Ghost Husband, I Don't Want

Chapter 92: He is not human either


After realizing that Guo Rui had no shadow, I hurriedly backed up two steps, crouched behind the flower bed, and stretched out my hand to cover my chest, not daring to approach for half a step.

Guo Rui over there seemed to notice the strangeness behind him and glanced back. I was taken aback, and hurriedly bent over and lowered my head, shrinking myself as much as possible, hiding behind the flower beds outside the square.

Guo Rui just glanced hurriedly, then turned around and continued to stand where he was waiting.

I saw that there was no movement on his side, so I hunched over my waist and carried my feet, and prepared to walk in the direction where I came.

Maybe people have some obsessive-compulsive disorder, or can't fully believe their eyes.

When I turned around, I was afraid that I had just misunderstood Guo Rui. So he hesitated again and again, and couldn't help but want to take a more certain look.

But when I turned around and returned to the flower bed, ready to take another look, a figure suddenly came out from the other side of the flower bed.

"Ah!" I was taken aback by the figure that suddenly appeared, and my body immediately fell back.

"Small words!" Guo Rui saw me, and a relaxed smile appeared on his gloomy face.

He stepped over directly from the flower bed, reaching out to grab me.

I waved his hand in resentment and fear, and my body kept moving back.

"No, don't come here!" I looked at him in panic, and I couldn't calm down from the shock just now.

Guo Rui was a little helpless, so he had to take his hands back and stand still, no longer approaching me.

I was very embarrassed and climbed up from the ground, reached out and patted the dust and grass clippings on my body by the way. My eyes swept Guo Rui up and down again, and doubts and fears kept mingling in my heart.

Is Guo Rui dead? When did he die? Why haven't you heard the news of his death? And what opportunity did he stay in this world

Sister Zhou said that many ghosts who don't want to leave the world are because they have too deep obsessions in their lives, and then they will turn into ghosts and continue to stay in the world.

"Guo, Guo Rui! You..." I looked at Guo Rui who was driving a few steps away, and this time I even stuttered a bit.

Guo Rui still had a dazed expression that didn't know what was wrong with me. He wanted to get close to me, but he was afraid of shocking me again, so he stood in a stalemate.

"Small language! I'm glad you can come tonight..." He smiled and scratched his head.

I looked at him quietly, not knowing what I should say at the moment. I didn't actually come because of him. If I knew he was a ghost in the morning, maybe I wouldn't come!

"You are dead?" I didn't want to spoil his mood, but the scene in front of me made me have to speak out.

Guo Rui was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed after two seconds: "Small language! What are you talking about? I... I'm standing here, why do you say I'm dead!"

He is bracing, he is pretending to be stupid. I sneered, pointed my finger at his feet, and asked: "Then why? Why do you have no shadow? Living people can't have no shadow!"

"..." Guo Rui lowered his head and looked at his own feet. Although we are standing a little far from the street light, we can still see the light.

My shadow is stretched very long under the light. But he... there is nothing under his feet. Except for his empty feet, his whole person seems to be hanging in the air, without any real sense of existence.

"Small words!" Guo Rui looked at me helplessly and sadly. He stretched out his hand to hold me, but was thrown away by me!

"You've been lying to me... haven't you?" Thinking of what he said to me before, my heart immediately froze.

I don't know what his purpose is for approaching me, but Xuan Cang marries me with such fanfare. As Guo Rui who is a ghost, he can't be completely ignorant!

If he knows that he has deliberately approached me, then I can hardly guess that his purpose is pure.

"I..." Guo Rui frowned, just as he was about to explain, suddenly his whole body seemed to be frozen, staring at the back of me with wide-eyed eyes.

I was a little frightened by his look, but I remember what the old man said to me when I was young, and don't look back if I'm afraid.

I stood in place with my neck, cold sweat spilling from my forehead. I didn't dare to move, so I raised my eyes and looked at Guo Rui in fear.

"Xiaoyu! Go, come here..." Guo Rui lowered his voice and stretched out his hand towards me.

I stared at him in a daze, seeing that his face was heavy, I didn't dare to take it lightly. Although... I didn't feel anything behind me.

I froze, and after hesitating a few times, my body became too stiff to bear. I moved my right hand and slowly raised it to Guo Rui's hand.

When my hand was placed in Guo Rui's hand, he slammed me over.

"Ah!" I whispered, and couldn't keep up with my footsteps. I was dragged by him and rushed towards him.

Guo Rui held my hand with one hand, and his other hand grabbed my waist. He hugged me and slew in the air for a while before stopping.

I was a little dizzy by his turn. I looked up at him in a daze, and for a while, he was a little lost.

"Two people cuddling, is this... Enough?" A cold voice came from where I stood before.

As soon as I heard the sound, my whole body immediately seemed to be pierced by an ice needle. The feeling of standing upside down makes me feel like I am in purgatory.

"Xuan, Xuan Cang!" I turned my head and looked at the hostile Xuan Cang not far away in surprise.

At this moment, his black hair was flying, and his blue robe was covered by a strong black air. Junyi's good-looking face was covered with a strong evil spirit, and on his white skin, a pair of eyes occupied by black pupils looked at me and Guo Rui with murderous intent.

"I..." Realizing that I was still in Guo Rui's arms, I subconsciously wanted to step back and stretched out my hand to push Guo Rui.

And Guo Rui seemed to be against me, his left hand clasped my hand tightly, and his right hand clasped my waist tightly, not allowing me the slightest chance to shrink.

I was angry and anxious, staring at him angrily, gritted my teeth and said: "Guo Rui! You let go!"

"Don't let go!" Guo Rui answered quickly and firmly.

"You..." I looked at him a little silly, and I didn't understand why he insisted on doing so.

"Small words!" He clasped my hand tightly and looked at me with an extremely serious expression.

My heart trembled when he was called, and suddenly I closed my eyes a little scared. I am afraid of seeing the seriousness in his eyes, afraid of the other party's true feelings, and I cannot repay or respond.

"Xiaoyu! I can see you here tonight, even if I die... I'll be resigned!" Guo Rui pulled me, the tenderness still in his eyes.

But I don't want to hear him say that, he is already a soul body! If Xuan Cang wanted to kill him, his result would only be the same as Liu Zhen.

But Liu Zhen is luckier than him. Although her soul is dead, she has continued in her son Lian Xuan! And he can't...