
Chapter 10: Fight the coffin to worship God


Hearing what Senior Brother said, I didn't dare to ask any more, so I stood at the door. The brother guessed that he was afraid that I would be sleepy, so he stuffed me a pack of cigarettes when he entered the door, and he carried a big rooster, three pounds of yellow paper, a pair of red wax, and a few colorful paper clothes.

Speaking of this piece of clothing, there is a story worth mentioning. When the three of us were eating, the brother suddenly asked Wei Dezhen to find black, red, green, blue, purple, orange, and yellow seven. The colored papers of different colors let Wei Dezhen cut these colored papers into clothes. Among them, the black colored paper was cut to look like adult clothes, and the remaining six colors were cut into children's clothes.

To say that Wei Dezhen’s hands are also very dexterous. Within a short time, he found some colored paper and cut the colored paper into clothes according to his brother’s opinion. The brother wrote some words on the back of the paper clothes. I wanted to see what he wrote, but the brother didn't show it to me.

However, I heard the brother ask Wei Dezhen a few questions, basically asking about Wei Dezhen's birth date and the birth date of several children who died in her abdomen.

Therefore, I guess that the back of those paper clothes should be written with the characters of those people's birthdays.

Soon, the brother walked into the hall with those things. What I couldn’t understand was that the brother just entered the hall and didn’t walk straight forward. Instead, he stopped for a while in front of the coffin and muttered a few words softly in his mouth. After that, he picked up the paper clothes and thought for a while, then raised the paper clothes in front of the coffin, and finally put the paper clothes away.

After doing all this, the senior sighed deeply, shook his head, and continued to walk forward.

At that time, I didn't quite understand what the brother meant, but later I came to understand that there is a reason why the brother did this. Generally, when the coffin is finished, the lonely and wild ghosts nearby must be worried. After all, the reason why the lonely wild ghost is called the lonely wild ghost is that there is no place to live, and generally a newly laid coffin is a thing of no owner before there is nothing to do.

This kind of unowned thing is sweet and sweet in the eyes of the lonely wild ghost. The brother stopped in front of the coffin and seemed to have done nothing. In fact, he was there to persuade the lonely wild ghost to leave. He took the paper clothes to those The lonely ghost promised, meaning that when the coffin was finished, they would burn some clothes to prevent them from suffering from hunger and cold.

Of course, this approach is derived from the traditional Chinese virtues. The elder brother had a good luck at that time, and only a few benefits would dismiss the lonely ghost in the coffin. If the lonely ghost in the coffin is unwilling to leave. , If you want to occupy the magpie's nest, you can only ask the ancestor Luban to play.

And this invites Patriarch Luban to appear on the stage, which can be regarded as a means of deterrence. It is well known that Luban is the Patriarch of the carpenter line. As long as he can be called Patriarch, his idol can occupy a bit of immortality through special crafts and can calm the lonely soul Ghosts, once matched with the spell of the carpenter, are powerful enough to disperse the souls of those lonely and wild ghosts.

However, God has the virtue of good life, such as the dispersal of souls and souls. Both Taoists and Buddhists are extremely unwilling to do this, because this is too heavy to kill evil, damages the yin virtue, and easily breaks one's own cycle. Therefore, we ghosts are not willing to do this, unless it is the case of unavoidable circumstances.

After stopping in front of the coffin for a while, the senior brother put the things in his hands on the footsteps, and he began to close his eyes to rest up his mind. It was strange to say that the male chicken was originally happily jumping on the ground, just when the senior brother closed his eyes. For an instant, the dick seemed to be intimidated, and immediately fell silent, crawling under the feet of his brother, motionless.

The brother closed his eyes for about thirty seconds. Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly. At this moment, the spirit of the whole person seemed to have become another person, and he looked like an old gentleman descended from the earth. First, he glanced at me deeply, then bowed three times towards the altar of the hall, and finally turned around and knelt down towards the door of the hall.

I was at the doorway, and I was so frightened that I quickly retracted to the edge of the door and secretly looked at the brother, and found that the brother was kneeling on the ground, very pious, with the backs of both hands on the ground, palms facing up, and my mouth vibrated and said. "The disciple Wang Qingshan once knocked on the grace of the ancestor master to pass on the art, second knocked on the grace of the ancestor master for blessing, and three knocked on the ancestor master who gave me immortality to shake the evil.

After reciting these words, the brother slowly got up and bowed to the east three more times before he straightened up.

This practice of the brother is actually based on the source. According to the truth, he should first worship the ancestor, but China has always paid attention to worshipping the gods first. Therefore, the brother bowed to the altar in the hall first, but he was worshiping. When the ancestor master was kneeling and bowing, the etiquette was important, and he knew it at first sight.

When the brother got up, he held a kitchen knife in his right hand, and in his left hand he held the jigong three times towards the altar, the entrance of the hall and the front of the coffin. Then he stood in front of the coffin and wiped the neck of the jigong with a knife. It is worth mentioning that the brother killed When he was a cock, the cock seemed to be unconscious, and he let the brother's kitchen knife wipe his neck.

After the chicken blood came out, the brother first dripped three points of chicken blood in the coffin, and then walked around in the hall with the chicken male. While walking, he sprinkled the blood on every corner of the hall, and finally walked out of the hall. , Sprinkle the chicken blood on the stairs in front of the hall.

I wanted to follow, but was stopped by a look from the senior brother, so I continued to stand at the door and watched the senior brother enter the hall.

But seeing that, after entering the hall, the brother-in-law in his hands turned around the coffin a few times. Suddenly, his mouth began to say words. The words he pronounced were profound and difficult to understand, and they were very irregular four-character phrases. At the same time, the senior brother's expression was very solemn, standing on the edge of the coffin, like an old monk entering meditation.

After reciting it for nearly ten minutes, the brother stopped, and I didn’t know if I was dazzled or what was going on. The moment I stopped, I vaguely felt that the coffin seemed to have changed. But I can't tell why. If I really want to say it, I can only say that there seems to be an invisible wall of air around the coffin, giving people a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

However, the senior brother did not stop, but slammed the cock in his hand into the coffin. He heard three clucking cock, and the cock suddenly lost his breath.

The elder brother seemed quite satisfied, and took the chicken out of the coffin, then burned some yellow paper on the front of the coffin, the altar and outside the hall, and lighted a pair of red candles under the coffin.

When I saw this, I exhaled. Although I didn’t understand what I saw at that time, I felt that the brother was very good, so I was ready to enter the hall. After all, I did everything that should be done. There should be nothing wrong. He took a deep breath and said, "Within an hour, the pair of red wax did not go out, indicating that this ritual is OK."

I subconsciously replied, "What if it goes out?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)