Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 79: She is the princess and the master


Soon, Hong Yi came.

When she saw Zi Yi kneeling on the ground, and then looked at the cold air on her own prince, needless to say, she probably guessed what was going on. She thought that Zi Yi was arrogant and disdain to serve Chu I am proud, but at least I will abide by my duty, but I never thought that I would do such an excessive job!

"I have seen the prince, Miss Chu Jiu." Hong Yi calmly greeted the two of them.

Xiao Xu looked at Hongyi with a sullen face, "You are always at ease when you do things, but Ziyi treats her so harshly, you didn't realize it? Could it be that you have been too busy with the backyard recently and neglected?"

Hongyi's face changed, and her dignified and steady expression suddenly faded. She hurriedly knelt down, "Master, it was Hongyi who was negligent. Please punish him."

Xiao Xu did not relieve his coldness because of Hongyi's words, "If you feel that there are too many things in the backyard and you are too busy, this king can send someone to assist you."

These words successfully made Hongyi's face pale. Does the prince mean to divide her power

But soon Hongyi's complexion returned to normal, as if the one who was lost just now was not herself, she respectfully bowed her head and replied, "It's all up to the master's instructions."

Chu Qingyan leaned against the bed wall and kept watching. The moment she saw the steady Hongyi leaning over, she felt that this was the end of the matter, so she pulled the sleeve of the person beside her. .

Xiao Xu was about to speak, but he felt that someone was gently pulling on his sleeve, so he couldn't help lowering his head and looked at Gu Lulu with his big eyes.

"His Royal Highness, it's not about Hongyi, don't be angry, it's not a big thing, maybe it's Ziyi's playfulness, so don't be angry, okay?" Chu Qingyan said angrily.

Maybe it is because he has gotten used to getting along with Xiao Xu recently, and he is no longer afraid of the powerful aura emanating from him. When facing Chu Qingyan, Xiao Xu will automatically put away his estrangement and coldness, so that At this moment, Chu Qingyan ignored the stunned expressions of Hongyi and Ziyi, and was familiar with him.

Xiao Xu did not approve of Chu Qingyan's words. In his eyes, Chu Qingyan was still a child and could not see the way inside. If it wasn't for Hongyi's neglect and indulgence, Ziyi would not dare to be so presumptuous. , Because the place where she lives is the most central courtyard in the palace, how could the actions of the servants escape her eyes, and since I just saw Zi Yi's behavior, this kind of thing has not happened once or twice.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he still obeyed her statement, turned his head and ordered the two who were kneeling on the ground, "Hongyi, take Ziyi to Haosheng to teach, if you can't change your temper, you don't have to let it out in the future. already."

Zi Yi shrank back when she heard the words, just raised her hand to beg for mercy from King Ying but was stopped by Hong Yi's look.

"The servant knows." Hong Yi bowed in response.

Xiao Xu glanced at them, and suddenly said in a deep voice, "Although Qingyan is young, she is already a veritable Princess of England, and the owner of the backyard. If this king finds out that he has committed the following crimes in the future, he will be severely punished. No loan! You can convey these words as they are!"

Hong Yi was shocked and looked up in the direction of Chu Qingyan incredulously, but soon lowered her head and replied softly, "Hong Yi will restrain the servants, please rest assured, Your Highness."

"Go down!" Xiao Xu said lightly.

Hong Yi was blessed, and immediately took Zi Yi, who was reluctant, away.

Hongyi has always been a celebrity in the backyard. Because both of the King's parents live in the palace, and there are no female dependents in the palace, she seems to be the person in charge of the backyard. Xiao Xu has always given her some face, but No one could have imagined that the prince would let her down because of Chu Qingyan, who had just entered the manor.

Not only Hongyi was caught off guard, but even all the servants in the mansion felt incredible.

Moreover, since Chu Qingyan entered the royal palace, her own prince has never introduced Chu Qingyan's identity, that is, she did not clarify her status in the palace. His own prince didn't care about this marriage, so he often wore small shoes for her. Now that the prince gave this order, everyone's heart suddenly trembled, and they began to review whether their usual behavior had offended the little princess.

There are also some servants who stood by and watched. From the analysis of this order, we learned that in the future, the prince with the highest status in this palace will still be the prince, and Chu Qingyan has jumped to the second place. Although the little princess is young, but The confidants around the prince are all human beings, so he will only be respectful when he sees the little princess in the future.

Chu Qingyan didn't know that from this day on, she had become very popular in the Royal Palace of England.

Even Xining, who was beside her, rose in status with the rising tide, and those who flattered followed one after another.

After Hongyi and Ziyi left, Chu Qingyan stared at the person beside him.

Xiao Xu is a strict person, and his eyes can't tolerate people breaking the rules. Zi Yi will be punished, which is not beyond Chu Qingyan's expectations.

It's just that she didn't think that maybe Hongyi was suspected of deliberately releasing water, but it wasn't worth Xiao Xu's innocence for himself, the red man who had worked diligently for the palace for many years! She couldn't help being a little surprised.

Xiao Xu turned his head to meet her puzzled look, and understood what she was thinking in his heart, he reached out and stroked her jet-black hair, his voice was different before he was cold to Ziyi Hongyi, and said lightly, " It's called Liwei."

"Liwei?" Chu Qingyan didn't react immediately, and blurted out a question.

Xiao Xu said, "You are young, your foundation is shallow, your family background is weak, your temperament is soft, and you are stupid..."

Uh, a cross appeared on Chu Qingyan's forehead, is she as bad as he said? Although some are true, after all, the age and family background are there, but is it necessary to be so straightforward

Xiao Xu naturally didn't know the slander in Chu Qingyan's heart, and he continued, "So the servants are respectful to you in front of others and perfunctory in the back, if you want to convince people, unless you have the ability to convince people, unfortunately you don't have any of these. ."

Well, that seems to be the case. Chu Qingyan couldn't help lowering her head and pointing her fingers. "I can't do anything about objective factors!"

If she didn't occupy this small body, if her parents were still restrained by the Chu family, she would definitely not let herself suffer according to her temperament in this world, but now she is not for herself, but for Protect the people she cares about, so she is not weak, but the situation requires her to endure.

Forbearance is an art and a protective shield.

This is her current indispensable disguise.

Listening to Chu Qingyan's lost words, Xiao Xu slightly bent his lips, "However, there is a way to remedy it."

"What?" Chu Qingyan was intrigued by him at the moment, and she couldn't help opening her eyes curiously.

"A mighty reliance."

Powerful, reliant

Xiao Xu lowered his head to meet her gaze, his eyes were as bright as a sea of stars, and his voice was low and pleasant.

"Yes, this king, it is your reliance!"

"As long as this king admits it, you are the Queen of England."

"You are the princess and the master, who dares to deceive you?"