Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 80: It's sincere


There is no shadow of the soul: Would it be too lonely to walk alone? I hope you can stay with me, I am sincere.

"Really..." I looked at these three words, but I felt a little confused.

"Don't be kidding! This joke is not funny..." I typed a line on the display, stared at the flashing cursor, and deleted them one by one.

"I'm married..." I changed another sentence, and after thinking about it, I pressed the backspace key several times in a row.

Every relationship should not be underestimated and trampled. I have never had a relationship between men and women, and no one has ever confessed to me.

I don't know how I should answer, so that I can express my position clearly and not make the other person sad and embarrassed.

"Madam!" Sister Zhou inside came out suddenly.

I was taken aback, and hurriedly clicked'' in the upper right corner of the QQ, and quit the QQ.

"What's the matter?" I nervously touched my head, touched my clothes again, and hurriedly got up from the chair.

Sister Zhou saw that my reaction was a little big, and she glanced at me strangely.

Like a guilty conscience, I tugged at my clothes again, lowered my head to avoid sister Zhou's gaze, and my face was a little hot.

"Madam! What's wrong with you?" Seeing that I reacted a little strangely, Zhou Jie walked to me worriedly.

"Ahem... No, it's okay! I almost choked on drinking water just now, it's okay now!" I awkwardly turned aside, and fooled the question.

"Oh!" Sister Zhou responded casually, and said: "If you are done, go in and help me divide the booklet. It's time to send it to other sales outlets tomorrow."

"Okay!" Seeing that Sister Zhou didn't ask much, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

I glanced at the computer that was still on, and thought: Since there is no reply to Guo Rui, I just pretend not to see it!

I don't have a few friends, but I don't want to be a lonely person because of my improper handling of the only one or two left.

After waiting for sister Zhou and I to print out the newspapers and magazines and divide the number of sales points, it was already dark outside.

My stomach screamed at me, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Sister Zhou listened to the cry of my stomach and smiled forbearingly, and my face was almost reddened into cooked shrimps in shame.

"Madam, go and rest! When the food is ready, I'll take it to your room!" Sister Zhou smiled, and exhorted me very thoughtfully.

"Yeah!" I blushed and ran out of the printing room.

After I washed and took a comfortable hot bath, when I returned to the room from the bathroom, the fragrant meals were already on the table.

"Sweet and sour pork ribs, steamed fish head, stir-fried baby dishes..." I approached the table and looked at it.

I bluntly picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and I began to gobble up without image.

My appetite has become so good these days. Before, I couldn't eat a bowl of rice a day, but now I can eat two bowls of rice.

At the beginning, I was a little worried, whether I want to gain weight by eating like this. But after a few days, my weight didn't change much, so I was able to feast on it with peace of mind.

Three servings are not too small, and I ate an eighth by myself, so I put down the dishes and chopsticks in satisfaction.

Sister Zhou didn't know if she had counted the time, or she had been waiting outside. As soon as I put down my chopsticks, she brought the two girls in and cleaned the table.

"..." Sister Zhou stood in the room and turned around, looking at me several times before hesitating.

I stopped and waited for her to speak, but she seemed to be entangled in something again, refusing to speak.

Seeing me, I couldn’t help mentioning her entanglement, and couldn’t help but take the initiative to ask: "Sister Zhou! If you have anything you want to say, just say it!"

Sister Zhou's personality is not rough, but she is also rare among women. It was the first time she was so silent tonight.

"Madam! Your lord said..." Sister Zhou frowned, her eyes tangled again, and she continued as if she had made up her mind. What... You can decide for yourself! Just come back to sleep at night!"

"Back to the underworld?" I frowned, always feeling that there must be some reason for his sudden return to the underworld, but I didn't know it.

Sister Zhou shut her head and stood aside, asking me curiously, but she didn't speak wisely.

"Okay!" I said. Following sister Zhou's temperament, without Xuan Cang's permission, she would definitely not tell me anything about him.

In fact, apart from agreeing, I have no other right or ability to choose.

I saw that Sister Zhou didn't mean to leave, I couldn't help but ask her curiously: "Is there anything else?"

"Madam..." Sister Zhou hesitated for a while, the expression on her face changed, and her conversation suddenly turned, she bowed her head respectfully and said: "Madam, take a rest early! I will withdraw first."

"Um... OK!" It's rare to see Sister Zhou vomiting like this tonight, and I am also very curious in my heart.

But I also know that since she decides not to say it, she is also in her care. Even if I force her to ask, it will only make her more embarrassed, not necessarily that she is really willing to talk.

That night, I slept a little restlessly.

In my dream was the scene full of black pennants with dragon patterns. I stood in it, trying to catch the annoying thing. But no matter how I grab it, it can always slip out of my hands.

But if I run away, it will chase after me.

I was in a wet black hole full of echoes, running and chasing all night.

When I woke up the next day, my whole body was sore, as if I was smothered secretly in the quilt at night.

Finally, I washed up and had a good breakfast. When I went to the magazine office, all the magazines in the printing room had been taken away.

I was a little tired sitting on the chair, and didn't even want to move when I got up and poured water.

Seeing how tired I was, Sister Zhou thoughtfully brought me a cup of warm water.

"Madam! If you are too tired, go back and rest! The magazine came out yesterday, and there is nothing to be busy now!" Sister Zhou persuaded me.

"Thank you!" I took the water and shook my head.

I was tossed by the flag all night after I slept all night. Now even if I slept, I still can't sleep well, so it's better not to sleep.

At least my spirit will relax a little bit, so I don't have to keep tight in my dreams.

Sister Zhou looked at me anxiously, but reluctantly insisted that she had to return to her desk and sit down, raising her head to pay attention to my situation from time to time.

After drinking a cup of warm water, I sat at the table and picked up the pen, and started to scribble on the paper a little boringly.