Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 39: Be careful when Xiao Zhou erupts


It's actually a croton! !

Chu Qingyan's chest was bulging with anger.

Xining didn't dare to open the bag along the way. At this time, seeing his master's emotional ups and downs, he couldn't help but look around, and when he saw the green beans, his eyes widened, "The lord gave you these crotons for what? Could it be that he saw through your plan?"

Chu Qingyan jumped up from the bed, "He wants me to be sick and can't get out of bed now! I don't! I'm going to make it clear to him now what he wants to do!"

She thought that when she entered the palace, he would put herself aside as air, but she didn't expect that he would make fun of her again and again!

She had only met him a few times, and she had never had a relationship with him, nor did she have any deep hatred. Why did he make things difficult for him

She doesn't care where she lives.

It doesn't matter if she lives far away.

But why do you have to call her to him every day and torture her every day!

Chu Qingyan couldn't take care of the blisters on her feet in the past few days. She ran to Yuxuanyuan with the wind on her feet. This change made Xining unable to react. !

Until a long time later, when Chu Qingyan recalled what happened today, she couldn't help but wonder why she, who had always been calm and thoughtful, could not bear her temper, and actually had the courage to run and talk to people. The ghost king is calling

In fact, it was only at that time that the discomfort of entering the palace for the first time, a series of surprises, the torture of sex, and all the emotional accumulation created by missing parents in my heart, will have this scene.

"Xiao Xu, honestly, what do you have to do to let me go!"

At this moment, in front of Xiao Xu, Chu Qingyan, whose eyes were red with anger, her cheeks were red, and her hair was about to stand up, was like a little beast that exploded, and people couldn't help but want to touch and play. .

When Chu Qingyan rushed in regardless of the next person's obstruction, Xiao Xu couldn't help but be surprised. To be honest, he was still looking forward to her next move after forbearance, but he didn't expect him to provoke her so quickly. .

"Didn't you eat a bad stomach? What, once you eat a bad stomach, you'll be crippled?" Xiao Xu just finished his breakfast and looked at the little beast in front of him in a good mood, with a teasing tone in his tone.

As soon as Xiao Xu said this, everyone who was busy at the scene was shocked.

What surprised me was not Chu Qingyan's rude remarks, nor Chu Qingyan's inconsistent words and deeds, but the attitude of their prince!

This is the first time I saw the prince being provoked by someone calling him by his first name, but he didn't get angry!

It seems that the person who found fault last time is now dead!

However, Chu Qingyan was still standing in front of them at the moment, and dared to stare at the prince with wide eyes. The servants did not know whether they should sweat for her, or should they sweat for themselves because of the abnormality of their prince today. !

Chu Qingyan was startled when she heard the words, she just left in a hurry, and she forgot the lies she made up before, but now she is going to tear up her face, and she still cares about what to do with it. Besides, she doesn't believe that he didn't see through it!

Chu Qingyan raised her brows and snorted coldly, "My lord, please don't talk about him from left to right, and you can tell me exactly what you can do to let me go?"

"Is it right? This word is used well, it seems that you still have some ink." Xiao Xu picked up the teacup on the table and said leisurely, explaining the meaning of the word with facts.

"You—" Chu Qingyan didn't expect him to be so stubborn, she took two steps in three steps, walked in front of him, stretched out her hand and grabbed his collar with lightning speed.

She thought that with his martial arts, she wouldn't be able to catch it so easily, but in fact it went beyond her clothes.

And Huang Yi and the others immediately stretched out their hands to cover their eyes, it's over, Miss Chu family is hitting the stone with an egg, and she doesn't want to live in a rhythm!

However, he didn't hear the anger of the prince and the wailing of the ninth miss of the Chu family. They couldn't help but open their fingers one by one and glanced secretly through the gap, only to see the two people sitting and standing, one of them was angry but inconceivable. One person is indifferent but half-smile, but it gives a strange feeling of extraordinarily harmonious harmony.

But that's not the point!

Doesn't Wang Ye have a serious cleanliness addiction

Never let anyone touch a corner of his shirt!

I remember that when a servant committed an accident, he grabbed the king's sleeve and pleaded, and the king immediately drew his sword and chopped off that sleeve, along with the servant's hand.

But what's the situation now!

Not only did Wang Ye not punish Miss Chu Jiu, but he also spoke to her with a calm expression!

Everyone froze, what is the situation now, can anyone explain!

Chu Qingyan was stunned for a moment, then the corners of her mouth raised, revealing a fox-like slyness, she lowered her voice, leaned closer to him, and said with gritted teeth, "What's the idea in your heart? I don't believe in a single failure The daughter of the Chu family, what is there for you to think about? And you are a dignified prince of a dynasty, and there is no need to condescend to play with a girl who has no power? Are you right? "

Can't hold the chicken in your hands

Xiao Xu glanced at the hand she was holding tightly to the front of her clothes, and when Chu Qingyan met his gaze, she couldn't help shaking her hand, but she still resisted the pressure and looked directly at him.

"You're right, the fallen Chu family really doesn't have anything worth paying attention to, and you are even more insignificant, so it's not worth the king's condescension!" Xiao Xu didn't seem to see her hand. Gu Zi held the teacup lightly, his posture was elegant and wanton.

This sounded like nonsense, Chu Qingyan pressed the blue veins that jumped up from her temples, and resisted the thought of wanting to beat him, although she couldn't beat him, she let out a heavy sigh, and then Calmly asked, "His Royal Highness, the important thing has been said three times, how can you let me go?"

"This king has never caught you, so how can you let it go?" Xiao Xu glanced at her hand again, as if to say that it was him who fell into her hands.

Chu Qingyan suppressed her anger, closed her eyes and meditated in silence, don't be angry, don't be angry!

Then she opened her eyes again and gritted her teeth, "Don't you have anything to say now?"


Xiao Xu's words made Chu Qingyan's eyes light up, and he listened attentively, "Come on!"

"You scratched my neck a little!" The seemingly indecent words were spoken seriously by him.

It seemed that he had gathered all his strength in a desperate attempt, but it hit a ball of cotton.

All the courage and strength seemed to be exhausted.

Chu Qingyan looked at the person in front of her, her eyes hurt, and suddenly two lines of tears flowed out, she let go of her hand, then slowly squatted down, hugged her knees with both hands, and burst into tears.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Including Xiao Xu, who has always been calm.