Ghost Invasion

Chapter 54: Works related (54)


But there is one thing, Huo Ning'en, you don't know what Yunli is doing. If I tell Yunli exactly what happened here today, I wonder if she will reveal all the shameful things about you. What? "When Huo Xiaoran stopped, Huo Ningen opposite him had already narrowed his eyes to a slit.

I was confused when Huo Xiaoran turned around and took my hand holding the corner of his clothes. He pulled me and walked out the door. As he walked, he said: "In the afternoon, I want to see you at Huo's house." Grandpa. Otherwise you will know tomorrow morning that Yunli is much more capable than you think!"

I still didn't understand, but when I turned to look at Huoningen behind me, his pig liver-colored face and trembling fists clearly told me that he hated Yunli!

"Huo Xiaoran. Why is he so jealous of Yunli?" I couldn't help but ask as soon as I walked out of the Huo family's door. And what I'm even more curious about is why Huo Xiaoran is so accurate, but Yunli still has an effect on him

I didn't stop the car and walked slowly along the road, waiting for Huo Xiaoran to answer me.

Huo Xiaoran just frowned, shook his head helplessly, and responded: "Huo Ning'en has used Yunli as a shield from the beginning! He pretended to be weak and lived by hugging Yunli's legs. But. As for Yunli, she is not the kind of person who can be trusted by everyone. To gain her trust, I believe that Huo Ningen must have done something for Yunli, and Yunli must have kept something in order not to be betrayed. Being a guarantee can form a seemingly balanced relationship with Horningen."

I understood the literal meaning, but there was one thing that I really didn’t understand. I looked around, and when no one was around, I asked again: "Huoningen is obviously not weak, why is he attached to Yunli?" ?”

Huo Xiaoran suddenly put his hand on my head, caressed it gently, and slid his fingers through my hair. His voice became gentler for some reason: "He just knows how to take advantage of others!"

He said this. I understood. According to Huo Xiaoran, Huo Ningen was using Yunli from the beginning. He used Yunli to kill Huo Xiaoran, and then used her mother-in-law to arrange my marriage to Huo Xiaoran. It was obvious. He just wants to eliminate the most threatening person and then let two non-threatening people tremble, just like Yunli and I, even though we have the name of Mrs. Huo.

But neither Yunli nor I are good heirs to the Huo family! In the end, there were only two people who could really support the Huo family, one was him, and the other was Huo Xiaojin, who was not favored by anyone!

"Oh my god! So you said yesterday that Xiaojin is not Huoningen's opponent. Is this what you were referring to?" I screamed, causing many people who passed me to look over. I calmed down and lowered my head. I didn't leave either. I stopped on the side of the road and waited for the taxi to stop beside me before I quickly got in.

I was confused and anxious. At this moment, I seemed to understand why Huo Xiaoran said from the beginning that Huo Ningen was the mastermind behind the scenes. It turned out that Huo Xiaoran had already figured it all out at that time. I was the only one who still had it. Foolishly, he believed that Huo Ningen was the black hand just because he believed in Huo Xiao.

At that time, I just thought that Huo Xiaoran might just make the conclusion based on his feelings. It turns out that all of this is based on facts!

I didn't speak again until I got off the car. When I stood at the door of Huo's house, I looked at him intently and asked, "When did you know that Huo Ningen was the mastermind?"

If Huo Xiaoran understood it from the beginning, what does that mean? Two things are clear. One is that Huo Ningen has hidden deep enough and his methods are ruthless enough! After doing so much, all the blood was on Yunli's seemingly weak hands, but his hands were clean!

The second thing is that I really want to pry open Huo Xiaoran's stupid melon seed and take a look. Is it the most advanced computer chip or something like that? It's not at the same level as us humans!

After waiting for a long time, I couldn't wait for Huo Xiaoran's answer. I frowned and looked at him, and then he said with a smile: "I guessed it before you got married. I didn't confirm it until you married the Huo family." The whole thing is confirmed.”

"What?" I looked at Huo Xiaoran in surprise. He even knew it much earlier than I thought! I just guessed that he figured it out after I was framed and imprisoned and he ran away from the Huo family several times.

"Xiaoya." Huo Xiaoran looked at me aggrievedly, but I didn't come back to my senses and stared at him stupidly.

"I never thought of lying to you! The reason why I didn't tell you at that time was because you were very repulsive to me at first, and then later on, I told you honestly."

I don't understand why Huo Xiaoran has to explain so much. I'm just surprised at God's injustice. He gave Huo Xiaoran such a good background and such a good appearance. Even the invisible internal parts of the body are... Special treatment!

After letting out a low sigh, I walked towards the door of Huo's house with heavy toes. Now that I think about it, how ridiculous I was before. Forget about Yunli, I even want to use this mediocre mind to fight with Huo. Xiao Ran makes a move! It’s so ridiculous, so ridiculous!

Just when I was about to open the door, I heard the laughter of Taiyang and Huo Xiaojin coming from the room, as well as an old voice. I probably guessed that this voice seemed to be Huo Xiaoran's grandfather.

Sure enough, when he opened the door, Yang Yang was busy playing something with an old man, while Huo Xiaojin was standing aside and busy pointing at something.

"Back!" Huo Xiaojin looked at us with a smile.

I nodded. The sun was still the same as before. When it looked at me, it rushed towards me and kept calling mom. Looking at her condition today, she seemed to be much better than yesterday.

"Is this grandpa?" I smiled at the old man on the sofa. I had never seen him before. It seemed unnatural if he acted too raw. I couldn't explain how I felt about this grandpa. When I first entered Huo's house, the old man and I didn't see each other a few times a day, and we could only see each other when eating.

After that, it was time for me to go to jail. I still remember clearly that the old man came alone that day. He only told me about Lin Maoxiang and then left unsteadily.

"Grandpa!" Huo Xiaoran's eyes seemed to be shining with tears, and his voice was sour.

The old man smiled broadly and kept nodding his head and said: "Grow up, you have all grown up!"

I cooked the dinner, Huo Xiaojin was sent over to help, and Taiyang kept sitting at the table obediently watching me cook. Huo Xiaoran and the old man were the only ones in the living room, and they seemed to be discussing something.

"Xiaojin, grandpa, is he okay?" I asked softly.

Huo Xiaojin carefully washed the vegetables in his hands and picked them into two pieces. Then he looked at me and said, "It's okay! Did you and my brother go to Huo's today smoothly?"

I nodded, wondering whether I should tell him that Huo Ningen could see Huo Xiaoran. Unconsciously, I cast my gaze towards the living room. Maybe it would be better to let Huo Xiaoran tell him about this!

During dinner, Huo Ningen still didn't come back. None of us knew what he was holding back, but Huo Xiaoran and the old man were talking and laughing. While I was holding dishes for Taiyang, I was not interested in eating. He didn't have any thoughts, it was just because he was worried about Taiyang's condition, and he didn't know if Huo Xiaoran had asked the old man. |

I was about to ask, but Huo Xiaojin spoke first: "Grandpa! Did my brother tell you about the sun?"

Mr. Huo just looked at the sun, nodded, and responded: "I said it! But I don't know what you want to know. I think if you want to find clues, there are only two ways. This is the first one. , of course it is Linmao Township, although there is no one there, Huo Ju may not know, but there should be some records in the Huo family's old house."

Huo Xiaojin and I nodded at the same time. I felt the same way before, but Huo Xiaoran kept saying that when he was in Linmao Township last time, he looked through a lot of records and there was nothing about the thing we wanted to know. What's more, when he went back not long ago, he went specifically for this matter and couldn't find any clues.

When I thought of this, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Looking at the old man, I asked anxiously: "Where is the second place?"

The old man slowly put down his chopsticks, and then said: "Xiao Ran and I have understood each other. Didn't you encounter Night Village last time?"

I was stupid at the time, yes! Isn't that a ready clue? How could I forget about this? Unconsciously, I squinted my eyes and looked at the old man opposite me. Tsk, tut, tut. How does this old man look like he has Alzheimer's disease? This is so thoughtful!

"Grandpa! That box that allowed us to catch Yunli's little tail, was it you who sent it to me?" I asked straightforwardly.

The night is getting darker

The old man had a smile on his face and didn't answer, but he didn't deny it either!

Look at that. I guessed almost exactly. Facing the old man, I laughed, added some juice to his cup, and then said, "Grandpa! Thank you!"

I say this sincerely. If the old man hadn't sent those photos, how would we have known Liu Mei's true identity? If we didn't know Liu Mei's true identity, how could we have used Liu Mei to bite Yunli back.

In the final analysis, this is all the credit of the old man!

"Family, don't say such polite words! You should still take the matter of the sun to your heart. I'm afraid we can't put it off for too long!" The old man's smile disappeared from his voice, and his face became more serious.

I looked at Taiyang, and the little guy was looking at me with a confused look on his face, pouting and saying: "Taiyang is fine, he is in good health!" As he said that, his chubby little hands patted his chest. Puff. People who don't know the sun, looking at her current appearance, may not think that we are making a fuss out of a molehill.

But I am the mother of the sun. From the time the sun was born to now, I am the closest to the sun. Who else knows better than me what my sun should be like? Although she seems to be in good spirits now, there are no special changes in her body. But she is not what our sun should be like now.

The current Sun looks too much like a child, but our Sun looks like a child, but his thoughts are not simple! This subtle change in the sun must have a lot to do with the magic blood stone!

"Huo Xiaoran. What can we do to speed up the process of this matter? Or let this matter be settled first?" I looked at Huo Xiaoran anxiously. Although I didn't know whether the old man also had some ability of the Huo family, even the old man Everyone said this seriously. It seemed that the matter of the sun really could not be delayed any longer.

Before Huo Xiaoran could answer, there was a sudden bang on the table. When I looked over, I saw that the bowl and chopsticks that the old man was supposed to be holding suddenly fell to the table. The eyes that were originally shining now looked confused, as if an innocent child had made a mistake.

He looked at us with a slightly pale face, and tried hard to pick up the bowl that had been knocked over on the table with his trembling hands, but his trembling hands could not be controlled by him. The harder he tried to straighten it, the more he tried to straighten it. , that hand hung the vegetable plate next to it to the ground.

I looked at the old man in surprise: "What's going on?"

Huo Xiaojin suddenly stood up and reached out to help pick up the bowl that the old man wanted to straighten. Although the rice in the bowl was scattered all over the table, the old man at least calmed down.

I looked at Huo Xiaoran and was about to ask, but I heard the old man say in a vague voice: "I'm not full, I still want more."

There was no surprise on Huo Xiaoran's face, but only regret.

Huo Xiaojin took the bowl from the old man's hand, filled a new bowl and put it in front of the old man, and put a lot of vegetables in his bowl. The old man smiled at Huo Xiaojin, his smile was like that of a two or three-year-old child!

I frowned, but Huo Xiaoran's voice rang in my ear: "Grandpa's old habit has happened again! Let's eat, and we will discuss how to speed up the process tonight! Don't worry!"

None of us know when the old man will wake up or when he will suddenly change back to his current appearance. I thought that the old man was just pretending before, but it seems that it is not what I thought. Seeing the faint sadness in Huo Xiaoran's eyes, I wanted to comfort him, but found that I didn't know what to say.

Lowering his head, the rice felt like sand in his mouth... it was a mess.

After dinner, Huo Xiaojin made arrangements for the old man. When he came back, he only said that he had arranged for him. I also put the sun to sleep early. At this time, there were only three of us sitting in the living room.

"Xiao Jin!" Huo Xiaoran spoke first. Huo Xiaojin looked at him seriously, as if waiting for an order.

"Starting from tomorrow, let niceone suppress the Huo family as much as possible, and use all your means to push the Huo family to death."

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Huo Xiaoran. This kind of thing doesn't seem to speed up the process, does it

"Xiaoya! Can we send the sun to Grandma Chen's institution for a few days first?" Huo Xiaoran suddenly asked me. I didn't come to my senses until he asked again.

"Why?" I couldn't control it and my voice became much louder.

Huo Xiaoran took a long breath and then responded: "I'm afraid the Huo family can't be quiet these days! I just asked Xiaojin to call Granny Chen. She will come to pick her up in a while. Maybe today Starting at night, we couldn't even get a good night's sleep. Huoningen, you can't just leave us alone."

I suddenly felt excited, as if I had just woken up from a dream, yes! Huo Ningen has not come back yet, and he is afraid that he has already started to arrange something. Huo Xiaoran is right, Taiyang cannot be put in such danger. I nodded, agreeing to send the sun away.

"Don't worry! Let's take care of Huo Ningen's affairs in the past two days, and then go pick up Yang Yang! Besides, aren't you also worried about the appearance of those two people? If the safest place for Yang Yang is Granny Chen's institution, forget it When those two people show up, Granny Chen and those people may be much more effective than us!"

"Brother!" Huo Xiaojin suddenly said, and when we looked over, he said: "Can't we let go of the Huo family? Although I know that it is my life's hard work, but I have already seen through that kind of thing outside the body. Yes, even if there is no Huo family, I can still take charge of this family."

Yes! With Huo Xiaojin's current ability, it is not difficult to start from scratch. When he said this, I also became confused. If Yunli was afraid of poverty and wanted to keep the Huo family in his pocket, that would be human nature, but what about Huo Ningen? Is it just for the sake of winning the Huo family

"Although I don't know if Huo Ning'en is here for the Huo family, but now, we can only use the Huo family as a weapon, and we can't just let it go! The more he wants it, the less we can Give it, so that he can do more things, and we can find a breakthrough." Huo Xiaoran analyzed.

Although I still can't understand it, I have almost 100% trust in Huo Xiaoran since I don't know when.

"Tomorrow morning, we will go see Yunli!" Huo Xiaoran said and stood up, as if ready to rest.

Huo Xiaojin and I looked at each other, both of our eyes were full of doubts!

"Yunli?" We asked at the same time.

When Huo Xiaoran turned to look at us, his eyes were like looking at an ignorant child. After a long time, he sat back down and said, "This trap doesn't necessarily have to be your own idea! He, Huo Ningen, likes to watch the snipe and clams fighting, and I like it too!" As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly said to Huo Xiaojin: "Please arrange the manpower for the night! It's getting darker and darker this night."

Although I don't understand what Huo Xiaoran means, I don't know why tonight, but I feel that the atmosphere is really weird. After patting himself uncomfortably, the doorbell rang.

"Taiyang's mother, it's me!" Granny Chen's voice rang outside the door.

Huo Xiaojin went to open the door, and I went upstairs to hold the sun down. When I handed it to Granny Chen, I could really see the reluctance on Huo Xiaoran's face.

"Don't worry! I will take good care of Taiyang!" Grandma Chen held Taiyang, who was still sleeping soundly, and fumbled for something in the bag with one hand. After a while, she handed it to my hand.

"Take this with you! This is specially made to protect the key mechanism!"

When I took it over, I saw that it was a rag doll, or the kind of rag doll that was not very well made. I didn’t understand. What was the use of it in protecting the sun

"Stand-in ghost heir!" Huo Xiaoran said suddenly.

His eyes fell directly on the doll in my hand, and I asked doubtfully: "What's the use of this?"

Granny Chen just smiled, turned around and hugged the sun and was about to leave. Before leaving, she just said: "Since Huo Xiaoran recognizes it, he should also know its use. Let him tell you, I have something else to do. Just leave now!" Just when Granny Chen was about to open the door, Huo Xiaoran suddenly stood in front of Granny Chen.

"Don't go out from here!" As he said that, he raised his hand, and a ball of gas flew out from Huo Xiaoran's hand, slowly getting bigger and bigger on the side. I have seen this thing before. Several times, it’s the space Huo Xiaoran usually uses, the door that can lead to anywhere!

Granny Chen was puzzled at first, but then she just nodded her head and walked in with the sun in her arms. Huo Xiaoran didn't stop until Granny Chen's figure completely disappeared.

"Xiao Jin! Where is the person you arranged?" Huo Xiaoran asked.

Huo Xiaoran just nodded, the look on his face seemed to tell us that the arrangements had been made long ago!

"It's another sleepless night!" Huo Xiaoran's voice was very low, but I heard it clearly. Just as he finished speaking, the doorbell rang again. ~

My heart was in my throat, and just when I was swallowing my saliva, Huo Xiaojin had already opened the door. The person outside the door is none other than Uncle Huoningen!

"What? You haven't slept yet? Are you showing off to greet me?" Huoningen's face was still full of smiles.

Huo Xiaoran pulled me behind him. Huo Ningen looked at me and said, "Don't be so nervous. In everything, don't you have to be polite first and then attack!"

Only then did I understand that it seemed that Huo Ningen had been prepared for a long time. No wonder Huo Xiaoran didn't let Granny Chen leave from the gate just now. He might have known that Huo Ningen's people were already outside!

I have to admire Huo Xiaoran once again. He always thinks further than me when doing things!

"Uncle is so polite, come in and talk!" Huo Xiaoran said.

Huo Xiaojin didn't say anything, and just stood obediently by the door. Huo Ning'en looked at Huo Xiaojin, then at me and Huo Xiaoran, and then shook his head: "Just come in, I'll come over, but I want to ask from Heping’s point of view, do you want to leave the Huo family on your own, or do you want me to invite you?"

Collapse Thank you Little Monster Loves Panda_° for the sweet chocolate

"Huo Ning'en! Do you really want just the Huo family?" Huo Xiaoran called him by his first name, but this question frightened both Huo Xiaojin and me. Who would ask so directly like him? not to mention. He asked, who would answer stupidly and directly!

"What do you think? You are not stupid, are you! Huo Xiaoran! Although I am also interested in the Huo family's worth, how much do you know about the Huo family's true value!"

This kind of answer opened my eyes even more. Huo Xiaoran's question was originally stupid enough, but I didn't expect that a fool actually answered it directly! It seems that Huo Ningen wants more than just the Huo family!

Huo Xiaoran held his hands in front of his chest and responded meaningfully: "Oh? Why don't you say it and let us listen. If you can give it to us, then we won't fight with you!" Tuan Zai was bleeding.

I touched my forehead again. What kind of negotiation is this? It's like buying vegetables. Chinese cabbage costs 50 cents a pound, which is no good. Do you sell it for four cents? I'm drunk too! Inevitably, I began to complain in my heart.

"There are some things you'd better not get involved in blindly! I've also returned the old man you want, which can be regarded as giving you Huo Xiaoran face! Before I plan to kill you all, just give it up. !" Huoningen looked like God, as if if we don't do what he said tonight, we won't see the sun tomorrow.

I looked around nervously, but didn't feel anything was wrong, but I didn't know why, but I just felt nervous!

"Huo Ning'en, I would like to advise you, while we are willing to let go. Tell me quickly, what do you want, maybe I will be willing to let go?" Huo Xiaoran's expression could no longer be natural, as if It seemed that he already knew Huoningen's plan.

"Forget it! Since you don't know what's good, then I won't force it!" When the words fell. Huoningen just clapped his hands gently, and suddenly several people appeared behind him. Their hands were not idle, but they were all with guys.

Huo Xiaojin immediately flashed to my side and stood side by side with Huo Xiaoran. He didn’t know when he was holding a refined pistol in his hand. He only heard a few crisp clicks. I knew, The gun in Huo Xiaojin's hand was loaded.

"Do you think people like you will be useful to me?" Huo Xiaoran didn't even move. He just glanced at the people behind Huoningen and said coldly.

There was no surprise on Huoningen's face! Instead, I walked a few steps forward and entered the room. I looked at Huo Xiaoran and suddenly laughed. I felt even more uneasy because Huo Ningen could see Huo Xiaoran inexplicably, and now, with The person came but had no taboo against Huo Xiaoran. I always felt that he seemed to have made some preparations.

"Then let's give it a try! I've solved you today, and the whole thing will come to an end with Yunli!" Huo Ningen stepped aside as he said this, and slowly leaned against the door on the side. Passed by, as if waiting for a good show to start.

"No! There must be something wrong!" I unconsciously pulled Huo Xiaoran's clothes and shouted. There must be something wrong, otherwise Huoningen wouldn't be able to lead a group of people and prepare to attack us. Unless those people are absolutely sure that they can kill Huo Xiaoran.

I gasped when this horrible thought occurred to me! But before he could say anything in a hurry, Huo Xiaojin had already raised the gun high and pressed the trigger with his slender fingers.

I suddenly disappeared and then suddenly appeared at the bottom of the stairs. There was a constant banging sound in my ears. Although it was not loud, it was particularly harsh in such a quiet night.

"Can I be here alone?" Huo Xiaoran hugged my ears tightly, but his voice was extremely gentle in my ears.

I was so stupid that I didn't come back to my senses. It wasn't until I slowly felt his tight embrace that I stared and nodded. Huo Xiaoran suddenly kissed my earlobe and said, "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." As the voice disappeared, the tight hug also disappeared.

There was a hail of bullets in the room, and I even folded my hands nervously and squatted on the ground. I wanted to pay attention to what was going on outside, but I didn't have the guts to stick my head out, so I could only keep my movements and stand here.

"It's okay! Believe him!" I kept repeating, but the firepower outside suddenly became much stronger, and the sound of bullets was everywhere, until suddenly Horningen's voice came, and suddenly there was a sudden noise in the room. Calm was restored.

"Huo Xiaoran, don't waste your efforts, come out! Otherwise, your brother's brain will be in danger and will blossom!" Huo Ning'en shouted bluntly.

But at this time, I pulled my stiff body and slowly stretched my head out from under the stairs. What caught my eyes was the two people twisting Huo Xiaojin tightly. The gun in Huo Ningen's hand was pointed directly at Huo Xiaojin's. Brainless.

"Brother! Let's go! Leave me alone!" Huo Xiaojin struggled, trying to break free, but it seemed a little powerless.

With a cold smile on Huo Ningen's face, he quickly raised the hand holding the gun and swung it at Huo Xiaojin's brain. A dull sound sounded in the quiet room. Huo Xiaojin was just bored. After snorting, I saw a bright red spread from Huo Xiaojin's brain.

Huo Ning'en looked at it and laughed with satisfaction. From time to time, he raised his foot and kicked Huo Xiaojin. When he was kicked, Huo Xiaojin seemed to have lost consciousness. He lowered his head and swayed. The redness next to my ears slowly dripped to the ground, and I could even hear the ticking sound.

Bang, bang! After two muffled sounds, I saw that not far away, Huo Xiaoran had brought down the two men brought by Huo Ningen.

"Let him go!" Huo Xiaoran suddenly stood directly opposite Huo Ningen. The voice was as cold as hell. Without looking at his face, I could guess that his face must be terrifyingly gloomy at this time.

I thought Huo Ningen would be at least a little bit scared, but he suddenly laughed and pointed the gun directly at the back of Huo Xiaojin's head again.

"Am I stupid or are you stupid? The person is in my hands, and you let him go as he pleases?" Huo Ningen suddenly changed the direction of the gun and pointed it straight at Huo Xiaoran.

Unconsciously, I tightened my hands on my chest. Huo Xiaojin was caught. Doesn't this mean I got Huo Xiaoran's weak spot

"You know, guns are useless to me!" Huo Xiaoran remained motionless.

I only saw Huoningen suddenly raise his eyebrows: "Theirs may not work, but this gun may!" As he spoke, the finger moved, and for a moment, I seemed to see the muzzle of the gun. The sparks burst out, and I didn't know where the courage came from. I rushed towards Huo Xiaoran with all my strength.

"No!" I yelled and closed my eyes. I only felt that I had thrown myself on Huo Xiaoran's body. Then I opened my eyes. When the pain on my arm came, I actually laughed happily and looked at my body. Huo Xiaoran, I laughed.

"Stupid woman! Why are you so disobedient!" Huo Xiaoran dragged me and rolled behind the sofa. Watching him anxiously treating the wounds on my arms, I suddenly felt that this feeling was really good. I could stand beside him. By my side! I took the bullet for him. I don't know why, but when I recalled the confident look on Huoningen's face before, I felt that the bullet must have been tampered with in some way.

Although Huo Xiaoran is a soul, this does not mean that he will not be harmed and will exist forever.

"Be careful with the gun in his hand, there must be something wrong with it!" I directly said what I was thinking. Huo Xiaoran didn't seem to hear, he just kept tearing at the wounds on my body that were tightly strangling me. He didn't fire the gun until he confirmed that the blood loss was getting less and less.

"I've already died once, what can he do to me? Can't you just wait there!" He looked at me reproachfully.

I simply ignored his question, pulled him and said: "Huoningen, it must be unusual! Don't be careless! Believe me, it must be like this!" I didn't even have the time to tell him about Huoningen. En could have killed Xiao Jin with one shot but didn't. Wasn't it just to lure him out

"Huo Xiaoran! Come out! Don't keep me waiting impatiently!" Huo Ningen's voice sounded terrifying, like a ghost walking at night.

I held Huo Xiaoran's hand tightly. I don't know why, but there was always a voice in my heart that kept repeating, "You can't, you can't let go." ~

"Stay here obediently. As I said, even if the sky falls, I will hold you up!"

Watching Huo Xiaoran's handsome face slowly enlarge in front of my eyes, and finally a slight coldness fell on my forehead. When I watched him leave, I don't know why, my eyes were so blurry.

"Brother!" Huo Xiaojin's voice came over in a confused tone. I moved my body to the side, and then I saw that Huo Xiaojin had woken up, but one side of his face had turned black due to blood coagulation.

"Leave me alone! Take her out of here!" Huo Xiaojin's voice was small, but very clear.

"Huoningen! Let go of my brother! I only say this once, let go of my brother!" Huo Xiaoran stood in front of the sofa behind me and looked directly at Huoningen.

Huo Ningen just licked his lips and shook his head: "What a pity, I don't intend to let any of you three go!" As he spoke, his gun was pointed at Huo Xiaoran again, and I just felt like the air Suddenly it felt like it was frozen, and I even felt like I couldn't breathe!

"Really? But I have no intention of letting myself die in your hands!" Huo Xiaoran's voice became a little colder, but I saw the tightly held hands behind him slowly loosening. Open, a small whirlpool is spinning rapidly in his hand...

The scary thing about the Huo family bloodline (1)

Huoningen didn't even blink, his finger had already pulled the trigger, and I clenched my fist nervously again. Huo Xiaoran stood there without moving. He just raised his hand in front of him. The rapidly rotating vortex expanded in front of him at an almost invisible speed, like a net, blocking the way. in front of him.

I didn't even have the time to see clearly how Huo Xiaoran did it. Suddenly Huo Xiaoran disappeared from in front of the sofa, bang! I just felt that Huoningen's bullet seemed to have landed squarely on the wall behind me. Before I could react, I heard Huoningen's muffled groan, followed by a burst of bones. A crackling sound.

When I blinked, Huo Xiaoran had already appeared in front of me holding Huo Xiaojin. After throwing Huo Xiaojin over, he suddenly disappeared.

Huo Xiaojin collapsed on top of me, looking a little confused. I looked anxiously at the injury on the back of his head. There was no bleeding anymore. The wound was not big and the blood had solidified, but there was a bulge in that area. What a big bag.

"Is it okay?" I asked quietly.

He nodded, then raised his finger with great effort to point behind the sofa. I knew that he was worried about Huo Xiaoran. I nodded in understanding, then I caressed him and leaned him behind the sofa, turned around and looked at the situation outside.

"Where are your people?" I reached out and patted Huo Xiaojin beside me. After a while, he responded: "I didn't expect him to come so quickly."

I nodded my head understandingly, and muffled sounds echoed one after another around me. Before I could even see Huo Xiaoran's figure clearly, I saw that the people brought by Huo Ning'en had fallen to the ground one by one. On the contrary, Huoningen was standing by the door. He didn't seem anxious at all. To be precise, he seemed to be waiting. As for what he was waiting for, I couldn't tell at all.

After a while, all the people brought by Huoningen fell to the ground. I closed my eyes tightly. Then he opened it. This time, Huo Xiaoran had really killed too many people. At this time, not only his hands, the gray color had even completely covered his entire body.

He looked like an unpainted sculpture at this time. I couldn't help but feel that my nose was sore and I almost cried.

"Great! This is the effect I want!" As he said that, he slowly took out a black thing from his arms. When I took a closer look, I realized that the gun actually looked familiar!

Just when I was about to call Huo Xiaoran to be careful, he spoke up first: "It seems that you have really made full use of Yunli!"

Huoningen spread his hands and responded: "Yes! At least she finally did one or two useful things for me!"

"It turns out that the plan for Yunli to kill Xiaoya was fake. It's true to deal with me!" Huo Xiaoran sneered.

Huo Ningen didn't hide it at all. He loaded the gun generously and responded.