Ghost Invasion

Chapter 47: Works related (47)


, Having seen Huo Xiaoran’s memories, I can certainly understand him. The younger brother who was taken care of and loved by him has now grown up and no longer needs to hide behind him. Thinking of this, I suddenly feel a pain in my heart. Because this means that one thing in Huo Xiaoran's heart has become clear. If we find out the truth about his father's death, will he have no memory of him

I lowered my head slightly, not wanting him to see the loss in my eyes.

"Today is the last rest. Yunli can't find us at the moment. He should start to prepare for what he will face tomorrow. Maybe something unexpected will happen tomorrow!" Huo Xiaoran said.

I very much agree with what he said. That woman is not simple. I do feel a little uneasy, but the matter is now over and we can't do anything more.

"Xiao Jin, please pay attention to Liu Mei's brother. I'm worried that she will blackmail Liu Mei today! Also, will she be worried that Liu Mei will retract her confession, so she simply won't let Liu Mei appear in court tomorrow? Doing so may make her An Qiang escaped, but it was also the safest for me!" I said all my thoughts.

When I finished talking to myself, I looked up and saw Huo Xiaoran's hidden smile and the light in Huo Xiaojin's eyes.

"What? Am I right?" I asked confused.

"It seems that I no longer have to worry about you being stupid!" Huo Xiaoran said with a smile, while Huo Xiaojin just looked at me and nodded, as if he agreed with what I said.

Although I really wanted to reply to Huo Xiaoran as usual, but when I remembered that there were so many people in the room, I couldn't say anything else, so I could only glare at him silently.

"Don't worry about Liu Mei. You have applied for protection. If Yunli takes action at this time, it will undoubtedly be the stupidest choice. I will pick up Liu Mei's brother tomorrow and I will call him right away. All you have to do is find a way to let Liu Mei It's good if Mei knows!" Huo Xiaojin said.

Only then did I realize that I was really stupid. How could they not have thought of such a thing!

This day was the most leisurely day we had, but until the sun set, our hearts became a little nervous, because there was no news about Mrs. Wang, Huo Xiaojin’s people never found her, and she never found her. None came back.

court hearing scene

Early in the morning, Huo Xiaojin arranged the sun elsewhere, just like last time. We were about to go to the court, but Sister-in-law Wang didn't come back all night, which really made us all nervous. Although Huo Xiaoran kept reassuring me, I couldn't let go!

"Is there really no problem?" I asked.

Huo Xiaojin said nothing while driving the car. Huo Xiaoran just smiled at me and said, "Don't worry! She will show up when she should show up!"

I looked at him in confusion, why did he say that? I always feel like there's something going on here!

What was even more exaggerated than last time was that there were several times more reporters outside the court today than last time. When Huo Xiaojin parked his car, he detoured past the main entrance of the court as if there was an omen. Instead, he parked the car in the back. When we got off the car and came over, we took a long detour.

When I looked at the crowded crowd at the door, I always felt as if Huo Xiaojin knew what was going on here.

"You know, right?" I couldn't suppress my curiosity and asked.

He nodded and said nothing. He just protected me and pressed the hat on my head with his hand. Even so, it still took a lot of effort when we entered. Those who were bored waiting actually blocked Huo Xiaojin and asked questions. Huo Xiaojin behaved very generously and answered casually with a smile before we entered.

When I sat in the front row, Huo Xiaoran whispered in my ear: "I asked Xiao Jin to arrange it specially. How can we not let everyone know about such an important day!"

I know that he is referring to the fact that Yunli's matter is about to come to light!

It was quite a while before the court was to be left. I felt a little depressed while sitting, so I stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

"I'll accompany you!" They suddenly responded at the same time.

I laughed: "What are you doing? I won't throw it away!" After that, I smiled and left the position, leaving the two people looking at each other.

After coming out of the bathroom, I washed my hands and wiped my face with cold water. Just thinking about what is about to happen today makes my face turn red with excitement.

When I walked out with my head down and wiping the drops of water on my face, someone suddenly stopped in front of me without looking up. I moved my body to the side. Who knew that person didn't walk away, but followed me? I moved to the side and it was still in front of me.

Wiping the water droplets on my face, I moved to the other side. Who knew that the man would still move with me and block me. I looked up, but my eyes widened, Yanbei! It’s actually Yanbei!

"You!" I said in surprise: "Mr. Yan? Why are you here?" I used honorifics because I wanted to distance myself from him. Just now, I almost called out Senior Yan out of habit.

He looked at me. There was no change in his expression, he just looked at me like that, but I started to feel uneasy because of those burning eyes.

I didn’t speak for a long time, and my heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I blocked Mr. Yan's way!" I turned sideways to make way.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly stood in front of me and fixed me on the wall with both hands. He still looked at me, but the expression in his eyes was very complicated.

"It's you! I can't mistake these eyes. As long as you are scared, there will be tears in your eyes. I will never forget these deer-like eyes in this life." He seemed to be saying to himself Said in a deep voice.

I was dumbfounded, but the more panicked I became, the tears were really coming to my eyes. I didn't even dare to look into his eyes and lowered my head, but his hand suddenly touched my face.

"Xiaoya, why are you hiding from me? It's me! I'm still the senior Yan who deserves your trust!" There was pain in his voice, but who knew that I actually didn't feel good in my heart.

I also have regrets about Yanbei, but I don’t know since when, in my heart, there seems to be nothing but regret!

"Mr. Yan! You have the wrong person!"

Just when I was so embarrassed that I didn't know how to escape, Huo Xiaojin's voice came over.

Without even making too many noises, Huo Xiaojin made a move on him, but Yanbei seemed to be the type he had practiced often, and after going back and forth, no one had the upper hand.

I watched stupidly until I relieved the tension in my heart and shouted: "Xiao Jin!"

I don’t know why, just when they stopped, they all stopped at the same time. Huo Xiaojin raised his lips at Yanbei and then took my hand, while Yanbei’s eyes were fixed on Huo Xiaojin held my hand tightly.

"Xiaoya, is it him? Is it because of her that you rejected me?" Yanbei's voice was trembling with anger.

I don't know how to explain it, and I can't explain it. If I explain it now, it will be nothing more than admitting that I am Mo Xiaoya! Biting my lip, I could only look at him.

Huo Xiaojin looked a little proud at this time. He took my hand and said, "Go back! It's time to start!"

I nodded and followed Huo Xiaojin away. When I looked towards Yanbei from the corner of my eyes, I saw the despair in his eyes. I closed my eyes with heartache...

I'm sorry, Senior Yan, maybe we are just not meant for each other!

"Why have you been gone so long?"

When he came back, Huo Xiaoran looked at me and then asked Huo Xiaojin.

"When she met Yanbei, why did that guy keep chasing Xiaoya? When Xiaoya was working at Nice One, he always looked for opportunities to get close to her, and even arranged for people to inquire about Xiaoya's residence. I dumped him Several times, he still refused to give up, and now he has followed us here!"

Huo Xiaojin didn't know that Huo Xiaoran already knew Yanbei when I first entered Huo's house, and I wanted to stop him, but he had already said everything in one breath.

But it was also because of this that I realized that Yanbei had been looking for me!

I don’t know why, I feel a little guilty, especially because I don’t dare to look at Huo Xiaoran! He raised his eyes slightly, and when he looked over, Huo Xiaoran's face didn't look very good.

"That, or, maybe it's just a coincidence!" I was really trying to hide it.

The more silent he said, the more nervous I became. After waiting for a long time, he still had a sullen face. I hurriedly defended: "Really! Maybe it's just a coincidence."

Before he could answer, the judge had already walked in, and the trial had officially begun, so I couldn't say anything else.

When Liu Mei was brought out, I was really dumbfounded. Her whole body could not be seen as a human shape. She was so thin that she was no longer human-shaped. Her two cheekbones protruded. Her eyes were not small in the first place. It looks bulging and a bit scary.

She was almost dragged out, and her feet didn't even seem to move.

"The situation is not optimistic! She didn't seem to have an easy life last night, and now she seems to have no desire to survive!" Huo Xiaojin said nervously.

"What should we do? How do we let her know that we have rescued her brother?" If she is not told now, I am afraid that when the judge asks her to speak, she will honestly admit the crime.

"Xiao Jin, if you want your people to take a photo or take a group photo with them, send it over quickly! And inform them to be prepared. If the judge issues a search order on the spot, they will be sent back immediately!" Huo Xiaoran arranged it.

Huo Xiaojin took action immediately. Within a minute, the photo was sent over. I sat in the front row, holding the phone in my hand and holding it in front of my chest.

The only good thing was that Liu Mei looked at me and her eyes stopped on the screen of my mobile phone. After staying for a moment, there was finally color in her eyes!

Facing her, I nodded, and there was finally a slight smile on her pale face.

The judge entered the questioning process, but I was in no mood to listen because Yun Ligeng didn't come at all!

"Could it be that she ran away?" I muttered in a low voice unconsciously, but no matter how I thought about it, this was not the direction Yunli would choose!

"She is still trying her best to find Mrs. Wang! She will appear!" said Huo Xiaojin, who had not spoken for a long time.

I looked at him timidly, nodded, and then the judge asked: "Defendant Mo Xiaoya, is there anything else you want to add?"

Liu Mei held the handle of the chair and stood up slowly. Everyone was waiting for her to speak. At this moment, someone walked in from outside the door. She was wearing a red tight skirt. It was not Yunli, but also Who is it

Liu Mei almost fell down several times, but after Yunli sat down, she looked straight in the direction of Yunli with fierce hatred in her eyes.

"I'm not Mo Xiaoya! I'm Liu Mei!" Liu Mei suddenly shouted, looking at Yun Li fiercely!

Yun Li's already anxious face turned pale instantly!

"The show is about to begin!" Huo Xiaoran's voice contained a smile.

The courtroom scene suddenly became excited, and many people began to whisper among themselves. The flashlights of the courtroom scene kept flashing. Liu Mei raised her hand tremblingly and pointed directly at Yunli.

"It's her! She gave me this face! She used my brother's life to threaten me and forced me to admit that I was Mo Xiaoya as she arranged!" Liu Mei smiled so hard that she looked a little scary.

But the scene was in a commotion because of her words, and reporters suddenly swarmed up and surrounded Yunli. The flashlights kept flashing. For the first time, Yunli, who was as proud as a queen, had pale eyes. Out of panic, she looked at Liu Mei but was speechless for a long time.

"Even if I die, I will not let myself be charged with murder!" Liu Mei's voice was full of anger, but there was a smile in her eyes. She looked directly at Zhili, even if she was facing She didn't even blink at the countless flashing lights.

The judge kept banging the hammer and calling for calmness, but how could such news stop people from talking! At this time, Huo Xiaoran gave a rare laugh and leaned back on the chair, while Huo Xiaojin lowered his head. I couldn't see his expression, but I guessed that the kind-hearted Huo Xiaojin might be in pain. Yes!

The case is complicated. Thank you Meizi 215002 for the sweet chocolate.

The reporters were in a commotion until the judge called in the bailiffs and dragged the reporters out.

But how could those who were unwilling to give up go out? It was not until they agreed to quietly retreat to the last row after negotiation that the chaos calmed down.

"Defendant Mo Xiaoya, please restate your statement." The judge said seriously.

Liu Mei looked so weak that she almost fell back. It could be seen that she almost relied on willpower to stand firmly. Without any hesitation, she pointed her finger at Yun Li in the front row and said: "I It's not Mo Xiaoya, I'm Liu Mei, and this woman named Yunli gave me this face. It was she who threatened me with my brother's life."

Just as she finished her words. The court hearing was once again in a state of excitement, but because the number of bailiffs had increased several times, the reporters quickly became quiet.

"Do you have evidence?" the judge asked.

At this time, Huo Xiaojin just waved his hand, and a man sitting in the back row suddenly stood up. The man was wearing a black suit, holding a black briefcase in his hand, and walked forward slowly.

Until he walked to the railing in the front row and handed something over, and someone took it. After submitting it to the judge, he spoke out: "I am Liu Mei's defense lawyer. Liu Mei sued Yunli, the president of Huo's, for threatening other people's lives and committing the crime."

After reading what he submitted, the judge stood up, and the venue suddenly became quiet, because no one knew what would happen next.

"The court will now be adjourned for fifteen minutes. Because the situation is complicated and needs to be reviewed again, please invite the prosecutor and lawyer Zhang Chengjing to come to the review room together. Please take Miss Yunli to the detention room and not leave until the review begins." The wooden hammer struck heavily.

Everyone immediately started making noise because I was in the front row. But I heard the judge say to Yun Li before leaving: "You'd better inform your lawyer first!"

Amid countless surprised looks, Yunli was taken away like that.

Of course, when she recovered from the shock, she still glared at me fiercely.

"What's next?" I also became excited.

Huo Xiaoran didn't know when he sat next to Huo Xiaojin and was patting him on the back. Vertical formation skills.

"Such a woman doesn't deserve your love!" He said to Huo Xiaojin. I really agree with this.

I thought Huo Xiaojin would be sad, but unexpectedly he shook his head expressionlessly: "Everything that happened today is the result that she should bear!"

I'm glad that he understands, and I'm glad that he actually understands that horrible woman. s. Haokan Online>

"You don't need me to remind you about the following things!" Huo Xiaoran asked. It wasn't until Huo Xiaoran nodded that he suddenly appeared on the chair next to me and said to me: "The following is where you should appear. It’s time, do you have the courage to take back your name?”

I nodded approvingly. But when I think of Mrs. Wang, I lose my confidence.

"Don't worry! Mrs. Wang will show up!" He said it with confidence.

Unknowingly, the judge walked in again, and the venue suddenly became surprisingly quiet.

"The trial will be held again. After deliberation, Yunli will be the second defendant!"

Sure enough, just after Liu Mei was brought back, Yunli also sat in the dock, but her face was no longer panicked, and she had returned to her usual calm. When she looked at me, she The murderous intent in his eyes was unrestrained.

Because Liu Mei retracted her confession, the most important thing for the court at the moment was to confirm Liu Mei's identity. This time there was no behind-the-scenes manipulation. Instead, a doctor was called in to prepare to extract Liu Mei's DNA sample.

"It's your turn!" Huo Xiaoran said.

I understood what he meant, so I stood up, slowly took off my sunglasses, and shouted loudly to the judge: "I am Mo Xiaoya!" As expected, the whole trial was once again filled with enthusiasm. wave.

Even though the reporters were moved to the last row, they did not stop taking pictures with their cameras.

Of course, the onlookers were not the only ones who were shocked. Even the judge and the jurors looked at me in surprise.

"I am the Mo Xiaoya you have been looking for for a long time! If you want to extract a DNA sample, you can extract it together with mine." I walked towards the court.

Until the judge came back to his senses, he was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't know how to reason, and began to discuss quietly with the two presidents next to him.

After a while, sure enough, after the doctor extracted Liu Mei's sample, he also took mine away. But this time, I stood here and said loudly to everyone: "Regarding the murder of Chen Ningrui, I He was framed, and the person who killed Chen Ningrui was Yunli! An Qiang can prove this!"

A complicated situation happened again. An Qiang was involved before she even had a chance to show up today.

The judge and the two presidents sitting high on the stage began to discuss again, but the result was another fifteen-minute adjournment! But this time, Yunli was not the only one who entered the detention room, but of course I was also the one.

No matter what, Mo Xiaoya is still an escaped murderer!

In the detention room, besides Yunli and I, there were of course two bailiffs, but I was glad that there were still bailiffs, otherwise I don't know if I would have lost control and wanted to kill Yunli. After all, when I mention the word fugitive, I think of the crimes I suffered in prison!

"How interesting! Do you think you can still make waves?" Yunli asked me with a smile.

I looked at her and raised my eyebrows: "Aren't you already on the cusp of the storm?" The two bailiffs suddenly laughed, and Yunli's face became a little uneasy.

From that moment on, she didn't speak again until we were taken out together again. What's even more interesting is that this time there was me in the dock!

"Do you admit that you are Mo Xiaoya?" the judge asked.

I nodded: "Yes! I am Mo Xiaoya!"

"Your lawyer has handed over the complaint to me. According to the complaint, all of this happened because of the murder of Chen Ningrui, right?" the judge asked again.

"Yes!" I responded loudly. Because I believe in Huo Xiaoran, Mrs. Wang will definitely appear at the final point! I have nothing to be afraid of!

After the judge looked through the information for a while, someone on the lawyer's bench stood up: "Your honor, as Mo Xiaoya's defense lawyer, I hope to apply for a retrial of Chen Ningrui's case! We already have enough evidence to prove that Mo Xiaoya He is not the real murderer of Chen Ningrui!"

Everyone gasped at the same time, except Yunli. She seemed to hate me so much that her teeth itched at the moment. It seemed that I could hear the sound of her grinding her teeth.

"Because Anqing is too complicated, now that you can produce evidence, once the identity is confirmed, we will retry the case of Chen Ningrui's murder!" The wooden hammer fell again.

I laughed, but Yunli's face turned red and white, but Liu Mei laughed out loud and pointed at Yunli and cursed. From this, I could tell that her life during this period was directly It was an inhuman life, and Yunli suffered a lot through the doctor.

Not long after, the doctor from the hospital came back with the report, and when I looked at the hearing position, I still didn’t see Mrs. Wang. Fortunately, I could see Huo Xiaoran. He just nodded at me, and then talked to Huo Xiaoran. Xiao Jin whispered.

I let out a long breath. When the judge stood up and confirmed Liu Mei's identity, he immediately announced that Chen Ningrui's case would be retried at this time, and asked the recorder to retrieve all the files on Chen Ningrui's case.

All questions once again focused on me, and the Chen Ningrui case still had the same doubts. When did I enter the room? This still has no result! The witness was still the waiter who was in the room that day.

And the most important thing is the small fruit knife with my fingerprints on it!

When the murder weapon was re-examined, the man who claimed to be my lawyer stood up and said loudly to the judge: "Your Honor, I want to invite my witnesses to be present!"

Of course Chen Ningrui's lawyer stood up to object. After several arguments, the judge finally agreed. I saw what Huo Xiaojin did. Outside the door, several tall men walked in accompanied by Mrs. Wang. The sister-in-law held something tightly in her hands. After the bailiff took her to the witness box, the judge began to habitually ask some simple questions about her name to confirm her identity.

Sister-in-law Wang kept dodging Yun Li's eyes, but finally she put the thing in her hand on the table and said, "That knife is not actually a murder weapon! That knife was one my madam asked me to arrange for the young mistress to use, and it was also used by Chen Chen. On the day the young lady died, my wife asked me to deliver it early in the morning, and the small piece of knife in front of me was accidentally dropped when I delivered the knife that day."

When Mrs. Wang spoke, she became quieter and quieter because of Yunli's gaze.

The judge asked: "The lady you are talking about refers to Yun Li in the dock?"

Sister-in-law Wang didn't even dare to take another look before she responded: "Yes!"

"Young lady, is this Mo Xiaoya in the dock?" the judge asked again.

"Yes!" This time, Mrs. Wang looked at me twice.

"Your Honor, we are applying for an appraisal!" My lawyer stood up and submitted the application.

There was no doubt that Yunli's lawyer raised objections at any time, and that reason made the court hearing lively once again.

"Your Honor, I object! The case of Chen Ningrui's murder has been concluded. According to the procedures, if it is retried, it must be appealed and the case will be retried by a higher court."

When he finished speaking, the judge had not yet spoken, but the spectators started to make a fuss. Of course they hoped to satisfy their curiosity here.

unexpected evidence

After a few minutes passed, the objection raised by lawyer Yun Li was rejected, and Chen Ningrui's case began to enter the retrial process!

The small piece of the knife handle that Mrs. Wang submitted was taken away together with the fruit knife that had my fingerprints on it. And my lawyer also started to enter the questioning stage.

"Sister-in-law Wang! How many years have you worked for the Huo family?" he asked.

"It's been many years. I've been working in the Huo family since the young masters were very young!" Mrs. Wang responded.

My lawyer just looked around calmly, and after a while he asked again: "You said that it was my wife, Yunli, the wife of the Huo family, who instructed you to collect the knives with the defendant Mo Xiaoya's fingerprints. ?”


"Please describe the situation at that time!"

Sister-in-law Wang looked at Yun Li timidly, and finally said in a low voice: "That happened just a few days after the young lady got married. Normally, I would carefully peel the fruits I gave to Madam, but that day Madam He took it in like that. I didn’t know at the time that it was to frame the young mistress, I just... "

"Objection! Object to directing witnesses to jump to conclusions!" Yunli's lawyer stood up and loudly interrupted Mrs. Wang.

The judge hesitated for a moment before upholding the objection.

"Sister-in-law Wang, please tell me how Yunli asked you to send the knife to Chen Ningrui on the day she died. Can you describe it?" There was no change in the face of the defense lawyer, but he pointed his sharp edge at Yunli.

Mrs. Wang nodded and began to recall the situation that day: "That morning, before dawn, my wife gave me the knife and asked me to send it to Room 203 of the Xicheng Hotel! I took the knife and gave it away. past."

"Did a special car take you there?" he asked again.

Mrs. Wang frowned and shook her head: "No! My wife said we couldn't let others know, so I took a taxi there by myself."

"Do you remember the license plate number?"

The lawyer's question immediately aroused the whole court into excitement. If Mrs. Wang remembered the license plate number and found the taxi driver, it would confirm what Mrs. Wang said. That would virtually prove that Mrs. Wang’s testimony is true! For Yunli, this was undoubtedly like a bolt from the blue. Sure enough, when I looked at her, her face was as pale as white paper.

Mrs. Wang lowered her head and thought! She didn't speak for a long time, until she suddenly shouted loudly: "Remember! I remember! Because not long after getting in the car, the driver reported his license plate number on the intercom in the car!" After saying that, she took a pen and paper to I wrote it down and handed it to the lawyer.

Without exception, Yunli's lawyer once again objected, but this time, the judge supported the license plate number provided by Wang's wife, and asked the bailiff to summon the taxi driver on the spot.

Everyone present was extremely excited about the sudden turning point. While waiting for the driver to arrive, my lawyer asked another question that made everyone gasp.

"After you arrived at Xicheng Hotel, did you enter Room 203 where the crime occurred?"

Sister-in-law Wang shook her head without hesitation: "No, but the person who took the knife from me was a man! Because his face was covered, I don't know what he looked like!"

"Objection! You can't even see the witness's face, so how do you know it's a man?" Yunli's lawyer jumped up again.

The judge did not say anything immediately this time. Instead, he asked Mrs. Wang: "Witness, please answer the defense lawyer's question!"

"I knew it was a man just by the sound of the voice!" Mrs. Wang was a little flustered.

"A woman can also pretend to be a man's voice!"

After Yunli's lawyer made his argument, Yunli's face finally regained some color, and he raised his eyebrows and glanced at me.

Mrs. Wang seemed to be in a hurry. It wasn't until my lawyer comforted her for a while that she sniffed and said, "Adam's apple, I did see that he has an Adam's apple! There is also a beard. Although his face is covered, I still see it." Until he has a beard!”

"Objection! The witness's grammar itself is wrong. First he said his face was covered, and then he said he could see his beard. Your Majesty. I beg the witness that his current testimony is not valid." Yunli's lawyer remained unyielding after countless failures. demanded.

But this time, the judge sided with him.

"Agree! The last words of the witness do not need to be recorded! They will not be used as reference!"

"I have nothing more to ask!"

After my lawyer finished speaking, Yunli's lawyer stood up. The man pulled the corner of his clothes and walked up to Mrs. Wang. He asked aloud: "Sister-in-law Wang, you said Yunli asked you to take that handful." When I sent you the knife, did you say I would benefit you?"

I almost jumped up at that time. This question was obviously a double-edged sword. No matter whether it was beneficial to Mrs. Wang or not, the answer would be beneficial to Yunli! Moreover, this lawyer is obviously taking advantage of the fear that everyone has, because if Mrs. Wang says there are benefits, then it will be clear that she is no longer a witness, but an accomplice bribed by Yunli!

Everyone present started talking. Because of this issue, Mrs. Wang might move from the witness box to the defendant's box. My heartbeat also accelerated a lot, because if Mrs. Wang becomes Yunli's accomplice, her testimony will most likely not be accepted!

"No! Losing someone doesn't bring me any benefit." Sister-in-law Wang suddenly seemed very determined, which surprised me!

Sure enough, just as I thought, Yunli's lawyer began to loudly testify against Mrs. Wang and accuse her of lying!

"I didn't lie! Because I and I don't know why Madam asked me to send the knife." Mrs. Wang defended.

"Objection! Object to the defense lawyer misleading the witness!" This time, the person who objected was my lawyer.

The whole trial started to get a little chaotic. The judge's expressionless face showed a rare frown: "Calm down! Defense lawyer, please ask the question directly. This question does not need to be recorded, and the witness does not need to answer."

"Yes! Then I have no more questions to ask!" Yunli's lawyer retreated with a stern face.

Just when the judge was looking at the case file again, a man wearing a taxi driver's overalls was brought in. Yunli didn't seem to expect Mrs. Wang to remember the license plate. The taxi driver's answer also proved Mrs. Wang's story.

When the taxi driver was taken out, I saw Yan Bei, who was sitting in the back seat, saying something to the man next to him. The man stood up and walked over to the lawyer's table. He took his hand from his pocket. What looked like a USB flash drive was handed over to my lawyer, and of course I couldn't hear what he said next.

But I saw my lawyer's face suddenly burst into laughter. Just as the man left, my lawyer stood up and walked over to the judge with the USB flash drive in his hand.

"Your Honor, there is a video of my client entering the Xicheng Hotel, and there are obvious records of entering the room!"

I was dumbfounded at the time! I still remember when my case went to trial, didn’t it say that there was a problem with the hotel’s surveillance system? How did you get this Yanbei!

Then the judge actually said that for the sake of fairness, he started to arrange to play it here. In fact, not only Yunli's face was red, but my face was not much better. This was really an accident!

After arranging the equipment, the recorder started to access the USB disk. Sure enough, from the entrance of the Xicheng Hotel, the Huo family's car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. In the picture, I got out of the Huo family's car and then entered the hotel. , when I disappeared from the screen, the second segment started to play, which was the scene of me hiding behind the stone pillar in the hotel lobby.

That's right! The people I was hiding from at that time were Yunli and Huo Xiaojin. In the picture, Yunli and Huo Xiaojin came out of the elevator and walked towards the service desk, but I lowered my head and ran towards the electricity. After I entered the elevator, the screen jumped to the next paragraph.

In the picture, I walked out of the elevator, looking here and there as if I was lost. After a lot of effort, I found room 203, and the door of 203 was ajar! At the end of the screen, I walked in, and in the last screen, the time when I entered the room was at the bottom left of the screen! Zongdao Dongcai.

The court hearing became lively again, and reporters began to take pictures of the final scene, but I was already blinded by tears. My grievances, at this moment, in these few videos, needless to say, I His innocence is finally revealed to the world!

The judge didn't even hit the wooden hammer to call for calm. He discussed again with the two jurors beside him. Yunli's whole body went limp and he fell down on the chair.

But I burst into tears because of the uncontrollable excitement in my heart!

I don't know what will happen next, my whole mind is blank, and there is a voice in my heart that keeps shouting, Mo Xiaoya, your grievances have finally been resolved, you are no longer a murderer, everyone is I know you are innocent!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Silence!" The judge's shouting voice also woke me up. When the crowd calmed down, the judge stood up and said: "The most important doubt in the case of Chen Ningrui's murder has been resolved, but the defense raised this paragraph The authenticity of the video, so the trial of this case ends today and will start in three days. During this time, we will confirm the authenticity of the video and the murder weapon! Close the court!"

As soon as the hammer fell, today's trial came to an end, but Yunli and I were once again locked in the detention room. It wasn't until the judge appeared that he said: "Both of you are suspects in this case. Please find us." You can only leave after a favorable guarantor has provided guarantee!”

"Bonus?" I didn't know what it meant, so I asked naturally.

Yunli seemed to have lost his soul, stupidly