Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 87: I drank it


I looked up and saw that this shadow was not someone else, it was really sister Zhou herself. Although her face was not as good as she looked during the day, she looked pale and fierce, and she was full of ghosts.

It can be seen that it is a familiar person, and my trembling heart has eased a little bit.

"Sister Zhou! So it was you." I complained, stroked my chest, and got up from the ground.

Sister Zhou swept my clothes around without saying anything, and helped me to walk into the house.

As soon as I entered the house, I was so scared that I was so frightened by a figure floating around, I fainted!

Now I finally know why there are only me and Sister Zhou in the entire magazine, and the monthly magazines can be issued as scheduled. I also know why we did not go out to collect information, but we never lacked information!

It turns out... Behind this, there is another group of employees'helping'.

When I woke up the next day, I was already in bed. The clothes on her body have also changed from that expensive skirt into her own robe and pajamas.

Everything around is the same, except Xuan Cang is not by his side, it seems that there is no difference.

I stretched out my hand and scratched my head. Thinking of the scene I saw when I came back last night, I couldn't help but wonder if it was my dream.

I actually saw papers flying around the room and saw someone hanging in the air. Others are holding a pile of things in their hands, communicating with other figures.

The room is not cramped and crowded with busy figures, which makes me feel for the first time that there is still such a lively time in this clean magazine.

It's just a lively life, the faces and expressions of those people are really too weird and terrifying. It's like a group of expressionless corpses, busy with their own affairs.

"Eh... Don't think about it! Don't think about it!" I shook my head, not wanting to think about what happened last night.

This was originally a cemetery, and it is normal for many ghosts to appear here. Before I saw it, I had already thought of this kind of scene.

I just didn't expect that when I actually saw it, I would still be so scared, and even be frightened and fainted in embarrassment!

Turning over and getting off the bed, there was a tingling pain on his feet.

"Huh?" I lowered my head suspiciously and looked at my feet. It was discovered that it was densely covered with thorns, and many small holes had been pierced.

There was a small bruise wound on the calf of the right foot. The surrounding area of the big pinhole is already swollen, and the pinhole is not red like other places, but a little black.

I got out of bed in doubt and changed clothes. After eating earlier, I limped and walked to the front office of the magazine with a panic.

Sister Zhou was already sitting there and started working, and seeing the house calm again as before, my hanging heart gradually fell to the ground.

"Sister Zhou!" I walked over and said hello to Sister Zhou.

"Yeah!" Sister Zhou replied, and then said: "You have a glass of medicine on the table, drink him!"

"Medicine?" I frowned slightly, and when I walked to the desk, I really saw a seven-cent full ceramic cup on it.

He picked up the ceramic cup, looked in front of him, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it.

The color of the medicine is no different from ordinary water, but when it is put on the tip of the nose, it still has a bitter and delicate fragrance.

That is the smell of Chinese medicine, but I have never seen it before. The color of the concoction is transparent Chinese medicine.

Just when I was hesitating, should I take medicine? Why should I drink medicine? Will this medicine be very bitter? The opposite sister Zhou explained: "You were poisoned by Dimeng yesterday, but fortunately, you can save it in time... Otherwise, you will become our kind now!"

"Ah!" I exclaimed, looking at Sister Zhou in shock.

Holding the ceramic cup in my hand tightly with both hands, I looked at Sister Zhou with some fear. I thought: co-authoring yesterday I was not shocked by those ghosts! It was stabbed by a poisonous thorn, and fainted by the poison

Thinking that I was inattentive yesterday and almost died, I still have some lingering fears.

Looking down at the ceramic cup in his hand, he took a sharp breath, raised his head and drank it with pride.

"..." Sister Zhou seemed to be shocked by my spirit, stopped the movement in her hand, looked at me with surprise and curiosity on her face.

"Okay!" I put down the empty ceramic cup.

Looking up at the surprised look of sister last week, I was a little puzzled.

"What? I'm finished! It should be all right now!" I reached out and wiped my mouth and asked Sister Zhou.

Sister Zhou was constipated, and the corners of her mouth twitched uncomfortably: "You... You just drank it to clean your wounds."

She raised her chin at me again, and motioned me to look at the place next to the ceramic with her eyes: "That... the small cup is for drinking!"

I followed her instructions and looked at the back of the ceramic cup, and I saw a small ceramic cup that old people like to use to drink liquor.

There was a cup of brown powder in it. The portion was not large, but it looked bitter.

"Ah!" Before I was relieved from the fact that I just drank the water to clean my wounds, I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach, and screamed in exclamation and went straight to the toilet behind.

That day, I was forced by sister Zhou to drink five large cups of warm water because of the potion used to cleanse the wound. Every time I finished drinking, I had to run to the toilet, and then pulled and vomited in the toilet, and tossed for a day.

It wasn't until the night that I got a little better. I felt dehydrated and I didn't want to move anymore when I lay in bed.

Sister Zhou pulled me up and let me eat something. After vomiting for a day with an empty stomach, I was so hungry that my chest was pressed against my back.

But when I thought of eating something later, I was afraid that I would have to go to the toilet again, and I was so scared to eat!

It wasn't until Sister Zhou repeatedly promised that I wouldn't run to the toilet again, and then I ate a bit more suspiciously.

Everything is as Sister Zhou said, I didn't go to the toilet anymore.

After a day’s fatigue disappeared, I lay on the bed comfortably. After tossing for a day, I fell asleep before long.

The surrounding scene slowly changed, and I slowly opened my eyes...

There was a lot of fog around, and I stood in the fog and looked around blankly.

It's quiet here... It's so quiet! It was so quiet that I could only hear my own breathing.

"Sister Zhou! Xuan Cang..." I called the name of a familiar person, but I couldn't hear any response.

I raised my foot in a daze and looked for a direction at random, but no matter where I went, there was white mist lingering around me, and I couldn't see anything at all.

I was a little scared, shrank and looked around blankly.

"Xuan Cang..." I called his name, looking forward to seeing him in time every time I was helpless and afraid.

But... this time he didn't! My voice gradually drifted away until I could no longer hear, and everything became quiet again. He still did not appear!