Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 694: left already


Tears kept falling from my eyes, and I choked up and said: "Scholar! If in the next life... I will definitely find you!"

After speaking the last word, consciousness gradually dissipated.

Looking at the sky above my head with my eyes open, I seemed to see myself turning into a little bit of starlight, drifting away into the night sky.

I think... This should be the fabled ashes! Unexpectedly... Before I died, I could appreciate how I finally disappeared.

And the moment I dispersed, a woman in white with long black hair holding a red lantern suddenly appeared under the marriage tree.

The dissipated golden light, as if it had been a guide, floated all the way from the air to the lantern in her hand.

After all the golden light had been collected, the ghostly woman in white had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The figure who had been standing in the dark with her breath moved, and Murong Ya said, "They... seem to have already left!"

"I think... I should have gone back!" He said again, but the voice was that of another woman. When he spoke, the pupils in his eyes also faintly flashed red.

Murong Ya pouted, her appearance was restored to her original innocence. He said, "She's gone... Are you sad?"

A red light flashed from him, and a woman in red appeared beside him.

She stretched out her hand and held his hand and said, "You are here! I think... the sadness will pass soon!"

"Yeah! Ah! Ya'er is here, Ya'er won't make you feel sorry for Sister Fairy!" Ya'er looked up at the woman standing beside him, Junya's small face smiled very happily.

"Let's go!" The woman in red stood in the shadow and watched for a long time, until she sensed that someone was approaching nearby, so she pulled Murong Ya away.


My heart was so painful that it had been soaked in sea water.

His head hurts as if he had just been hit with a stick.

"No!" At the end of his consciousness, he still stayed at the moment when the scholar's chest was pierced. I exclaimed, opened my eyes sharply and sat up from the bed.

"Eh! She's awake! She's awake!" A cheerful exclamation sounded from her ear.

I opened my eyes and looked around blankly...

where is this? I... Haven't I already died? Why... still here

"Eh! You look stupid... Is it because the soul has been away from the body for too long and has been stupid?" Another voice questioned.

"You, you are stupid!" He subconsciously said and returned. I just wanted to move my body sideways, but for some reason, my head suddenly hurts.

"Yo! I still know the curse, it seems... not stupid yet!" The man chuckled lightly.

I closed my eyes and rested for a while, and then opened them again, and my mind became clearer.

When I looked up and looked around, I realized that I was sitting in the same room when Rushi was taken away by the man in black!

Turning sideways, I saw that there were seven or eight people sitting in the room.

Seeing so many people in the room at once, I was taken aback. "You, you... what are you all doing here?"

"What else can you do? Everyone, aren't you all waiting for you to wake up!" A man who looked a little like Ling Qing, smiled openly with his mouth folded.

I stared at him up and down for a while, wondering: "Are you... Lingqing?"

The man in front of him had no goatee, his long black hair in the way, and he was no longer wearing the gray robes. Except for those eyes, there are some similarities, but I can't recognize the others.

"Haha! Isn't it..." Luciyao smiled happily on the side.

"Luxiyao!" Looking at Luciyao who was alive and kicking in front of me, I was taken aback again.

He... shouldn't he still be lying in the ice vault in the basement? how…

"Hi! Sister Xiaoyu! This is Luciya!" He winked at me mischievously.

"You... You are awake!" I exclaimed.

He nodded vigorously, and replied, "Yeah! I'm awake."

Then he moved aside again, and said: "Actually, it's not just me that wakes up! This blue bird is also awake!" As he said, he pushed the Violet who was sitting next to him.

Jin Qing looked at me and looked a little awkward: "You can be considered awake! Recently, as shown for you... But it has been a long time since I paid attention to me!"

"Ah? Why?" I asked.

The sturdy eldest sister in a jet black suit opened her mouth and said, "It's not because the bird's spiritual power can't save you. The teacher was upset that day, so I ignored him!"

"Ah!" I exclaimed. I didn't expect that when I woke up, these three ghosts were still there! "You... are still there?"

"Eh! You little girl..." The sturdy eldest sister glanced at me with an ignorant expression on her face.

At this moment, two people suddenly opened the door and walked in.

As shown in a white dress, already... Sister Zhou in a red robe!

"Rush! Zhou... Sister Zhou!" I opened my eyes wide, and looked at these two people in a strange way.

"Yo! You girl can be considered willing to wake up!" As soon as I woke up, Rushi's frowning brows immediately laughed.

Sister Zhou on the side pursed her lips and smiled as she did before. He raised his head and looked at me tenderly and said, "Wake up!"

When Ling Qing saw Sister Zhou, he immediately jumped from in front of me to her side, and said with a look of ingratiation: "Hey! They all say that these young couples are not so close to each other! Don't worry!"

Sister Zhou glanced at him with a smile, and said nothing.

"I said you two, can't you not be so bored?" A very scenic voice suddenly came from behind them.

Ling Qing pulled Ms. Zhou and immediately gave way to the person behind him who had not yet entered the door.

And the moment the person raised his foot to come in, I was immediately stunned. When the man saw me, he was also taken aback.

After a long time, he suddenly called out: "Mom! You finally woke up!"

And when he looked at the face that resembled the god Xuan Cang, he was so shocked that he almost fainted with his saliva.

Because at that moment, I already knew his identity.

"Jian, Jianer..." I trembled and called him.

It turns out that he has grown so big during my absence!

Jian'er rushed in from the door with a stride, knelt and squatted directly in front of my bed, reaching out and hugging me coquettishly.

For some reason, Jin Qing suddenly gave a cold snort, muttering in her mouth: "Such a big person, even acting like a baby, really..."

"What are you doing? You smelly bird! I like it, I'm happy!" Jian'er turned his head and gave that lichen a fiercely.