Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 87: Reasonable wishes


Chu Qingyan didn't know if it was her own delusion. She felt that Xiao Xu's emotions seemed to be a little wrong these days, as if he was worrying about something.

She couldn't tell how she felt. If she asked in detail, she could only answer that it was her sixth sense as a woman.

It must be said that Chu Qingyan's sixth sense is quite accurate.

Xiao Xu was really worried about one thing.

And this matter is related to Chu Qingyan.

In the study, Xiao Xu flipped through the papers handed in by his subordinates that day, but none of them satisfied him. He immediately put down a thick stack of papers and leaned back on the chair with a headache.

In fact, he didn't need to take Chu Qingyan's birthday so seriously, so he ordered to go ahead and let Hongyi claim that he would definitely be able to hold a birthday feast.

But he didn't want to do that.

It seems that because of what Father Chu said, the most important birthday for a woman in her life is when she is ten years old, so he is not willing to treat it perfunctorily.

Since he raised her as a child, he gave her the best things in the world.

He never treats himself badly.

However, as the days approached, he still had no clue, and he could come up with a breakthrough even in the face of the enemy's strange marching formation, but now he was defeated by a small birthday, and he couldn't help but feel helpless.

He got up and left the study, and was about to go to the room, but when he passed Chu Qingyan's room, he heard her talking to Xining.

At this moment, Xining asked inexplicably, "Why does that woman hate that man?"

Chu Qingyan leaned against the bed wall and said with a smile, "Because the girl likes bananas, but the boy gave the girl a cart of apples, and then the boy said he was moved by him and asked why the girl was not moved. The girl was speechless, and then the boy Tell the world that you spent all your money to buy a carload of apples for the girl, but the girl is not touched at all. The girl must be a hard-hearted person! There is definitely something wrong with the girl's character! But the girl is obviously just a I just like bananas. It means that you can't follow blindly, you can't think what you want, and you must consider the other person's feelings more."

Chu Qingyan paused before continuing, "The reason is that simple,"

She felt that the children in ancient times were relatively precocious, and they were still in junior high and high school when they were teenagers in modern times, and they were married and had children, so she had nothing to do and wanted to instill some modern ideas in Xining.

But after hearing this, Xining asked inexplicably, "The boy gave the apple because he gave the girl what he thought was the best, but the girl wanted bananas, and if the girl didn't say it, who could understand what she thought? What do you want? Master, don't you think so?"

Chu Qingyan was stunned by what she said, and it was true that Xining's idea was not wrong, she couldn't help but patted Xining's head with a smile, "As expected of a student I taught, if I can draw inferences from one case, it is indeed a famous teacher. Master."

Although the master was a bit cheeky, Xining still felt that she had praised herself and was very happy, her tail was about to be raised.

And no one saw someone standing by the windowsill with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

On this day, Xiao Xu and Chu Qingyan both ate in the room.

Chu Qingyan felt that the atmosphere was a little dull, biting her chopsticks and thinking about how to liven up the atmosphere, but she didn't expect that the person on the other side had already spoken before her.

"Your father said that today is your birthday, how do you want to spend it?" The faint tone seemed to be mentioned inadvertently.

Chu Qingyan ate with chopsticks and looked at the person in front of her in surprise.

Dad actually told Xiao Xu about this

Tomorrow is actually her birthday

Xiao Xu actually asked her what she wanted to do

Chu Qingyan pulled back from the shock, only to see the person opposite her waiting for her reply. She couldn't help touching her nose. When she was at home, she celebrated every birthday by herself. Either her father was on a mission or her mother was on a business trip. She hardly ever met her on her birthday. Qian asked her to invite good friends to live with her, and there was no other action. And I am also used to buying a cake and going to sing with my girlfriends, making it a little lively.

This is the first time that someone seriously asks himself how he wants to celebrate his birthday

She really doesn't know.

"Whatever." She could only answer these two words.

"It can't be casual." Xiao Xu frowned when he heard the words, "The tenth birthday is a big event, and it should be treated with caution."

Chu Qingyan was a little surprised that Xiao Xu would take her birthday so seriously, so she just said that casual is really too casual, she thought about it, and then said, "Otherwise, Huang Yi will make a table of delicious food. , a little celebration?"

Xiao Xu felt that this was the only thing she could think of with her small head. He pondered and said, "I can have this."

Chu Qingyan let out a sigh of relief, discussing this kind of thing with Big Ice Cube is really a bit Alexander.

Xiao Xu tapped his finger on the table and continued to speak in a cold voice, "Then what do you want?"

Xiao Xu is asking what birthday gift she wants? Could it be that he wants to send himself

Chu Qingyan was stunned on the spot, she thought it was beyond her expectations that he was going to hold a birthday banquet for her. How could she know that the real heavyweight was waiting for her later.

She suddenly came back to her senses, resting her chin in one hand, tilted her head to look at him, and asked tentatively, "Anything is okay?"

Xiao Xu raised his eyebrows, "Within a reasonable range."

Chu Qingyan smiled when she heard the words, "It must be within reason."

"Then what do you want most?" Xiao Xu waited noncommittally for her answer.

Chu Qingyan wants a lot of things, but people are animals that are not easy to satisfy, so what she wants is not material things. She set her eyes on the mask that he never left, and smiled slyly, "I want to take down your mask."

She suspected that he might not have been disfigured, because in the novels, people who wear masks are usually to cover up their appearance and not to be ugly.

"Except for this." Xiao Xu didn't expect this to be what she wanted, so he immediately rejected it.

Chu Qingyan sighed, this person is really annoying, and she said that as long as anything is within reason, her request is quite reasonable.

Well, she changed one.

"I want to heal Daddy's illness."

Daddy's illness has always been something she couldn't let go of. She knew that Kongling's medical skills were very powerful. As long as Xiao Xu gave an order, no matter how much Kongling hated himself, he would obey the order to help daddy diagnose and treat.

"About yourself." Xiao Xu said impatiently.

This doesn't work, that doesn't work, so what exactly is within the reasonable range!

"Then I want stars in the sky!" Chu Qingyan made an even more unreasonable request.

"This is fine." Xiao Xu replied without hesitation.

Now Chu Qingyan was dumbfounded, staring at the person in front of him, did he hear what she wanted