
Chapter 1: Burn the corpse for a child


The secular would rather know the truth and falsehood, and squander all kinds of ghosts and gods.

In this mundane world, all sorts of strange and strange things happen all the time, both true and false, so that people can't tell the truth from the false.

The story I’m going to tell today must start with my home. I was born in Hunan, which is known as the Sanxiang and Four Rivers. There are no famous rivers and mountains near our village, and there are no celebrities. There are only Cong Shanjun. The ridge, the precipice, in a fashionable way is that a mouse enters the village with a smile and can leave with a cry. It is extremely remote.

As the saying goes: the local side must be superstitious.

This is true. The villagers in our village are more superstitious. Therefore, my parents were relatively superstitious when they gave me my name.

At first hearing this name, it doesn't feel much, but if you know the story inside, it is estimated that many people will be speechless. The reason is that before giving birth to me, my parents had given birth to nine fat boys, including me, a total of ten.

There is an old saying that goes like this: a class of ten students must be the champion.

But our family’s situation is a bit special. As for the special law, let’s put it this way. My first nine brothers were taken away by God not long after they were born. The cause of death is incredible. Nine of them were on the day of the full moon. He died from smallpox, his death was extremely horrible, and his body was covered with that kind of fleshy bumps. It was a glimpse, and he could vomit for three days and three nights.

At that time, this matter caused a lot of sensation near our village. Pity my old mother, she washed her face with tears all day long, so she also suffered from eye diseases, and everything looked hazy.

Seeing that my old mother was pitiful, our relatives gave her an idea, saying that our family was in bad luck and had to find a ghostmaker to drive away evil spirits. Maybe we could still give birth to a baby and pass on from generation to generation.

This so-called ghost is a more partial name. According to the common people's name, it should be called carpenter, but there are many classifications of carpenters, including manual carpenters, mechanical carpenters, and ghosts. As for what the ghosts do , It is easy to explain, that is, carpenters who know something about the side door. Later, the folks called it Shunkou, and the carpenter who knew side door was called a ghost.

My mother was also a dead horse as a living horse doctor. After all, the first few children died, and her old man went to see some Taoist priests, but those Taoists didn’t tell me why. She immediately arranged for my father to go to visit our village. Of a ghostmaker.

Speaking of this ghost craftsman, he is quite famous on our side. He is 80 years old and he is called the one-finger craftsman, because he really only has one finger (the index finger of the right hand). Why don't the other nine fingers have any? People can tell why.

When my father found a finger craftsman, his old man seemed to know that his father would come. He wore a very orthodox. He wore a blue shirt and a long gown. Under his feet were a pair of blue cloth shoes. His hair was shiny and sparse. Erlang's legs, next to a coffee table, the old god sips tea at ease.

My father is impatient. When he first saw a finger craftsman he poured beans from a bamboo tube and told the situation of our family to the finger craftsman.

The finger craftsman held a cup of tea with his wrist bone and drank it slowly, as if he hadn't seen his father, and ignored his father.

My father was in a hurry and said it again.

This time, the finger craftsman still did not speak, but gave his father a deep glance, and finally wrote a word on the coffee table with his only index finger, ritual.

My father understood that this old thing is a gift, so he hurried home, picked a few old hens from his chicken coop, and borrowed 30 or so eggs from the house next door. But thinking of the attitude of the craftsman, my father felt that this was not enough. He bought another twelve kilograms of pork, and finally took out the people’s commune wine that he hadn’t been willing to drink.

With these gifts, my father once again found a finger craftsman.

What my father didn't expect was that this time the finger craftsman didn't even show his face. The trustee told my father that he wanted to pass on the clan and he had to be sincere.

My father was puzzled instantly. Looking at the gifts in his hand, he would not be willing to eat so much even during the New Year. It must be sincere enough.

With all kinds of doubts, my father returned home and told my mother about the matter. If it was my mother who understands the world, he immediately understood that this gift must be exquisite, so he asked the elderly in our village for advice. Something.

To say that ginger is still hot, the reason for this question immediately came out.

According to the village elders, regardless of the number of gifts given to the ghosts, it is necessary to send a pig head without eyeballs, a pair of clean pig belly, a pair of high-concentration liquor, and four shaved pig hooves. .

These gifts may seem ordinary, but in fact there are a lot of exquisites inside. The pig head without eyes means there are no eyes, the pig belly means sincere, the white wine is to make friends, and the four pig hooves hope that each other can go with them. I just hope the ghostmaker can help myself.

Therefore, the combination of these gifts means that I have no eyes to understand gold and jade, and I misunderstood what you meant. Now I am sincere to make friends with you, and I hope you can help me.

After my father understood the way, he felt that the finger maker was too pedantic, and it was not a point to just say how much money was.

After hearing this by the elderly in our village, he reprimanded him, saying that the craftsman really wanted to help my father, otherwise he would never have this request.

My father didn't dare to delay when he heard it. He prepared these gifts that day and found a finger craftsman. Without a word, he knelt down with a puff and gave the gifts in his hand.

The finger craftsman took the gift from my father and led my father into the door. Since his old man only had one finger, many things were inconvenient, and he didn't say much to my father. He asked my father to sit in the main house for a while. After sitting for about half an hour, his old man said that it was time for business.

After saying this, he winked at my father, meaning that he was letting my father go to the hut. My father didn't dare to refuse. He asked where the hut was and got in.

My father had just entered the hut, and a finger craftsman followed in, and handed my father a hat made of yellow paper. He said that the hat is actually a cover, and the whole head is covered in it.

Someone will certainly ask, why go to the cottage

There is something special about it. The cottage is a filthy place. If you talk in it, you can avoid some unclean things. As for wearing a cover, I was afraid that someone would see my face, so I used it to make a finger of the craftsman just to be on the safe side. This was how a cover was fixed.

As soon as I put on the cover, a fingered craftsman told my father that in the late Qing Dynasty, one of our ancestors was an official. In order to please the boss, he used extremely cruel methods to kill ten children. Now those ten children have become Yinlings. Returning to avenge, wanting to have a healthy son, only to drive away the ten ghosts.

My father asked him how to drive away the ten children.

He told my father that in this situation, he could only set up a stove on the top of the mountain, then dig out the bodies of my nine brothers, and use the black willow wood cut down from September day to penetrate the bodies of the nine brothers and connect them together. Bake on the stove for three days and three nights. Finally, the ashes left after the burning are wrapped in red silk and folded into a triangle, and placed under the slate of the hut.

When he said this, the tone of the finger of the craftsman was calm and calm, as if he was saying something insignificant, but my father was sweating profusely and almost didn't fall.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)

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