Ghost Invasion

Chapter 13: Works related (13)


Signing to remove my handcuffs and get out, I sat down.

"Warden, I want to respond to Tong Li's question! Why was she beaten and those who beat her were not punished!" Of course this is just an excuse for me to come here.

The warden glanced at me doubtfully, and then said coldly: "She said she threw it herself, why do you say she was beaten?"

"I, I!" I really couldn't think of anything to say, so I stood up and bowed to him: "In my opinion, she dare not say it. If you also think that she fell, then I won't bother. ”

Turning around, as I was leaving, I glanced at Huo Xiaoran. With a slight hook of his fingers, the pendant I had put in my pocket fell to the ground, and it was still lying on the ground in an open position...

In the end what happened

I glanced at the warden from the corner of my eye, then slowly bent down and reached out to pick things up, and said, "Ah! By the way, I picked this up in the solitary room last time. I forgot it in my pocket. It just so happened that, Give it to the warden today!"

Looking at his pale face, I said anxiously: "Warden! I didn't hide it on purpose. I really forgot. I know you are not allowed to carry metal objects here!" I held it in my hand. The pendant was like a hot potato, so I put it on his desk with a sudden movement.

When I saw his eyes lingering on that thing, I suddenly understood, he recognized it! He recognized the person in the photo!

"Where did you get it?" His already cold voice suddenly dropped a few degrees, and the expression on his face looked even more terrifying.

I stared at him blankly, and hurriedly said in a low voice: "Picked up, picked up!" I pointed at the door of his office, and I stammered.

boom! His big hand slammed on the table, and the things on the table shook. Of course, I trembled and looked at him in horror.

Huo Xiaoran was leaning against the wall, holding his hands, looking at me and smiling: "I didn't see it, your acting skills are really good!"

I glanced at him, still looking at the warden with fear on my face.

His hands were trembling a little, and he slowly reached out to the open pendant on the table, but stopped on top of the pendant for a long time, as if it was something scary. It seemed that he was a little afraid to touch it.

In the end, he still didn't pick it up, but shouted loudly: "No. 21005!"

"Here!" I responded loudly, stood up straight, and looked straight ahead.

He looked at me, and his previously pale face turned red, not knowing whether it was because of anger or something else.

"Who gave this to you?"


"Say! Who gave it to you!" His hand was clenched into a fist, with veins pulsing on it.

My forehead was covered with sweat, and I said tremblingly: "I really, really picked it up!" My voice was crying, because he looked so scary.

He glanced down at the small thing on the table, reached out and closed it, and yelled: "Do you think everyone is a fool? Who gave this to you? What is your purpose?"

"Me!" I opened my mouth to explain. I was actually acting before, but now, how can I still act? His face looked like he wanted to eat someone. After swallowing my saliva, I said again: "Warden! I, I want to tell the truth, but, but..." Hesitantly, I lowered my head.

"Say!" He slammed the table again, and the pen and pen holder bounced up, fell to the ground, and rolled everywhere. I was frightened and took a few steps back.

After pondering for a moment, I asked in a low voice: "If, I was what if, and I told the truth, would you believe it?"

"Mo Xiaoya, are you crazy! Do you really want to tell him that this woman gave it to you personally? You should enter the mental hospital tomorrow! Ghosts never joke with people. If you don't do it well before leaving here, She might really kill you for what you promised!" Huo Xiaoran yelled nervously.

I tugged on my ears and glared at him secretly. Is it necessary to yell so loudly? Why is he yelling like this when he knows that only I can hear his voice

Ignoring him, I looked at the warden and said with a white face: "That day, I was put in solitary confinement after beating someone. I slept and woke up, and this thing was beside my bed!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the warden looked unbelievable at first and just stared at me. When I saw the surprise in his eyes was gone and replaced by a room of cold thin ice, I got in front of him. He spoke: "Really! I believe you have seen something with your own eyes. There are really incredible things happening around me! Including this!"

With an innocent look on my face, I looked directly at him. In my heart, I tried my best to calm down my mood and try not to have any extra color in my eyes. I had to make him believe that the thing suddenly appeared on my bedside. , otherwise this matter will be in big trouble!

His eyes looked directly at me, still with the same eagle-like gaze. The difference from last time was that I did not escape, but faced me head-on, very long! This period of time was really long. He kept looking at me like that, squinting, and I found it difficult to breathe in the end, but when I thought of the woman with her eyes falling, I stood up.

"Sit down!" His voice suddenly changed. It was no longer cold, but it seemed a little decadent.

I let out a long breath, of course to avoid him, and then sat down. When I was about to sit down with my knees bent, my feet lost strength due to the fright before, and my body lost weight, but I screamed in my heart. , if this falls, he will become suspicious!

Just as I closed my eyes and began to curse myself in my mind, the feeling under my butt shocked me. Softly and firmly, I sat down on the chair.

"I was really going to compliment you, but I didn't expect that you, a woman, are as stupid as a pig!"

Only then did I realize that it was Huo Xiaoran who helped me! See, there are still benefits to raising a ghost! Of course, I dare not say this.

Sitting down, I looked up and said, "Warden, this..." I pointed to the pendant in front of him.

His expression was very complicated. I could clearly see regret, loss, etc. In short, it was really complicated and kept alternating.

"Mo Xiaoya! Since you arrived here, so many weird things have happened in this short period of time, and this is one of them. But there is one thing that you must consider carefully. If you tell the truth, until Before your execution, I will do my best to keep you safe, but I will never allow anyone to do something strange here!"

His voice was very calm, but it sounded strange to me. He looked at me as if he was waiting for my answer.

"Um, warden, I really don't know about the deaths of Fatty and Hong Ning! I was shocked until I woke up in the morning! And the man who suddenly fell to death from the air, you saw it They're under surveillance. If I knew the strange things you said, they wouldn't dare to kill me!" I looked innocent.

He looked at me for a long time and then said: "In that case, you should go back!"

I was stupid. I didn't expect that he didn't care about the pendant. If I go back like this, wouldn't today's visit be in vain? In the end, I still couldn't figure out anything, and I even lost the pendant that the woman gave me...

"Yes!" I stood up a little disappointed, and just as I was about to leave, I asked in a low voice: "Warden, who is the woman in this photo? She looks exactly like the girl in the photo behind you. like!"

He glared at me but didn't speak again. I was completely disappointed. I didn't expect that even after I talked about it, he still refused to speak.

Boom, boom, boom... Before I even reached the door, someone knocked on the door. Before the warden could answer, he was pushed away.

"Ning Peng, today..." The person who came in looked up and came face to face with me: "Doctor Bai!" I nodded slightly to her.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

I smiled and said, "Come to report the problem to the warden, and hand over the pendant I picked up before!" I turned sideways so that Dr. Bai could see the little thing on the table. Sure enough, I After stepping aside and pointing with his hand, Dr. Bai looked over naturally.

Unexpectedly, the warden suddenly stretched out his hand to put it away, but before he could do it in a hurry, Doctor Bai's eyes widened and he exclaimed: "Jinglan's pendant?"

As soon as he finished shouting, he covered his mouth with both hands, his face turned pale, and his eyes were as wide as copper bells!

Jinglan? That woman's name is Jinglan, and Dr. Bai actually knows her? This issue? My nose smelled of adultery.

"You go out first!" the warden said coldly to me. I nodded and walked past Dr. Bai. Huo Xiaoran followed me and said, "There's a show!"

I glanced at him, this guy used to be cold, when did he become so nosy!

But after I got out, I bent over before the prison guards put the handcuffs on me.

"what are you doing?"

"The shoes! They fell off. They are a little too big. They always fall off when walking. Can you apply for a smaller one?" I complained and squatted down, but I heard the sound of quarreling starting inside.

"Ning Peng! Didn't you say you buried it? Why did it fall here and let a prisoner pick it up!" Dr. Bai's voice was not as gentle as usual. I'm quite surprised!

"It was buried. How do I know where she got it from?" The warden was still cold.

I remembered the photo of Dr. Bai and Dr. Bai on the warden's desk. It seems that these two people don't look like in the photo!

"You still can't forget Jinglan? After all I've done, do you still miss her? Then who am I? Have you ever thought about my feelings? What do you think of me? Look at me! I am Bai Lan, not Liu Jinglan! I am Bai Lan!"

"Are you crazy! Let me go!"

"I won't let you go! I won't let you go even if I die. Why are you doing this to me?" Dr. Bai suddenly started crying, his voice sounding aggrieved.

"If you are not satisfied, you can leave. The further away from me, the better! No one will force you to stay!"

After Dr. Bai screamed, I heard a bang, which sounded like he fell to the ground.

"Ning Peng! I won't leave, don't even think about it! It's all Liu Jinglan. If it weren't for her, you would still love me as before. Why? Why, it's so unfair to me!" Dr. Bai cried even more sadly. .

"Hurry up! What are you doing!" the prison guard urged. I shook my head and could only stand up resigned to my fate, raised my hands, waited for her to put on the handcuffs, and then left with her.

What happened to Dr. Bai, the warden, and the woman who died tragically? With full of doubts, I winked at Huo Xiaoran and asked him to stay and listen again, maybe I can find clues!

her memory

As the warden said, this is the epitome of society. During dinner, I sat down with Sister Li and Sister Liu. I remember when I first entered that cell, they said that the time spent here is the longest. long.

"Did you go to the warden today to report the problem?" Sister Li asked.

I nodded and said, "We can't let Tong Li's beating be in vain!"

"What happened to the warden?"

I curled my lips and replied: "What can you say with that ice face? There is no evidence! It's obvious from a glance that a man like the warden can't find a wife!"

Sister Liu seemed to be choked and kept coughing. Sister Li was much better and just laughed. After a while, she pushed my hand and said: "You don't understand this, that doctor from the infirmary Have you seen Dr. Bai? She is a very beautiful person, but she is obsessed with the ice cube you mentioned."

"Is there really a woman willing to marry him?" I stared, shocked.

Sister Liu, who seldom spoke, suddenly spoke: "There's more than one!"

"Yes! Speaking of this, there was a lot of trouble here at that time!"

"What's going on? Tell me?" I asked curiously.

Sister Liu glanced at me and said nothing until I asked the second time. Sister Li, who was talkative, moved her head to my side and whispered: "Many years ago, not long after I came in, the warden's first An old woman is the prison guard here! At that time, the warden was not this ice-faced, he was young, tall, and looked energetic and handsome!" Suddenly she stopped.

I thought she would continue talking, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't speak again, so I looked at her and asked: "The first one? Is he divorced?"

Sister Li suddenly looked around and nervously whispered in my ear: "Dead! Just die in the solitary room!"

I turned to look at Sister Li with a horrified look on her face. Sister Li said again: "I heard that he died so miserably. He was made miserable by a crazy patient. He died like this at such a young age. From then on, the prison He has turned into an ice face since he grew up, and I have never seen him smile in all the years I have been here."

I lowered my head and started to eat seriously. It was right. That woman must be Liu Jinglan, and the warden was the owner of the pendant - Ning Peng!

There's just one thing I haven't been able to figure out. Huo Xiaoran said that the reason why dead people don't want to leave is mostly because of resentment. What about Liu Jinglan? It doesn't sound like she has any resentment. It's not an uncommon incident for a prison guard to be injured by a prisoner. It's just that she was unlucky.

Suddenly I remembered another little figure in the pendant, her child! Could it be that she never left because she missed her children? If so, wouldn't it be enough to just tell her that the child is living a good life

In the evening, Huo Xiaoran sat by my bed on time. I asked him to read what I had written before about what I had learned from Sister Li. After reading it, he said nothing.

I took another notebook and wrote: What happened to them later

"It's such a noisy! It's obvious at a glance that that man doesn't like that doctor." He said very calmly. This is a man. If you like it, it’s a treasure. If you don’t like it, it’s worse than grass! But this woman is also a strange creature. If she really falls in love with someone, then she can be considered a true man! Even ten cows can't pull it!

What about their relationship? I wrote again.

Huo Xiaoran shook his head: "After you left, the man didn't talk much for a few days. The doctor just kept crying and kept talking about those few words."

I nodded and wrote again: Can you go to the solitary room to find the woman named Liu Jinglan? I want to talk to her!

"Let me go talk to her! Didn't you say she looks scary? How dare you see her?" The smile on Huo Xiaoran's face had a bad feeling.

I snorted and the pen quickly moved across the paper: I will do it myself. You have already said that I picked up her things myself, so it must be done by me. As long as I send her away, we will go early. Leave.

Huo Xiaoran nodded and disappeared out of thin air in front of me! Although I have seen it many times, I am still a little uncomfortable with it, but think about it, how can he leave without disappearing? Looking at the wall not far away is much better than watching him walk through the wall!

At night, because I always write and draw with a notebook, they have long been accustomed to it. Although the night vision light next to my bed is on, they still sleep deeply.

As soon as I stretched, Huo Xiaoran appeared next to me and pointed to the door. Only then did I see a figure standing there, motionless.

I winked at Huo Xiaoran, because I couldn't speak. If the people in the cell saw this, it would be okay!

"Your name is Liu Jinglan!" Huo Xiaoran said.

I watched carefully and saw her moving slowly, but the movement was really creepy. If Huo Xiaoran hadn't been here, I think I would have screamed, because her feet almost didn't move. , but her whole body was moving, plus her messy hair and the eyeball that fell outside the eye frame.

Although it was the second time I saw her, I was still not used to it. I took a deep breath, picked up the pen in my hand and wrote: Ning Peng, is the warden, right

After Huo Xiaoran read it, he conveyed it aloud, but Liu Jinglan, who had been staring straight at me, made no movement at all. Her eyes were as distracted as before.

I picked up the writing and asked Huo Xiaoran to look at it. Huo Xiaoran asked again: "Tell me, what do you want us to do for you?" When Huo Xiaoran finished speaking, I gave him a fierce look. Where could I be? If there is a word about us, it is obvious that only me is written! Fortunately for him, he put him together with me, but I ignored him and waited for Liu Jinglan's reply.

To my disappointment, Liu Jinglan still didn't speak and stood there expressionless. I took a long breath and wrote again: "Do you know Bai Lan?"

As soon as Huo Xiaoran finished speaking, Liu Jinglan suddenly reacted, but her expression was a bit scary. She kept repeating: "White blue, white blue, white blue..."

My hands kept scratching my face, and I looked at Huo Xiaoran in confusion. Huo Xiaoran sat next to me and whispered: "She looks like a wandering spirit!"

Seeing the confusion on my face, he explained: "When she died, due to some reasons, such as losing her memory, or leaving only fragmented memories, that's why she was like this."

I nodded, quickly finished writing on the paper, and handed it to Huo Xiaoran. After Huo Xiaoran saw it, he had a look of disgust on his face and said nothing. It wasn't until I pushed him that he reluctantly said: "Liu Jinglan, Ning Peng still loves you. Your death was just an accident. Relax." , go where you should go!"

"No! It's not an accident!"

Huo Xiaoran and I were frightened by Liu Jinglan who suddenly spoke out. She can talk!

"What do you remember?" Huo Xiaoran asked before I could write.

Liu Jinglan had a confused look on her face. She was desperately grabbing her head and face with both hands, and her broken fingers were shaking there strangely. I turned my head away and tried not to care.

"I want to see him! I want to tell him that my death was not an accident!" Liu Jinglan suddenly shouted, her face looking a little crazy and distorted.

Huo Xiaoran said again: "He can't see you! What do you want? We've also asked about it. Your child is living a good life. Just let it go!"

I nodded in agreement, but I didn't expect Liu Jinglan to suddenly rush towards me. Huo Xiaoran moved and separated me from Liu Jinglan.

"Don't push yourself too far!" Huo Xiaoran's voice was cold.

Liu Jinglan suddenly started crying, her voice was like a cat's meow, but it sounded a little breathtaking, making people feel goosebumps. With the rising and falling sound, the air in the cell suddenly began to rotate rapidly. It started very quickly, but as she started crying, the wind speed suddenly increased.

Things on the table were blown loudly, and my hair was blown up. What's even weirder is that the rapidly rotating air even pulled Tong Li's quilt! I watched in horror, wanting to say something, but I didn't dare, until Sister Li suddenly screamed, and the harsh voice scared not only me.

Tong Li also woke up with a start, pulling on the quilt in fear. Sister Liu was sitting on the bed, also screaming. I patted Huo Xiaoran on the back, reminding him to stop the crazy Liu Jinglan. The screams from the cell finally stopped The prison guards came, but as soon as the door opened, the wind suddenly stopped. Things that were blown into the air by the wind suddenly fell to the ground and fell all over the floor.

In front of his eyes, Huo Xiaoran suddenly disappeared, and the crazy Liu Jinglan also disappeared at the same time. When the prison guard opened the door, he saw, in addition to a few terrified people, a mess all over the ground.

"What's going on?" the prison guard asked.

Sister Li trembled, pointed at something on the ground and whispered: "There is, there is a ghost!"

Tong Li also seemed to be frightened, but she didn’t say anything and just looked at me. I avoided her gaze and said nothing. Sister Liu, who rarely spoke, also echoed from the side: "There is really a ghost. "He also pointed to the things on the ground and talked about everything he had just seen.

Of course, with the puzzled eyes of the prison guard, he just told us to pack our things and wait for inspection tomorrow. Sister Li's legs were so weak that she couldn't even get off the bed, and Tong Li was injured. Sister Liu tried to get up, but I stopped her.

"I can't sleep anyway, let me do it!" After saying that, I started to pack up. I really didn't expect this. If I had known this would happen, I might as well have gone to the solitary room, at least it wouldn't have caused such a fuss.

I feel a little unsure, I don’t know how to explain all this tomorrow! Where is Huo Xiaoran? I looked at the door from time to time. He and Liu Jinglan disappeared together. I suddenly felt a little worried. After packing up the things on the floor, the cell was as quiet as death. I knew that they probably couldn't sleep because of what happened just now. Strange wind.

And I couldn't sleep because I was worried about Huo Xiaoran!

Ice Cube opened his mouth

I almost spent the whole night with my eyes open, because as soon as I closed my eyes, I would think of Huo Xiaoran’s thick back standing in front of me. He saved me again, but this time, why was his shadow It's like an imprint that's been firmly etched into my heart!

As the prison guard said in the evening, we were taken to the warden's office early in the morning without even having breakfast. When we arrived at the door, we were not allowed to go in together. I was pushed to the end and stood at the door for a long time. Whenever they come out, they will look at me strangely, and because of that look, I feel even more confused.

The only difference was that when Tong Li came out, she gave me a reassuring look, and the stone in my heart fell steadily to the ground.

I pushed the door open and walked in. I just stood there without saying anything. When I saw the slightly dark swelling under the eyes of the warden, I guess he didn't get some peace last night either! I didn't expect that little pendant would have such a result.

"Mo Xiaoya!"

Listening to that tired voice, I was stunned for a moment. He was different from before. Just because of his contrasting voice, I even forgot to stand up straight and shout.

It wasn't until he glanced at me in confusion and called my name again coldly that I responded loudly: "Here!"

He pointed to the chair in front of the table, and I sighed lowly before sitting down, waiting for him to lecture me.

"Tell me, what happened last night?" he asked.

Because I had been worried about Huo Xiaoran all night, I didn't even have time to think about how to deal with it today. I opened and closed my mouth, closed and opened it again, but still not a single word came out.

He looked at me, frowned, and said, "Don't say you don't know. What they said before was very detrimental to you. Today is your last chance."

It can be seen that he did not scare me, because Sister Liu and Sister Li were really scared yesterday. All the weird things that happened were surrounding me, and anyone would associate them with me.

After pondering for a while, I said softly: "Warden, I also find this kind of thing very strange, but there is one thing I decided to tell the truth." I knew that if I said I didn't know again this time, there would be no consequences. It is good fruit.

When I saw that the expression on his face relaxed slightly, I said: "All this was caused by the pendant I picked up. Until I had the same dream last night, that thing appeared in the house. A weird scene.”

"Same dream?"

I nodded: "Yes, when I picked up that weird pendant before, I didn't pay attention to it, but last night I had that dream again, as if I saw that person again!" I spoke quickly, my voice They were all trembling.

He looked at me in confusion and asked, "That person?"

"Yes!" I nodded my head desperately and added, "She is a very scary-looking woman! Her eyeballs even looked like they were falling out, and even three of her fingers were broken! "I was gesturing with my hands, but I was looking at the ever-changing expression on his face from the corner of my eyes.

After I mentioned all the characteristics of that woman, I stroked my chest and waited for his reaction. The warden looked at me for a long time, with various expressions in his eyes.

"Warden! I think I've seen a ghost, don't you think so? What's more, when I woke up in a daze yesterday, there was that weird wind blowing in the room! We were all scared!"

I prayed in my heart that he could accept what I wanted to express. If I didn't face Huo Xiaoran for real, even I wouldn't believe it, let alone him! I have tried very hard to explain this matter from a perspective that normal people can understand.

"Did you dream about it?" he asked suddenly.

I nodded and then shook my head, and said loudly: "No! After that strange thing happened last night, I thought about it seriously, and I felt that it was not a dream! That feeling was too real! She stood there You can move your body without even using your feet there, and there’s that pendant. I clearly remember that after I dreamed about her, that thing appeared next to my bed!”

After I said so much, he remained calm. I was afraid of being dismissed by him, so I hurriedly said: "Warden, some things cannot be explained by science. I am wondering if she Is there anything you need to accomplish or are you waiting for someone?”

I waited for him to answer, but what I got was his unpredictable look. Suddenly I remembered the words Liu Jinglan kept repeating before she went crazy, and hurriedly said: "By the way! She is still in my dream." Li kept saying that her death was not an accident! She kept repeating it!"

As soon as the words fell, the face of the warden, who had always been calm, suddenly turned pale. Without saying anything, his body suddenly fell limply into the chair, and his eyes were even a little blank.

"Also! Although that woman is a bit scary, the intact half of her face looks very much like the woman holding the child in the pendant! Do you think she could be the ghost of that woman?" It is said that one should strike while the iron is hot. Of course I understand this truth.

When I finished speaking, I saw tears in his eyes. In fact, I really wanted to yell and ask him to speak out so that I could solve this problem, but he was like a dead duck. Don't speak.

"And, and more! That woman was wearing a prison guard's clothes! I think she must have been a prison guard in this prison before she died!" I scratched my head and continued: "By the way, warden, that one Have you looked at the pendant carefully? There is a message on it and a signature. I remember it is a man named Ning Peng!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I looked at the warden with a horrified look on my face, and then murmured: "I called Dr. Bai when he came in yesterday..."

I exhaled a long breath in my heart. I have said this, everything has been done. Next, I can only obey God's will. This acting is really difficult. Every word must have an expression of belief, so that It’s really embarrassing for a simple person like me to do this!

"Jinglan! My Jinglan!"

When I heard the warden's voice, I almost cried with joy. He finally spoke!

When I was in college, I went to a few psychology classes. It was just out of curiosity. I didn’t expect that what I learned unintentionally would actually come in handy. I remember that at that time, the teacher said that human emotions are a very subtle thing. When the mood is calm, it can even become impregnable.

But once the pain deep in the heart is touched, people will become fragile. At this time, all the warden's behaviors have already corresponded to what the teacher said at that time, exactly the same.

I didn't say anything else, I just waited patiently. Sure enough, after a while, the warden's tears fell from his eyes, one drop after another, which made me feel distressed just looking at him.

After a long time, he came to his senses, calmed down, and looked at me for a long time before asking: "Can you really dream about her?"

I nodded affirmatively. I knew it would be very difficult for him to fully accept this kind of thing. I responded: "I always have the feeling that she is in the confinement room!"

"Warden? Who is she?" I asked quietly.

He looked at me for a long time, but finally closed his eyes, turned his face to the window behind him, letting the sunlight fall on his face, and then slowly said: "She is my wife, just like you I mean, she worked here during her lifetime, but due to an accident, she died in the solitary room."


"Yes! A prisoner suddenly became insane. She died miserably! When she died, it was just like what you just described!" His voice sounded heartbreaking, but it made people feel the warmth. love.

Only then did I understand why Bai Lan cried so sadly yesterday. Judging from his current behavior, he may have never loved Bai Lan. Until now, when talking about Liu Jinglan, there is still love in his expression and voice.

At this point, I also feel sorry for Bai Lan. I heard that Bai Lan has been married to him for more than ten years. He spends his best time with someone who has never loved him and may not fall in love with him in the future. Man, what a sad and heavy love that is...

"Can you tell me how she died?" I asked.

The warden did not turn around, but raised his head slightly, allowing more sunlight to shine on him, as if he was in someone's arms. The corners of his mouth rose slightly when he looked at him.

I guess he was reminiscing! It should be that kind of good memory...

I waited until after a long time, he lowered his head. I couldn't see his expression, but I heard that his voice had lost its warmth.

"I still remember that day. Before her accident, she made an appointment with me to pick up the child together after work. But just before leaving work, when she sent the prisoner back to the solitary room from the infirmary, what she didn't expect was that the prisoner suddenly went crazy. He hurt her crazily. She was so kind and could have killed her on the spot, but she didn't..."

"She was dragged desperately by the prisoner, and she couldn't even press the alarm bell. When she was finally discovered, she had already..." He stopped at this point, his voice trembled, and his body twitched slightly.

I asked again: "What about the prisoner?"

I was a little worried in my heart. Speaking of which, this incident was considered an accident, but Liu Jinglan's death was considered a wasted death. Maybe she was unwilling to leave because of her own death. If the prisoner could be found, maybe Liu Jinglan could be released Think of something and leave.

Of course, this was just my own thought until the warden slowly said: "The prisoner committed suicide on the spot!"

I looked at the warden in surprise, and once again my calculations failed. I thought I had a glimmer of hope, but I never thought that even this last hope would be shattered.

"Have you investigated it?" I asked anxiously.

The truth is one step away

"That incident was just an accident in the end. Such things are very common, but very few people lost their lives because there were a few people who were as kind as her..."

In the end, I came to the conclusion that Liu Jinglan died in an accident, just as the matter was determined back then. When I returned to the cell, I still didn't have the heart to think about Liu Jinglan, because it had been almost a day and Huo Xiaoran hadn't even shown his shadow.

Seeing that it was late at night, I turned on the night vision light and drew randomly on the notebook with a pen in my hand. I was in a terrible mood!

"What? You can't sleep at night after not seeing each other for a day?"

Hearing his voice, I finally felt relaxed. When I saw that his face was still casual, the almost translucent look on his body made my heart suddenly tighten.

"What's wrong with you?" I even forgot that I couldn't speak and asked as soon as I opened my mouth.

He pointed to the opposite side, and I shut up and looked at him nervously. He shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I'm just helping Liu Jinglan regain her memory, so that you can help her much more smoothly."

As soon as I finished speaking, I lost my mind. He was actually trying to help me! I was dumbfounded, just looking at him...

"Although it took a long time, I still got an unexpected surprise!" He raised his lips and looked at