Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 69: Maoshan Taoist


"Oh! Taoist priest, I haven't been out for a long time, so how come there are so many demons and ghosts now!" Taoist priest is only 30 years old, with a handful of goatee on his jaw. He looks a little funny, not too ugly, but it's not too ugly. Handsome.

He turned and looked to the other side, and at a glance he saw the star object held by the man in black.

"Wow! Going out to meet my treasure, Taoist priest, I really have time to turn!" The Taoist squeezed his goat's whiskers funny, and immediately drew the mahogany sword from his back with his right hand.

With a wave of his left hand out of thin air, a stack of yellow spells flew out immediately.

The spell flew into the air, and before it hit the man in black, it was stopped by the air. It seems that there is an invisible barrier around the man in black!

"The Tao is good!" The Taoist exclaimed, turned around and flicked the wooden sword with his right hand, and with a wave of his left hand pointing the sword forward, a copper coin sword immediately shot out from the cuff of his right hand.

'Boom! With a loud noise, the copper coin sword broke the barrier of the man in black without difficulty.

The man in black trembled, and the blood cell in his hand shook restlessly.

"Kill the Taoist priest!" Lian Yang commanded the black man harshly.

Lian Yang reacted, immediately holding the dagger in his hand, and stab at the Taoist priest.

"Wow! Killing if the spell doesn't work, it's really not a good thing." The Taoist jumped continuously, avoiding Lian Yang's killer moves again and again.

Being forced by Lian Yang to be really helpless, the Taoist priest couldn't help cursing: "Damn! The rules of that tortoise bastard back then can't be done to mortals! Taoist I will be pierced into a hedgehog."

The Taoist cursed, his figure suddenly flashed. While Lian Yang was not paying attention, a shadow leaped out of his body.

Lian Yang took the opportunity to pierce the Taoist's body with a single knife, and the Taoist retreated again and again with a painful expression on his face. Lian Yang thought that he had succeeded, and before he had time to be happy, the Taoist priest in front of him turned into a chair with a bang.

And the dagger in his hand was just stuck on the back of the chair.

The Taoist priest who was standing in front of Lian Yang came to the man in black in the blink of an eye.

He stretched out his left hand and snatched the blood cell from the black man's hand, raised the wooden sword with his right hand and pierced the black man's chest.

The man in black was beaten unprepared, and he covered his chest with one hand and stepped back.

"Wrong Dao demon! With this ability, you dare to sway in front of this Taoist priest, you are still too tender!" The Taoist proudly held the blood cell of the star with his left hand, and couldn't help but hurt the man in black in his mouth. remember.

"Smelly Taoist! You and I have no grievances and no grudges, why do you want to ruin my good deeds!" The man in black angered, his voice still turbid as if a voice changer was added, and he could not distinguish between men and women.

"Hey! It is the duty of my Taoist priest in Maoshan to eliminate demons and defend the way. I don't even have to meet the Taoist priest today!" The Taoist priest shook the peach wood sword in his hand, and continued to say in a righteous manner: "If you meet... even if you are unlucky! "

"Huh! Xiao Xiao, in front of my black-clothed teacher, they are just clowns." The black-clothed man snorted coldly, and suddenly waved forward with his hand covering his chest.

A string of blood beads was instantly thrown away by him, and the Taoist sword in his hand threw out a burst of sword flowers in front of him, easily dissolving the man in black's moves.

"A kid's trick! What tricks can you play!" The Taoist looked smug, and wanted to reach out to touch his beard, only to find that he had a blood cell in his left hand, and he could only give up this action temporarily.

The man in black raised his head and chuckled, "Oh? Really?"

He looked at the Taoist priest, although he couldn't see his face clearly, he still made people feel his bad intentions.

The Taoist priest was depressed by his appearance, and when he looked down at the peach wood sword in his hand, it was corroded by those blood beads to the point that only one hilt was left.

"Oh, I'm going!" The Taoist priest looked at the peach wood sword that was still corroding with green smoke, and was immediately thrown out in fright.

"Wow! Evil crooked way is evil devil's crooked way! Such a despicable and disgusting move, you also made it." Without his beloved peach wood sword, the Taoist felt that distressed!

It's harder to find such a good peach tree now. Without this baby, how could he pretend to be 13 handsome, and perform ghost hunting in front of the girl handsomely

"Humph!" The man in black snorted coldly, showing that he dismissed what the Taoist priest said.

"Damn it!" The Taoist gritted his teeth fiercely, and just about to go forward and teach the man in black a lesson, he suddenly felt a cool breeze behind him.

The Taoist priest realized the danger and immediately flashed sideways and lower waist. Although he avoided Lian Yang's fatal knife, the hand holding the blood ball was still cut with a piece of skin by his dagger.

Shen Taoshi, the man in black, didn't pay attention, and immediately disappeared and fled.

"Oh! The Taoist priest almost went to see the Patriarch! As expected, the heart is the most difficult to prevent!" The Taoist muttered.

Seeing that the man in black was gone, Lian Yang hurriedly took the dagger and jumped into the unclosed space door, and disappeared on the rooftop.

The moment Lian Yang and the others left, the scene of the rooftop immediately reversed and turned into a completely enclosed elevator room on all sides.

The Taoist priest stood in the middle of the elevator, still holding the red blood cell in his hand.

He looked down at the six unconscious people in the elevator and shook his head helplessly.

"Missuh, Missu!" With a long sigh in his mouth, he immediately closed his eyes, holding the blood cell and began to chant the spell.

The blood cells that were still sucking human blood, under the urging of the Taoist priest, slowly stopped sucking the blood, and instead poured the blood back on the five Liu Le.

Seeing that the blood cell in his hand slowly turned back to transparent, the Taoist turned his palm slightly, and the spherical object immediately became a transparent one, holding a ball the size of a jumping ball in his hand.

"Hey! What a baby!" The Taoist placed the crystal ball in front of his eyes and looked at him for a while, couldn't help but lick his lips, and touched his goat's beard again.

"Forget it! For the sake of this baby, I will be a Taoist priest today, and I will send you back." The Taoist pretended to touch his beard deeply, and his small eyes looked at the hand. Crystal ball.


My body was sore and uncomfortable, I closed my eyes and rolled around on the bed, feeling that my head was also aching.

I want to open my eyes, my eyelids seem to be glued up and down, and I can't open them anyway.

"What's wrong with me? Is it sick? Where am I?" I don't know what's wrong with my body, I can only anxiously want to find a solution.

I wanted to ask someone for help, but my throat seemed to have been burned by fire, and it dried up and was uncomfortable.

"Miss! Miss!" Someone was patting my face, his hands were a little cool, which relieved some of the scorching heat on my body.