Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 685: Can't trouble me


Said to be a helping hand, most of the afternoon, I was just sitting by the side and beating soy sauce.

Waiting to watch the patients one by one so that they can breathe, the sky outside is already slightly gloomy!

Sitting with a sore back, I hurriedly got up and stretched out. The arms and legs were already sore all day.

Fortunately, the scholar sat for a day, but his face remained unchanged, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

"Tired!" The scholar sighed softly.

I was stunned for a moment, then looked back at him in surprise. His eyes were lightly smiling, but there was still some tiredness between his eyebrows.

"I didn't do anything, what's so tired! On the contrary, you..." Seeing a deep smile in his eyes, I shut up hurriedly.

What are you talking about? If you’re not tired, you’re not tired. Why do you say these extra words

Looking up at the sky outside, I hurriedly changed the subject and said: "I see it's getting late too! Are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Madam! I'm hungry!" Before the scholar spoke, Su Wen on the side had already yelled.

I looked sideways at the little girl who raised my hands, and looked at me with a cheerful and pleading look.

"Little girl! You can eat it so, be careful and grow into a big fat man!" Walking to Suwen, he reached out and nodded her nose.

Although he was talking, he turned and walked inside.

When I was cooking at noon, I saw that there was some flour in it. I don't know how to make difficult pastries, but the simple ones still don't bother me.

When people have something to do, time always flies quickly.

It turned dark in the blink of an eye, and I went to wash the dishes after dinner. For scholars, because there was still an outpatient clinic to go out, they went out after eating.

It's boring to leave me alone, and I don't know what to do when I return to the back of the yard. The weather outside is too cold. So I finally shrank in the front hall, leaving half of the small door waiting for the scholar to come back.

Su asked after finishing his work, and when he saw me sitting at the table, he was taken aback for a while. Immediately jumping with a smile, walked to a position beside me and sat down.

"Madam! Are you waiting for Master?" She held her head and looked at me with a grin.

I looked at her helplessly and reiterated: "I said it all! I am not your wife!"

"Why? Are you having a temper with my master?" Su Wen sat opposite me with his hands in his arms, looking at me with bright eyes.

Her curious look is gossip and cute.

"Why do I have a temper with him?" I raised my eyebrows slightly, and suddenly wanted to tease this little devil girl.

"Because I call you Madam, Master is not upset. But you have been denying it!" She raised her head high, her small chin raised high.

I helplessly stroked my forehead, but I didn't expect this little girl to say it, it seemed that there was some truth to it.

It's just that she's smart, but she's actually a bit more difficult.

"Ahem..." I coughed twice to cover up the embarrassment in my heart. I reached out and tapped her on the forehead and said hurriedly: "You little girl yelling like this, aren't you afraid of other girls' misunderstandings? If your master will die alone in the future, You are guilty!"

She reached out and touched her forehead, and said stubbornly: "No! I will always be with Master in the future."

"I have been with your master... After that, it will be impossible for Xiaosu to ask me to be an old aunt?" I pursed my lips and chuckled. It was only then that she realized that no matter how clever and sturdy she looked on the outside, she was still just a naive little girl inside.

It's like when we were young, everyone thought about staying with their relatives and never separating.

But when you really grow up, can you easily decide whether this is separate

"The old aunt is the old aunt! I'm not afraid!" She pouted and insisted.

Seeing her cute little expression, my heart felt soft again. He stretched out his hand and squeezed her face gently, silently lowering his eyes thinking about going to the palace for a banquet tomorrow.

"Master... has always been alone, he is always lonely, besides his patients, there is only me..." Su Wen's voice suddenly sank, her voice trembling faintly, revealing the sadness that does not belong to her age. .

I flicked my brows and looked up at her in astonishment.

"Master used to..." Her voice choked, and she hesitated for a while before continuing: "He used to... had a bad life..."

"Not good?" Looking at Suwen's suddenly red eyes, my heart sank suddenly.

Presumably Suwen had thought of bad things before, and felt very sorry for her master.

And what the scholar has experienced before, he has never mentioned to me.

I thought someone with a temperament like him should have never suffered much before!

"Master... Has he mentioned his mother to you?" Su Wen asked suddenly.

"Mother?" I shook my head. In fact, the scholar never wanted me to mention anything about himself and the past.

Su Wennu sternly said: "Master's mother...he died when he was very young! The people around him were not good to him, they always bullied him and beat him, and no one really treated him well."

"Huh?" Did the scholar come here like this before? I was a little surprised.

"Master's body has never been very good. If it hadn't been kept with medicine, I'm afraid..." Su Wen moved the corners of his mouth and didn't say it.

And she doesn't need to say it, I naturally understand it.

If he were not raised with drugs, I am afraid he would not survive now!

I have always felt that the scholar is just a little slender, but he didn't expect that he still had old illnesses. Thinking of the big robe on his body, the shaky appearance of standing in the wind every time...

But he was like this, but at that time in the wind and rain, carrying Feixiang on his back, hurried forward.

Is love really capable of making people stronger? I smiled softly and couldn't tell how I felt. Maybe... It's just envy! Envious that Feixiang is in Hongchen, but there is someone who protects her like this by her side.

"Master is in poor health... because it was frozen in a blizzard ten years ago! That time, he almost failed to survive..." Su Wen Xuxu said.

The dim candlelight illuminates the room brightly, but Su Wen's words gave me a different understanding of scholars.

That seemingly deserted scholar who is always yin and yang strange, but has never actually done anything to hurt me.

I never thought that his childhood was so gloomy and bleak.

This deserted doctor, a scholar who would pray for lovers under the marriage tree, was born in a famous family.

There are many wives and concubines in the family, and naturally many children.

And her mother is just a humble laundry inferior girl.

Destiny is so cruel sometimes, this humble inferior girl is lucky enough to be drunk by the drunk master.