Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 687: Faintly


"Suwen bullied you?" He raised his eyebrows and guessed. Seeing that the tears on my face were not rubbing enough, I simply took out the veil from my arms and carefully wiped my face clean.

I thought he was too slow, so I stretched out my hand to grab his kerchief and quickly touched his face.

But... I was really embarrassed to see my nasal discharge from crying too sadly.

"No! She is just a little girl, how can I be true to her!" I pursed my lips, trying to throw the veil directly back to him. But think about it, there are still some of my own snot left on it, and in the end I was not ashamed to give it back to him, so I had to dry it on my hand.

The scholar saw my little gesture in his eyes and chuckled helplessly. Reached out and took the veil in my hand, then took my hand and walked into the house.

The scholar drew a basin of water for me to wash, and then washed the veil in his hand.

After washing my face, my uncomfortable thoughts calmed down a bit.

I stood aside looking at the scholar who was bending over and washing the veil, and called out: "Scholar!"

"Huh?" He paused, then continued to scrub the veil.

"Scholar!" I called again, lifted my foot and walked gently behind him.

"Yeah!" He still responded faintly, but this time he didn't stop his movements.

Looking down at his narrow waist, the wide robe envelops his thin body, it makes people feel a little painful.

I didn't know what was wrong with my mind, I suddenly reached out and hugged his waist gently.

He trembled all over, and he straightened up and wanted to look back at me. I stubbornly held his waist tightly, not wanting him to look back at me.

"What's the matter?" The scholar had to stand up straight and let me hold him.

Gently press his face against his back, and feel the rare warmth of his back through the thin cloth.

I spoke slowly and said: "Scholar! In the future... You will definitely meet one, who is very good to you! She is always the same to you, and is with you to the old woman!"

The scholar's figure trembled, he took me to hold his hand, slowly turned around and looked at me and asked, "Why? Why not you?"

"I..." I was speechless for a while. Because I have my heart and I have to leave, because I already have my own husband, because I don't belong here!

There are too many reasons, but I can't say a single one.

Even if you say it, I'm afraid he won't believe it!

"Is it because of Murong's family?" His eyes sank, and his tone revealed a vaguely murderous tone.

I hurriedly raised my head and explained: "Of course not!"

"That's because of the Ye Family?" He asked again.

I looked at him obsessively, not knowing how to explain it. And my silence, in his eyes, has become another kind of acquiescence.

He chuckled lightly, looked down and laughed at himself: "Indeed... You are the eldest lady of the dignified Ye family! I'm just a piece of cloth, how can I afford it!"

"No!" Grabbing the scholar's hand, fearing that he would be scornful of himself because of this.

I twisted my eyebrows tangledly, thought for a while, and suddenly remembered the imperial decree that the Queen had specially sent to the Ye family a while ago. So he explained, "Yes... the emperor has gifted me and Murong Yu to marry me. I... I can't hurt the whole family of Ye Family because of myself."

Hearing the emperor's marriage, the scholar was stunned. He raised his eyes and looked at me in astonishment.

Seeing the scholar's reaction, I was grateful for his renunciation on the one hand, and mourned the ancients' bondage to marriage and imperial power on the other.

Whether you want it or not, whether you don't want to meet or not. Marriage can only be determined by one's own parents, and the fate of life and death can only be in the hands of those in power.

"Heh!" After a long time, the scholar suddenly chuckled.

I looked up at him in astonishment, and he stepped forward and stretched out his hand to embrace me in his arms. He said: "Ali! What if it's the emperor's fate? If you don't want it, no one can force you... If you don't want it, I won't let anyone hurt you!"

"Scholar! You..." I looked at him in astonishment, I don't know why he said these words easily.

"Ali! Promise me... Tomorrow... Don't enter the palace!" The scholar hugged me tightly.

Not in the palace? But this is the Queen’s invitation? How can I leave the entire Ye family in ignorance just for myself

I was in the arms of the scholar and looked up at him.

It was too late to ask the reason, and it was too late to refuse. The lips have been lightly blocked.

Cool breath, soft touch. He gnawed at my lips carefully little by little, and his medicated tongue slid gently across my lips.

I trembled all over, I only felt that the places he had touched were as numb as an electric shock.

He stretched out his hand and gently held my face, as if tasting the most precious thing in the world, touching it with his lips and tongue a little bit carefully and reverently.

He gently hugged me and said softly in my ear: "A Li! If Murong Que is gone... Would you like to entrust your heart to me?"

Hearing his words, my whole body trembled. He stretched out his hand to support his chest, wanted to see the look on his face, and asked him what he meant.

But I didn't have time to speak. I just moved my mind and suddenly felt a little trance.

I looked at the scholar in front of me in astonishment: "You..."

"Ali! Sleep! When you wake up... If I can come back... Marry me?" He stretched out his hand and gently touched my head, his speech as soft as a lullaby.

"Book... Health..." I had only time to call out two words, and a dim attack struck me, and in the blink of an eye I passed out into a coma.


It seems that I slept for a long, long time...

I reached out and rubbed my aching forehead, and sat up on the bed in a daze.

"Miss! Miss! Wake up soon..." One hand kept tapping my face, although it was not very painful, it was also very annoying.

"What are you doing?" He waved his hand irritably, trying to wave away the annoying hand.

"Miss! Something will happen if you don't wake up!" A noisy voice rang in my ears.

"What's the big deal?" My elbow trembled slightly, and I lay back heavily on the bed.

The man stretched out his hand and hurriedly pulled me up from the bed, yelling: "If you don't wake up, you will die! Your mate, you will be cut off!"

"What..." I'm like a drunk person. Although I can hear that person's voice clearly, my mind is very dizzy.

"Hey! No way!" An irritable and helpless voice came from the ear.

Immediately afterwards, I suddenly felt a burst of light energy in front of my forehead, and my whole body trembled, and my hazy consciousness slowly became clear.

Slowly opening his eyes, I saw the Lingzhi fairy sitting in front of me anxiously.