Ghost Invasion

Chapter 78: (4)


The strength is scary enough.

I followed and went in. The room inside was quite big, but a few candles were lit without turning on any of the lights. Huo Xiaojin was already lying on the ground motionless, with some white candles surrounding him. Suddenly, Taiyang knelt in the direction of Huo Xiaojin's head, his body swaying a little, and he seemed to be mumbling something.

She closed her eyes tightly. Even when Granny Chen and I came in, she ignored us. I don’t know if it was because she didn’t know we were coming in. Granny Chen gestured at me to close the door, so I walked over slowly and opened the door first. After closing it, I finally pulled a chair over and then closed the door.

As soon as I turned around, I wanted to tell Taiyang to stop, but I was frightened when Granny Chen gestured at me and said, "Don't say anything." After understanding, I nodded and looked at Taiyang and Huo Xiaojin. I just felt that it was lucky that Granny Chen was here. , It must be possible to stop it. When I walked in, I saw that the sun was holding a strange thing in his hand. I had never seen it before. It looked like a closed shell.

Every time Taiyang finished reciting a sentence, the ring on her finger that my grandfather gave me and I gave to Taiyang shone white like moonlight, and the shell-like thing she held in her hand seemed to be sucking the light. . It looked a bit infiltrative, but Huo Xiaojin's side was even more terrifying.

He was lying on the ground motionless, and there was a bottle hanging around his neck that was exactly the same as mine, the bottle that retained Huo Xiaoran's energy!

But the difference between this one and mine is that the bottle around Huo Xiaojin's neck would light up every time Taiyang swayed for a week. I started to worry, this should be the technique Taiyang mentioned.

"Grandma, please think of a way!" I nervously pulled Grandma Chen's hand.

Granny Chen just glanced at me quickly and then began to size up Huo Xiaojin. I didn’t dare to say anything anymore. I just watched Granny Chen walk around Huo Xiaojin and the sun twice, and then she looked at Huo Xiaojin’s feet. Bian stopped, knelt on the ground, and looked at the candle at Huo Xiaojin's feet.

She slowly stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to take the candle away, but just when her hand touched the glass, she seemed to be electrocuted, and her whole body began to twitch. I was so anxious that I couldn't hold it. My hands and feet were not feet. When I saw that Granny Chen seemed unable to drag herself away, I rushed towards her. With the help of my strength, I hugged Granny Chen and rolled around a few times before stopping.

Her whole body was cold, and her body was still a little swaying. Her face was not only pale, but the whole thing was earthy gray.

"What's going on?" I sat up and hurriedly reached out to help her.

She was breathing heavily, still not looking at me, but still looking at the sun and Huo Xiaojin. When I looked over, I was also shocked, because the candle that Granny Chen was holding was still in place, motionless!

"I, I have never seen such a strange formation gate. I can only try to break the formation gate under the sun, but this method doesn't work!" Granny Chen stood up tremblingly. This time, she did not move anymore. , but just stood like that.

When I saw her tense back, I also stood up. What caught my eye was a very strange scene. There was a trace of translucent white stuff in the bottle around Huo Xiaojin's neck that looked like gas, but it didn't look like anything. It had floated out of the bottle and began to cover Huo Xiaojin's body, and the strange shell-like thing held in Taiyang's hand had also been opened at some point.

Several groups of shadows are crawling towards Huo Xiaojin's forehead. I don't know why I use the word crawl, but it looks like they are crawling...

When I passed the candles surrounding Huo Xiaojin's body, I suddenly saw that the light of the candles in the blur was like a big crystal cover. But when I looked closer, I couldn't see it anymore, but I found where the shadows were. The candle in the position is much smaller than the other lights.

"This..." I was about to ask, but I heard Grandma Chen's breathing quicken, and her face was already flushed, and her skin was like a cooked shrimp.

Grandma Chen suddenly took my hand, her eyes were so serious that it was scary: "Taiyang's mother, if you wait any longer, Huo Xiaojin will die. I want to ask you one thing!" She held my hand. My hands were tight and the pain in my wrists made me frown. The common name is Tou Carr.

I had noticed that Granny Chen seemed to be making a major decision, but I could only nod to her. Then she let go of my hand, turned her eyes to Huo Xiaojin and said, "If I can't come back, please This body must be sent to this place!" When she took her hand out of the bag, she pulled something like a piece of cloth inside.

I didn't dare to take it, but she forced it into my hand and said, "You must put me there the day before the full moon, along with this picture, and then don't mention me to anyone!" At this point, she stopped, but turned to me and asked seriously: "Do you remember clearly?"

"Grandma Chen, I..."

"Taiyang's mother, when Huo Xiaojin wakes up, tell him that I have gone back and will never come back. He no longer has to avoid me!" At the end of these words, his voice suddenly became different. No longer so old, and less depressed.

Before I could react, I suddenly saw Grandma Chen seeming to have fallen. I was about to help her up, but suddenly I saw a translucent figure standing up slowly. It looked a bit scary. The lower body of the transparent figure overlaps with Granny Chen's body!

However, Granny Chen's upper body seemed to have lost its center of gravity. She was bent over and her hands were hanging dully, but her lower body was standing steadily.

I stared and couldn't believe what I saw, because behind the figure was a long hair hanging down to the waist, and the figure from behind was obviously a woman!

"Grandma Chen?" I called tentatively, but the person ignored me. She slowly raised one foot. Grandma Chen's foot suddenly became weak. I mean her knee no longer looked like it. Instead of standing upright before, he was leaning forward, a posture that looked like he was not exerting any effort at first sight.

When she lifted her other foot, Granny Chen fell to the ground completely, as if she was dead, motionless, and even without breathing...

I called Granny Chen softly again, but the transparent figure still didn't respond, and Granny Chen on the ground didn't respond even more, still lying on the ground.

Unconsciously, my feet were shaking a little. I watched the transparent figure slowly walk towards the candles surrounding Huo Xiaojin, then stopped, and then she slowly walked towards the sun again. I was worried that she would When she didn't know how to do anything to the sun, she suddenly turned and looked at me!

I stared blankly at the unfamiliar face. It was a woman, a pretty-looking woman. Her facial features were not particularly beautiful, but the combination of that small face made people feel very comfortable. , she smiled at me and suddenly said: "Mom of Taiyang, please don't forget what you promised me!"

When she said this, I realized that she was Granny Chen, the Granny Chen who had been helping me and Taiyang. But what about that young face and that old child's body? This is not the first time I have seen a transparent figure like her, like Huo Xiaoran, Chen Ningrui and so on! I know very well in my heart that it is the soul!

I saw her standing behind the sun, and then slowly bent down to hug the sun's back. Finally, her hand touched the sun's hand. But the moment she closed her eyes, her hand suddenly Starting to disappear, no! It did not disappear, but turned into a white and transparent gas, and then spread to the open shell held in the sun's hand. Then, I saw the white mist begin to crawl along the black shadow coming out of the shell. Cover and go…

When I looked at her again, she was blurry, and I couldn't see her head or body clearly... It was just a mass of something like mist, following that route, and just entering the candles surrounding Huo Xiaojin!

I was frightened, not just because of Granny Chen. In fact, at this time, I may no longer be able to call her that, but for a soul to change its shape in front of me, I really can't accept it, let alone her. After those black spirits entered Huo Xiaoran's body, Huo Xiaojin's place was completely in chaos...

Black and white were entangled like that, but I saw Huo Xiaojin's soul seeming to float out of his body from time to time, and the bottle around his neck broke into pieces with a bang. But the glass powder and fragments did not fall to the ground, but floated up as if they had lost gravity!

Just after the black shadow completely broke away from the shell in Sun's hand, Sun suddenly fell to the ground. I ran over in a hurry, but I didn't dare to move Sun. Until Sun frowned and opened his eyes, I pulled him He picked her up and put his hand on Yang Yang's face.

In fact, I didn't even react until the loud slap woke me up. I looked at the sun and burst into tears: "Taiyang, that's your uncle, your biological uncle. How could you! How could you..." Behind I can no longer say what I said, now not only Huo Xiaojin, but also Granny Chen.

Taiyang didn't even cry. Although her eyes were very red, but after a moment, she put her hand on my face and wiped my tears: "Mom, you miss him so much, why can't you be selfish for once? Even for the sake of It’s okay for you, just once! Seeing you crying like that every night makes Taiyang feel uncomfortable."

Only then did I realize that it was not Taiyang who was willing to do this, but my sadness that gave her a sense of crisis. Looking at Taiyang's already red and swollen face, I hugged her tightly, but laughed with tears: "Taiyang, it's my mother's fault, it's all my mother's fault, my mother will never be sad again." I’m sad, he left, just let him leave, why did mom forget that there is still the sun!”

I was crying sadly, but Taiyang suddenly pushed me away with a surprised look on his face. Only then did I remember that Huo Xiaojin and Granny Chen hadn't figured out the matter yet.

"What's going on?" Taiyang pointed at Huo Xiaojin and asked.

At this moment, Huo Xiaojin's soul had completely separated from his body, but the black shadow began to engulf Huo Xiaojin's soul, but several white mists were busy blocking the black shadow...

They almost looked like they were fighting. I couldn't speak. It wasn't until the sun asked again that I came back to my senses and hurriedly told everything that happened before, while the sun looked inside. He narrowed his eyes and said: "This old woman is too messy. Is she crazy? She actually entered in the form of a living soul!"

When Taiyang said this, I remembered what Long Po had mentioned last time. Grandma Chen's family was called the soul-creating demon lineage.

It was still rushing inside, but the sun was standing there breathing rapidly as if thinking about something. I started to worry because I saw the white mist inside was a little defeated.

"Taiyang, Granny Chen said before that maybe if we break the Chen Clan..."

"How is it possible! Once this technique is started, it cannot be destroyed except for entering through the gate of life in the soul state." Taiyang immediately refuted my words.

"But how can we stop it?" And while Huo Xiaojin's soul is still there, we must stop. Although it is wrong, at least we will not make a big mistake.

Yang Yang shook his head and said solemnly: "Impossible, unless dad devours uncle's soul, he won't stop!"

When Taiyang said this, I was completely dumbfounded: "What does swallowing mean? If your father is not the only one left, how can he swallow other people's souls?"

"No! Dad's three souls have always been in the Broken Soul in your body!" Taiyang lifted up the shell-like thing in his hands with his two little hands. I have heard the name Broken Soul a lot, but when When I actually saw it, I was really not used to it.

"how come?"

Huo Xiaoran him

I squatted down and looked at the sun: "Taiyang, think of a way, you can't do this! You must find a way to save Huo Xiaojin and Granny Chen!"

Taiyang kept looking down at the broken soul in his hand. Suddenly she said: "Broken soul! Broken soul!" She excitedly raised her little face and looked at me, as if she had found some way.

Before I could rush to the door, the sun suddenly stood up from my side, but when she stood up, she no longer looked like the usual sun. Who could that standing figure be if it wasn't Huo Ran

Just when she stood next to Huo Xiaojin, her body seemed to be covered by a layer of white light, and what was even more strange was that she walked in so straight, without saying anything that Granny Chen said before. The idea that living people can't enter is just that I don't understand what's going on with the white light on the sun.

Just when the sun entered, suddenly nothing could be seen inside. To be precise, it was not invisible, but it was completely covered with something black and fluffy.

I couldn't see anything, not the sun. You can't see the black shadow, you can't even see Huo Xiaojin lying on the ground! It's just that the strange sound coming from inside sounds like the sound made by the roaring wind.

The less I could see, the more anxious I became, and I couldn't care less. I shouted at the top of my lungs: "Sun! Sun! Don't scare me. Mom can't live without you!" Because I had lost Huo. Xiao Ran, I am even more afraid of losing the sun now, and the tears are even more unbridled.

Sometimes I really hate that I can only cry. Nothing but crying. I couldn't even find any other way to relieve the fear in my heart. It's just that this time, if even the sun is lost, I really have no confidence that I can live. Suddenly, what Granny Chen said in my mind rang, if this formation If the door is broken, it might stop things from happening.

I started throwing things at it. But as soon as the thing got there, it bounced away as if it hit a wall, and when it fell to the ground, it broke into pieces!

When I can't find anything I can't take. I looked at the candles that were still burning, gritted my teeth and simply stretched out my hand. The result was predictable. I felt like I was being shocked by electricity. My body was twitching and shaking, but as long as I was conscious, I couldn't Let go, this is what I thought at the time and the only thing I insisted on.

I started desperately trying to take away a candle, but no matter how hard I tried, it was still there without moving. In my mind, I kept cheering myself up. Even though I could hardly feel my hands, I still tried hard to move my body with my feet to take the candle away.

But just when I was about to lose consciousness, my whole body was suddenly bounced away, and I was thrown heavily against the wall by a force, and then fell to the ground. The only thing I was thankful for was that I had completely lost consciousness. body of!

Because I lost consciousness, I couldn't feel the pain in my body. I opened my eyes and looked at the place where Huo Xiaojin was lying. The candles there had been extinguished. The room was lit by a few candles, but I vaguely You can still see Huo Xiaojin lying there motionless, and Granny Chen fell next to Huo Xiaojin, also motionless.

But the sun disappeared. I tried hard not to let tears blur my vision. At this moment, except for my eyeballs, I couldn't move any part of my body. No matter how much I tried to move my body, I tried countless times. Finally, he died without any illness.

I opened my mouth to call out the sun, but then I realized that I couldn't even raise my lips, and I couldn't even feel my body! Finally, after I tried hard many times, my head finally moved. Just opposite me, under the opposite corner, I saw a small body.

sun! That must be the sun, because the light in the room is too dark, I can't be sure what I see. The only thing I can do is to pray that the sun is alive. It must be alive. For me, the sun must live well.

I just stared at that figure, hoping that she would move, but time passed by second by second, and she remained motionless. Just when I could no longer hold on, the figure suddenly moved. I was sure that I saw her. Moved.

After a while, the figure seemed to be lying down and sitting up, but there was no sound, until the shadow began to lie towards me, slowly, getting closer, and then with the faint light of the candle, I saw it, it was the sun!

"Mom!" Taiyang looked like she was struggling to lie down, but after seeing me, she still smiled at me: "He is alive, they are all alive!"

I didn't know what she meant by them, until Huo Xiaojin's body, which was lying on the ground, suddenly moved, and I almost screamed with joy! But the next second I started to feel a little worried, because I didn't know whose soul this body belonged to? Huo Xiaojin or Huo Xiaoran

After a while, Huo Xiaojin slowly sat up. After looking around, his eyes stayed on my side: "Xiaoya, why are you here?"

"Huo Xiaojin!" As soon as I heard my name being called, I knew it was Huo Xiaojin. Great, he is still alive, he is still alive and well, but where is Huo Xiaoran

"Taiyang? Where is your father?" I shouted at Taiyang, but I didn't wait for Taiyang's response until Huo Xiaojin carried the unconscious Taiyang to my side, and then pulled Granny Chen's body to the wall. Then he also sat down next to me.

"Why is she here?" Huo Xiaojin asked.

But I saw that his eyes were on Granny Chen. Thinking of the remarks I heard from Mrs. Wang before, I asked in a low voice: "Xiaojin, have you met Granny Chen in person?"

Not sure if I was right, Huo Xiaojin suddenly coughed, as if he was choking. After being asked repeatedly by me, he finally nodded.

"Where's my brother? Still couldn't save him?" Huo Xiaojin's voice was a little disappointed.

But I smiled: "Maybe this is fate! Remember what Xiao Ran said to you? Your mission is to live your life well. This is his wish." Slowly, my body started to feel something. I started to try to get up, Huo Xiaojin was helping me, and then I sat up and leaned against the wall. Let's spit out together.

But as soon as I leaned on it, a sharp pain came from the pain. Only then did I realize how hard the impact had been. It felt like several bones in my body were broken.

After taking a deep breath, I looked at Granny Chen next to him: "Is Granny Chen okay?" Because I didn't see whether the soul returned to the body, I didn't know Granny Chen's condition, but I feel a little awkward calling her Granny Chen now.

"Stop calling her that, Chen Jiu'er can't die!" Huo Xiaojin glanced at Chen Jiu'er and snorted coldly.

Having said that, I was really dumbfounded. Could it be that the girl I saw before was really called Chen Jiu'er? But that's not right. I didn't hear Long Po say before that Chen Jiu'er was a young master!

"Are you sure she is Chen Jiuer?" I asked.

Huo Xiaojin nodded, then suddenly shivered and said, "That night, I got sick again. I was so dizzy that I entered the wrong door, and saw that dead woman performing a painting. At that time, I was Very scared.”

I imagined the scene he described and recalled what Sister-in-law Wang said before. I finally understood why Huo Xiaojin screamed like that. If I saw that kind of situation at night, I would probably fall to the ground directly. Then he will not wake up.

"Then what?" I asked.

Huo Xiaojin suddenly rebounded and shouted: "There is no more!"

I was about to reach out and pull him to ask again, but I screamed because of the tearing pain in my hand. Huo Xiaojin seemed to be frightened. When he reacted, he immediately told me to stop moving. If there was nothing extra, I called the emergency number directly. However, when 120 came, besides him, I, Taiyang and Chen Jiuer were all carried out.

The doctor checked at that time and found that I had indeed broken several bones, while Taiyang and Chen Jiuer were just in a coma.

I slept surprisingly well that night. I don’t know why, but I suddenly had the feeling that Huo Xiaoran must still be alive, because that night was the only night I didn’t dream about him. Maybe I was deceiving myself, but in my heart I think so.

Oddly enough, ever since I entered Huo's house, this hospital and I seemed to have been destined to each other, and I would stay here for a few days every now and then.

Just like now, Granny Chen, no! Chen Jiuer was happily eating the food sent by Mrs. Wang, while Taiyang seemed to have not slept for a long time. He had not woken up even after sleeping all night. If the doctor hadn't seen it, Chen Jiuer had also seen it, and they all said it was fine. , I would really worry.

Huo Xiaojin sat on the sofa and stared at Chen Jiu'er, but the more he was stared at, the more delicious he became.

and I! His hands were hung in a cast, and his feet were also hung in a cast! A whole modern mummy!

In fact, I also thought about asking Chen Jiu'er about Huo Xiaoran's situation, but I felt a little guilty. I don't know if it was because I was afraid of facing the problem, or because I wanted to escape in my heart, so I just didn't ask.

But Chen Jiuer suddenly handed the empty lunch box to Huo Xiaojin and shouted: "If you are not full, go back and get me some more!"

Huo Xiaojin immediately jumped up from the sofa and glared at Chen Jiu'er. His body began to twitch. His mouth opened and closed, but he didn't say anything. In the end, he just pointed his finger at Chen Jiu'er and said, He took the meal and asked me if there was anything I wanted to eat before going out.

I shook my head, and after watching Huo Xiaojin leave angrily, I looked at Chen Jiuer and said with some discomfort, "I won't call you Granny Chen anymore!"

She was quite proud and nodded. Then we suddenly became a little stranger. The silence made both of us a little uncomfortable. She spoke first: "I'm not trying to lie to you. This is our Chen family." rules."

I thought to myself, this rule is strange, a good big girl should not do it, she has to be in the body of this old woman, what kind of thing is this! But I didn't say anything, after all, they are quite strange people in this group.

"Can I ask you something?" My voice was very small. The strange thing was not that my voice was small, but that I was a little timid. Although I say I have to face it calmly, I still hold on to a glimmer of hope.

After she nodded, I was stunned for a while before asking: "Huo Xiaoran, he..."

Have you forgotten? Then I will let you recall it bit by bit (finale)

Looking at the expression on Chen Jiuer's face, I knew she understood what I meant, but she told me after a long silence that she didn't know!

After hearing what she said. I have kept this same expression for several days. To be precise, I have no expression on my face! Because just after I took a nap, Chen Jiuer disappeared, and with it, the sun also disappeared! Huo Xiaojin still brings food every day, but just when he is with me, he doesn't seem to talk much anymore. Unlike before, as long as he is with me, he can always talk about this and that.

Now I just come in as scheduled every day, and then concentrate on dealing with the company's affairs, and then leave as scheduled. I don't know if it is because of his unfamiliarity that I am afraid to talk to him.

Until this afternoon. I have an unexpected person here! Yanbei!

When I saw him standing at the door, I almost jumped out of the hospital bed in fright. Fortunately, my arms and legs were still hanging, so I lay there steadily.

"S-Senior, why are you here?" The voice sounded unnatural even to me, but what did others think? After coming in from the door, he put the flower basket in his hand on the table, and then gathered around with smiles. I circled.

That look. It made me feel numb, but fortunately the doctor arrived at the ward round. After coming in for a checkup, he was told that he was recovering well and that he would be discharged from the hospital in a few days. He was told that he could be kept at home and come back regularly for check-ups.

Yanbei even thanked the doctor, which made the doctor always look at me strangely when he left.

"Xiaoya!" Yanbei called my name. He sat down on the sofa, threw a document bag on the table, and said, "Can you tell me what's going on with the plaster covering your body?"

I smiled stupidly and said haha, "It's nothing, it's just an accident!"

Yanbei reached out and opened the file bag left on the table. He took out some things like photos, and after looking at them once, he stood up. When he walked to my bed, he was holding the photos in his hand and flipping through them one by one, but I was dumbfounded. !

The person in the photo is none other than me! From time to time, there are a few pictures with Huo Xiaojin, Chen Jiuer, and even Taiyang. There are even a few pictures of Ye Lin, Tangtang, and Huo Guling, Zuo Ming. And for a long time, some They were taken before we went to Yemu Village, and the last few pictures were taken that day when Chen Jiuer picked me up to go find Huo Xiaojin and Taiyang.

I suddenly realized that this man had been paying attention to me, even my every move, he was paying attention! But the next second, I looked at him in confusion: "Senior, what does this mean?"

Yanbei put the photo away, then took the document bag and put it back, and finally put it next to my bed. He just looked at me, with a look in his eyes that was familiar to me, just like when he was at school. (

"Xiaoya, maybe you think you and I are not in the same world, but these are enough to prove that it's not what you think!"

I looked at him, but found that the familiar person in front of me made me a little scared. Looking at him, I said seriously: "Senior, it is impossible between us! You should have a better life than me. I am now The child’s mother, someone else’s wife, why do you still do this?”

The smile on Yanbei's face is still familiar to me, but it looks strange to me now.

"Xiaoya, maybe it's like what you said. There was a fate between us, but that was only in the past. What about now? I don't believe you can say such things now. Huo Xiaoran is no longer here. Are you still there? Do you want to hold on to him to the death?”

When he mentioned Huo Xiaoran, I was immediately dumbfounded. This was not something he knew. Just the last time I saw him, he kept saying that Huo Xiaoran was a dead person who did not exist. But this time, He actually changed from his normal state, no!

"Senior, I believe that I made it very clear last time. Although Huo Xiaoran is no longer here, we still have a daughter. I will protect my daughter and live a good life." No matter what he knows, I have no plans If I continue to talk to him, just like I have always said, he and I are really just destined.

Yanbei's brows frowned slightly, and he looked at me with a bit of disbelief in his eyes. But not long after, his eyes suddenly turned red, and even when he spoke, his voice sounded a little unnatural.

"Xiaoya, I have missed you once, but I don't want to miss you again! Come with me, leave here, forget everything here, let's go to a new place and start over."

If he had said this to me before I married into the Huo family, maybe I would have followed him and left without hesitation, but it is different now. There is a person living in my heart, a man who is very important to me. , and my heart can only accommodate him.

"Senior, we already have our own lives. Let's not meet again in the future! Thank you for helping me twice. I have nothing to repay. Just think that the Huo family owes you two favors. If necessary When the time comes, please come to me." He has helped me twice with Yunli's case. I will never forget this love, but favors are favors, but love is another matter.

Yanbei didn't say anything. He just picked up the document bag beside the bed and turned around as if to leave. Before going out, he suddenly said: "That's just right. I have something to trouble you. I will contact you when you can be discharged from the hospital. , don’t forget what you just said!” He left without waiting for me to answer.

In fact, his back looks a little sad. I don't know why, but he gives me a very lonely feeling now. I shook my head, maybe I was overthinking it.

The days passed quickly. The doctor finally released me from the hospital and the cast was removed. However, Huo Xiaojin, who came to pick me up, pushed a wheelchair. I always felt weird looking at that thing. Although I didn’t want to sit on it, After repeated instructions from the doctor, I had to accept the reality.

"Remember, walk in moderation. This recovery period is very important. Don't hurt your bones anymore!" After the doctor told me seriously, he began to give Huo Xiaojin instructions on how to take care of me, when to take medicine, and how much to take. Something like that.

After finally seeing the doctor off, I couldn't help but ask, "Where's Taiyang?" The little guy never came to the hospital to see me since he disappeared with Chen Jiuer. When I got back, I couldn't take good care of her. .

"At home! Taiyang asked me to tell you, don't be angry." Huo Xiaojin relayed, but can I not be angry? Is there anyone who has a daughter like this? My mother has been lying bored in the hospital for so many days, and she can't even be seen.

When I came out of the hospital, I saw Chen Jiuer driving a car and waiting at the door. He still had the same body, and even his voice was as old as before. I didn't ask any more questions. I was not bored on the way home. Because Huo Xiaojin and Chen Jiuer came back almost noisily.

Until Huo Xiaojin took me out of the car, he was still glaring, but the more I looked at the two of them, the more I felt that something must have happened in the middle. And just at this time, I remembered when Chen Jiuer came out of this body, The more I think about those words, the more I feel something is wrong!

When I was pushed home by Huo Xiaojin, I didn't even see the shadow of the sun. I asked Huo Xiaojin to take me back to the room while shouting about the sun, but no one answered me. When I was pushed to the door, I asked Huo Xiaojin to stop. Here, for some reason, I wanted to go in by myself.

That was the place for Huo Xiaoran and I. Except for the sun, I suddenly didn’t want anyone else to set foot here. Huo Xiaojin didn't say anything. After repeatedly confirming whether I could be alone, I sent him away.

The moment I touched the doorknob, it reminded me of when I was forced into this house. When I opened the door, the things in the house had not changed, but I could see that the house had been cleaned during my absence. After so many days, there is no dust at all. Let’s complain together.

After slowly turning the wheelchair into the house, I closed the door and looked at Huo Xiaoran's photo on the wall. I tried to stand up slowly and walked under Huo Xiaoran's photo. While standing there, I reached out and touched that familiar face. Before opening the door, I imagined seeing him standing in the room when I opened the door.

But now, I have to accept the reality. Everything is back to the original point. Huo Xiaoran still hasn't come back... And even the only soul I have lost, I habitually want to raise my hand to touch the bottle on my chest, but The next second, my hand stopped stiffly, because I remembered that the bottle had been broken that day.

I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh, but in my heart I was trying to convince myself to accept the reality. I didn’t know how long I stood there until my feet hurt, so I walked to the bed and fell asleep on the bed. I closed my eyes and started Thinking back on everything that had happened since the first day I entered this house.

These are like movies, maybe even if I say it, no one will believe me!

Sister-in-law Wang brought dinner in, and she had to watch me eat before taking the dining table and going out. I asked Yang Yang and Huo Xiaojin, and Sister-in-law Wang only said that Huo Xiaojin took Yang Yang out. As for where she was going, she She said she didn't know either.

I really don’t know what these two people meant by picking me up and then leaving me here alone. If I had known this, I might as well have been in the hospital. At least the doctor would come and talk to me every day.