recent information, if he was willing to reach out to help at that time, then things wouldn't develop like this.

"Who are you? Why do you know so clearly? Are you a participant?" I typed a line and replied to him.

I waited for a while, but the other party did not reply to me. On the contrary, I have been used to hanging invisible QQ, and suddenly it bounced.

I clicked on it, and it was a stranger who sent me a message.

"Listen to the audio first! That's something you are interested in."

Why does the other party know my QQ? After seeing the content, the cold hairs all over my body stood up in an instant.

It feels like when I learned that I was married to a terrible ghost.

I raised my head nervously and looked around, afraid that the person would be around me, in a corner that I didn't know, peeping at everything secretly.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" I quickly went back.

But my reply was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and the other party didn't respond to me anymore.

Finally, I couldn't help but opened the audio file.

That's what the other party wants me to know, and if I want to get an answer, I can only obey him.

"..." As soon as I clicked on the audio, there was a noisy electric current inside.

I was a little uncomfortable being stabbed by the sound, and just about to turn it off, a human voice suddenly came from inside.

"... You mean... He is my son?" A man's surprised voice suddenly came from inside.

The voice was familiar, like Lian Yang's voice that I had only seen yesterday.

But because of the audio and electromagnetic interference, I am not very sure.

"All said...Nature, is it yours..., you should be very...!" Another person's voice came, but the voice seemed to have been processed, with heavy noise. The voice that was hard to discern also has the feeling of transposition. It is hard to tell whether it is a man or a woman.