Ghost Invasion

Chapter 70: Works related (70)


After smiling at me and nodding, Zuo Qing ran much faster.

"Huo Xiaoran, you must not lie to me!" On the way back, I ran as fast as I could.

When I ran back, I saw that Ye Lin and Ye Chen were fighting together, to be precise. They were entangled together, and Huo Xiaoran. I couldn't even see who was who. The only thing I could tell was the box in Ye Chen's hand. When they slowed down, I could only vaguely see one of them. Holding box in hand. Based on this, I knew it was Ye Chen.

Maybe I frightened Huo Xiaoran because I came back to the same place. He suddenly fell in front of me, his face was horribly pale. In fact, I myself probably wasn't much better, because my own cold body temperature had already shown through.

When I helped Huo Xiaoran up, I felt that my body temperature was even lower than his!

"You must live!" I actually had a lot to say in my heart, but in the end, these were the only five words that came out of my mouth. I was really afraid that he would leave me, and I couldn't imagine being without him. How am I supposed to survive.

Huo Xiaoran didn't even have time to blame me. After standing up, he just hugged me tightly for a few seconds and joined the fight. Ye Chen and Ye Lin were fighting inextricably, and Huo Xiaoran's movements seemed to be snatching Ye Chen's hand. The box inside. I didn’t know if this was part of their plan. Looking at the three people entangled together again, I became even more nervous.

I can't just look at it like this, I should do something. When I look at the sculpture in front of me, no! It should be said to be Huo Yiyi! I suddenly had a feeling that maybe she could!

Standing in front of Huo Yiyi, I was so nervous that I bit my lip until it bled without realizing it. It wasn't until the smell of blood spread in my mouth that I felt the pain.

Stretching out my hand, I slowly felt it with my palm. I don’t know if it was because I was nervous, but my mind seemed to be filled with water. I couldn’t remember a word of what I wanted to say. I was so confused when I saw it in the air. The three of them made me even more nervous.

"Mo Xiaoya! You are the one who wants to stand next to Huo Xiaoran. Can you stop acting like an idiot and calm down! Calm down! Ye Chen said that Huo Yiyi is not dead, maybe she can hear it! No! She must Can hear it!”

I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. When my heartbeat returned to normal, I started to try!

"Huo Yiyi! You are Huo Yiyi! Maybe you will think that I am disturbing you, but I have to do this. My name is Mo Xiaoya, I am Huo Xiaoran's wife, and Huo Xiaoran is now the only remaining bloodline of the Huo family He can't die, let alone die in Ye Chen's hands!" I repeated these words in my mind at least three times, and I even wondered if I was going crazy because I was worried about Huo Xiaoran.

How could a dead person hear the words I keep repeating in my heart? Even if I yell loudly, she might not be able to hear it!

When I felt a drop of warm liquid dripping onto my face, I opened my eyes, and when I wiped it with my hand, I saw the blood red between my fingers, and then a muffled hum came to my ears. , I can tell from the voice that it is Ye Lin’s voice!

In other words, this injury was caused by Ye Lin! Although they were still inseparable, in a two-on-one situation, even Ye Lin was injured... I didn't dare to think about it anymore.

When I looked at Huo Yiyi, I decided to try again! This world is no longer the world I know. Yes, I must try again, even if there is only one in 10,000 chance!

When I closed my eyes again, I tried hard to put away all the distracting thoughts in my mind. This time, I put both hands on the pillar. In fact, I don’t know why I did this. Maybe it was my subconscious mind. I think this will have a greater chance of success.

"Huo Yiyi, if your soul is still here, please wake up. At least open your eyes and see what is happening in front of you! Please save the only remaining bloodline of the Huo family! If he is not even here, , then the blood of the Huo family will really disappear from this world!"

"Wake up! For the sake of the Huo family and Ye Shen, please open your eyes and take a look! Please, please wake up and take a look at what is happening now!"

I almost cried while hugging that icicle-like thing. I have never hated myself as much as I do now. I hate that I am useless at all. I hate that I can only survive forever hiding under Huo Xiaoran’s wings. I hate that I am watching He was injured but could do nothing. Why, if I was really useless, why did God let me meet him again!

why is that? Why do you want me to owe Huo Xiaoran so much and yet have nothing to repay...

"Who are you?"

A strange and gentle female voice suddenly popped into my mind, and the voice was extremely soft. When I wanted to listen carefully, the voice never appeared again. Could it be that I was even hallucinating now!

I hugged the pillar and slipped to the ground. In fact, I didn't want to cry, but the tears were so disobedient for some reason. They would always come out on their own.

"Please Huo Xiaoran! Huo Yiyi, please save him! I can't live without him, I really can't live without him!" Maybe I couldn't bear the pressure in my heart, so I roared.

"Who are you?"

I suddenly stopped roaring, even the tears stopped in my eyes. When I heard it, I was sure that I really heard it, or that voice, that voice as gentle as a feather.

When I got up from the ground, I looked at Huo Yiyi. Because of my nervousness, I even lost control of my mouth. It took me a long time before I responded excitedly: "I, I am Mo Xiaoya, Huo Xiaoran's wife! Can you hear me? Please answer me, please! Don't make me think I'm crazy again!"

In fact, I look like I'm crazy at the moment, even though no one sees it, or no one here cares about looking at me at all!

It’s just that after I yelled, the sound seemed like it never happened! If I was cold-hearted before, now, my heart is as gray as ashes.

With both hands against the pillar, I buried my head, trying to control my irregular heartbeat. It seemed that what I heard before was really the sound I imagined. Maybe this is my fate! When I think of this sentence, I can't help but think of Granny Wang. The strange thing she gave me is still in my pocket.

Should it be used? Does it work? In fact, what I struggle with most is whether I should break my previous promise!

I stretched my hand to my pocket and finally took it back. Warm, bright red liquid fell into my hand again. I didn’t even dare to look up to see the battle. After wiping away my tears, my trembling hand fell into my hand again. On the pillar.

"Mo Xiaoya?" Although the voice was very clear, I was really sure that I heard it, and that voice came from the pillar in front of me. This time, I was even more sure that I was not crazy, and I didn't know if I was. I was so frightened by the sudden joy that I couldn't even respond to her.

"Why am I here, who am I! Who are you?"

Her voice was a little confused, and the question she asked made me dumbfounded. How should I answer this kind of question? All I know about her is her name!

Just when I decided to start my answer with her name, my body was suddenly pulled away.

"Stupid woman! Why are you coming back? You should have left with the sun, why are you coming back!" Huo Xiaoran's voice was very weak, but I still heard it. When he turned around, I hugged his waist tightly. , when I saw that his body was somewhat transparent at the moment, I shouted out all the words in my heart without hesitation.

"Huo Xiaoran, you bastard, you only think about your contribution, what about me? Do you want me to live in silence with my guilt for you? Or do you want to torture me with endless thoughts? You know it clearly, you know it clearly I already have you in my heart, why do I have to do this? If we can’t be born on the same day in the same year and month, at least let me die in the same year, month and day with you! At least we can be companions on the way to hell!"

In fact, when I finished speaking, I realized that Huo Xiaoran was no longer just an important word in my heart. In fact, I didn't just want to say that I wanted to die on the same year, the same month, and the same day. I really planned to do it. But after I finished speaking, I realized that Huo Xiaoran had already died once. If I didn’t have the chance to leave today, I would be destined to never meet him again.

"Stupid woman, let go, go to where we came in, Huo Guling is there, find them, and then leave with the sun. If there is still a chance, I will definitely look for you, even if I come..."

"No! Huo Xiaoran, listen to me, Huo Yiyi!" When I mentioned Huo Yiyi, I raised my head, but when I saw Huo Xiaoran's slightly moist eyes, I almost forgot about myself What you want to say.

It wasn't until Huo Xiaoran pulled my hand away and tried to push me away that I woke up and pulled him tightly. I anxiously told what Huo Yiyi had said to me just now. Huo Xiaoran didn't believe it at first, but after I repeated it firmly again and again, his eyes became different.

He just looked up at the sky that was starting to change suddenly and said: "I know! No matter what, let's work hard together! Listen, I will work hard to get the box in Ye Chen's hand, and what you have to do is Just after you get the box, open it, remember clearly?"

"No!" I didn't understand what Huo Xiaoran meant, or he didn't understand what I meant: "I mean Huo Yiyi is still alive, as long as she can come out..."

"Listen to me!" Before I could finish my words, Huo Xiaoran had already struggled with my hand and flew into the air. In my ears was the last word he left: "Do as I say, only once." Chance!"

Looking at the retreating figure and the approaching Huo Yiyi, my final decision was to believe in Huo Xiaoran, because I didn't want to be the one holding him back anymore, and even more because I believed in him! Even if it costs my own life, I will still firmly believe in him!

I no longer paid attention to Huo Yiyi's sculpture, but began to pay attention to the moving images in the air. Just like before, I still couldn't see clearly what was happening above, but occasionally I could see Ye Lin pulling out, as if he wanted to open up the void. The gate to the world, but every time a crack formed in the sky, Ye Shen would suddenly appear and draw Ye Lin into the battle again. Giant Asian trash.

Looking at the strange black and white image in the sky, my hands tightened. Several times, Ye Chen would just escape, and soon Ye Chen would appear again, and Huo Xiaoran would always use his body at this time. I went to block Ye Chen's attacks for Ye Lin. Although Huo Xiaoran didn't say a word, my heart skipped a beat with the blows.

Because I know that is not a good thing, the color of Huo Xiaoran's body is already much lighter than when he talked to me before.

Just when I was so frightened that I didn't know what to do, something fell straight from the air. I suddenly remembered what Huo Xiaoran said when he left, the box! I chased after the thing where it fell. I almost ran with all my strength, but a black mist in the sky chased after the fallen thing.

Until Huo Xiaoran suddenly appeared in front of the black mist, and then opened the space door in front of his body, and Ye Lin was directly behind the black mist. The black mist wanted to avoid Huo Xiaoran, but was stopped by Ye Lin. I hugged it, and then I saw that the black mist was something else if it wasn't Ye Shen.

Ye Lin hugged him tightly, and finally disappeared into the space door opened by Huo Xiaoran! Huo Xiaoran seemed to have suffered a major impact, and he suddenly fell down as if he had lost weight. I didn't think much about it at the time, I just thought about grabbing the box first no matter what, but when I came from When I picked up the box on the ground, Huo Xiaoran landed at my feet.

His transparent body was pale and black, but the most important thing was his slightly opened eyes. He was at my feet, motionless, not even his eyelids moved.

With a thump in my heart, I almost dropped the box in my hand to the ground.

"Huo, Huo Xiaoran." I called softly, not even daring to bend down to look at him. I don't know why, but I suddenly felt scared. I suddenly felt that I had lost him, but I didn't dare to check on him.

"Quick! Don't just stand there!"

The shouting came from directly above me, but it sounded as if it was far away from me. I couldn't even take my eyes away from Huo Xiaoran and looked at him. All I wanted to do now was look at him. That’s all.

Why, even though you had made an appointment with me just now and would live well, why did you still leave me behind! I wanted to shout out, but I couldn't even control my mouth. I just felt like my body had lost consciousness. The only thing that brought me sense was my eyes, because they could see Huo Xiaoran!

I seemed to hear a dull hum, and then someone seemed to laugh, and it was an arrogant and crazy laugh, and the sound was not far away from me.

Someone's hand grabbed my ankle, and he seemed to be saying: "Use the box to exchange for your sun and leave." I didn't respond, but still looked at Huo Xiaoran. I didn't believe that he left just like that.

"You are asking for death! Ye Lin, is the void world so weak now? For the sake of our brothers, and for the sake of you bringing Huo Xiaoran's soul, I will spare your life!"

When he mentioned Huo Xiaoran, my eyes suddenly replayed the time when I hugged Huo Xiaoran's waist. At that time, he was still by my side, and I could still hold him tightly, and now...

"No! No! No!" I don't know how the voice came out of my throat, but I knew that the person who killed Huo Xiaoran was right in front of me!

When I looked at Ye Chen, I only had one thought in my mind. I would not give Huo Xiaoran to him, not even a hair!

"Ye Chen! You love Huo Yiyi very much, right? If possible, you would hope that she could survive even if it cost you your own life, right? If she needs the whole world in exchange for her survival, you will have no worries You killed everyone, right?" The cold and dull voice, even I didn't believe it was my voice.

The smile on Ye Chen's face slowly faded and he looked at me: "That's right! Let alone the souls of the Huo family, even if I kill everyone in the world, I will not look back if I can get Yiyi back!"

"Hahahahaha..." The one who laughed was no one else, but me! In fact, I don't know why I laugh, but I just want to laugh, but only I know clearly that laughing makes me feel more uncomfortable than crying.

"Yes!" I kept nodding, and Ye Chen looked at me, the gloominess on his face turned into confusion, but I felt even more happy because of the sudden flash of displeasure in his eyes.

My fingers slowly stretched towards the button of the box. With the strength of my hand, I looked at Ye Chen and said with a smile: "Yes! I am the same as you, so in order to avenge Huo Xiaoran, you I will destroy what you want with my own hands. If you want to see Huo Yiyi, I will let you guard her body here forever, and then be tortured to death by missing her!"

When the box was opened, streaks of white light rushed out like fish in dry water and went upwards. I didn't know what these were, but Huo Guling said before that what was inside was The soul of the Huo family is the soul of all the Huo family over the years.

They were walking around me, like a curtain of light surrounding me. Looking at them, I cried, maybe because I released my hatred for Ye Shen, and I fell to the ground helplessly, my When my hand touched Huo Xiaoran's body, I pulled him into my arms.

"Xiao Ran! Don't leave me, you said you would never leave me!" His head drooped in my arms. No matter how I shook him, he didn't even move. Outside, there was a sound in the dark night. Roaring, even the surrounding air becomes cold or even freezing, but who cares!

I hugged Huo Xiaoran and kissed his lips. This was the first time I took the initiative to kiss him because I wanted to kiss him. I even imitated his movements when he kissed me, hoping that he would respond to me, but in the end , I still couldn't get the desired result.

Until his body began to become soft in my arms, even when I held his hand, it seemed like he was about to melt...

"No! Huo Xiaoran, you liar, you said, you promised, that you would accompany me and grow up with our daughter, you promised, and you also said that when I die, we will all Don’t leave each other, and we will be a ghost couple for the rest of our lives. Are you lying to me all this? Huo Xiaoran! Come back!"

No one knows how much I hope that the person disappearing at this moment is me, but when I watched with tears in his eyes, his body began to glow with that kind of crystal white light, and then starting from the fingertips, that kind of bright white light began to Separate into points of light, like fireflies, separate and then fly...

I was anxious. I wanted to use something to catch those bright things back to Huo Xiaoran, but no matter how I tried to catch them, they would always fly out from my fingers, as if they were just illusions. .

"No! Don't leave, Huo Xiaoran, you said you won't leave, you can't lie to me!" I repeated these words absentmindedly, because I was anxious to catch the light spots separated from Huo Xiaoran's body. I didn't even care that Huo Xiaoran fell to the ground again, motionless as before!

Until I tried countless times but failed, I could only pull Huo Xiaoran into my arms again. At this time, his whole body seemed to be covered by that kind of radiant light. I wanted to hug him tightly, but I'm also afraid that if I touch it like this, those light spots will scatter together.

Perhaps thanks to these white lights, I still have the opportunity to hold the box and hit Huo Yiyi's sculpture with all my strength! That's right! I want to destroy Huo Yiyi, and I want Ye Shen to be like me, who can only live in memories! I want him to regret bringing us here even more!

In fact, I was not the only one crying at this time. Just when I was more awake, there was a cry in my ears. But at this time, I smiled: "Ye Shen, taste the loss Do you feel like the one you love? But this is far from enough!"

I suddenly stood up and picked up the box on the ground. I don't know how many people from the Huo family Ye Shen killed, or how many souls of the Huo family he collected, but the number is so big that until now, the people around me It's all still those bright white lights.

You know

Please note that the author has something to say!