Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 70: There is a willingness to have something


"Miss! Miss!" Someone was patting my face, his hands were a little cool, which relieved some of the scorching heat on my body.

I twisted my eyebrows and wanted to support my eyelids. No matter how I pulled, I still couldn't move or make my eyelids open.

"What's the matter?" I heard an inquiry from another voice.

"I don't know... This lady fell here when I came here..." The voice became smaller and smaller. I felt a hand gently touching my temple, the pain on my head was relieved a lot, and my consciousness gradually drifted away...

In the private room on the 99th floor of Lianyang, a twisted air current appeared in the dark space.

After a while, two figures fell out of there.

Lian Yang helped Liu Zhen staggered and fell from the air, and the two fell to the ground at once.

"Ah!" Lian Yang snorted in pain, and the dagger in his hand dropped to the side.

Liu Zhen fell to Lian Yang's side, her body shrank without making any sound. In fact, she did not feel any pain due to this.

"A Zhen!" Lian Yang reacted and turned to hug Liu Zhen, only to find that her body was trembling badly.

"You, what's the matter with you? A Zhen!" He looked at Liu Zhen's face, which was obviously paler and weaker than before, with a worried and distressed expression on his face.

Liu Zhen tried to shrink her body into Lian Yang's arms, shook her head and said nothing, her pale lips trembling faintly, as if she had just emerged from the ice cellar.

"She was hit by the Taoist charm, I'm afraid it won't last long!" The man in black walked out of the twisting air and looked at Liu Zhen and Lian Yang condescendingly.

"..." Lian Yang looked up at the man in black in surprise, panic in his eyes.

"What to do? What to do then? Save her, please beg her!" Lian Yang begged the man in black.

The family reunited after hard work, he didn't want to be separated so quickly. He had never given Liu Zhen and Lian Xuan a good life before, and he hoped to make up for it with his future life.

The man in black cast a glance at Liu Zhen who was on the ground, with a contemptuous tone: "This Maoshan Taoist is so powerful, you have seen it with your own eyes. If I could beat him, how could I hide here in embarrassment with you? "

The ruthless words made Lian Yang dumb. He looked down at Liu Zhen in his arms and stretched out his arms to hold her tighter.

The black man's evil eyes glanced at Liu Zhen, and suddenly stretched out his left hand and grabbed it forward.

Liu Zhen, who was lying in Lian Yang's arms, was suddenly dragged by something and suddenly suspended.

"Azhen!" Lian Yang exclaimed, stepping forward to bring her back.

The man in black snorted coldly, and his whole body was full of chills: "Since it's about to die anyway, it's better to... Give me the last trace of her spiritual power!"

With the increased strength in her hand, Liu Zhen's body immediately floated with aura, floating towards the man in black.

"No!" Lian Yang reacted and immediately stood up from the ground, trying to rush to protect Liu Zhen.

The man in black raised his right hand, slammed it to the outside, and struck out with a force, knocking Lian Yang into flight.

"Ah!" His body fell back and fell on the sofa, his waist hit the back of the sofa, he snorted and didn't get up for a long time.

He lay on the sofa, looking sideways at Liu Zhen who was suspended in the air. Shaking hands stretched out to her, and whispered in her mouth trembling: "No, no, don't!"

"Those who become big things will have sacrifices! You have given up their mother and daughter for so many years, why bother to hold on to this?" The black-clothed man's vicious words poked Lian Yang's heart mercilessly.

Lian Yang gritted his teeth, struggled to roll off the sofa, and slowly stood up from the ground.

He held his waist with his left hand, looked at Liu Zhen and the man in black, raised his foot and moved forward two small steps.

As if looking for an angle, Lian Yang secretly built up his energy, trying to rush over and knock the man in black over. But his right foot had just stepped back a little, and his neck was strangled by an invisible force before his body moved.

"Um..." He snorted, and reached out to grab what was holding him around his neck.

The man in black stretched his right hand to his neck, turned his head coldly and heartbroken: "Lian Yang! You really disappointed me..."

"I'm doing my best to help you, but you want to deal with me for that unworthy woman!" The mixed voice slowly became strange and resentful.

Under the black hat, the head which was only pitch-black, suddenly revealed two blood-red eyes.

Those eyes were weird and gorgeous, just like wild beast eyes suddenly exposed in the dark night.

"Um..." Lian Yang was unable to move by him, clasping his neck with one hand, and reaching out to the man in black begging for mercy with the other.

Once fascinated by the eyes of countless fans, at this time, due to lack of oxygen, he was somewhat congested. That jealousy always looked superior in his eyes, and became lamentable and begging for mercy in the face of strength.

He was begging for forgiveness for his own life, and also begging for forgiveness for Liu Zhen's dying soul.

But the man in black ignored him and subdued him, the other side was still absorbing Liu Zhen's soul.

"Ah... Zhen..." Seeing Liu Zhen's body gradually becoming transparent, she felt guilty and desperate.

And at the moment he gave up hope, a row of white paper men flew outside the door from nowhere.

The paper figure seemed to have a purpose through the crack of the door and directly slammed into the face of the man in black.

"Boom!" The little red paper man immediately exploded in front of the black man.

The man in black made a scream of "Ah!", his body staggered back for several steps, but he did not fall down firmly.

The other white paper figures circled around him, as if they had found the target, and clung to him tightly.

The man in black wanted to struggle and drive the paper people away. The closed door was suddenly unceremoniously kicked open from the outside.

At the door stood two slender, handsome and beautiful men, one dressed in a blue robe with black hair tied up, and the other with a blue robe and black hair pinned behind him with a burst of white jade hairpins.

The two men are both first-class and stunning, but they are full of anger, but it makes people unable to appreciate their'beauty'.

"Who!" The man in black was attacked one after another, and his heart was on fire.

"Oh! A good room, how can it be made into a miasma!" Jin Qing waved her slender hand, and swung away the miasma near the tip of her nose.

Seeing that Xuan Cang was also in front of him, he thoughtfully stretched out his hand and waved him again.

Xuan Cangjun raised his eyebrows and unceremoniously pushed Violence's hand away.

He walked into the room and quickly scanned the situation inside. The man in black was overwhelmed by several paper figures, half kneeling and still resisting.

Because Lian Yang lost the strength of his neck, he sat down on the ground coughing due to lack of oxygen.

But Liu Zhen slowly fell from mid-air, her whole body was already translucent, if she received a little shock, she would be wiped out immediately!