Ghost Invasion

Chapter 36: Works related (36)


Just shout "Come back" and those disturbing sounds will suddenly disappear!

Until I was running in the dark. Suddenly, it was like his feet were in the air, and his whole body seemed to have fallen from a very high place. His body was spinning in the air, and he was feeling dizzy. Dai Feng's service skills.

"The mother of the sun! Wake up. The mother of the sun!"

Just when I was spinning dizzy in the darkness, I felt someone slapped me on the face. When I slowly opened my eyes, I suddenly stood up from the chair, but my whole body He collapsed on the ground, but I'm worried about Huo Xiaoran! That voice still hurts my heart: "Huo Xiaoran! Huo Xiaoran..."

I tried hard to explain clearly, but Granny Chen touched me, and with a lot of effort, she pulled me to the chair and shook her hand. After a long time, he said: "Don't worry, he's fine!"

I was relieved. As long as Granny Chen said it was okay, nothing would happen! "Sun! Where's our sun!" I shouted again.

Grandma Chen pointed to the little man on the bed and pulled me back to the chair: "Don't worry, everything is back to normal! You should have a good rest first and be careful with your body!"

I don’t know if it’s because everything I was worried about was fine, or because my body is just too weak. Anyway, I collapsed on the chair, breathing heavily!

Grandma Chen's face was also a little pale. She sat on the bed of the sun, then took a box from somewhere and put it in my hand. She said slowly: "This time it is really thanks to Huo Xiaoran, otherwise I would I really don’t know what the outcome will be, I didn’t expect you to enter the depths of the sun’s soul, if it weren’t for Huo Xiaoran, I might not be able to get you back, so I’ll leave him to you!”

he? I was completely dumbfounded. I looked at the box. Inside...

I suddenly felt that my whole body was empty, like there was nothing in my heart! "He! He is..." I couldn't say the word "death", and tears fell down instantly, falling drop by drop on the box in my hand. I regret, I regret that when I heard his scream, I should go back, even if I died, I should face it with him.

In my mind, that handsome face appeared, sometimes charming, sometimes cold, sometimes sexy... The man who had always been by my side actually did this to get me back...

"What are you thinking about? I told you he's fine!" Grandma Chen suddenly slapped my forehead. I stroked my forehead blankly, and I couldn't react. What was going on? Give me something like Something like an urn, and then said he was fine

"To put it simply, he consumes too much and needs time to rest, so from now on, remember to nourish him with your blood every day!" After finishing speaking, Granny Chen glared at me.

Anyway, I finally understood: "Is it enough to just give her blood every day?" I asked...

Granny Chen nodded, then suddenly took the box back, looked at me seriously and said: "Silly boy, remember that only one drop of blood is enough. And if you have menstruation, you don't need to give him a drop of blood. Then It will hurt him, remember?”

I nodded. On the bed, the sun began to hum softly. Zuo Ming, who was still by the door, suddenly rushed to the bed, holding the hand of the sun and gently aroused the sun.

After a while, Taiyang finally woke up slowly and opened his eyes. His eyes were as red as a rabbit. They looked like they were caused by crying for a long time.

When she woke up, she looked at Zuo Ming without saying a word, and looked at me from time to time. Granny Chen didn't ask Taiyang much. She just casually asked if she felt uncomfortable anywhere. Taiyang just shook his head and didn't say anything. Neither crying nor fussing, just looking lifeless!

Grandma Chen looked at it and asked me in a low voice: "Can you leave? Let's go out and chat!"

I nodded. Granny Chen held my hand. I held Huo Xiaoran's box and slowly walked out of the door. Before closing the door, I asked Zuo Ming to take care of the sun. The boy nodded seriously and responded. Next, I just left.

Granny Chen and I didn't go far, so we sat down on the chairs at the door of the hospital next door. I looked at Granny Chen's face and asked carefully, "What's wrong?"

Granny Chen was silent for a long time, then she looked at me and said, "Where did you find the sun? What did you see?"

I frowned in confusion and looked at her solemn expression. Although I felt unsure, I still told her everything. The first thing I mentioned was that she saw me die as soon as I came out of the darkness. Mother.

Granny Chen interrupted me and said, "That's what you miss."

"Then what happened when I suddenly felt like I was back in college?" Of course I didn't tell her that I also met the person I had secretly missed.

Grandma Chen suddenly laughed, looked at me and said, "That time should be the most promising time in your life. You met the person you most wanted to see at that time, right?"

My face turned red immediately. I obviously didn't tell her, but I still couldn't hide it, so I had to lower my head and nodded resignedly.

"Fortunately! You were not deceived by your own demonic obstacles! At that time, you had already left your soul and were on your way to find the sun. What you felt was all real, but it was the person you wanted to see the most. , but it’s false! Those are all roads and lonely souls. They want you to stay... "

"Stop! Stop talking about this, it's so annoying!" I interrupted Granny Chen. If I continued to listen to this, I wanted to stamp my hands and shoulders!

"Then tell me about it later. After I suddenly remembered Huo Xiaoran, he suddenly appeared in a strange place!" I said.

Granny Chen frowned and looked at me, and I began to describe the woods: "In that woods, the thick trees seemed to grow above the sky. I could actually see the blue sky, but I saw those trees. The leaves, do you think they are strange or not? The most strange things to me are the evil spirits!"

"Evil spirit?" Granny Chen suddenly asked.

I nodded: "Yes! I am sure that it is an evil spirit. It feels good and looks good. It is absolutely correct!" I have seen that kind of thing not only once or twice, but also every time. The memories I left behind are so profound, how could I possibly forget them!

"Go on!" Granny Chen ordered.

I started to remember again: "I couldn't find the sun, but I saw the evil spirits going to the same place, so I followed them. When I got there, I saw a black hole-like thing, and the evil spirits were all I got in from there, because I heard the sound of the sun coming from inside, so I went in too.”

"But when we came out, it turned out to be Lin Maoxiang! And I am the gate of Huo's house!"

"Why are you at the door of Huo's house?" Granny Chen seemed to be talking to herself. I didn't understand why she asked, so I could only stop and wait until she raised her head and asked, "What happened next?"

I then went on to talk about the time I entered Huo's house: "I saw a man floating in the air. He was dressed very strangely. What should I say? It felt like he was in strange clothes, and then... that's right!" I yelled and said excitedly : "I saw Huo Ran, it's unmistakable. When I went to Linmao Township to give birth to the sun, I saw her portrait. At that time, I didn't know it was her. This time I left the soul, I heard the portrait of the woman in strange clothes. The man called her Huo Ran, and she really looks exactly like the person in the painting!"

"Huo Ran?" Granny Chen almost jumped up from the chair and reached out to pull me excitedly. I almost dropped the box containing Huo Xiaoran, but I stabilized myself so that I didn't drop him.

"Then what? Who else?" Granny Chen's face turned red.

I returned: "Huo Ran called the man in the sky Ye Lin! I remember the last time Tai Yang had a nightmare at home, he said he had dreamed about this man and Huo Ran!"

Grandma Chen suddenly let go of my hand. She seemed to have lost her center of gravity and fell backwards. Fortunately, someone happened to pass by and helped her up. Otherwise, she would have fallen down. Concussion! Thanks to that person's help in helping Granny Chen to the chair, but after the person looked at the box in my hand, he said something serious and sincere, "I'm sorry!"

I couldn't argue with others, so I could only nod and thank the person. To be honest, the box in my hand really looked like an urn! It is normal to be misunderstood.

"Are you okay?" I made a fan for Grandma Chen and fanned her.

Granny Chen didn't say anything for a long time. She blushed and opened her mouth to me, but there was no sound. This really scared me to death. It looked like she had a heart attack.

But fortunately, after struggling for a long time, she finally said: "Ye Lin, Ye, he is the devil boy!"

A few simple words made me look like someone who had a heart attack. At this time, I looked at Granny Chen, her mind was buzzing, she couldn't think, and her body seemed to have had its soul taken away, unable to think. move! Devil boy! That man is actually the legendary devil boy? That face! Zuo Ming…

who are they

I stood up suddenly and rushed back, Devil Boy! Zuo Ming is probably the devil boy, otherwise why would he have that face! open the door. What he received was Zuo Ming's questioning gaze. Taiyang was feeling better than before. Although his eyes were still a little red, he was talking to Zuo Ming.

Zuo Ming was holding a bowl and a spoon in his hands, carefully feeding Sun Water. When I looked at this picture, I felt conflicted again! Could it be him

"No, it's okay, I'm just worried about the sun!" I said.

Zuo Ming said softly: "With me here, she..."

I left before he could finish. After closing the door, I watched carefully through the crack in the door. Zuo Ming began to carefully scoop out water, feed it to the sun, and even smiled at the sun! This is the first time I see Zuo Mingxiao, it’s really beautiful! A smile even more distracting than Huo Xiaoran's, and there would be nostalgia in Taiyang's eyes from time to time.

Will not! Zuo Ming is so kind to Taiyang. How could it be a devil boy? I suddenly remembered what I saw deep in the soul of the sun. If the devil boy was Ye Lin, wouldn't Ye Lin have been confessing his feelings to Huo Ran? Could it be said that the sun, the sun, will be the reincarnation of Huo Ran

I almost forgot to breathe because of my speculation and ran back to Granny Chen. I stared at her for a long time and decided to tell her!

Granny Chen was much better than before. Although she was slumped in the chair, her face was much better. I hesitated for a while and then said, "Grandma Chen, who do you think the devil boy is?" I didn't tell Zuo Ming because I remembered that Taiyang had been clinging to Zuo Ming since he met him.

Grandma Chen looked at me and then said: "This. I don't know, because what you see is the soul of the sun!"

"The sun?" I asked confused, what does this mean? I pondered, and when I figured it out, I also yelled: "Do you mean that the sun can also be a devil boy?"

Granny Chen nodded, and said slowly and solemnly: "Those two people you see are probably the sun."

I know she is referring to Huo Ran and Mo Tong, but...

"That's not right. Granny Chen, doesn't it mean that Taiyang cannot be a devil boy if he has the blood of the Huo family?"

"This is usually the case! So in my opinion, she is more likely to be the reincarnation of Huo Ran!" As soon as Granny Chen finished speaking, I felt relaxed instantly, but if what Granny Chen said is true, The possibility that Zuo Ming might be a demon boy is almost 100%! Duanwan is carried on both sides.

Not only do they look alike, but the sun also likes him so much... Wait! I suddenly remembered that I saw a person at the end!

"Grandma Chen! The last time I saw someone there, I remember her surname was Huo, and her name was, yes, her name seemed to be Huo Guling!" I exclaimed.

Granny Chen looked at me, lowered her head, and took a breath. She seemed to be thinking about something. From time to time, she would mutter that name to herself. After a while, she suddenly raised her head and looked at me. Asked: "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I nodded and said, "As soon as he entered Huo's house, he stood next to Yang Yang and said that Ye Lin loved Huo Ran because he wanted to get the key!" I remember what he said at the time, and then Huo Ran cried.

"The sun can't be Huo Guling!" Granny Chen suddenly said, shaking her head before turning to me: "That person was also the key in that war. In fact, his surname was not Huo! That was when he entered the Huo family In order to express his dignity, the Huo family gave him a gift, so he got the surname Huo!"

I don’t quite understand, but I want to know who that person is: “So who is he?”

"I also heard from the elders that the reason why Huo Ran entered into a marriage agreement with Huo Guling was to unite that race, that race with mysterious power!"

No matter how I heard this, I felt that Granny Chen only said half of what she said. What race and what mysterious power? "What is it?"

Granny Chen didn't reply for a long time, as if she had lost her mind. It took a long time to respond: "He is the guardian of the immortals. They have no pain, no death, and even very few emotions! They are not born, dead, or destroyed." , The place they guard is a peaceful place, and it is said that souls who are qualified to go there will no longer have to suffer the pain of reincarnation."

"The Immortal?" So familiar! correct! Huo Xiaoran said it!

I pulled Grandma Chen and asked excitedly: "Are they the group that has the ability to see into the depths of the soul?" Huo Xiaoran said that only they can figure out how the nightmare of the sun comes back.

Granny Chen nodded and asked, "Huo Xiaoran told you, right?"

"Yes!" I responded. But I never thought that the man named Gu Ling would be of that race!

"If Huo Ran reincarnates and appears, the key will definitely appear, and the devil boy will definitely follow!" Granny Chen said.

She didn't know that the two words that followed made me nervous. I asked in a panic: "What does "tight" and "sui" mean?" If the sun were Huo Ran, there would only be one person following her, and that would be Zuo Ming!

Granny Chen glanced at me and said nothing. She patted my back and said, "Don't worry! I will report this situation to the organization. I hope they will have countermeasures." After saying that, Granny Chen held on to the wall. He stood up as if to leave.

I hurriedly grabbed her and asked carefully: "Um, Granny Chen, is there someone who guards the Eternal Ones in the organization you mentioned?"

Granny Chen looked at me for a while and then shook her head: "No! That powerful race, because they don't have any emotions, they will not participate in this kind of thing. The reason why they participated in the war three thousand years ago That's all because of Huo Ran! I don't know how Huo Ran invited them."

I lowered my head in frustration, I don’t know! If I don’t even know Grandma Chen, I don’t know who to go to!

Everything that happened was too fast and too chaotic, and I couldn't react. Looking at the moon outside the window, I suddenly wanted to leave here, take the sun Huo Xiaoran with me, and go to a place where there is no money and live happily there. Here, Too much harm, too much intrigue, too much intrigue...

"Auntie! Go get some sleep, I will watch the sun!"

Zuo Ming's voice interrupted my thoughts. Looking at him, I was worried but also relieved. I shook my head and didn't speak for a long time. I put my hand on the window, feeling the coldness, and said to myself: "Our sun will never belong to the devil boy!"

"Of course she is not!" Zuo Ming interrupted me, but I was dumbfounded. Zuo Ming's tone was very firm, and this was not the first time Zuo Ming said this, and a child like him knew what a devil boy was. ! I looked at him in surprise and asked, "Xiao Ming, do you know what a devil boy is?"

He just glanced at me, then turned back to Taiyang's bedside, took Taiyang's hand, and said nothing. I looked at him, very puzzled. I remember Granny Chen said that the devil boy may have already Awakening, could it be said that Zuo Ming is really a devil boy? That's why he is so sure that the sun is not!

I was frightened by my own thoughts. Looking at the face that looked exactly like Ye Lin, my heart beat faster...

Early in the morning, Chen Rui came with Chen Cheng, and also brought porridge that was said to be made by Chen Rui himself.

"It's not done well either! It's just that Taiyang slept for such a long time, and just woke up, I think it's better to eat something light." After saying that, Chen Rui started to take the bowl and handed it to Taiyang. Zuo Ming naturally He took it and began to feed the sun seriously.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Taiyang! Are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?" Chen Cheng stood beside Taiyang's bed and asked like a little adult. I felt a little funny looking at the scene. The atmosphere of the three children said It was strange, because Chen Cheng never talked to Zuo Ming, and Zuo Ming never took the initiative to talk to him.

But both boys will take the initiative to please the sun. This is what I find most strange!

Yang Yang looked at Chen Cheng and didn't reply for a long time. He just looked at him. I was about to answer the question for Yang Yang, but Yang Yang said childishly: "You really look like Tangtang!"

Chen Cheng suddenly laughed and scratched his head in embarrassment. Taiyang smiled at him and ignored him. Instead, he kept looking at Zuo Ming, and his little hand was holding Zuo Ming tightly!

Chen Rui and I chatted about each other, but from the corner of our eyes, we looked at the three children from time to time. Chen Cheng always looked for opportunities to talk to the sun, but the sun seemed not to pay attention to him. , until Zuo Ming finished feeding all the porridge in the bowl, told me to wash the bowl, turned around and left.

Chen Cheng suddenly ran over and said he wanted to buy something for Taiyang. Before Chen Rui could even agree, he chased her out. It felt weird and urgent!

"Please help me look after the sun while I go to the bathroom!" I also chased him out.

Sure enough, on the corridor not far away, two boys were looking at each other like that. I didn't dare to move and walked to the stairs opposite, leaning sideways and listening.

"I owe it to you, so give up!"

I could tell it was Zuo Ming's voice, cold and emotionless.

"Joke! Do you think she will look at you more when you are like this?" This is Chen Cheng, but he doesn't say it like a child, his tone is completely cold.

"Would you look at me more, didn't you see? Don't think that what you did, I don't know, I'm just not worried! Even if she remembers it, that person will only be me!" Zuo Ming said After that, the corridor became quiet!

Chen Cheng didn't reply. After a while, I saw Chen Cheng walking past me. It looked like he was thinking about something. He didn't even notice me and went downstairs.

I was still standing there thinking stupidly, this conversation was so incredible. What is the relationship between these two people who look like children? What does it have to do with the sun

Not long after, Zuo Ming also came back, holding a clean bowl in his hand. When he walked past me, he stopped in front of me and looked at me with confusion in his eyes. I hurriedly said: "The sun is looking for you." , I’ll come out and call you!”

Zuo Ming nodded and then returned to the ward, but I lost some strength because of his cold eyes!

A different Huo Xiaoran

Early in the morning, after doing some tests, the doctor told me that I could take Taiyang home! After Chen Rui left with Chen Cheng. Granny Chen and I just started packing some sun things.

I keep thinking about the conversation I heard in the corridor. It was so weird. The words were not spoken by two children, but the sun...

"Taiyang's mother! Don't worry, Taiyang is very healthy now!" Granny Chen said.

I looked at the sun next to me. Although the sun could jump and laugh, it looked a little different. She seemed not as talkative as before, as if something was missing!

"Grandma Chen! Is our sun really okay? I always feel that she is missing something!" I said.

She came over and took Taiyang to look at it seriously. After a short while, he stood up and said with some confusion: "Maybe he was scared. Let's wait for a few days and see. If it still doesn't get better, I'll think of a solution!"

I nodded and found a reason to push Zuo Ming away. Then she quietly asked Granny Chen, "Where's Chen Cheng?" Today was the first time Granny Chen saw Chen Cheng. Granny Chen was quite surprised at that time, but when she met Chen Cheng's puzzled eyes, Granny Chen He became calm.

She said nothing. I asked again: "How come two unrelated people look so similar?"

"I will check it out. I have to figure it out before I leave!" Granny Chen said.

I am finally relieved. As long as Granny Chen finds out, this mystery will be solved! I don’t have to worry anymore!

"Sun! Do you miss uncle?" Huo Xiaojin shouted, squatting down towards the sun and opening his hands.

Yang Yang rushed into Huo Xiaojin's arms with a smile and nodded vigorously, but he didn't talk as much as usual. She didn't speak, and looked more like a child.

Seeing him holding the sun with a satisfied smile on his face, I still asked: "How is it? Have you found out?"

Huo Xiaojin looked at Granny Chen, and I understood what he meant and said, "It's okay, just tell me!"

"It is true that the last person Taiyang came into contact with was Chen Cheng, but there was not much information. Chen Cheng just held Taiyang for a moment. Taiyang fainted! There was also a letter from overseas, but the woman Chen Rui was not found. In this situation, they are like two people who appeared out of nowhere!" Huo Xiaojin frowned as he spoke.

I want to discuss this matter with Huo Xiaoran when I go back. When I think of this, I unconsciously look at my backpack. There is exactly the box in it. Suddenly I feel lost. Granny Chen says it’s okay. But I haven't seen him since I woke up. Is he really okay

After Zuo Ming came back, I didn't say anything anymore. I carried Taiyang's things and left the hospital. I originally invited Granny Chen to go back and live there. After all, she said she would stay here for a while to find out who Chen Cheng was. It wasn't Tangtang, but she refused with a smile, saying that there was no need to worry about her, how could she not have a place to live.

Sure enough, when I was holding the sun in my arms and waiting for Huo Xiaojin to drive over at the entrance of the hospital, Ji Yuan's car stopped in front of me. Granny Chen was really proud, and Ji Yuan came to pick her up in person.

"Long time no see!" Ji Yuan took the initiative to greet me.

"Yeah! Are you okay?" I responded.

He smiled politely and looked at Ji Yuan. He looked much better than before. There was no gloom on his face. Although he was a little indifferent and helpless, at least he looked human. I wanted to die for Chen Ningrui before, but I still can't. Can't forget.

Grandma Chen got in the car, and Ji Yuancai smiled at me and said, "Don't worry! For the sake of our acquaintance, come to me when you need help."

"Yes! Thank you!" Looking at him recovering, I felt quite happy.

On the way, I looked at Zuo Ming from time to time. I was hesitating whether to tell Granny Chen about Zuo Ming's appearance. In my opinion, the possibility of Zuo Ming being a devil boy was almost inevitable!

When I got home, Zuo Qing had already prepared something to eat, but I had no taste at all. I left the sun to Huo Xiaojin, and I went back to the room holding the box with Huo Xiaoran in my arms. I just said I was too tired. I am indeed tired, and there are so many things to do. I want to discuss it with Huo Xiaoran.

When I added it to the room, I felt very heavy. Looking at the box, I felt like crying. I just wanted to have a good cry. Tears are a strange thing. Whether you want it or not, they always come. Likes to make decisions.

"Can you stop crying all the time? It's so ugly!" Dai Siyuan said.

Huo Xiaoran suddenly stood next to me. I was startled at first, but when I saw his almost transparent body, I burst into tears.

"I thought your smile was the ugliest thing, but I didn't expect it would be uglier when you cry than when you smile!" Huo Xiaoran stroked his forehead and walked away. After I finally controlled my emotions, I saw him sitting on the sofa with a helpless expression.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He raised his eyebrows and spoke after a long while: "Look, do I look bad somewhere?"

It's okay not to say this. Even if he tells me that there is something wrong, I might not cry again. But the more reluctant he is, the more painful my heart will be and the tears will flow. The more you get!

"Mo Xiaoya, do you want to drown me with tears? Put down the box in your hand first!" Huo Xiaoran pointed at the box in my hand and shouted.

Only then did I react, and I awkwardly put the box on the table aside. When I sat next to him, I discovered that there was a wet smell on his body, and he seemed to be very uncomfortable.

"What are you..." I pointed to the clothes on his body that felt a little wet.

But he rolled his eyes at me and said helplessly: "Isn't it all your fault? Didn't that old woman tell you that the box is now my host?"

"Host?" I was surprised.

He nodded and stretched his hand towards me. Feeling his cold hand, I suddenly remembered that I don't know when, but I didn't hate his touch, and I didn't even think about avoiding it.

"You really scared me to death! If you can't come back, I won't let that old woman go!" When Huo Xiaoran spoke, I came back to my senses. Looking at his handsome face, I hurriedly moved away Lowering my body, I'm afraid that if I keep looking like this, I won't be able to control myself...

When I think of such terrible thoughts, I almost want to strangle myself!

"That's right!" I shouted, slapping away the hand that was wandering around my face, looking at him seriously and saying, "I saw it, I saw the dream of the sun, that Ye Lin, he was actually with Zuo Ming looks exactly the same!" Originally, I wanted to tell Huo Xiaoran what I heard in the corridor, but suddenly I felt that I didn't know where to start.

Huo Xiaoran didn't speak, just nodded and then said slowly: "Did you also forget that I was there? I saw it!"

"Then Zuo Ming..."

"You shouldn't have to worry too much now! Isn't there Granny Chen here in Taiyang? We are most suspicious of Tangtang. As long as someone keeps an eye on him, Taiyang should not be in big trouble. But you, you have thought about your own affairs. Is it done?" he said.

I looked at him puzzled: "Me? What can happen to me?"

Huo Xiaoran raised his hand and knocked on my brain: "Are you really going to die of stupidity? Although An Qiang was sent in, after all, the evidence is not enough to make a conclusion. Have you forgotten Yunli? That one The trap was made by them together, An Qiang is not a simple person, maybe she has some leverage over Yunli, and Yunli might not just sit idly by and do nothing!"

"Besides, even if there is no Yunli, the An family still has that old man. No matter what, she is still his daughter!"

yes! How could I forget this! Not only is the sun in trouble, there are also whirlpools around me. I have to plan carefully every step, otherwise...

"Go to bed early! There may be a lot more things happening tomorrow!" Huo Xiaoran said.

I nodded and looked at him. For a long time, he didn't move, but looked at me with confusion in his eyes. After swallowing, I pointed to the door, although I didn't hate him touching my face. , but I’m not used to taking off my clothes in front of him.

But he slowly raised his brows, raised his sexy thin lips slightly, and pointed at the table. When I squinted and looked over, I saw the box that looked like an urn!

"You, you mean to be here..." I don't know whether I should sleep or rest. Anyway, when I think about being in the same room with him, I almost can't control my tongue.

Huo Xiaoran nodded, with a look of helplessness on his face and aggrieved voice: "What else? Although your little body is not very eye-catching, don't I have nowhere to go?"

Small body? Not eye-catching

"You! You're obscene!" I jumped up from the sofa and pointed at him. I scolded him with a red face.

Huo Xiaoran's smile became even thicker. He stretched out his hand, and his cold fingers climbed up to my fingertips. The biting coldness began to spread along his fingers and towards my body. In short, I don't know that I was confused by his sexy look. , still frozen by the coldness, I even forgot to slap the offending hand to death.

"Really! You called me obscene. If I didn't do something, wouldn't I have received this reputation in vain!" As soon as Huo Xiaoran spoke, all the confusion I had just been pushed away, and I looked at his face soberly. Face, I slapped his face rudely.

But just when I was about to touch his face, his hand was grabbed by him. He squeezed my hand and gently placed it on his face. The smooth touch made me want to be more. I was so fascinated, but when I looked at the smile in his eyes with some distraction, my face suddenly turned red...

"Huo Xiaoran! You are despicable, shameless, and nasty!" I wanted to pull my hand back, but he squeezed it tightly. He slowly stood up, and my hand was removed from his face. She began to move down until it stopped on his chest, feeling his thick chest.

"Don't worry, sleep! Nothing will happen to me. If I were really that kind of person, I wouldn't have let you go so easily when you fainted last time!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I was suddenly held in his arms, a princess hug! This is one of my biggest dreams in life, to be held on the red carpet by the man I love...

Another Mo Xiaoya

When I woke up in the morning, the only thing I remembered was the hug of the person who had appeared countless times in my dreams, but when I remembered that person was Huo Xiaoran. I really want to dig a hole and bury myself.

"I'm going to die!" I touched myself anxiously, but it was okay! fine! My clothes are still the same as yesterday, nothing happened!

Huo Xiaoran's appearance appeared in front of me, and I almost collapsed. Why, why did the moment he picked me up, I felt that this was what I wanted, what I had been looking forward to for a long time? I really feel like I'm going crazy. I've been telling myself that he will leave once everything is over. Why. Why do you still have such ridiculous expectations

"Xiaoya, are you awake? I need to talk to you!" Huo Xiaojin's voice came from outside the door, and he didn't sound very happy.

Gently pulling down the quilt, I saw the urn box on the table and sighed softly, how nice! Because he needs to cultivate, now he cannot appear during the day. In other words, at least I don't have to feel embarrassed now. I got up from the bed and put my messy hair back. Just opened the door. Dumb skills.

"What's wrong?" I frowned looking at the expression on his face.

"They found Mo Xiaoya! An Qiang was named as an accomplice, and the trial will begin today!"

I was shocked by what he said! What Mo Xiaoya? I'm obviously here, where did they find Mo Xiaoya

"Should we go and see it?" Huo Xiaojin said something to bring me back from my thoughts. I looked at him and nodded. Of course I want to go. I want to see what show this show is about. .

Huo Xiaojin originally wanted Zuo Ming and Taiyang not to go to school, but I stopped him. Because Huo Xiaoran said that until the real devil boy appears, there is no need to deliberately block it, otherwise it will only make him do things that harm the sun. But I still don't trust the sun, so I specifically told Zuo Ming to try not to Let Chen Cheng touch the sun again.

He made a rare serious promise that he would never let Chen Cheng touch the sun again. Although it is just a promise from a child. But I just know that he can do it, and he is particularly willing to do such a thing!

"Get out of the car!" Huo Xiaojin reminded me as he opened my car door.

Looking at the court in front of me, I remember that last time, I was sitting inside, but no one I knew showed up. What about this time

There were many people at the door. The murderer who escaped from prison and disappeared appeared again. Of course, it would become the hottest topic of discussion. I lowered my head slightly.