Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 81: Ten Yamas of the Underworld


I took the warm water from sister Zhou and drank it quickly with my head up. The warm water slipped from my mouth all the way to my stomach. Feeling more comfortable, I just sat down at the desk.

Only yesterday did I sort out a batch of materials, and there are a lot of materials that need to be sorted out on the table with sister Zhou and I.

Sometimes I'm really curious, and I don't see sister Zhou go out to interview and collect, and I don't know where the information of our magazine comes from.

I didn't know it at that time, although Sister Zhou and I worked during the day. But she and other colleagues in the magazine only work at night.

I glanced at the pile of materials irritably, picked up the pen, and started to work.

The densely packed words on the paper and the pictures sandwiched on it made my brain feel painful.

"Hey..." I reluctantly threw the materials and pen aside, and reached out and rubbed my temples.

Waiting for the headache to get better, then he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Looking at the paper and pen on the table, I picked up the pen a little bored and started to scribble on the paper.

I didn't know what I was going to draw or write, but when I closed my eyes, the flag embroidered with dragons reappeared in my mind.

In fact, I don’t know if the pattern on the flag is a legendary dragon. It just looks a bit like it. I don't know much about totems in ancient times, so I classify them as dragons!

"Madam! You are..." Sister Zhou's voice suddenly came from behind me.

I was shocked, and the pen in my hand fell out of my hand. The pen rolled around on the table, and finally fell to the ground with a click from the table.

I stooped down to pick it up. Sister Zhou took the paper off the table first, her expression gloomy and incredibly unbelievable.

Sister Zhou's expression was a bit strange, as if she had discovered something extraordinary, and she seemed to have seen something terrifying.

"What's wrong?" I picked up the pen and looked at Sister Zhou.

"Your painting..." Sister Zhou's hand shook, and she looked up at me in confusion.

I stretched out my hand and rubbed my temples again, with a slightly tired expression: "I don't know what's going on for these two days, this thing will pop up as soon as I close my eyes. Last night, I was tossed by this flag all night..."

I yawned again, and my eyes were bloodshot.

"How can this be? Madam, have you seen this thing somewhere?" When sister Zhou heard me say this, her eyes suddenly lit up, looking at me full of expectation and joy.

"I..." I want to say, I saw this thing from my friend.

But I was worried that if I said this, it would bring any bad consequences to Guo Rui.

In any case, he also helped me, and he is also an old classmate for many years. If I hurt him because of myself, it would be bad!

"What is this? Do you know it?" As soon as the conversation turned, I asked Ms. Zhou instead of answering.

Sister Zhou took the paper with the flag I painted on it and sighed softly: "Hey... Madam! This thing is a holy spirit banner, originally a thing of the underworld. It was lost in the world many years ago, my lord and I..."

"Himming banner?" When I heard it, I felt that this was not a good and auspicious thing.

Calling the soul-when I hear this name, I think it's something from the underworld.

"You and Xuan Cang stay in the world... You lied to me here just to find this thing?" Remembering that they said before, asking me to come is to let me find something for them.

They hadn't told me before, but now it seems that this'spiritual banner' is obviously what they want.

Sister Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then put the paper back on my desk: "Forget it!"

She answered vaguely, and I was a little confused. What do you mean by "really?" Yes, no, no, unless... They are looking for more than this one.

"Sister Zhou! What are you keeping me here for? I know that I have no magic power and can't help you. But since you left me here, isn't it because I have what you need?" Looking at my question, my emotions agitated.

I don't want to be trapped here, but I still feel like a fool, being concealed by them and knowing nothing.

"I..." Sister Zhou was a little embarrassed.

"Maybe I am a human being, and you can't believe me! But this world is a human world, and your existence is not trusted! You have to call the spirit flag, and I can help you find it out."

"But I don't want you to treat me as a fool, as a doll, stupidly tied up but don't know why. If you think you are superior, why bother to covet the human world?" I was a little angry, angry at sister Zhou and Xuan Cang. Concealed from me. Sister Zhou's silence makes me even more suspicious of their purpose.

If what they are doing now is to endanger the existence of mankind. So... Even if they die, I won't help them!

"Madam! What the adults and I did was just to protect you. You still don't have the ability to protect yourself..." Sister Zhou painstakingly persuaded.

But I didn't want to listen. I bluntly interrupted her and said: "You want to protect me, or are you afraid that I don't want to help you when I know your purpose?"

Sister Zhou was silent, and she lowered her eyes helplessly, not wanting to argue with me again because of this matter.

"If there is nothing to say, then I will go out first!" I got up from the chair and walked directly in front of Sister Zhou.

Where I collided with her shoulders, I walked directly through her.

A ghost is always just a ghost, no matter how much he looks like a human, he still can't change her essential difference.

"We will leave you here, just hope you can help us find the ten halos of the underworld, the magical artifacts that remained in the world!" Finally sister Zhou, when I walked to the door, said their purpose.

"Ten Yamas of the Underworld?" I stopped and looked back at Sister Zhou in surprise. I never thought that one day, I would be so close, talking with people about the legendary characters.

Sister Zhou turned around and looked at me, her expression on her face no longer tangled, but calm.

She nodded and continued: "In the underworld riots, the Ten Yama, who was responsible for guarding the Ten Halls of Hell, didn't know for what reason, threw his treasures to the world before dying."

"There will be riots in the underworld?" I was surprised. I thought that the world after death should be peaceful and free of contention. Unexpectedly, there is actually the same as the world, full of calculations and wars!

"Yeah!" Sister Zhou nodded and continued: "Although the subsequent riots were flattened, the magic weapon that the Ten Yamas lost to the world is still a big worry."

"If it is taken by someone with a heart, it will be a catastrophe whether it is the world or the underworld!"