Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 73: the whole story


The woman glanced at Violence, did not answer his words, and continued: "Perhaps even foreigners should not be killed! The driver died when he was pierced by steel bars but he was only in a coma..."

"I taught the gods to bless you!" When the woman said this, Xuan Cang coldly snorted when she looked at her, but did not refute her.

"Seeing Lian Yang's chest blood flowing continuously, I can feel his life passing. I am very scared..." Recalling the scene at the time, the woman's eyes were full of fear and fear.

She didn't dare to think, if she went through that kind of ordeal again, would she still be able to come through like this.

"What happened later?" Violet asked.

The woman calmed down and took a deep breath: "Later... the god found me! He told me that he could bring Lian Yang back to life."

"Everything is against common sense and regarded as evil! Do you believe in that so-called god of religion?" Xuan Cang asked the woman, wanting to know if there is still a little clarity in her world.

"I don't care! I don't care about common sense... teach the gods to save him! That's enough!" The woman reacted a little, and the red eyes that had finally faded, immediately showed signs of resurgence.

Jin Qing and Xuan Cang secretly had luck, and if this woman did anything more, they would be able to fight back immediately.

But the woman didn't, she immediately regained her peace. She looked at Lian Yang, with tears shining in her indifferent eyes. She said: "The god of teaching tells me that only people who have the same blood from Lian Yang can be resurrected with his flesh and blood."

"Then how did you find Liu Zhen and their mother and son?" Violet was curious that this cold-looking woman would actually do positive and crazy things for a man.

Is the power of love really that great? If Xuan Cang is in danger one day, will he save him for his sake, regardless of his own life

Jin Qing turned to look at Xuan Cang, asking herself.

Xuan Cang directly ignored Violence's gaze, and did not give the woman the slightest chance to excuse: "She has always known that Lian Yang has a son! She has been monitoring them all the time! All their whereabouts are in control."

"How could it—" Jin Qing couldn't believe it. If Xuan Cang's words are true, then this woman is really terrifying.

She knew that Lian Yang had a wife and children, but she still stayed with him and helped him take care of his daily affairs. On the surface, pretending to ignore it, but secretly doing so many tricks!

"Five years ago, Lian Yang was just a little-known little character, and the drama he took was just some passersby soy sauce characters! But in just two years, he turned into a smashing star! Among them— You must have done a lot of things from it!" Xuan Cang looked at the woman on the ground, her black eyes flashed with a strange luster.

He wanted to see what kind of existence this woman was like. It was so easy to destroy other people's homes, ruining the life of a child and another woman, just to fulfill the ambitions of oneself and that man.

But he couldn't see it. There was only darkness in the woman's heart, like a black hole in the bottom of the sight, and he couldn't see anything.

"This... Five years ago—" Jin Qing turned the clock back and counted. Five years ago should have been when Lian Yang's son was born.

That is to say, Lian Yang at that time was probably abandoning his wife and abandoning his son to achieve today's brilliant achievements.

"This has nothing to do with Yang! It's me... I concealed his wife's pregnancy. I lied to him that Liu Zhen couldn't bear the hardship and ran away with other men! Lian Yang didn't even know..." His opening, telling the story of the year.

Five years ago, she was just a small assistant, and she followed the agent and the so-called big stars every day as a maid by them.

She and Lian Yang met in a crew.

At that time, Lian Yang was wearing a red soldier armor with a spear in his hand, standing in the open space outside, waiting for the start of the show with other group performances.

She carried a lot of bento tea, and big and small bags, and followed the star who played the female one.

She didn't see the way when she entered the door, and almost tripped over the threshold. At that time, Lian Yang helped her a little, so that she avoided wrestling and smashing things in her hands.

Later, the two people met more often. Lian Yang said that he wanted to be a big star, and she said that she wanted to be an agent of a famous brand.

Later, she really changed from an assistant to a broker.

She said that she was the first one to pack, it was him!

So one after another, she began to help Lian Yang with a lot of scenes. From the earliest soy sauce group performance, it gradually became capable of having a few lines.

In the next few lines, it becomes a supporting role with no more or less drama, and then the second male number who makes the audience love, and finally takes the lead.

They walked very hard along the way, but they were also very happy.

It's just that his plays are more and more, and more and more people are looking for him. The smile on her face became less and less, and then to the coldness behind.

When Lian Yang was slowing down, the wife who had been with him was gone! The girl who grew up with him and smiled and described her dream is gone!

They have all grown up, and he has climbed from the group performance to the highest peak.

He thought it was all hard work, but it was worth it, but he never thought about how many things the woman behind him did for his success as he continued to grow up.

She didn't want Liu Zhen's existence, which restricted Lian Yang's development. So she asked someone to persuade Liu Zhen to leave, but the woman was too reluctant to say anything to leave Lian Yang.

There was no way she could find someone to imprison Liu Zhen directly. She wanted to kill her a hundred, but she was afraid of being caught by someone with a heart, and missed Lian Yang's future.

Later, she learned that Liu Zhen had the flesh and blood of Lian Yang, so she simply sent someone to accompany her 24 hours a day until Liu Zhen gave birth to her and Lian Yang's children.

In the mother's heart, she can never give up her child.

She used Liu Zhen's child to successfully drive her away from Lian Yang's life and his world.

At that time, Lian Yang was busy picking up movies every day, and didn't have time to go home to take care of his wife.

Sometimes when he gets busy, he doesn't even have to go home for half a year.

When he remembered to go back, Liu Zhen had already gone to the building.

The woman followed the neighbor's mouth and told about Liu Zhen's leaving with the other men.

Lian Yang is desperate and immersed in his work every day, trying to paralyze his feelings with his work.

In the past five years, he was unconsciously involved with his agent. But her performance was always so cold that he couldn't guess her mind.