Ghost Invasion

Chapter 56: Works related (56)


He didn't dare to change his mind.

After packing some things for Taiyang, I sent Grandma Chen away. Before leaving, Grandma Chen just kept telling me that the doll must be placed at home, where the sun usually stays, so I agreed. I asked Granny Chen what the doll was for, and Granny Chen only said that it could temporarily replace the breath of the sun.

After saying this, I understood that it was nothing more than a delaying tactic. If someone wanted to find the sun, they might find the rag doll first.

Not long after Granny Chen took the sun away, Huo Xiaoran appeared. According to his arrangement, I am going to see Yunli today, and Huo Xiaojin is going to work at Nice One as planned, because starting from today, Huo Xiaojin has to do his best to With all their strength to suppress the Huo family, Huo Xiaoran wanted to take advantage of the moment to let Huo Xiaojin enter the Huo family without a leader.

In fact, I think now is the best time for Huo Xiaojin to enter the Huo Family. Huo Ningen is dead and Yunli will not be able to come back for a while. Although I have come forward, I have already made it clear that I will not return to the Huo Family. Those shareholders didn't seem to be happy for an inexplicable woman like me to sit in that position.

Now as long as you put a little pressure on those people, they will fall in love with Huo Xiaojin!

After finally washing the dishes and arriving at the living room, I heard Huo Xiaoran busy asking the old man who had sobered up if there was anything else the Huo family had brought from the old house.

"Let me think about it!" The old man scratched his head, as if he was recalling something.

I stopped, sat down next to Huo Xiaoran and waited together. After a while, the old man frowned and looked at us and said, "No, there is nothing left to say that I have left it until now!"

"You think about it again?" I was a little anxious! When I said this, the old man started scratching his forehead and the back of his head again. After scratching for a long time, he suddenly slapped the table and said, "Yes! There really is such a thing!" As soon as he finished speaking, he watched the old man get up and didn't go anywhere else. , walked towards the corridor next to the first floor. This direction is the old man's bedroom.

When I thought of this, I almost danced with joy when I looked at Huo Xiaoran. After entering the old man's bedroom, I watched the old man walk to the desk and pour out a small key from a small bottle. I seemed to have seen this thing before. At that time, I just married into the Huo family. I saw the old man every day. In the morning, I would take this small key to the garden behind.

Sure enough, the old man took the key and turned around and walked out. He walked around the back corridor into the Huo family's back garden. This place was quite big. When I married into the Huo family, I never dared to go inside. I feel afraid that I will get lost.

After walking for a while, I saw a house not far ahead that looked like it was made of glass. From the outside, I could see that there were many plants planted in the house, and each one was carefully cultivated.

"Me! I'm afraid of losing things, so I always put this only thing in the place where I can't forget it the most!" With that, we stopped at the door, and the old man took the key and opened the lock. , and walked in.

Although I also like these flowers and plants, I have no intention to look at them. I am focused on watching the old man rummaging around inside. After a while, from an old tool cabinet with paint peeling off, the old man took out a tool like It was something like a stick, wrapped in a black cloth bag, and we didn't know what was inside.

The old man smiled and untied the bag and said, "That's it! But I don't have the key, so I don't know what's inside!" When he finished speaking, the bag was untied, and I saw that it was A box, but the material seems to be made of tree poles outside Linmao Township.

Black! It still smells like that! Huo Xiaoran picked it up curiously and looked at it. Of course I didn't stop. My eyes kept following the box. The box looked very strong and sealed very well. Except for a small hole that looked like a key, there was another small hole on it. There is nothing else.

"Grandpa doesn't have a key either?" I asked.

The old man shook his head, and I felt even more strange. I couldn't help but said, "Could it be this thing? Why did he have to rob Huo for something so easy to find?"

I'm really curious. If Huoningen was just looking for this thing, he wouldn't have to rob the Huo family! Maybe this isn't what we're looking for

Huo Xiaoran seemed to have the same idea as me in his eyes. After a while, he asked the old man: "Grandpa, is there any place in our Huo family that only the head of the family can go to?"

"Oh! It's just a treasury! When your mother was young, she was very fond of money, and your father doted on her, so she just built a treasury and put money in it without putting anything else in it! And your mother was She just said it casually, because she was afraid that the money your father gave her would be used by you two little boys. No, I just said that you can't enter that place until you have children! Your father took it seriously, so the keys , they are all placed with the lawyer, and they will not be given until you have children."

After hearing this, I was really defeated by the Huo family. Is there such a thing? Fortunately, Huo Ningen was determined to eradicate everyone in the Huo family just to get into that place...

Goodbye Yunli

Although I can't help but feel a little disappointed, now is not the time to feel disappointed. Huo Xiaoran doesn't know how to put that thing away, anyway. I just saw the thing disappear in Huo Xiaoran's hand.

"Grandpa, is it okay for you to be alone at home? Xiaoya and I are going to the hospital to meet someone!" After saying that, he helped grandpa up. The old man simply shook his head and said, "I haven't been here like this for so many years. Well, being able to see my great-grandson can be regarded as fulfilling my old man’s wish."

I knew he was talking about the sun, and I didn’t know if that little thing was doing well at Grandma Chen’s place! The sun has only left for a few hours, and I miss her so much. I really don’t know how I should live these days.

After sending the old man back to the house, some of the servants in the house began to be busy. Without Mrs. Wang, the Huo family quickly replaced a new housekeeper. Working hours are also arranged in an orderly manner.

Huo Xiaoran and I left from Huo's house without bringing anything. Huo Xiaojin had arranged the car at the door in the morning. The driver already knew where he wanted to take me, and he didn't say much from beginning to end.

When I arrived at the door of the hospital. I sniffed, although I didn't want to see Yunli again. But this has to be done.

I don’t know what kind of relationship Huo Xiaojin used. When we came, those people in police uniforms didn’t even stop me. To be precise, they let us in without asking a question.

The hospital has long been familiar to me, and I don't know why. Ever since I got involved with Huo Xiaoran, I have been to places like the hospital countless times. I didn't like coming to places like this before, not to mention the smell of disinfectant that hit my nose. This feeling that someone is going to die from time to time always makes me very uncomfortable.

From outside the door, you can see Yunli lying on the bed. He doesn't look like a suspect at all, but he is very relaxed and contented.

When I pushed the door open and walked in, Yunli seemed to be frightened, but the dazed time was not as long as I imagined.

"What are you doing here?" Yunli said with some smoke.

Anyway, she never gave me a good look, and I didn't bother to shout. I just pulled out a chair and sat down, but this time, I sat far away from her. Who knows what terrible things this kind of woman will do when she gets mad.

"Yunli! It's today. Haven't you reflected on it?" I looked at her warily, ready to deal with the possibility that she might pounce on me.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, maybe because she didn't expect that I would say such a thing when I looked at her now. She raised her eyebrows and said, "What? You didn't just meet me today, did you?"

I looked at her and smiled, feeling that her life seemed not much better than mine, but if the future days were also included, maybe I would be much luckier than her.

"Yes! But this isn't the first day you've known Huoningen, right?" I simply brought the topic to the right track. This is the main purpose of Huo Xiaoran and I coming here today.

Sure enough, after hearing the name Huoningen, Yunli's face was not as pretty as before, and she looked at me as if she was about to spit out fire.

"Don't mention him to me!"

I nodded: "Yes, if it weren't for him, you wouldn't know Long Po. If you didn't know Long Po, I wouldn't show up. If I don't show up, naturally, you won't confront Huo Xiaoran directly. Come on, in this way, you can at least sit firmly in the position of President Huo, and you can still be the superior Mrs. Huo! Am I right? "

"You..." Yunli couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

I laughed and said: "Actually, I know, maybe much more than you know. If you have such a result today, you may put all the blame on Huoningen, but there is one thing you I have to admit, this guy won’t die if he doesn’t do something, right?”

I don’t know if my words like this irritated Yunli, but she suddenly jumped up, as if she wanted to skin me and remove my bones.

It's funny to say, if I hadn't thought of Huo Xiaoran beside me, looking at her like that, I would have wanted to go out immediately and never want to see her again.

"Do you really think you're the winner? I was deceived by Huo Ning'en! So what, Huo Ning'en is not the only man in my Yunli! The Huo family is no longer important to me! You just Just wait for the trial to go to jail again!”

I really don’t know where Yunli’s confidence comes from, but I can hear some hints. It seems that Yunli is really delaying the court session this time. Why? Unconsciously, I looked at Huo Xiaoran. Although he had no expression on his face, I could see from his eyes that he seemed to be thinking the same thing as me.

"Yunli! Let me tell you the truth! Today, I just want to know what the gun Huoningen gave you is for?" I didn't bother to talk to her, so I simply asked.

Yun Li laughed, and after a long while he said: "Don't say I don't know, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you!"

have to! It seems that it is impossible to get any useful disappearance from her today!

However, I did not give up and shook my head: "Yunli! What if I use the conditions for your freedom in exchange for the truth about the gun? You took advantage of this deal!"

"Xiaoya!" Huo Xiaoran suddenly pinched my shoulder. I looked at him and smiled. In fact, Yunli will cause trouble for me no matter where she is, so what if I just leave her outside? I'm really worried about what Huoningen did now. I have to know whether Huoningen did anything to Huo Xiaoran.

It was obvious that after Yunli's face changed slightly, she still said the sentence "Don't tell me even if you know it" again, but this time, she didn't have the arrogant tone just now. Come on, Huoningen didn't tell her the true function of the gun.

Although I had thought about such an outcome before coming here, when I actually faced it, I was still a little upset!

"In that case, let's meet in court!" After saying these words, I stood up and prepared to leave. I thought Yunli would act like a mad dog, but this time, she was unexpectedly quiet. Female gangsters are rubbish.

When we first arrived at the door of the hospital, my cell phone rang. The call was from the Huo family. When I picked up the call, I heard the new housekeeper of the Huo family trembling inside and said: "Husband, Madam, you just came. A group of people rushed into the house and asked us to hand over the little girl!"

"Miss?" Miss? I didn't react right away.

The person on the phone said again: "Yes! They seem to have made a special trip to see Miss Yang!"

I was dumbfounded and got in the car immediately. I told them on the phone to wait for me when I came back. I hung up the phone and asked the driver to go home as soon as I got in the car.

Huo Xiaoran didn't understand. I shook my head. It wasn't until I got out of the car that I told Huo Xiaoran what happened on the phone.

"It seems that the boy named Xiang came here to cause trouble! That boy can't do anything except this kind of thing. You can rest assured that Taiyang is not at home. He will definitely not be able to find Granny Chen and the others. Don’t worry.”

While we were talking, we arrived at the door. The door was open. When we looked in, the house was really in a mess. Several servants and housekeepers looked frightened. Huo Xiaoran and I just came in, and Huo Xiaojin brought us Someone appeared at the door.

"Are you okay?" He looked at me worriedly. It wasn't until I nodded that he started arranging the people to bring. From the looks of it, it seemed like he would be living in the Huo family permanently in the future.

I was a little worried about the old man. When I asked about it, the housekeeper said that the old man was fine and had been sunbathing on the roof. He said he did it again because he was confused.

It’s good that Grandpa is fine. He sent the servants to clean up the house quickly. The three of us started to think of countermeasures again, because those people didn’t succeed, so I’m afraid they wouldn’t be so willing!

"Xiao Jin, if you arrange the people under you to stay at home, where is your company?" Huo Xiaoran said suddenly.

I don't understand. Could it be that those people who find trouble with me will find trouble with Huo Xiaojin? "They won't be stupid enough to cause trouble for Huo Xiaojin!" In any case, Huo Xiaojin is not a vegetarian now.

"Yunli, after this time, already knows that I am always by your side, so he should not do anything to you. After all, those people can't do anything to me. If we arrange it like this, they are most likely to attack Xiaojin. What's more, Yunli might not be willing to let the Huo family return to Xiaojin's hands like that... "

When Huo Xiaoran said this, my heart was a little disappointed. I believed that Yunli would really do such a thing, so I hurriedly asked Huo Xiaojin to take these people back to me. The court was about to begin. , Huo Xiaojin must not cause any more trouble. If Huo Xiaojin really falls into Yunli's hands, then this court session will be really meaningless.

"No!" Huo Xiaojin objected to Huo Xiaoran for the first time, as if there was no room for discussion.

"I can't leave you alone. Even if you have my brother by your side, you have also seen that every time my brother kills someone, his body will change. Although I don't know if it will have any effect, this at least shows that My brother can’t kill anyone anymore!”

I didn't expect Huo Xiaojin's observation ability to be so strong. Just once, he seemed to see the clues. I pursed my lips. In fact, Huo Xiaojin was right.

"What's more, we still have grandpa at home. What if that kid from Xiang's family jumps over the wall and makes trouble with grandpa?"

Huo Xiaojin's statement was of course what Huo Xiao and I were worried about. After we looked at each other worriedly, Huo Xiaoran said to me with a somewhat unsightly expression: "Call Ji Yuan and ask him to come over to Huo's house."

Only then did I remember, isn’t there another Mr. Ji? He is also concerned about Chen Ningrui's death case this time. Maybe he can talk to him and let him watch the Huo family for a few days.

I nodded, took the phone and walked aside to start talking. I thought that we were not yet at the stage where we could call immediately when needed. I always felt that it was not easy to speak. When I heard Ji Yuan's dull voice on the phone, I came back to my senses when I heard the voice.

"That, that..."


I'm still not used to seeing Ji Yuan sitting in front of me. This guy looks more gloomy than when I first saw him. purple

Ji Yuan looked at Huo Xiaojin and me. Without saying anything, he took a document from the hand of his subordinate and put it on the table.

I picked it up out of curiosity, and was dumbfounded when I saw the big court notices on it.

"This? Xiaojin applied several times, but was always delayed on the grounds that Yunli was seriously injured. How did you get this?" I asked.

Huo Xiaoran and Huo Xiaojin looked at Ji Yuan with unusually similar expressions, both of them were dark!

"The underworld, there is a way to the underworld. Although it took me a lot of time, but behind those people who look glamorous on the surface, there are a few who are clean! The methods that you serious businessmen cannot do are not the same as us. Are you good at it? I just got this thing in the morning, and the time is set for tomorrow. You should also prepare what you need to prepare! Xiaorui's death cannot be so unclear! "

There was no position in Ji Yuan's voice. It sounded like he was saying that he didn't care who killed Chen Ningrui. The result he wanted was to find out the real murderer of Chen Ningrui.

"Ji Yuan! I'm actually looking for you. I really have something to do!" I said with some embarrassment.

Ji Yuan surprised me when he opened his mouth: "Isn't he the ungrateful young master of the Xiang family? Don't worry, anyone who hinders this court session will not be let go. Although Xiangrong Industrial is indeed very wealthy, I Ji Yuan doesn't accept everyone's money, just leave this matter to me! I will disturb you at Huo's house tonight, and I will go to the court with you tomorrow. "

As soon as Ji Yuan finished speaking, Huo Xiaojin's cell phone rang. I didn't pay attention. After arranging a room for Ji Yuan, I met Huo Xiaoran's disgusting face as soon as I came downstairs. This guy didn't know who provoked him. His face was ugly, especially the way he looked at me, which made me feel very upset.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a low voice. Because I was afraid of looking at his stinky face, I turned my attention to the men brought by Ji Yuan. There were people around the Huo family at this time, busy with other things. It seemed like he was doing something high-tech, and the scene was just like what I had seen in movies before.

"Mo Xiaoya! If Yanbei does these unnecessary things again, I won't show mercy to him!" Huo Xiaoran's voice was so cold that no emotion could be heard. But he is the most terrifying person.

I looked at him in confusion, and kept replying with two words in my mind: Yanbei!

"Senior Yan? I haven't contacted him! Why did he offend you?"

Huo Xiaoran just snorted coldly and suddenly disappeared from my face. I really didn’t know what Yanbei did. Since I expressed my position to him last time, I really haven’t done anything again. Contacted him.

"Xiaoya, I just received a call from someone from Yanbei, asking me if I was interested in carving up Xiangrong Industrial!" Huo Xiaojin looked at me innocently, and I was stunned, what kind of relationship was this? What kind of thing is this

"What do you mean?"

"Looking at this situation, Yanbei has been paying close attention to you. This time Yanbei tried his best to win over Xiangrong Industrial in one fell swoop. It seems that it was also because the eldest son of the Xiang family brought people to the Huo family to cause trouble! That's what I said. My brother is not happy about this! But as a businessman, I am really happy. I may not come back today. I am quite interested in the plan sent by Yanbei. My brother, you can see for yourself. Do it!" With that said, the guy took a coat and left. When I went out, he looked at me with that strange look for a long time.

There were many people downstairs and so many things happened in the past few days. I suddenly thought of the roof. I grabbed a glass of water and went upstairs. It was time to find a place to relax.

The roof of the building was made into a garden. The old man was lying on the deck chair with his eyes closed, enjoying the sunshine. I didn’t say anything, so I walked to the edge and sat on the swing. From time to time, there was a short circuit sound in my head. From time to time, what Huo Xiaojin said just now comes up.

Why does Yanbei pay so much attention to me? I scratched my head stupidly. If Huo Xiaojin hadn't mentioned the name Yanbei, I would have almost forgotten it.

With my eyes closed, I tilted my head and felt the sunshine. My feet were gently swaying. I began to slowly recall the appearance of Yanbei, the senior who always stood beside me, and his smiling face like the sunshine. …

"Girl! It's rare that you enjoy the sunshine so leisurely!"

The old man's voice was lazy, and you could tell that he was awake now!

"Grandpa, who does your grandson look like?" I said a little depressed, because Huo Xiaoran's face always popped up in my mind.

When I opened my eyes, the old man had sat up without knowing it and was pouring tea into the cup seriously. When he saw me opening my eyes, the old man put the cup near me towards me, and I also After understanding the meaning, he stood up and sat down.

Although I rarely drink tea, I have to say that this tea is really good. It is slightly bitter in the mouth, but the aftertaste is fragrant and sweet.

"Girl, has anyone told you that you are very similar to the sun!"

"Grandpa, don't be ridiculous. I gave birth to the sun, so of course it looks a lot like me!" I put down the cup and looked at the old man. Could it be that in the blink of an eye, the old man was confused again

"Girl, I'm not confused yet. The sun I'm talking about is the one above my head! You have this feeling on your body. It's not dazzling, but it can make people feel warm." The old man added some tea to my arms.

When the old man said that, I felt a little hot on my face. How could this be possible? For a boring gourd like me, if I hadn't met Huo Xiaoran, I would be the kind of born nerd who would still be the sun!

"Grandpa, don't make me happy. If we talk about the sun, it should be your eldest grandson. He has the brilliance of the sun, which makes my eyes hurt!" As I said that, I ran away. The old man looked at him and rubbed his eyes unnaturally. Female strength and other skills.

I don’t know if my actions were too fake, or if the old man heard me praising his eldest grandson, he opened his mouth and laughed heartily. But thanks to his laughter, the atmosphere was not as awkward as before.

"Girl, thank you for taking care of my two grandsons. Xiao Ran may be destined to have such a fate, but because of your change, I can see Xiao Jin brightly. If it weren't for you, that kid would still be addicted to it. I don’t know when I will be able to overcome the hurdle in my heart! I... "

"Grandpa!" I interrupted the old man. In fact, I am not as good as he said. Huo Xiaoran was protecting me all the way here. Although Huo Xiaojin felt a little shadowy, I had to admit that he It really helped me a lot.

"Grandpa! Tell me the story of the Huo family!" I casually picked up the topic because I didn't want to be flattered by the old man anymore.

The old man seemed to have noticed what was on my mind. He drank the tea in his hand with a smile, then lay back on the chair, closed his eyes and said nothing. I thought he didn't intend to talk to me anymore, and was about to As he stood up to leave, he heard him say: "By my generation, I don't know which generation the Huo family is."

I sat back obediently and waited for the old man to continue.

"Since our Huo family came out of Lin Mao Township, we have long lost our past glory. We are just like ordinary people, working hard to make money and living a relatively happy life, but the old people always tell me that Lin Mao Stories about my hometown, including the story I once told Xiao Ran and Xiao Jin, the story of the little pig getting lost."

"Perhaps we are the lost little pigs. The plot in the story is nothing more than telling us the way home. But after so many generations, we have never thought of returning to Linmao Township. Don't ask me why. , maybe because we have stayed here for too long and have forgotten that place.”

The old man stopped, and taking advantage of the gap, I asked the doubts in my heart: "Grandpa, you must have seen Huo Xiaoran when he died, right?" Otherwise, how could the old man have no way out of me? But when he was leaving, he came to see me specially and told me about Lin Maoxiang, which even Huo Xiaoran only thought was a story

"Yes! But when we get old, no matter how much we think about it, we can no longer do anything for my grandson."

I stood up and walked away without saying a word. When I went downstairs, I stopped and said loudly: "Grandpa, thank you! Thank you for believing in me!"

I really believe that grandpa chose to trust me, otherwise I might not even have the chance to give birth to the sun, and I would have died in that prison! In fact, what I want to say more is thank you grandpa for giving me such a good man. Because of his protection, I was not killed by my childish brain.

Huo Xiaojin really didn't come back all night. She thought that the eldest son of the Xiang family, who had an affair with Yunli, would come to cause trouble. Unexpectedly, it was unexpectedly quiet at night, perhaps because Huo Xiaojin and Yanbei were busy devouring Xiang. Rong Industrial, the head of the Xiang family must have imprisoned the eldest son Xiang who caused the trouble.

I tossed and turned in the room alone and couldn't sleep. I didn't understand what exactly Huo Xiaoran was angry with!

"If you don't sleep, do you want to go to court tomorrow with a black eye?"

I suddenly sat up from the bed and looked at the sofa. Sure enough, the person I hadn't seen all day was sitting there leisurely. Now he is no longer like the one who kept himself floating in the air before. It's more like a living person who likes to sit on chairs and sofas.

"I can't sleep!" Of course I won't tell him, because his shadow is all in my mind, so I can't sleep.

Huo Xiaoran just looked at me, then closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa with his hands on his hands. "Can't you forget your senior Yan?" When he mentioned the word "Yan", he deliberately said it louder and longer, as if he was afraid that I wouldn't hear it.

"Huo Xiaoran!" I called his name. I was about to explain that I had nothing to do with Yanbei anymore, but suddenly I found that I couldn't say this because I didn't know what to say about the man in front of me. What kind of mentality to deal with.

Although I have understood my own heart and admitted that the word "Huo Xiaoran" has been imprinted in my heart, but what about him? What does he think of me? Do you just think of me as the mother of his child? Or was it the tool he used to remove obstacles

unspeakable love

When I think of this, I feel like there are many ants in my heart, and they bite me in pain!

"I already have a relationship with him! Believe it or not, it's up to you." Lying down, I turned around. He pulled up the quilt and closed his eyes.

I squinted at the hot breath in front of me, and I knew it had something to do with Huo Xiaoran! Looking at this situation, it seemed that not only was he not calm, but the cold air was telling me that he was even more angry.

"Huo Xiaoran! You're done! You don't believe anything you say, what should you tell me to do?" Actually, I didn't know what I was angry about, so I sat up suddenly and stared at him.

"Mo Xiaoya, don't forget, you are still my Huo Xiaoran's woman!" As soon as Huo Xiaoran said this, I suddenly laughed because of these words, this guy. Are you just jealous of Yanbei

But then, I shook my head desperately. It was impossible. How could a man like Huo Xiaoran fall in love with a woman like me who couldn't be found among the crowd? The more I thought about it, the more disappointed I became. Am I really just the mother of his child

"What do you mean by shaking your head? Do you not want to admit that you are my Huo Xiaoran's woman, or do you mean that you can't forget your first love!" Huo Xiaoran is very cold, not only his face is cold, but he also doesn't know when he will clamp on my body. His jaw was also bitingly cold. I had never seen him like this before. The eyes that should have been like gems were now like a pool of stagnant water.

Maybe I just instinctively wanted to avoid Huo Xiaoran like this. My trembling hands tried their best to slap away the hand on my chin, but what I got in exchange was his tighter grip.

"Mo Xiaoya, don't you even have the courage to look at me now? Or do you hope that the person in front of you is not me but him!"

I didn't even have time to speak. Huo Xiaoran's face completely covered mine, and his cold lips pressed against mine without any warmth. His move only looked like a kiss on the surface, but to me it felt more like punishment!

There was no tenderness at all. The cold air even made my nasal cavity feel painful. Even when he sucked my lips, it was as if he wanted to suck me into his body. I only felt numbness and pain in my lips, and My chest was twitching due to lack of oxygen, and I used all my strength just to break away from him.

But after I worked hard for a while, I finally deeply understood what futility means! Just a second before I fainted, he suddenly let go of me and just moved his head to my shoulder. Pillow there.

I didn't know how to respond to his sudden movement. I could only stand there like a log because I started to be afraid of his next move.

Just when I didn't know what to do, I just felt ice on my shoulders, like ice melting on my shoulders.


"What should I do with you? Xiaoya, I want to make you happy, but I can't. I've tried, I've tried to get used to not being around you. It's just a few nights, and I'm going crazy. I I can't even imagine what I should do if you are in the arms of another man, Xiaoya, tell me, what should I do... "

By the end, I could no longer hear the voice in Huo Xiaoran's mouth clearly, because just the previous paragraph had already surprised me, Huo Xiaoran, he, he was? I'm still not sure. I don't know how my exhausted body got the strength. I helped Huo Xiaoran right in front of me. When I saw the crystal water droplets on his face, I almost screamed. .

It's not the first time I've seen that thing, it's my heart's blood, it's my life as a ghost!

"That's enough! Huo Xiaoran, what are you doing?" I wanted to comfort him with a trembling voice, but I suddenly found that I was short of words. Many things I wanted to say were stuck in my heart. I want to say it but can't.

Huo Xiaoran's eyes were lifeless, he just looked at me so straight. I couldn't even see any emotion in his eyes, not even a little bit of anger. He looked like a dead person at this moment. , my heart suddenly became so tight, another drop of heart blood slipped down, and I gasped in fright.

I don't know what's wrong with him. I'm more afraid of facing him like this than facing him in anger. I don't know why, but I always feel that he will suddenly disappear in my hands in the next second. will disappear from me.

"No! It's not what you think. You, you are, I, my..." I really can't say the word love. I'm not the kind of hypocritical person, but this word is really unfamiliar to me. , I have never said this word to anyone, including my deceased mother. I didn’t even have the time to tell her that I loved her!

I'm in a hurry, I'm really in a hurry. Looking at Huo Xiaoran's current appearance, I always feel that if I don't say something or do something, maybe Huo Xiaoran will disappear in my hands soon.

I swallowed, gritted my teeth, and kissed him back. I was so nervous that my facial expression was distorted, and my brain seemed to have lost power. I kissed his lips stupidly. What's the next step? Who can tell me the next step

Originally, I thought that after being kissed by Huo Xiaoran many times, I should have learned how to kiss. But now, I can only say that the difference between being kissed and actively kissing is much, much greater than I thought...

I wanted to open my eyes and see if there was any change in Huo Xiaoran's eyes, but... I raised my eyelids, but they didn't move. I raised them again, and they still didn't move. Only then did I discover an important problem, my face was actually... It no longer obeyed my orders, and I couldn't even open my eyes. After trying hard again, I realized that except for the mouth, it seemed that the rest of the place was not mine.

Breathe, Mo Xiaoya! No matter how hard you try, you can't suffocate yourself to death just because you kiss a beautiful man! No matter how I thought about it, I felt that it would be really weird if I died in this way.

nose! Use your nose to inhale! But no matter how much I scolded my disobedient nose in my heart, it still failed to send oxygen to my body. They seemed to have gone on strike collectively at this moment...

Just when I was holding my breath to the extreme