Ghost Invasion

Chapter 52: Works related (52)


It has already come down. The piece that Mrs. Wang took is indeed real.

In other words, I have been completely cleared of the murder of Chen Ningrui! And the incident of her creating the fake Mo Xiaoya naturally made her a suspect!

"Where is that person?" I asked quietly.

Huo Xiaoran raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to think of him! Maybe after Yunli's defeat, he should take action!"

"That's right! After using Yunli, it's time for him to come forward! But in what form will he appear?" I Butu was a little curious.

Huo Xiaoran put his hand on my head and whispered to me: "So, after what happened with Yunli, I still need you to help me light the fire!"

I looked at him in confusion. The evil smile on his face made me slightly distracted... But what did the fire mean? Is it possible that he went to burn down the Huo family

Could it be that I was already tempted at that time

"Varied… "

Before I finished speaking, the door was opened, and the two people who came in were wearing bailiff uniforms. The person walking in front was a middle-aged man who was a little fatter.

He sat across from me, but the younger one didn't. He just stood behind him. He smiled at me, opened the notebook in his hand, and asked: "Miss Mo! Excuse me, what happened just now?" what?"

When he asked, I didn't understand even more: "What do you mean what happened? Didn't your people see it? She had a gun and wanted to kill me!" I said loudly.

The smile on his face suddenly froze, but he didn't show much expression. He just wrote seriously for a while, then looked at me and said, "You mean, Miss Yunli wants to kill you?"

"Of course! The gun is in her hand, isn't it?" I was a little angry, and he asked me what I meant.

"Don't be nervous! I..."

"I'm not nervous!" I roared, and Huo Xiaoran's hand suddenly put on my shoulder. I only felt my shoulder tightening, and then I suddenly realized that my emotions were a little out of control. Fortunately, he squeezed my shoulder. I closed my eyes and began to adjust my emotions.

After a while, I calmed down, opened my eyes, looked directly at the middle-aged man and said: "She just took out the gun, and then shot herself! Right in her leg! Then She pointed the gun at me, and your people came in. She still had a gun in her hand at that time!" I described it simply, omitting of course the part where Huo Xiaoran took action.

In fact, when I finished speaking, I felt a little weird, because in the description I just described, many places were still out of touch! When I looked at the middle-aged man opposite me. Some doubts flashed across his eyes, and I could only steady my gaze. Fortunately, Huo Xiaoran pointed to the corner of the room.

I took a look and said hurriedly: "Don't you have surveillance here? It wouldn't be good if you call it up and take a look!"

The middle-aged man suddenly laughed awkwardly: "I'm really sorry! The surveillance camera was broken a few days ago."

When he said this, I suddenly understood everything. Why was the bailiff who brought me here called out after she came in, leaving only her and me? All of this was planned by Yunli. Yes, and it was planned a few days ago!

"What did she say?" I said calmly: "She must have said that I wanted to kill her. But she snatched the gun, right?"

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw the strange expression on the middle-aged man's face, and I confirmed my idea that this must be the case, that's why they came over, and I said again: "There are no fingerprints on that gun! "Because I clearly remember that Yunli was wearing gloves on her hands, and I guess her original plan was to kill me and then fake her fingerprints onto the gun. s. Haokan Online>

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly: "Yes! There are no fingerprints on the gun! But there are a lot of doubts because Miss Yunli was shot twice!"

"Two shots?" Could it be that when Huo Xiaoran rescued me, the bullets also flew towards Yunli? I wanted to ask Huo Xiaoran, but I didn't dare to say anything.

"Yes! But what puzzles us the most is that our people only heard one gunshot!" the middle-aged man said.

I laughed: "But how do you explain the two gunshot wounds on her body?"

He just nodded and said evasively: "We are just doing a routine thing! We understand the matter. Miss Mo can go back first. Because Miss Yunli is injured, the trial may be delayed for a few days!" , he put down the pen and closed the book.

As soon as he finished speaking, the young bailiff behind him made a show of inviting me out. After he walked out a few steps, he looked at Huo Xiaojin. He looked a little nervous. I just smiled and told him it was okay, and then he After calming down, Yang Yang kept squinting at Huo Xiaoran next to me in his arms. I just felt like she was blaming Huo Xiaoran.

"Let's leave first! They said it would be delayed for a few days!" I held Taiyang in my arms. The little guy was just like before, like a kitten, nuzzling my neck. That cute little thing was really I couldn't help but let out a squeak and kissed her face hard.

"What happened inside just now?" Huo Xiaojin asked in a low voice to Huo Xiaoran beside him. I sighed and opened the door and walked out. This road was the same one we took when we came in. But when I walked out the door, there were a few people standing under the stairs that made me feel a little uncomfortable.

That man! The man who came with Yunli!

The man at the bottom of the stairs, wearing sunglasses and holding a cigarette in his hand, was leaning forward. As soon as he saw me walking out, he threw the cigarette in his hand to the ground. Because of the sunglasses, I couldn't see his eyes, but he could I can clearly feel the gaze cast from behind the lens.

"What's wrong?" Huo Xiaoran asked a little puzzledly from inside the door. I gave way, but when he came out, his face didn't look very good!

Without saying anything, Huo Xiaojin also walked out. After seeing the person below, he narrowed his eyes and raised the corner of his mouth, but he didn't say anything, he just looked at it.

"I didn't expect that the famous playboy of the Huo family would turn around one day. When I heard that you appeared in Nice One, I was really shocked!" The man bowed his head, his mouth was gaping, his teeth? The faint yellow color on it makes me feel a little nauseous.

I looked at Huo Xiaojin in confusion! Does he know this man

"He is Xiaojin's classmate!" Huo Xiaoran said softly, and I nodded to show that I heard it.

"I see Yunli finally got together with you!" Huo Xiaojin, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly said, but the voice was full of ridicule, but I heard a touch of coolness in his voice!

Something must have happened between them!

"Mom! Go home! There are so many puppies passing by, what's the point of barking once or twice?"

A childish voice sounded from my arms. When the voice stopped, the already tense atmosphere became even more tense...

The man at the bottom of the stairs suddenly reached out and took off his sunglasses, and looked at the sun in my arms with a ruthless look. I could even see the man’s clenched teeth, which were chattering, and the people beside him The men in straight suits began to tremble slightly.

Huo Xiaojin was still just looking at the man below, but the smile on his lips was a little bigger. The atmosphere of this stare was extremely strange, as if a war would break out here in an instant. I held the sun in my arms My hand tightened unconsciously, and I didn't come back to my senses until a burst of laughter sounded from beside me.

Huo Xiaoran tilted his head and smiled like he was. I have never seen him smile like this before. This guy doesn't usually smile with his lips pursed. This is the first time I have seen him laugh out loud like this!

"Is it so funny?" Yang Yang suddenly turned his face to my side, looked at Huo Xiaoran, his eyes widened.

With just this sentence, the group of people below began to look a little unnatural. They looked around, and finally all their eyes fell on the sun. However, the little guy looked as if there was no one around, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. She just stared at Huo Xiaoran, and until Huo Xiaoran stopped laughing, she said again: "Silly, when you have time, deal with the dog blocking the road!"

Let's just say this, the little guy actually turned his face and looked at the group of people below, and his chubby little hand was pointing straight down...

"Sun!" I exclaimed.

After all, there are a lot of people below. Even if there is Huo Xiaoran, I don't want to put Huo Xiaoran in more danger because of unnecessary things! Unconsciously, I looked at Huo Xiaoran's hands. Those hands had become a little darker after Zhang Jingsheng brought people to the house to make a scene.

"Let's go!" I pulled the corner of Huo Xiaojin's clothes, frowned sternly at the sun in my arms, and shook my head, signaling her to stop talking.

After Huo Xiaojin nodded, he held my hand and started walking down. But those looks really made me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Huo Xiaojin! Do you still want to hide away like you did back then? After so many years, you are still not a man!"

Huo Xiaoran's footsteps suddenly stopped. I always felt that this man was deliberately stirring up trouble, but I couldn't see any emotion on Huo Xiaojin's face. No, nothing!

I was about to say something to tell Huo Xiaojin not to pay attention, but before I could speak in a hurry, I didn't expect that a painful scream came from below. When I looked over, what I saw was a dazzling red. …

The man was covering one eye with both hands, but from between his fingers, some red liquid was flowing out and falling on his body. After a while, the man's chest was already covered in red. The men behind him were so nervous that they didn't know what to do. It was not until someone in the crowd shouted to go to the hospital that those people hurriedly gave way, opened the door, and helped the man get into the car. In the end, all that was left was the dust kicked up by the car after it left. The group complains about low talent. ||Pen|

I didn't look at Huo Xiaoran like this, what did he do? Just as he was about to ask, he heard Taiyang say with a smile: "I didn't realize that you look like a man sometimes!"

"I am your father!" Huo Xiaoran's voice was filled with anger.

But I could only close my eyes to calm down. Everything happened so fast, and the red blood made it impossible for me to calm down at the moment. With my eyes closed, I could still see a whole patch of red,? The unique fishy smell of blood was still there while breathing.

Beside him, Huo Xiaojin suddenly turned around and said, "Brother! Don't do this for me again, I will take care of it!"

"I, Huo Xiaoran's younger brother, can't just say whatever he wants!" Huo Xiaoran's voice was very domineering, which reminded me of what he said coldly when he hurt Yanbei for the first time. :You are my woman!

When I thought of that scene, my inner feeling suddenly changed. It was not like the fear, panic, or regret I felt at that time. Instead, I felt a warm feeling, and even felt lucky!

When I thought of this, my mind started buzzing, and I became confused again! Could it be that I have been attracted to this man since that time

The situation of the sun is not optimistic

When he returned to his new home, Huo Xiaojin started busy making food, here. s. Haokan Online> This is my first time here. When we were in the car, Huo Xiaojin only said that this was the apartment where he lived when he was setting up his company. I stood in front of the big floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the building opposite. There was Nice One. Got it!

I sighed lowly. In less than a year, I have experienced so many things... Behind me, the sun and Huo Xiaoran were talking to each other as usual. Just like before, Huo Xiaoran was the one who glared in anger in the end. Jumping feet.

Turning around, I looked at the sun and couldn't help but laugh. At this time, I discovered that maybe this kind of life is exactly what I want!

"Sun!" I called Sun Yang seriously, walked over, sat opposite Sun and looked at her. The little guy looked at me with some confusion. Huo Xiaoran, who was originally turning blue with anger, also stopped and just looked at her. After looking at me, he sat down politely.

Sometimes I feel strange that Huo Xiaoran doesn't know when he started to understand me just by looking at my face. Although I am curious about when he started to know me. But I don't have any extra time to think about this problem, because the sun worries me even more.

"The Sun! Tell Mom, what happened to you?" I didn't go around the bush, but asked directly, because of the current Sun. It's really different from before. Although she still likes to pester me and act coquettishly, sometimes, what she shows is not the same as before.

The sun tilted its head and blinked, with an innocent look on its face, just looking at me without saying a word.

"Tell us! Maybe your father and I can't help you. But at least let us know what happened to you? And those two people!" Of course I am referring to Zuo Ming and Chen Cheng, Po. When that happened, I could see clearly that such a terrifying old woman couldn't even resist in front of those two children!

One can imagine how extraordinary those two people are!

What I have to know at this moment is who are the friends and who are the enemies of those two people! With the abilities of those two people, they may appear in front of the sun at any time, and the only thing I can do is to understand when to take the sun away from them as soon as possible!

"Mom?" Taiyang called softly, his little face wrinkled.

Looking at the little face of the sun. I feel sour in my heart!

"Sun! No matter what you have experienced before, now you are not just yourself, you also have us. You are everything to us. Before you grow up, we must do what a mother and father should do. , protect you, take care of you!" I said seriously, hoping that she would understand what I meant. No matter whether she was a demon boy or Huo Ran in her previous life, there is only one thing I have to do, and that is to protect her!

Taiyang's slightly wrinkled little face wrinkled tighter, and the hand holding her calf began to touch her head. She lowered her head, as if she was thinking hard about something, but the next second, her little body Suddenly he curled up and began to twitch, and his breathing became rapid.

Bang! She suddenly fell onto the sofa, then rolled over, with her eyes closed and her mouth open. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she was in so much pain that she couldn't even speak!

"Taiyang!" I rushed over, picked her up, held her tightly in my arms, and patted her back to make her feel better: "Taiyang! It doesn't matter, don't think about it, don't think about it anymore !" I repeated in her ear. Although I was extremely scared when I looked at her appearance at this time, I tried my best to control my voice so that it would not tremble.

Huo Xiaojin may have heard the noise on our side, so he rushed out suddenly. When he saw the appearance of the sun, he also became nervous. Without saying a word, he rushed back to the room and took out his cell phone. I didn't know he dialed I didn’t care whose number I got, regardless of what he said.

Until the sun calmed down in my arms, and my buzzing brain finally calmed down.

"Is she okay?" Huo Xiaoran took the sun and laid her flat on the sofa, stroking the pale little face with his hand. I swallowed and held the little hand of the sun and nodded. The sun looked like It was as if he was asleep, but the expression on his face looked like he was having a terrible dream.

"What's going on?" I asked Huo Xiaoran.

Huo Xiaoran's face also looked a little pale, his eyes kept falling on Taiyang's face, he shook his head and replied: "It seems that the problem in her body has not been completely solved. There must be something that makes her suffer so much!"

"Don't worry! I called Granny Chen. I'll wait until she comes to see me!" Huo Xiaojin suddenly interrupted, and I realized that he was calling Granny Chen just now. When I thought of that old lady, I I feel relieved. Anyway, she is one of the people who knows the soul best among us, especially things related to the devil boy. She knows more than Huo Xiaoran.

"Wait!" After Huo Xiaoran said that, he suddenly disappeared and then suddenly appeared again, but with an extra blanket in his hand. Watching him cover Taiyang gently and hold Taiyang's hand, I also sat down. He is right, there is nothing we can do at this time except wait.

I kept looking up at the time on the wall. After waiting for a full hour, the bell rang outside the door. Huo Xiaojin hurriedly opened the door, and Granny Chen almost rushed in without saying anything. After saying that, I knelt on the ground and started to check the sun. I looked at her serious look, and my heartbeat skipped several beats from time to time.

It wasn't until she stopped that I asked in a low voice: "Mother-in-law, how are you? What's going on with the sun? Is your health okay? Is there any problem?" I didn't even notice how many questions I asked. It wasn’t until I saw the deep mark on Granny Chen’s face getting deeper and deeper. It wasn’t until she finally let out a long sigh that I realized how many questions I had thrown out at once.

"Don't worry! There is nothing wrong with your body, but that seal..." As soon as she stopped talking, Huo Xiaoran and I became nervous.

"Old woman, don't stop mid-sentence!" Huo Xiaoran shouted impatiently.

Granny Chen just glanced at him, shook her head, looked at me and said: "There were two seals in her body before, one has cracked, but the other is very strange! On the contrary, it has become stronger! Could it be said that one of those two people did something to the sun?"

Huo Xiaoran and I looked at each other and shook our heads at the same time: "No!" The sun has been with us these days, and for safety reasons, Huo Xiaoran and I even guarded the sun at night.

"That's weird!" Granny Chen muttered softly.

"Just now I just wanted to know how much Taiyang remembered, but the more she thought about it, the more painful she looked, and that was it in the end." I said with some loss, looking at Taiyang's pale little face, I I always feel like it's all my fault.

"Who can unlock the seal of the sun's body?" Huo Xiaoran suddenly said in a cold voice, and I was also shocked.

Grandma Chen lowered her head and looked at the sun, and then slowly sat down next to the sun. She didn't say anything, she just stared at us straightly and didn't speak for a long time.

Huo Xiaoran asked the same question again, and I was about to persuade Granny Chen to tell us something...

"If even Grandma Liu can't help Taiyang, we have no choice but to find that race!" Granny Chen's voice sounded low, but her face was a little gloomy.

I looked at her in confusion. Although I didn't know what she was talking about, the tense atmosphere made me nervous unconsciously.

"Sure enough! Just as I thought, no one understands the soul better than them!" Huo Xiaoran suddenly spoke, which made me even more confused. What on earth were they talking about

"But the question is, how can we find them! Where is the entrance to the Eternal One?" Huo Xiaoran asked again.

Only then did I realize that they were talking about the legendary powerful race, the race that never had contact with the outside world!

Granny Chen shook her head and sighed: "If you don't even know about the Huo family, I'm afraid no one will! My Chen family can't even compare to your Huo family, let alone that race!"

I originally thought that Taiyang's matter could be resolved, but I didn't expect that even Granny Chen didn't know about it. My heart was lost again!

"Brother!" If Huo Xiaojin hadn't suddenly spoken, we would have even forgotten about him!

Huo Xiaoran and I looked at Huo Xiaojin at the same time, but he squinted and said, "Have you forgotten grandpa? Maybe... "

"Yes!" I exclaimed. How could I have forgotten this? Isn't there a Grandpa Huo in the Huo family? There was also the mysterious person who sent me the box. Huo Xiaoran and I looked at each other, and our eyes became much brighter!

"But, is grandpa the mysterious man?" Huo Xiaoran asked in a low voice.

I looked at Huo Xiaojin and shook my head, but after a moment, Huo Xiaojin said seriously: "Whether it is true or not, it's time for us to take over the Huo family!"

Huo Xiaojin was right, it was time for the Huo family to return the property to its original owner! !

After seeing off Granny Chen, I kept saying thank you as before. Approaching Granny Chen helped Huo Xiaoran and me a lot, but we couldn't help her with anything. We didn't even help her find Tangtang.

Yang Yang was carried back to the bedroom by Huo Xiaoran. At the dining table, the three of us began to discuss how to take over the Huo family.

"Yunli, we don't have time to wait any longer!" Huo Xiaoran first brought up Yunli's matter.

I nodded and said, "That's right!"

Huo Xiaojin responded immediately: "I'll handle it. I'll start on this matter tomorrow."

"You should be more careful about that man. Although he has no ability, after all, he is the only son in the family. If he is injured, I am afraid that the old man will bear a grudge against our Huo family!" Huo Xiaoran looked at Huo Xiaoran with some worry. Xiao Jin.

If Huo Xiaoran hadn't mentioned it, I would have almost forgotten what happened during the day. Looking at Huo Xiaojin, I asked in confusion: "Who is that man during the day?"


Huo Xiaojin said nothing, but raised his head and cast his gaze into the distance, his eyes a little confused. Next to him, Huo Xiaoran shook his head and went to the room where Taiyang slept. Before entering the door, he only said softly: "Xiaojin's matter should be decided by himself!"

I don’t know how much time has passed, I only know that the sun that was still hanging sideways in the sky has now disappeared into the horizon less than half...

"He is the eldest son of the Xiang family, the eldest son of Xiangrong Industrial, and he was also my classmate in college!"

Huo Xiaojin finally spoke up, and he spoke concisely and clearly, but I don't understand what is it about these identities that makes Huo Xiaojin feel unable to speak? He's just a playboy, just a little luckier than others. It’s just that I have a rich father!

"And he was also Yunli's boyfriend before me!"

So that’s it! I turned to look at Huo Xiaojin's side face. The expression in his eyes was a bit complicated. The more I looked at him, the more I felt that maybe there was more to this relationship than just this. Tuan helps every brother.

"Xiao, Xiaojin!" It was the first time that I followed Huo Xiaoran's example of calling Huo Xiaojin. Although I felt a little awkward, I suddenly found that calling him that made me feel a little closer. After all, he was Huo Xiaojin. Xiao Ran's favorite person.

"Can't you let go of Yunli in your heart? I don't want to repeat what I have said. I believe that Yunli is not unaware of all your efforts. On the contrary. I think she knows it very well! But have you ever thought about it? Yes. Why did she leave you?" I was a little surprised when I said this. Before being sold into the Huo family, wasn't I a girl who had never tasted love

Huo Xiaojin didn't speak, or even turned to look at me. I felt a little embarrassed myself, so I cleared my throat. I felt that I still needed to talk to him about this issue. Maybe what he had been confused about wasn't why Yunli didn't Love him, but why leave him!

"What Yunli needs is not love!" I spoke simply and clearly, but when I finished speaking, I saw Huo Xiaojin's body trembling slightly.

Raising my hand, I stroked Huo Xiaojin's back. I want to give him some warmth. Although what I said was a blow to him, it is also true. Although I am not Yunli and should not say such words, this is not just my personal thought, but Yunli's actual expression. thing!

"Xiaojin!" This time, I felt much more comfortable calling his name: "If you can use a clear mind now to slowly sort out what she has done in detail, how can you use your mind? Maybe she couldn't see it? She had a purpose from the moment she approached you, and when you refused to take over the Huo family, she resolutely chose to leave you! Doesn't this explain the problem? "

Huo Xiaojin suddenly turned to look at me, his eyes looked surprised, and even his lips trembled slightly: "You, how did you know?"

Only then did I realize that I had made a mistake. Even if Huo Xiaoran was willing to share some things with me, Huo Xiaojin might not be willing to let me know!

"That, that... I..." I lost my confidence and only stammered out a few words, not knowing how to explain to him. s. Haokan Online>

"I told her!" Following Huo Xiaoran's voice, his slender figure suddenly appeared next to me, and the cold hand that I didn't know when he put it on my vest made my heart The rapidly beating heart slowly calmed down.

"Xiaojin, there are some things that I have never told you. That woman is far from what you know. What you see about her is what she wants you to see, and what you don't see is the true face of that woman. !" Huo Xiaoran's voice was very calm, with no fluctuations audible. This is him, the man who can make people believe with just his voice!

Huo Xiaojin suddenly stood up, looking at Huo Xiaoran with wide eyes, shaking his head expressionlessly, his lips moving, but no sound came out.

I let out a long sigh, reached out and held his hand in my palm. His hand was cold and trembling. Looking directly at him, I decided that I should say something.

"Xiaojin! As I said before, Yunli doesn't deserve your sincere treatment of her! She has been using you from the beginning! Now that you have checked, you should know that in the process of her relationship with you, I even took the initiative to approach your brother because you refused to take over the Huo family!"

"Brother!" Huo Xiaojin's trembling voice slowly floated out.

Huo Xiaoran nodded and said nothing, but his face looked heavy.

"Then dad's death..." Huo Xiaojin's voice became even weaker. The hand I held in my hand was as cold as a dead person, without any warmth.

Huo Xiaoran looked at me, as if he couldn't make a decision. Looking at his eyes, I suddenly realized that I had understood him since I don't know when. At this time, I even understood why he had never told Huo Xiaojin some things. It was because of him if nothing else. I want to retain Huo Xiaojin’s unique innocence.

If he could, he could even build a world for Huo Xiaojin that only belonged to Huo Xiaojin, where there was no deception or harm, and everyone was so innocent.

"Tell him! He is no longer the child in your memory. It's time for him to grow up!" I said to Huo Xiaoran.

He nodded, closed his eyes, and said slowly: "You have also checked about Dad's death, and you don't know much less than I do. But Xiao Ning told me after he woke up that Dad's death was related to Liu Zhengli can’t escape the relationship!”

"But I can't find out what the relationship is between Yunli and Liu Zhengli! They are different ages and live in different cities. They didn't even have the slightest connection before entering the Huo family!" Huo Xiaojin's voice sounded a little out of control. , I increased the strength on my hand, and he slowed down his speaking speed.

"Xiaojin! Xiaoning once got the recording of the meeting between Yunli and Liu Zhengli. He told me for sure that my father's death really had something to do with them!" When Huo Xiaoran opened his eyes, there were complicated emotions in his eyes. , which made me feel breathless after watching it.

Huo Xiaojin suddenly broke away from my hand, and his body trembled violently: "Impossible! How could Mrs. Wang's son know about something that I haven't found out! And he is still about to die! I don't believe it!"

"Huo Xiaojin! How about you sober up! Do you still want to protect that woman today? How much do you know about Xiao Ning's death? If Xiao Ning hadn't gotten that iron-clad certificate, how could he have been raped by Yun Li? Get rid of women! His death was also for our father!"

Just when Huo Xiaoran's voice stopped, some of the porcelain in the room began to crack, making ping-pong-pong-pong noises. My heart, which had just calmed down for a while, accelerated again. It was the first time I saw Huo Xiaoran so angry.

"It's true! Xiao Jin, Xiao Ran has no need to lie to you about this kind of thing. The reason why he never said it before is because he doesn't want you to get involved. After all, he knows better than anyone else that you are deeply in love. Yunli's! Even if Yunli uses you or hurts you, Xiao Ran just wants you to feel that the person you truly love is not a bad person. Even if there is only a little bit of innocence, he also wants you to feel that his The dedication is real!”

"No!" Huo Xiaojin suddenly shouted, holding his brain with both hands, he suddenly fell down on the sofa, and kept repeating: "No! It's not true, none of this is true! I I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it!”

Seeing Huo Xiaojin like this, I can't tell how I feel in my heart, but Huo Xiaoran next to me, it is obvious in his eyes that he is a little disappointed with such a younger brother!

I can somewhat understand the disappointment in Huo Xiaoran's eyes, because he is the person Huo Xiaojin has trusted since childhood, but in front of a woman, Huo Xiaojin doesn't even believe his words. That kind of woman is really worth it.

Huo Xiaoran suddenly sat back on the sofa, closing his eyes. He just leaned on it. I have never encountered such a situation before. There was no expression on his face, but I felt that the temperature around me was dropping rapidly. What should I do? I felt the coldness on my skin slowly start to bite.

"Xiao Ran!" I called Huo Xiaoran's name worriedly, and even I felt a little scared of him like this.

There was silence for a while, Huo Xiaojin kept humming dullly, unable to hear what he was saying, but Huo Xiaoran didn't move at all no matter how I screamed, and the air around him was still falling, until finally, I You can even see the hot breath coming out of your mouth.

"Brother!" Huo Xiaojin suddenly raised his head and shouted clearly to Huo Xiaoran, but his red and bloodshot eyes looked terrible!

"Brother! What did I do! If I hadn't brought her home, how could so many things have happened to our family! It's all my fault! I killed my father! All of this belongs to me Wrong!" Huo Xiaojin shouted a little uncontrollably.

Not only did it surprise me, even Huo Xiaoran, who had been motionless, opened his eyes in surprise, and the coldness in the air disappeared immediately. It turned out that it was not what I thought, Huo Xiaojin was not because of that woman, but because of that woman. Put all the blame on yourself!

He is still the innocent Huo Xiaojin, who was not blinded by a woman...

"Huo Xiaoran!" I called Huo Xiaoran softly. Without stopping, I raised my feet and kicked him a few times. Huo Xiaojin looked like he was about to lose control. As an elder brother, he should at least comfort him. !

Huo Xiaoran seemed to wake up suddenly at my touch. After taking a deep breath, he slowly stood up, walked to Huo Xiaojin, took his hand and said, "It's not your fault! If If there is anything wrong between us, it is my brother's fault. My fault is that all I see is kind-hearted, and my fault is that I did not let you pay attention to the evil people's hearts in the world!"

At the end of the sentence, Huo Xiaoran hugged Huo Xiaojin into his arms! I don't know if it was because of Huo Xiaoran's hug that Huo Xiaojin slowly calmed down, but at this time, the expression on Huo Xiaojin's face had undergone some subtle changes, although there was no trace of hatred in his eyes. But his face looked very determined!

Seeing them hugging each other, my eyes became blurry. These are brothers, and there is always a bond that cannot be broken in my heart!

Return to the Huo family

Although the sun had been in a deep sleep for a whole day, at least the hurdle in Huo Xiaojin's heart had passed, and Huo Xiaoran felt less guilty. Yesterday, the three of us spent the whole night discussing how to speed up Yunli