Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 658: Miss someone is looking for


Thinking of Xuan Cang's heart, the already puzzled mood suddenly got worse!

"Hey..." Lie weakly on the bed, I really want to just pass out like this, just let me dream back to the original world!

Just as I was lying on the bed pretending to be dead like a salted fish, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside.

"Miss! Miss!" a maid yelled hurriedly outside.

I haven't moved yet, but Tao'er, who was waiting by the side, spoke first. She walked to the door of the room, stretched out her hand to open the door, and yelled at the yelling maid outside: "What are you clamoring about? The lady is resting!"

"Yes, sorry Sister Tao'er! The girl outside is really too powerful, the lady and the master are not in the house at this time... The butler had to order the slaves and maids to come over..." The maid was reprimanded, and she immediately explained tremblingly.

Ye Zili's parents are not in the house? My heart trembled, wondering if something happened

Could it be that no one came to ask in the past few days, not because of how relieved Ye's parents were, but because they were not in the house at all

I have doubts in my mind, but I don't allow me to think too much. The tone of the maid outside was very anxious, and I thought that she had encountered a very difficult thing, otherwise she would not dare to be so rude.

"Let her in!" I sat up from the bed.

Tao'er saw me making a sound, and did not have any more doubts, and let the maid in sideways.

"Miss! There is a pungent girl outside the house, who has been out there for nearly half an hour! You..." The girl stood in front of me with her head down and her request, and suddenly there was no sound.

"Spicy girl?" Mentioning these four words, I don't need to think too much about it, who is the noise outside!

Thinking that I suddenly left without saying goodbye three days ago. After I came back, I had a fever and a cold. I never sent someone to the medical clinic to talk to her. Now I’m coming home, I really should explain to her.

"Yeah! I see! You can invite people to the lobby first! I'll come later." I nodded, and instructed the maid.

With my promise, the maid breathed a sigh of relief. Busily blessed my body, and responded with a "Yes!"

When the maid retired, I said to Tao'er: "Tao'er! Go to the counter to get some broken silver and copper."

"...Yes!" A trace of doubt flashed in Tao'er's eyes, but she was still blessed and retired.

Waiting for Tao'er to come back with some broken silver, and just about to move to the front hall, the maid in front ran back in a hurry.

Looking at the girl, I knew that she was afraid that she would not cooperate, and she didn't know what the hell she was doing.

Sure enough, as soon as the maid approached, she immediately said with a crying face: "Go back, Miss! That girl wouldn't enter the house if she said anything, no... You must go outside to see her..."

Tao'er next to her immediately frowned, as if she was a little unhappy because of Suwen's move.

"Let's go!" I said, and walked to the front yard without saying more.

"Miss! Are you really going to see her at the door?" Tao'er followed in my footsteps, her tone a bit angrily.

"Since she doesn't want to come in, let her go! The same goes for going out." I faintly replied.

Tao'er frowned when she heard what I said, and the look in her eyes when she looked up at me became a little strange.

Seeing her doubts, I asked: "What's the matter?"

"Miss... It seems a little bit different when I come back this time!" Tao'er hesitated for a while, but still answered truthfully.

I was startled slightly and thought... Is it really different

But think carefully about what happened when Murong Que, who was seriously injured, returned to Ye Mansion before. At that time, I did seem to be restless, not as calm as I was first.

If there is a real change in mood, then what is the reason

There is no time to think about it, the person has already arrived at the door of Ye Mansion.

Sure enough, I saw the familiar figure standing in front of the gate from a distance.

The figure outside suddenly raised her foot when she saw me, and wanted to rush into the house. It's a pity that she hadn't walked two steps before she was immediately stopped by the guard at the door.

I slowly walked over and waved to the two guards, and they let go and let the girl get close.

Looking down at this girl, her body was wet, and she didn't know if she forgot to bring her umbrella when she came, or because she didn't hold the umbrella properly. The hair is on the fat faces of some babies, and the big dark eyes are blinking. They look embarrassed but still do not damage their agility.

"Miss! Hurry, come with me!" To my surprise, this girl came to make trouble, but didn't mention the things I left without saying. Instead, he stepped forward and grabbed my hand, raised my foot and ran out of the house.

"Bold! You little girl, don't let go of my lady." Tao'er stepped forward and grabbed the girl's hand, otherwise she would pull me away.

Su Wen stopped and glared at Tao'er bitterly. Looking down at the hand holding her, he opened his mouth and took a bite on Tao'er's wrist.

"Ah!" Tao'er exhaled in pain, raising his hand to start asking.

"Tao'er!" I hurriedly stopped.

Tao'er's raised hand stopped in the air, looking at me in surprise and depression.

I shook my head at her: "You go back first! This girl is looking for me if she has something to do. I will go and return."

"Miss! This girl..." Taoer refused to agree when she saw that I was going to leave with the girl alone.

"Don't worry! Are they still there?" I turned my head and glanced behind me. At a distance of ten steps away from us, I followed six guards wearing brocade clothes and masks.

I don't know where these people came from. However, looking at the momentum and body shape, it seems that it is a bit different from the ordinary guardian.

And these people, on the second day I returned to Ye's house, they found out that they had been following me!

Needless to think about it, most of these people were sent by Ye Family's mother and Ye Zili's mother. As for why you don't guess that they belong to the Ye masters, you can only say that this is because the Ye family and his wife have different behaviors!

If it is Master Ye, he is a big man after all, and it is estimated that he will only put me under house arrest directly in Yefu to protect my safety. Instead of being as careful as Mrs. Ye, worrying about my feelings, just send someone to follow!

"Then, that slave and maid..." Taoer had to regress as well, seeing that I insisted on going.

I shook my head: "You have to take care of Chu Lang's affairs for me. When things get slower, I will mention to my mother the matter of recognizing Chu Lang as a brother. Before that, you must take care of him for me. Take care!"

"This..." Tao'er hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay! Miss, you go and come back quickly."

"Yeah!" I nodded.

"Okay! Okay! Come with me when you're finished! It's too late..." Suwen who was waiting on the side finally consumed the last patience and drove me to run quickly into the rain.