Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 75: Father Chu entered the house and the chickens flew


After Xiao Ran left, Yuxuanyuan returned to quietness, and that Ziyi said that she was going to get her breakfast, and the trick was gone.

She curled her lips like a smile. Some people, the more mistakes they make, the faster they will get their retribution. Anyway, she is not a serious master in this yard. She has no right to clean up, but she has to clean up herself.

She held the Hibiscus Crisp Pad that Xining had prepared for her stomach in her hand, and passed the time leisurely.

However, after a while, Yuxuanyuan started to become lively again.

Chu Qingyan listened to the voice that was even louder than before, and couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Xiao Ran came back again? Really haunted!

As soon as the idea came to an end, he heard the sound of the mark from far to near.

"Cai Cai, Cai Cai, Daddy is here to see you! Where are you, Cai Cai! Don't play hide-and-seek with Daddy!"

Chu Qingyan was stunned for a moment, the pastry in her hand fell off with a snap, wasn't that Daddy's voice? She didn't care to clean up, she immediately scratched her head and looked at the door.

At this time, a gentle voice came, "Yuanlang, don't worry, you can see Cai Cai when you enter the door."

Chu Qingyan's eyes lit up, her mother is here too!

As if to verify Chu Qingyan's thoughts, a man jumped into the room briskly, while a woman followed.

"Caicai—" Father Chu immediately opened his eyes wide and searched everywhere as soon as he entered the door. As soon as he saw the precious girl whom he was thinking about that day and night, he immediately ran over, tripping over a few chairs in the process.

"Yuanlang, slow down, slow down!" Mother Chu was also happy to see her daughter, but she was more worried about the older child, Father Chu, who kept persuading her.

But how could Father Chu care? He ran to the bed like a whirlwind, looked at his daughter, and said with a smile, "Cai Cai, Daddy caught you, you lost!"

It was beyond her expectations to see her parents in the Royal Palace. It would be better if she doubted whether she was dreaming, but when her parents really stood in front of her, she believed her eyes.

"Daddy is awesome, this time you won again!" Chu Qingyan responded with a smile, what could be more happier than being reunited with his family

Father Chu was praised by his daughter, and the whole person almost floated to the sky.

After Chu's father was praised for a while, Chu Qingyan had time to ask his mother, "Mother, why are you and father here?"

Mother Chu was also a little puzzled when she heard the words, "Didn't you say you miss us, so let Wei Niang bring your father to the palace to visit you?"

Chu Qingyan frowned, she didn't say that!

At this time, Hong Yi, who was walking behind, also came in. He just heard the conversation between the two and said with a smile, "Miss Chu Jiu, it's like this, the lord thinks that you will be a little bored if you stay in the room to recuperate. Let someone go to Chu Mansion to pick up the two in-laws and old ladies to talk to you!"

Hongyi is a transparent person. After speaking, she backed away with a smile. She knew that this family wanted to talk about herself, so she left room for them. .

Chu Qingyan didn't expect the truth to be like this. She thought it was her mother who knew that she was injured, so she came to visit her, but she didn't expect that the big ice cube would take into account her feelings of missing her relatives, which really surprised her.

Mother Chu heard that Hongyi said that her daughter was injured, and immediately became nervous. She grabbed her daughter's hand with both hands, and wanted to check where she was injured.

"Caicai, why are you injured? Where are you hurt? Is it serious?" No wonder her daughter was lying on the bed as soon as they entered the door, and she had to remind her that the palace is not like her own home and should not be too casual , how do you know she is injured! As a mother, my heart clenched all of a sudden, and I couldn't take care of others around me.

Chu Qingyan immediately pulled down her mother's hand and shook her head with a smile, "Mother, it's okay, just twisted her foot accidentally, it will be fine in a few days, don't you think her daughter's complexion is still rosy? Don't worry!" She didn't dare to tell her mother about the assassination, otherwise it would be her unfilial piety to make her worry about her, and the matter was over, so she made money and acted like a spoiled child, and she dismissed most of Mother Chu's concerns. Worry!

"That's good!" Mother Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, as soon as he heard that the baby daughter's foot was injured, Chu's father, who was jumping beside him, jumped over immediately. Because Chu's mother was sitting and he was standing, his two eyes looked at Radar and looked at the daughter from scratch. To the foot to shoot once, and instantly found that something was wrong!

"Caicai, why are your legs as big as Baiyu Mantou?"

Because her ankles were wrapped in gauze, the quilt was too hot, so she stayed outside. Unexpectedly, she was discovered by her father's sharp eyes. At this time, it was too late to take it back.

Looking at her mother's stern look, she smiled shyly, "It's really just two days later,"

"No, no, no, people say it hurts for a hundred days, Cai Cai, it is estimated that you will spend this summer on the bed, and you originally wanted to accompany your father to go fishing in the pond, but unfortunately, you I can't do it anymore, forget it, I'll let Invert Onion help me weave a fishing net!" Father Chu shook his head regretfully.

Hey, it was just demolished by dad.

Chu Qingyan covered her face.

Mother Chu sighed lightly, and said with pity, "You child, covering up your injuries isn't to make your mother worry more, but it's a pity that your mother can't take care of you by your side. Seeing you like this, your mother doesn't feel in her heart. Feel good!"

Xining, who was on the side, hurriedly said, "My madam, don't worry, there are slaves around the master, and the slaves will take good care of the master, please rest assured."

Mother Chu looked at the maid in front of her, although she was young, but she spoke and acted in a measured way. For example, they had just entered the door. The little maid immediately prepared two cups of tea and even the cakes. The palace also wanted to see the environment her daughter was in. Seeing that she had such a clever maid by her side, she was somewhat relieved.

"What a good boy!" Mother Chu reached into her sleeve and took out a Wulian purse to give to her, "This is for you to buy some snacks to eat."

Seeing this, Xining waved his hands again and again, and shook his head hurriedly, "My wife, you are too polite. Taking care of the master is the duty of a servant, and Xining deserves it."

After speaking, Xining turned back to ask her master for help, Chu Qingyan couldn't help laughing when she saw this, "Just keep it, my mother is also in her heart."

When the master spoke, Xining happily accepted it and thanked him continuously.

Knowing that Xining was her daughter's confidant, Mother Chu asked carefully about her daughter's affairs in the King's Mansion. She was in the restaurant at that time, and the King of England was there, and she didn't mention many things. Now that she has this opportunity, she He grabbed his daughter and got to know it in detail.

Father Chu swayed left and right in the room, listening to the mother and daughter talking from time to time, then swaying right and left.

But after the mother and daughter finished talking, they found that Father Chu was gone!