Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 88: Can Ruo stars are the warmest


While Chu Qingyan was in shock, Xiao Xu had already got up and left.

Chu Qingyan bit her chopsticks and looked at Xining, who was also stunned beside her, and asked, "Did the Prince of Fang Cai agree?"

Xining nodded dumbly, "Master, you heard right, the lord wants to pick stars from the sky for you!"

Chu Qingyan covered her eyes with her hands, God, she must have opened it in the wrong way, otherwise how could she have encountered this scene!

But when her birthday really came, she was really full of rich dishes that she had seen or had never seen before. When Huang Yi put down the last dish, she sincerely said to her, "Miss Jiu, happy tenth birthday."

"Thank you." She was a little moved.

After the meeting, the father and mother were also picked up by the guards of the palace, and the family reunited to eat.

This is the first birthday she has really spent with her parents since she can remember, and the memory before the original body does not belong to her.

Mother Chu gave her a safety lock and helped her hang it around her neck in person, and then patted her shoulder, choked a little, "I didn't expect you to be ten years old so soon, time makes you grow old, you grow up Now, happy for your mother."

Chu Qingyan leaned over to hug her mother, her voice a little hoarse, "Mother, today is also your Good Friday, if it wasn't for your hard work to give birth to your daughter, her daughter would not have appeared in this world, mother is the greatest in the world. man, my daughter loves you."

In ancient times, because the sanitation conditions were insufficient and doctors did not know how to deliver babies correctly, childbirth seemed like a gate of hell for the ancient people, and many people suffered from dystocia and lost their lives.

Therefore, she has an incomparable admiration and love for her mother. This is the first time she has bravely expressed her love to her mother. In this world, because Chinese people have always been shy to express their love for their parents, she Adhering to this tradition, she didn't regret until she traveled to ancient times. She never said I love you to her parents. Until now, she took this opportunity to say to her parents in ancient times, as well as her parents in this world. Her long-hidden words.

"Okay, really good boy!" Xu Shi was embarrassed by her daughter's sudden confession. Mother Chu wiped her tears, feeling a little embarrassed.

When Father Chu saw this, he also ran over, hugged his mother and said with a smile, "I love you too."

The three suddenly burst into laughter.

Before leaving, Father Chu took out a stone from his arms and stuffed it into his daughter's hand, saying that it was a fairy stone given to him by a fairy, so he gave it to her.

Chu Qingyan took it down with a smile, and then watched his parents leave.

When everything was quiet again, Chu Qingyan felt a little regretful. She didn't know what Xiao Xu was busy with today. She didn't show up all day. She originally wanted to thank him and bring her parents over to celebrate her birthday with her, but unfortunately she didn't show up. Can't find him, ask Hongyi and others, they don't know.

When night fell, Chu Qingyan was a little discouraged. It seemed that Xiao Xu would not appear today, so she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. What a big lie!

As soon as I slandered someone in my heart, someone appeared.

Chu Qingyan stared at the person in front of her with wide eyes, and her mouth suddenly shriveled, "Why did you come back until now? I didn't leave you any food!" In fact, what she wanted to ask was why she didn't attend her birthday banquet!

Chu Qingyan didn't notice that he was in a mess, and turned his head a little waywardly.

Xiao Xu laughed, but unfortunately the smile was hidden under the mask and no one noticed.

He approached her and looked down at her condescendingly, "Take you to a place, will you go?"

Chu Qingyan was stunned for a moment, then reacted, "Go."

Xiao Xu laughed again, but this time, Chu Qingyan keenly felt that the dark eyes were beginning to smile, and he was a little stunned.

But he heard him shaking his head and said, "Just go with this king without asking where you are going, and don't worry about tricking you into selling it!"

Saying that, he bent down and picked her up.

Chu Qingyan spontaneously and consciously stretched out her hand to wrap her arms around his neck, and replied as a matter of course, "If you want to sell me, you don't need to cheat at all, just pack it and take it away!"

Xiao Xu applauded, "Have self-knowledge."

"That's it." She accepted the compliment generously.

"Hold tight." As soon as Xiao Xu walked out of the door, he lowered his head and said something to her. Then, he flew up, pointed his toes on the roof, landed on the mansion wall, and jumped up again, as if flying at night eagle.

She did not expect that he would directly use Qinggong to take her with her. The wind was so strong that her long hair lifted up and covered her eyes. Through the gap, she saw the black clothes in strong suits following closely behind her. People, she only recognized one of them, that is Huo Ling, and the other faces were unfamiliar. She guessed that these people might be his hidden guards in the dark.

She focused her attention on him again, raised her head just to see the chin under the mask, the delicate skin, the perfect curvature, it was hard to imagine the ugly face hidden in the mask.

Xiao Xu lightly rose and fell on the roof of the capital, Chu Qingyan experienced the rare taste of flying, reached out and grabbed his long hair flying in the air, raised his head and asked him with a smile, "This is what you want to give to him. Is it my star?" It's really close, every time you fly up and look up, you can see the stars in the sky, this is the closest place to the stars that she can imagine.

"Not yet." Xiao Xu continued to move forward, but from her cheerful tone, she felt her mood, Xiao Xu was also infected for no reason, his brows stretched, and his voice was not so tough.

It turned out that there were still good things waiting for him, Chu Qingyan was excited, and looked forward to nesting in his arms and waiting for the surprise to come.

After a few jumps, they had already reached the foot of a mountain. Chu Qingyan thought it was here, but Xiao Xu did not stop moving. He lifted her up and walked towards the top of the mountain with ease.

The height on the roof was not too difficult for her just now, but now she bows her head, and the whole town and village are thrown under her feet. One of the most beautiful scenery in her life.

She listened to the wind blowing from her ears, and felt the coolest greeting in the mountains. She squinted and opened her eyes. The person above her head, with dark hair flying behind her back, and the night sky as the background, the silver mask gleaming in the moonlight. , and this time the mask he wears only covers the bridge of the nose, and you can see the thin lips, with a hint of coldness, but the starlight shines on it, and in the dark night, there is a wisp voluptuous and sexy.

Chu Qingyan was stunned by the thought that flashed through her mind. Wasn't the big ice block always as cold as cold iron? Can the four words enchanting and sexy be linked to him? How could you have such a strange thought

"Here." Thin lips parted lightly, pulling back her thoughts.

She followed his gaze, her eyes widening instantly.