Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 48: Wonderful brushes make flowers ripple


Chu Qingyan.

This is her name.

She was stunned for a moment, the word Fengshen is chic and subtle, and the fragrance of ink is slightly drunk, giving people a feeling of comfort and transparency. She never knew that just simple words could write such a heart-warming instant vision. feel.

Xiao Xu didn't know the admiration in her heart, so he reached out and tapped some rice paper, and said slowly, "Your name."

Chu Qingyan nodded subconsciously.

"Learning to read, start with your name. For half an hour, you should practice these three characters first." Xiao Xu turned slightly to the side and gave her a seat.

Chu Qingyan nodded again.

She held the pen and dipped it in ink. Around the belly of the pen, the brush was full and round, and the ink was too thick to melt.

She hadn't written with a brush for many years, and she had no idea in her heart, her fingers trembled slightly, and a drop of thick ink dripped out, fell on the snow-white rice paper, and spread out.

Chu Qingyan subconsciously glanced at Xiao Xu who was watching her next to her. Seeing that he had no expression, she breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately put away the ink on the inkstone table.

After raising his spirits, Chu Qingyan leaned over to write.

The strokes are a bit blunt, the transitions are reconciled, and there are thin forks everywhere. Chu Qingyan is ashamed. It really hasn't been written for many years, and it really can't be seen by anyone.

Fortunately, Xiao Xu had nothing to do, so he let himself practice.

Chu Qingyan lowered her head to write again, and after writing two sheets of paper, she planned to continue changing fingers.

Just covered with a new piece of rice paper, the golden-yellow sunlight projection under her sleeve suddenly covered with a black shadow. Chu Qingyan took a closer look, but it was actually a figure. She was about to turn around, but saw a black shadow surrounding her whole body. When he got up, the cold and fragrant breath rushed towards his face in an instant.

Chu Qingyan immediately stood still, looking down at her eyes as a slender and fair hand crossed her waist and held her hand holding the pen, and then the other hand casually rested on the table on her left side.

Chu Qingyan thought that a person with such a cold temperament like him, a person with a cold air all over his body, must have his hands like a thousand years of ice, but when his hand covered hers, she only felt warm, like She was slightly taken aback by the warm sun in spring.

No, no, how can she be confused by beauty, although she is a beauty control, but she is also disciplined

She should be angry because she is being eaten tofu right now isn't she

Because Chu Qingyan turned her back to Xiao Xu, he did not see Chu Qingyan's wonderful emotional transformation. When his hand wrapped her small hand, Xiao Xu was also stunned for a while. This was the first time. He held other people's hands and lived for 20 years. The most he has done is to hold a pen and a sword. They are all cold and silent, but only the softness in his hand makes him feel novel.

Her hands are small, so small that his hand can wrap her around her. The flesh is huhu, and the bones are small and short. It seems that she can be shattered in his hand with a light grip. It is very thin and pitiful.

Xiao Xu moved his fingers slightly, and took her hand to turn the pen on the white paper.

Chu Qingyan was also quickly attracted by his actions. She knew that he wanted to teach her handwriting. This kind of thing has been done by teachers before. It was a very common thing, but for some reason, when Xiao Xu's back covered She felt a little uncomfortable when she was on her whole body.

"Concentrate." A cold voice sounded from the side, with a hint of displeasure.

Chu Qingyan shuddered, clearly feeling the impatience in his tone, Chu Qingyan immediately focused on the rice paper in front of him.

Maybe she thought too much, maybe Xiao Xu just regarded her as a student, but she was too sensitive.

Thinking of this, the whole person will relax and stop thinking about it.

Obviously feeling that the stiff person under him was slowly softening, Xiao Xu raised his eyebrows, "The words you wrote just now are too ugly, and taking them out will tarnish the reputation of this king."

Hearing this, Chu Qingyan stuck out her tongue secretly. Although she wrote it ugly, in the eyes of beginners, it looks good, right? However, she did not forget that the person behind her was a person who pursued perfection, and the superior person was arrogant and arrogant. He never looked at the process and only focused on the results, so it was normal that her words were not in his eyes.

But to tell the truth, under his leadership, his writing is indeed much better. If his hands are not too stiff, the words he writes can be as elegant as he originally wrote.

After writing a few words with her handwriting, Xiao Xu let go of her hand and let her practice on her own.

"Pay attention to the feeling just now. When you write horizontally, the two ends are thick and the middle is thin. When you write vertically, your fingers should not tremble and twist. Do you think you are drawing a caterpillar?"

In Xiao Xu's lightly reprimanding tone, there was a joke that he didn't even notice, his eyebrows widened, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

Chu Qingyan didn't see it, she just felt that this person was really too demanding. In this world, she was just a beginner. How could Xiao Xu restrain herself with such high requirements

"Your Highness, haste is not enough, Qingyan is just learning, you need to give it some time to slow down." When Xiao Xu finished writing these three words, and he taught other words later, Chu Qingyan refused to do it. , and immediately raised his head to retort.

Xiao Xu didn't get angry when he heard the words, but gave her a light look, "The haste is not enough? You actually understand the meaning of this word, and it is used well. However, have you heard that a strict teacher produces a high-level apprentice? This king is not a very good student A patient person, who is a teacher for one day, can only obey."

"****! Domineering!" Chu Qingyan muttered when she heard the words.

How could these whispered words escape Xiao Xu's ear? Xiao Xu slightly hooked his lips, "Today I have written twenty large sheets of paper, otherwise you will have to find a way for dinner."

It's dinner again! Chu Qing's face is gloomy, does she look like someone who wants to eat all day long

But it seems a little hungry! !

Chu Qingyan glanced at the table, there were still a dozen or so away from the twenty. Hey!

It's so annoying!

Successfully seeing Chu Qingyan's shriveled face, Xiao Xu was in a good mood, leaned over and grabbed her hand again, and led her to write his name stroke by stroke. Can't write his name, doesn't it mean that he is **** domineering? Then he explained it more vividly! Then let her practice on her own.

Chu Qingyan felt amused. Although he was depressed, he had to admit that Xiao Xu was really good at writing and could be a teacher, but to be his apprentice, he had to be very strong in psychological resistance.

With Xiao Xu's testimony from time to time, Chu Qingyan's learning was also slow, Xiao Xu was somewhat satisfied, and asked, "What words do you want to learn?"

Chu Qingyan tilted her head, thought about it carefully, and then said, "What characters do you want to teach your lord?"

The tone of his inquiry made Xiao Xu feel a touch of joy, he curled his lips into a smile, did not speak, but wrote those words with his actions.

Chu Qingyan thought it was flattering, but when she saw those words, she couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.