Ghost Invasion

Chapter 41: Works related (41)


Yes, she is living a good life because of her, but I am not living a good life at all because of her. I will never forget that she is Yunli's minion.

Sister-in-law Wang seemed to be frightened by my voice. After she suddenly came to her senses, she tried to close the door violently. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and pushed the door open first. I ducked out of the way and entered the house. This move was amazing. I learned it from Huo Xiaojin! Zhenzhao series number.

But as soon as I entered the door, I was frightened by the person in front of me! To be precise, it was the person in front of the bed. There was a man there, a translucent man like Huo Xiaoran, standing in front of the bed! On the man's body, something like a line of white mist extended to the bed.

When I looked over, my breathing became rapid. Although the man on the bed was as skinny as a stick, I could still tell that his facial features were exactly the same as those of the man standing beside the bed.

The man standing by the bed looked at me, opening and closing his mouth as if he was talking, but I frowned because I couldn't hear what he was saying!

Unconsciously, I looked at Huo Xiaoran beside me, but Huo Xiaoran said simply two words: "Born soul!"

I suddenly remembered that when I was on the phone with Granny Chen yesterday, she also mentioned this word! Live soul!

"You, what are you doing here! You, get out! Get out quickly!" Sister-in-law Wang looked like she was about to rush over and drag me out, but she stretched out her hand halfway and took it back. She just looked at me in horror and mouthed screamed.

I glanced at her and then started to take a look at the situation here. This was a room of less than ten square meters. It was a small, square room. Except for the bed where the man slept, there was almost nothing here. of! Beside the bed, there was a ventilator that was only found in hospitals.

The tube on the ventilator extends into the man's mouth. Every time the air pressure on the machine is lowered, the man's chest rises and falls. I finally figured it out. That man probably relied on this machine to survive.

There were many photos hanging on the wall next to the machine. After looking at them, I finally understood that the one sleeping on the bed should be Mrs. Wang’s son! But in the photos, there is a woman holding a newborn child, a child learning to walk, and even a child wearing a red scarf. Until the last picture, there is a child wearing a bachelor's hat after graduating from college!

The person in the photo cannot be compared to the person lying on the bed now!

"Is he your son?" I asked.

I noticed that Huo Xiaoran had been standing in front of the bed since he came in, looking straight at the man on the bed! He hasn't moved since then.

On the other hand, Sister-in-law Wang had a pale face and wanted to drive me out, but she leaned against the wall next to the door tremblingly, not daring to move.

"How, how do you know this place! Who are you?" Mrs. Wang's voice was as trembling as her body.

I shook my head, did not answer her, and asked again: "Is your son sick?"

The whole scene was really funny. She asked hers and I asked mine. No one answered, but we each asked very proudly.

In the end, I don't know where Mrs. Wang got the courage. She rushed over, dragged me, and knelt on the ground with a plop. She looked at me, tears streaming down her eyes: "No matter who you are! Please!" Leave! My son will die without me! He will really die!"

When she said this, I looked at the translucent man standing beside the bed. In fact, I wanted to say that he was already dead!

I don’t know why, but I can’t hate Sister-in-law Wang in front of me now. Although I try to recall her help Yunli do the things that have harmed me with a calm face, I also recall my Yin Gu. During the attack, she held me in her arms and cried for help.

I held her hand, but the hateful words were not uttered in the end.

"Sister-in-law Wang, get up! I just want to talk to you!" It took a lot of effort for me to lift her up from the ground and help her sit on the only stool next to the bed. She was still covering herself up. Face crying.

I felt really uncomfortable looking at the three people in front of me. Beside the bed, two translucent men were staring at each other like that, and the woman beside me was crying heartbroken. It was just me, standing there stupidly, not knowing what to do!

"You, you are Xiaoya!" Mrs. Wang sobbed. I didn't answer. This is one thing Huo Xiaoran has taught me over time. Don't give any positive answers to people you can't trust! Suddenly, I also felt that I had become a fox, and how could I become a little cunning!

Huo Xiaoran's transaction

Faced with Mrs. Wang's question, I didn't answer, but I looked at her eyes as she looked at the sleeping person on the bed. Even I feel sorry for her.

"Is she your son?" I asked again. This time, she responded. She just wanted to speak, but her neck felt like someone was pinching her. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but the way she nodded her head again and again made me feel a little heavy.

Suddenly, I understood something, but I still needed her to give me a definite answer. "You did so much because of him?" I asked.

I looked at the ventilator working and the people living in this kind of house. How can you afford to rent such expensive equipment! What's more, it can be used 24 hours a day.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" Mrs. Wang covered her face and cried, shouting at the top of her lungs. All my anger suddenly disappeared. Facing such a mother reminded me of my mother who passed away.

How many mothers can never leave their children when they are seriously ill

"Ask him, why is Xiao Ning like this!" Huo Xiaoran, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke out, but the voice was very cold, so cold that even I felt strange.

But in front of Mrs. Wang. I dare not ask. Looking at the person on the bed, I said Huo Xiaoran's original words. Without looking at Mrs. Wang, I was waiting for her to give me an answer.

For a long time, Sister-in-law Wang didn't say anything. When I looked over curiously, Sister-in-law Wang was looking at me with wide-eyed eyes, and tears kept flowing from the corners of her eyes. I didn't know what I just said had stimulated her. He licked his lips awkwardly and was about to ask. What's up with her.

But Sister-in-law Wang suddenly pulled my eyes and shouted without blinking: "Master! Master is really still here! Is he?"

I didn't react. What young master? He looked at her doubtfully. I didn't understand and said: "What young master?"

"Master Xiao Ran, he is really still here, isn't he?"

Only then did I understand that she was referring to Huo Xiaoran, but I didn't know how to answer this question. I looked at Huo Xiaoran innocently until he nodded coldly, and I understood what he meant.

After helping Mrs. Wang to sit down on the chair, I nodded and said, "Yes! He is always here!"

Who would have thought that as soon as I finished speaking, Sister-in-law Wang was stunned and burst into tears: "Master Xiao Ran, please save Xiao Ning! Please save our Xiao Ning! What should I do if he dies?" Here!" The cries of "save Xiao Ning" echoed in the air, but looking at the helplessness in her eyes really made me feel the pain in her heart, the heartbreaking pain.

There was no solution for her to cry like this. I turned to Huo Xiaoran for help, but he said coldly: "What on earth happened!"

I almost choked to death on my own saliva! "Sister-in-law Wang, what happened to him?" I asked in a low voice.

Mrs. Wang wiped the tears on her face and shook her head like a wave drum. I always felt that there must be something going on in the middle, so I asked again: "You have done so much to help Yunli, just because of your son?"

Originally, I was only referring to the matter of her helping Yunli frame me. Unexpectedly, Sister-in-law Wang was stunned at first, and then the tears that had just stopped welled up again, but she still didn't speak, she just cried harder!

"Tell her that as long as she tells it honestly, I can save Xiao Ning!" Huo Xiaoran's words made me feel relaxed immediately, but it was only a momentary thing. After all, he really has such a power to bring a half-dead person back to life. Ability

Although I am confused about Huo Xiaoran's words, I won't be too suspicious. After conveying the original words, Mrs. Wang suddenly started talking to herself, looking a little crazy.

What were they talking to themselves? Did I lie to her? What did I say? If it wasn’t Young Master Xiao Ran, how could I know that it was Xiao Ning? In short, for a long time, I just looked at Wang My sister-in-law was talking to herself as her expression kept changing.

I counted, and she said these four words, Master Xiao Ran, at least thirty times. When she counted to the thirty-fifth time, she suddenly stopped and looked at me with straight eyes.

Crazy face suddenly turned serious. She took my hand and said, "I believe you! I believe in Master Xiao Ran even more!" I was startled by her sudden change. Before I could recover, Mrs. Wang suddenly She began to cry again and said: "Not long after the young master's accident, our Xiao Ning was still busy completing the tasks assigned by the master every day according to the instructions of the master. I don't know what the master told him, but he still did it on time every day. Go out and come back very late.”

"He didn't tell me either! Every time I asked, he just said that it was what the young master wanted to accomplish. No matter what, he would finish it and find out the truth! But in the next few days, Xiao Ning suddenly Gone! He didn’t call me or even go home. I looked for him in many places but couldn’t find him until one day I got a call from the hospital!”

Mrs. Wang sniffed, looked at the man on the bed, and said slowly: "When I heard that Xiao Ning was in the hospital, I almost fainted, but then I thought, maybe it was just a car accident or something, when I went to the hospital When I saw Xiao Ning, he was already like this! Who on earth could do such a cruel thing and tie up our Xiao Ning and throw him into the sea... "

When I finished speaking, Mrs. Wang started crying again. I know that recalling this painful thing is like opening a scar on a wound. The pain may be more than the time of the injury. Patting her back, I couldn't help but look at Huo Xiaoran curiously. What did he tell this man? What could that be

By saying this, we can understand why Huo Xiaoran knew where this man lived, and why, when he saw the man who couldn't move on the bed and the living soul, he stood there in shock for a long time.

"Yunli! She must have done it!" Huo Xiaoran said suddenly.

I frowned in confusion. Xiao Ning's soul beside the bed didn't know what he wanted to say. Just like before, I couldn't hear his voice at all, I could only see his appearance, and he was with Huo Xiaoran. The difference is that Xiao Ning's soul is very vague, like a light mist.

Huo Xiaoran pursed his lips tightly again. I stroked Mrs. Wang's back and asked, "What next?"

Sister-in-law Wang glanced at me. Her eyes were already red from crying. In the dim light of the room, she looked a little scary.

"Xiao Ning was diagnosed as a vegetative state! The doctor said that it was a miracle that she had vital signs after being rescued after being soaked in the sea for several days. But from that day on, Xiao Ning relied on this machine to maintain her health. "Many times, I wanted to give up, but whenever I think of him persisting after the young master passed away, I feel that he must be waiting, maybe he is waiting for the young master to come back!"

I looked at the scene where Huo Xiaoran and Xiao Ning looked at each other in surprise. I couldn't tell what I felt in my heart. Shock and surprise were not enough to express my feelings for Xiao Ning. A person could be soaked in the sea for several days before he was killed. After rescuing a person, he actually forced himself to live. If it weren't for his own obsession, how could he have achieved this

"What on earth did you ask him to do? Why did you get involved with that woman again?" I asked in a low voice. After all, I was still not used to talking to Huo Xiaoran in front of others. It would be very strange. Zhen Huan scene.

Sister-in-law Wang suddenly threw herself on Xiao Ning, beating her with her hands, and shouting: "Xiao Ning, wake up, the young master is here! Wake up and take a look!"

I was glad that she didn't notice that I was talking to Huo Xiaoran. Looking at Huo Xiaoran, I was waiting for his answer. After a long time, he looked at me and said expressionlessly: "Remember, at that time, I mentioned Is it okay? At that time! I was investigating the cause of my dad's death. I always suspected that it was related to my dad's doctor Liu Zhengli, and Li Zhengli seemed to have an unclear relationship with Yunli because Yunli was too familiar. People around me, so I can only ask Xiao Ning to follow Li Zhengli!"

"Entrust him?" I shouted out inadvertently. Fortunately, Mrs. Wang seemed to have been immersed in her own pain, and she had no reaction to my yelling.

Huo Xiaoran looked at me, nodded, then turned his attention to the transparent figure beside the bed, and said slowly: "Because he is the person I trust most! I believe that even if everyone in the world betrays me , He is the only one who doesn’t know how! And I will attract Yunli’s attention on the surface, so that Xiao Ning can find the truth of the matter. "

Hearing this, my eyes suddenly widened, the truth! Could it be that Xiao Ning was in trouble because he found the truth

"Yunli! It's her, it must be her! Xiao Ning must have found the connection between things, so Yunli would do such a thing! This is completely her style. She only has herself in her heart, and other people's lives are not important to her , worse than child’s play!” Because of my excitement, I even forgot about Mrs. Wang’s return.

The moment I finished speaking, Mrs. Wang's cry disappeared, Huo Xiaoran no longer looked at Xiao Ning's soul, they all looked at me at the same time!

Only then did I remember that Mrs. Wang is still here! I was about to explain, after all, I was still very afraid. If Mrs. Wang was completely committed to Yunli, then now... Unconsciously, I took a step back.

Who would have known that Sister-in-law Wang suddenly stood up, stared blankly, and opened her mouth: "Yunli? Is it because of her that Xiaoning is like this?"

I don't know whether to say yes or no! Until she suddenly took my hand and asked seriously: "Impossible, how is it possible? Xiao Ning can survive until now only because of Madam's kindness, otherwise, otherwise I..."

After all, I couldn't tell everything about Huo Xiaoran's family. I was in a dilemma and didn't know how to explain what I just said to Mrs. Wang. Huo Xiaoran suddenly said to me: "Make a deal with her. If Xiaoning When she comes back to life, she must tell all the things she did for Yunli!"

I looked at him and saw that he didn't look like he was joking. After swallowing my saliva, I told him the deal proposed by Huo Xiaoran.

Huo Xiaojin's emotions

I took my cell phone and looked for Granny Chen's number. It happened to be the time when Huo Xiaoran came out of the box.

"What? What are you hesitating about?" Huo Xiaoran asked beside me. When he came back from Mrs. Wang's house, he seemed to be in a bad mood and his voice was cold.

Looking at him, I don't know why, but I always felt that there was something about her deal with Mrs. Wang that made me feel uneasy, so I didn't call Granny Chen for a long time.

"Xiao Ran!" When I shouted, I was shocked. This was the first time I called him without his last name, and I actually felt it was so smooth.

Obviously, he seemed a little surprised. But then, he gave me a rare smile today. I sniffed, trying to make the atmosphere less awkward: "The deal you agreed to..."

I don't know how to express my thoughts, I always feel something is wrong! Sure enough, not long after I stopped, Huo Xiaoran's expression became cold again. I originally wanted to ask more, but Huo Xiaoran spoke before me in a calm voice: "There's nothing to worry about!"

If he didn't say anything, I wouldn't be very angry. Say this. I felt something was wrong even more!

"What do you mean there is nothing to worry about? A person who was supposed to be dead suddenly comes back to life, and you still say there is nothing to worry about? Granny Chen often said that only by borrowing and repaying can the balance not be broken, what about now? You just say, You can bring him back to life without giving anything?" Who believes this!

"He is not dead in a complete sense, so you don't have to worry about that. Didn't you see that? He can still breathe!"

I frowned, but what he said was correct. The man named Xiao Ning could indeed breathe! But the soul seemed to have left the body, as if it was being pulled by something and couldn't leave.

Finally, I called Granny Chen. When we started talking about Xiao Ning, Granny Chen remained silent, as if she was thinking. It wasn't until I urged her several times that she asked without any doubts: "What do you mean? You want me to sacrifice his soul and return it to the sun for him?"

Of course I didn't understand what she was talking about. When I looked at Huo Xiaoran in confusion, he nodded, and I agreed.

"Then I'll come over tomorrow! Give me the address, and you'll be there at ten o'clock in the evening. Make some preparations, and that's about it!" Granny Chen agreed simply.

I nodded and gave Mrs. Wang’s address. After hanging up the phone, I called Mrs. Wang again and told her we would go there tomorrow. She nervously asked me what I wanted to prepare. Grandma Chen also You didn’t tell me what I needed to prepare, so of course I told the truth and there was no need to prepare anything.

Mrs. Wang was very excited and kept laughing and crying on the phone! As soon as I hung up the phone, Huo Xiaojin knocked on my door.

"He came just in time, let him in!" Huo Xiaoran said.

Opening the door, I let Huo Xiaojin into the house. After pouring water for him, I said, "Do you have a problem with me?"

"I heard that you went to see Mrs. Wang!" he asked.

I looked at him doubtfully and felt very surprised: "How did you know?" This is so amazing!

"Don't worry about how I know it. In short, you have indeed gone to find her!" His expression was no better than that of Huo Xiaoran next to me. He also had a cold face. The more I looked at his face, the more I felt... Like Huo Xiaoran, really! Especially when you pull a face like this!

"Xiaoya! That person can't be trusted! When I investigated my brother's affairs, I found that she had had an unclear relationship with Yunli a long time ago! For so many years, she has been helping Yunli do some shady things. How can you go see her!" Huo Xiaojin frowned nervously.

"Don't be so nervous, okay? I have no choice but to go see her. After all, if Liu Mei's matter is put on the table, Chen Ningrui's death will be revealed, and this is the only time that Yunli and Chen Ningrui can be brought to justice. Of course I will not let go of the opportunity to connect Chen Ningrui’s death case, but if the case of Chen Ningrui’s death wants to be completely overturned, I can only count on Mrs. Wang.”

Huo Xiaojin still frowned, and I explained: "The only murder weapon that can convict me was used by Mrs. Wang for me, and only she can unlock the murder weapon! So no matter what, I must Breaking through Mrs. Wang’s defense, and just in time, your brother and I found her weakness!”

"You are talking about her son!" As soon as Huo Xiaojin said it, I was stunned again. He seemed to know everything, even this. I was really surprised. Could it be that Huo Xiaojin had already Have you investigated her

There's just one thing I'm curious about. Huo Xiaoran seems to be very familiar with Mrs. Wang's son Xiaoning. They gave me the relationship of life and death, but Huo Xiaojin seems to not know that person at all. When they talk about it, , whose name was not even mentioned.

"Xiao Jin doesn't know Xiao Ning!" Huo Xiaoran said beside me.

I nodded, but Huo Xiaojin's brows furrowed deeper. He looked at me, then looked around, and asked in a low voice: "My brother is here, right?"

"Here! Right next to me!" I said it directly. Anyway, Huo Xiaoran also said just now that he was looking for him.

Sure enough, as soon as I said that Huo Xiaoran was here, Huo Xiaojin's face didn't look very good, and his eyes were slightly red. It looked like he was about to cry, but he tried hard to control his emotions.

I know that he is just not used to it. After all, if a person he loves deeply leaves, only to come back in another form, of course he will not be used to it.

Walking to his side, I patted his shoulder: "Just get used to it slowly!" I didn't know how to comfort him, because he is a man and he has the dignity of a man!

Huo Xiaoran buried his head for a while. When he looked up again, he had recovered a lot!

I then said: "Your brother made a deal with Mrs. Wang today using the matter of Mrs. Wang's son's recovery! As long as Xiao Ran can bring that man back to life, Mrs. Wang will be on my side!"

Huo Xiaojin suddenly became excited again and stood up suddenly: "How is it possible! Xiaoya, she will never be on your side! Why don't you think about it, she has done so many things for Yunli, once If she betrays Yunli, you and I can't even imagine what terrible things Yunli will do!"

When talking about Yunli, I saw a flash of unknown emotion in Huo Xiaojin's eyes. It must be that he still can't deal with his feelings for Yunli!

"Have you not sorted out your feelings for her?" I asked directly because I would be very worried. Although he never expressed his attitude very much, many times, whenever he mentioned Yunli, I would I saw the melancholy look on his face.

But exposing Yunli's frame-up of me will happen soon. Everything I do now is directed at Yunli. If Huo Xiaojin still has feelings for Yunli, then everything I do will not It's all indirect, is it hurting him

As long as I think of the injuries he suffered from Yunli, I will feel distressed. If Yunli is really singled out by me, what kind of things will he do

Huo Xiaojin looked at me solemnly and didn't speak for a long time. I finally understood that his feelings for Yunli should still be there.

"If that's the case, then you can leave!" I really don't want to hurt him. If there is anyone in this world that I don't want to hurt, besides Huo Xiaoran, the only one is Huo Xiaojin!

I looked at Huo Xiaoran. He didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face. I calmly opened the door and said to Huo Xiaojin: "I can't stop anymore. Although, I have also thought about it. , let her go and live her own life, but what about now? You have also seen that she not only killed your brother, but also trampled on more innocent people, regardless of the life and death of others, and even Human life is at stake in applause! There is no way I can let her continue to be so arrogant!"

I need to make him understand that he can't stay between Yunli and me!

"Huo Xiaojin, even if you know now that what I am going to do will hurt her, it doesn't matter if you choose to side with her! I understand your feelings, and you can make the choice you want!" I said directly come out.

I thought he would at least defend himself, because he didn't know everything Yunli did, his emotions, his family, I don't believe he knew much less! It's just that he still has doubts and memories in his heart. But if he is willing to close his eyes and cling to the memory in his heart, I won't blame him, because I have seen all kinds of love.

Love is something that cannot be explained! Even if I haven’t experienced it yet, after seeing so many things, in my opinion, this is the most magical thing, with no right or wrong, and no boundaries! The Zhen Hall is rich.

Looking at Huo Xiaoran's leaving figure, I sighed lowly. Huo Xiaoran's hand squeezed my shoulder and his voice whispered in my ear: "Don't blame him, he is just too kind!"

I nodded. I have personally experienced Huo Xiaojin's kindness. Without that kindness, I wouldn't be where I am today!

"Don't you think it will hurt him?" I asked Huo Xiaoran beside me.

He smiled, and after a long while, he said mysteriously: "If I let Yunli trample on Xiaojin's feelings, that would be the greatest harm to him!"

"You are still you!" At this point, I don't know why I am so in sync with Huo Xiaoran! I also see it this way. Although there is no right or wrong in my love, it should not be trampled on by others, nor should it be used by others, especially Yunli who clearly knows Huo Xiaojin's feelings for her, but still uses her with peace of mind!

No one has the right to trample on other people's love!

"When Granny Chen comes, can you stop going back to the box?" I asked.

Huo Xiaoran gave a rare laugh, and with a flick of his finger in the air, the door in my hand slid and closed itself! And the next second, my feet suddenly left the ground, and just like last time, I fell into his arms again!

Sacrificing the Soul and Returning the Yang (1)

Only this time, he looked at me seriously, and my brain suddenly lost its ability to work. Looking at him, I swallowed my saliva, but it made Huo Xiaoran laugh.

"Xiaoya! Has anyone ever told you that you are so cute! Do I look delicious?" He said seductively, his face slowly enlarging in front of my eyes.

Just when my breathing became more and more rapid, that handsome face stopped. His face was almost zero distance from mine. His lips had a faint luster and looked as beautiful as a delicious cake.

"If you don't answer, I will assume that you agree with me!"

"You! Let, let me go!" I suddenly realized that I should struggle, but I struggled only at this time. Even without looking at it, I felt like I was getting an advantage and being good. Just like he said, when I looked at his face, I really wanted to eat him!

I started to debate whether I should get off his hands, but in the end, he put me on the bed, then covered me with the quilt, and slowly lay beside me again!

Awkward! Not only was the atmosphere awkward, my face was so hot that I was afraid I could fry an egg. When his hands were on my body. I was so nervous that my body was shaking.

"Don't be nervous." His voice was very soft. He put his hand on my body and closed his eyes: "I just want to hold you. Let me hug you quietly like this!"

I don’t know why, but his breath, his embrace, and even the weight of his hand all feel familiar to me, as if he does this often. Looking at him with his eyes closed, I even feel very at ease. It feels like many times. The sense of security that makes me escape from nightmares when I fall asleep.

Anyway, I don’t know when I fell asleep. And this sleep lasted a whole day, until I slowly opened my eyes and saw the clock on the wall pointing to six o'clock in the afternoon!

"Oh my god!" I yelled, and when I naturally pushed to my side, Huo Xiaoran was gone!

I hurriedly changed my clothes and went out. Just as Aunt Li was busy downstairs, I asked hurriedly: "Aunt Li, haven't Taiyang and Xiao Ming come back yet?"

"Yes! Mr. Zuo went to pick him up! It should be soon!" she responded.

I nodded. If Zuo Qing goes to pick it up, I have nothing to worry about! When I went down to the first floor, I asked again: "Where is sir? Isn't he at home?"

Aunt Li shook her head: "When I came here early today, my husband was not at home, and he hasn't come back yet!" There was worry in her voice.

I became even more worried. Could it be that I stimulated him yesterday? But when I think about how old he is, let alone the head of Nice One, who is now regarded as a legendary man in the business world who will surpass Huo Xiaoran, I don't seem to have anything to worry about.

What’s rare is that I can have a meal with the sun! But when I thought about Taiyang's abnormality last time, I couldn't help but become suspicious again. While holding dishes for Taiyang, I looked at my daughter.

She hasn't changed much in the past few days. Except that she can't see Huo Xiaoran, everything is as normal as possible!

"Sun?" I shouted.

She looked at me and laughed with her mouth full. I hurriedly filled her with soup and handed it over, and asked, "Has Taiyang been playing with Chen Cheng again these days?" In my mind, the only person who was most suspicious was Chen Cheng. I will never forget the time when Taiyang fell asleep because of contact with Chen Cheng.

Taiyang nodded, drank the soup before swallowing what was in his mouth, and said in a sweet voice: "Yes!"

I looked at Xiao Ming in confusion. Didn't I tell you last time not to let Tai Yang come into contact with Chen Cheng again? Who is this child

"I've been watching from the side!" Zuo Ming suddenly said.

When he said that, I didn't know what to say about it. After all, the person in front of me was just a child!

"Xiao Ming, don't let Chen Cheng play with Taiyang anymore!" I said. My dearest brother.

Zuo Ming nodded! After dinner, Taiyang sat obediently as usual and watched Zuo Ming write his homework. Zuo Qing was handling company affairs and guiding Zuo Ming.

I can't compare Zuo Ming like this to the little grown-up in the hospital who said such indifferent words. No matter how much I think about it, I don’t think it’s the same person!

When the clock rang at nine o'clock, I was about to leave, and the sun could only ask Zuo Qing to take care of it for me. I was holding Huo Xiaoran's box, but I didn't see Huo Xiaoran's shadow.

It wasn't until I came out of home alone and walked halfway down the mountain that Huo Xiaoran suddenly appeared.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

Huo Xiaoran didn't say anything, but suddenly mentioned Mrs. Wang: "Pay more attention to Mrs. Wang later."

I nodded. According to the route I walked yesterday, I still got off at the entrance of the alley. But today I came prepared. I turned on the flashlight and walked slowly.

It was still the creaky staircase yesterday. I took a look with a flashlight and found that the staircase was really an antique that had aged well. As I was about to go up, I heard footsteps coming from the alley.

Turning around, I saw it was Granny Chen.

"Mother-in-law! Here!" I greeted.

Granny Chen laughed when she saw me: "Huo Xiaoran's time is almost up. When it's over, I'll undo the magic inside! He seems to be recovering well!"

I nodded. Huo Xiaoran was indeed recovering well. Just being mentioned by Granny Chen reminded me of the last time I woke up the sun. I had never had the chance to ask why Huo Xiaoran was injured.

"Mother-in-law! How did Huo Xiaoran get hurt last time?" I asked.

Who knew that Granny Chen looked at Huo Xiaoran next to me mysteriously, and just said casually: "Ask him yourself!" After that, she walked upstairs.

Sister-in-law Wang was already waiting at home as promised. As soon as I knocked on the door, she opened the door within a few seconds.

"Great! You're finally here!" Mrs. Wang looked at me and couldn't hide her excitement, but the next second, she looked at Granny Chen next to me.

I only said that she was a very important person and did not mention her name, but Granny Chen completely ignored Sister-in-law Wang. From the moment she entered the room, her eyes had been looking at Xiao Ning sleeping on the bed. From time to time, she would also take a look. , the translucent living soul standing beside the bed.

Granny Chen put down the bag on her back and began to look at Xiao Ning's body. Her view was very strange. She first looked at Xiao Ning's hair, then her face, and then her wrists. After a long time, she said: "This boy is all I just force myself to stay here with my thoughts, and my soul has been consumed over the years, so I’m afraid I won’t live long after I sacrifice my soul!”

As soon as I finished speaking, Mrs. Wang suddenly started crying. While I supported Mrs. Wang, I didn't know how to reply to Granny Chen's words.

"Old woman! Just let him live!" Huo Xiaoran said suddenly.

I nodded, at least let Mrs. Wang stop being so sad!

"Sister-in-law Wang! Xiao Ning may have something else to say to you. No matter how long you live, it's fate. You'd better relax!" I comforted.

Mrs. Wang cried quietly. Granny Chen started to get ready. She opened the bag and took out a strange black paper. Then she drew and wrote on the paper with her fingers. She also muttered words, and then it was strange.