
Chapter 103: Five elements kill


Old Qin murmured, "It's strange, one died beside the coffin, one died in the water, and now another one was burned to death."

Hearing this, I grabbed Qin Lao San's arm, looked tight, and said, "I know."

He looked at me suspiciously and asked what I knew.

I didn't speak, let go of him, and looked at Huang Jinshan, "Go, let's go and see."

Qin Lao San hurried over and asked what I knew, even Huang Jinshan looked at me.

I said: "The coffin is made of wood, the pond is made of water, and those that were burned to death by the fire, you should understand!"

As soon as the voice fell, Huang Jinshan answered, "Chuanzi, you mean this is using the Five Elements to kill."

As I walked, I said: "From the current situation, it should be like this, but there is one thing I still don't understand. If the five elements are used to kill people, what does this have to do with the stone statue?"

As soon as he said this, Huang Jinshan shook his head and said something he didn't know. As for Qin Laosan, he shook his head straight.

Seeing this, I did not speak any more.

Soon, Huang Jinshan led me to the village and found the place where the fire broke out. However, what puzzled me was that the place where the fire broke out was not in the private house, but in a wood shed next to the private house. .

When we appeared at that time, the fire was much smaller, and there was a vague tendency to go out, and there were many people surrounded by local villagers.

"Everything, the eighth office is investigating the case!" Huang Jinshan took the lead in walking over.

When the onlookers saw Huang Jinshan, they gave way to the road, and the three of us approached the wood house, and a strong smell of burnt came.

I frowned and took a closer look at the surrounding area. There was no building within ten meters of this wood house, just like an empty floor. I asked Huang Jinshan, "Brother Huang, do you know how the fire started?"

He shook his head and said, "I heard from the villagers that this fire appeared out of thin air, and it ignited somehow."

"Do you know who it is?" I asked.

He shook his head and said, "I have asked the villagers to find out who has few people. You also know that the old Xu's family is doing funerals. There will be too many people. For a while, I'm afraid it's not that easy to find."

I thought for a while. If everything is really the Five Elements murder as I guessed, this person might belong to the Xu family. Without any hesitation, I immediately went to Qin Lao San to find out if there were no one in the Xu family.

Qin Lao San wanted to say nothing, but when he saw that my face was wrong, he gave me a blank look and said, "I know that the old Xu family is all superstitious people. Let me pass, I don't know how to tell him. ."

I gave a wry smile. He was telling the truth. For the Xu family, this is a dead person, and it must not be called a dead person.

At the moment, I gave him an idea and asked him to go to the Xu family and told them that someone was honored in the arms of Vulcan, and asked if the Xu family had this honor.

Then the old man Qin immediately said, "Okay, I will go now."

When he passed by, I stared at the wood shed. Just as Huang Jinshan said, the man had been burned beyond recognition, and he couldn't tell who it was, and there was still a vague fire beating on his body.

I didn’t dare to move rashly. I kept waiting by the side, while Huang Jinshan started to inquire about the nearby villagers. However, the news he inquired out was all fragmentary things, and it was useless at all. Generally speaking, The demolition house was built by the Xu family a few years ago. Later, there were often dead dogs and cats in the wood house. The Xu family felt that the wood house was unhealthy. It has been vacant for these years, and it is useless on weekdays.

When it comes to who is in the firewood house, the villagers give full play to their imagination. Some people say that they may be relatives who came to participate in the funeral of the Xu family. Others say that it may be a passing beggar hiding in it. Some people say that it is inside the firewood house. Maybe not human.

Suddenly, the opinions were divergent, and there were no accurate numbers. However, there is one point that the villagers’ opinions are surprisingly similar. They all say that since the construction of this firewood house, they feel that this firewood house is particularly evil.

This drew my curiosity out, and I found one of the villagers and asked him what's wrong.

The villager was in his thirties and was honest. Seeing me asking this question, he didn’t say anything, but looked at Huang Jinshan. Maybe he thought I was too young, so he heard Huang Jinshan treat him. Said: "This is also the person from our eighth office."

When the villager heard this, he hurriedly smiled and said, "Brother, you may not believe it. Since the construction of this wood house, many policemen in our village have heard all kinds of strange noises, especially in the middle of the night. Sometimes I heard a gurgling sound, sometimes I heard a cooing sound, that sound, really miserable, just like a grievance."

When I heard this, my brows frowned, and I asked him: "Have you not come to check?"

He said: "Brother, are you nonsense? If such a big event has happened, can the people in our village not come to check it out. At that time, our village chief found seven or eight strong men and moved the wood house. There was only a few bare walls left in an empty space. But, guess what, the sound came out the next night."

Hearing this, I felt wicked too. It was just a wood shed that was so wicked, so I asked him, "What happened later?"

He sighed, "What else can I do later, I can only let the voice happen, and it will be a big problem for us anyway. By the way, there is something else, I don't know if I can help you."

"What's the matter?" I asked quickly.

He thought for a while and said: "When we were cleaning the wood shed, we found a very strange statue in the wood shed. It should be a statue of a monkey!"

"Don't listen to nonsense, when I cleaned the wood shed, I was helping. The carved pattern is obviously the pattern on the tiger's body. It should be a tiger's statue." Another person beside the villager interjected.

"Shit, is your tiger standing?" the villager retorted immediately.

"Liu Donggua, do you know how to speak, it was carved by humans. If the sculptor wants the tiger to stand, he can make the tiger stand." Another retort.

"Grass, I hate people calling me Liu Donggua the most in my life. I must kill you a marijuana today."

As I said, the two of them actually pinched, which made me shook my head. Just as I was about to speak, I heard Huang Jinshan say: "Two, we are here to deal with the case, you are making noise here, believe me or not for the crime of obstructing official business. , Send you two inside."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them dared to make a noise. They closed their mouths and did not dare to speak any more. I hurriedly said: "Two, do you guys say that the statue has tiger markings and oxtails, but it looks like ape ."

"Yes, that kind of animal!" the two of them responded at the same time.

"Where is the statue now?" I hurriedly asked.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)