
Chapter 104: Xu family fourth


The two of them listened to my question, looked at each other, and said at the same time: "It's burned!"

"Burned?" I exclaimed and asked, "Why?"

"The Xu family said it was unlucky, and it burned in a fire!" said the villager.

This made my face sink, and it was hard to say anything. Huang Jinshan saw that my face was wrong, so he asked me, "Chuanzi, did you find something?"

I lowered my voice and said, "The statue was burned, and now someone is burned to death. Don't you think it is weird?"

With that said, I said again that there was a statue of Yi in the coffin.

Huang Jinshan should also feel that this is not normal, so he asked me, "What should I do?"

I shook my head, said something I don’t know, then looked at the villager and asked him, "Remember what carving was used for that statue?"

He thought about it slightly, and said, "It's wood, with a faint fragrance."

Fragrant wood

I thought about it for a while. As far as the woods in the world are concerned, the amount of aromatic wood is very small, roughly sandalwood. This kind of wood has a mellow and long-lasting fragrance, and camphor trees also have a fragrance. The aroma is relatively strong, and when you smell it carefully, it is quite pungent.

There is also nanmu, which has an elegant fragrance, and another is agarwood, which is not common and should not appear here. The last type is fragrant wood, its scientific name is honey fragrant tree. This wood has no fragrance, but the sap has fragrance. Most perfumes on the market are extracted from this wood.

I told the aroma characteristics of these types of wood.

The villager considered it for a while and said, "It should be sandalwood."

I hummed, and then asked him: "When did the statue burn?"

Without thinking about it, he said, "It was just five or six days ago."

After knowing the news, I counted a bit in my heart. Without asking any more, I thanked the villager and planned to check the corpse. At this moment, the old Qin had two panda eyes. When I came back, I asked him if it was smashed, and he said he was beaten.

I was stunned and immediately understood. It was estimated that he had said the previous remarks to the fourth child of the Xu family, and the fourth child of the Xu family was the only enlightened person in the Xu family. Listening to Qin’s words, he would definitely jump into thunder and beat. He is also reasonable.

After figuring this out, I could not bear the smile in my heart and asked him: "Why, have you figured it out yet?"

He glared at me and said, "Chuanzi, I will settle accounts with you later on this matter."

"Okay, hurry up and get down to business!" I urged him.

He said: "I have found out. The second child of the Xu family left early this morning and has not returned. However, the fourth child of the Xu family said that the second child is going to town to buy things."

"Buy something?" I muttered, "Did you ask him about when he will be back?"

He said: "I have asked, the fourth Xu family said that this point should have come back, but I haven't seen anyone."

I snorted in my heart, depending on the situation, this corpse is probably the second child of the Xu family, but it is hard for me to tell. After all, this is just a guess. If it's not the second child of the Xu family, if I say it, isn't it just for scolding? We must know that in our rural areas, scolding is the most taboo.

At the moment, I forcibly endured the doubts in my heart, and followed Huang Jinshan to roughly check the corpse. Unfortunately, the corpse had been burned to black charcoal, and I couldn’t see anything at all. I couldn’t even tell if it was a male or a female. come out.

In desperation, the few of us had to give up this idea and stayed around for a long time.

It was about three o’clock in the afternoon. The Xu family finally came. The old man came from the Xu family. The two elders told us with a smile that it was his eldest son who had gone to the Dragon King’s as a errand. The son was back in the arms of Vulcan again, and he greeted us that we must go to his house for dinner in the evening to celebrate.

Regarding this statement, the three of us were speechless. The two elders were poisoned by superstition. I wanted to say a few words, but Huang Jinshan said that everyone’s beliefs are different.

Hearing what he said, I had to give up the idea, and without saying anything, I followed Huang Jinshan to his house.

Because the Xu family is doing funerals, their home looks messy. Here, I met the Xu family fourth. To be honest, I always thought that Xu's fourth child was a man. Who would have thought that it was only in the Xu family that he discovered that Xu's fourth child was a woman in her thirties.

She has a nice face, even figure, and short hair. She looks quite seductive. Just such a woman, I can hardly imagine that she is not married at the age of 30, and in our rural areas, if the average woman does not go to school. , I will be married at 16 or 7 and will not exceed 24 at the latest. Once this age is passed, there will be a lot of gossip in the village.

To put it bluntly, it means that this woman is indecent, or that this woman has a problem. In the end, this kind of woman who has passed the age can only have three results. One is that she will die alone in her life, and the other is that she marries improperly. Men, the third is to marry other provinces.

Therefore, when I saw Xu's fourth child, I couldn't help but stare at her for a long time.

The fourth Xu family saw me staring at her without speaking, but kept staring at me. She didn’t know if it was my illusion or what was wrong. The way she stared at me, I always felt weird, like Relief is like suspicion.

This made my mind more puzzled. Due to the large number of people, I didn't ask, so I stayed at her house with Huang Jinshan.

After sitting for about seven or eight minutes, the fourth Xu family was too busy, poured us a glass of water, and left.

When she left, I immediately said to Huang Jinshan, “If you guessed correctly, I’m afraid this Xu family will die two more, and the remaining two are likely to be two of the Xu family’s six brothers and sisters.”

As soon as he said this, Jinshan's face changed drastically and asked me, "Why do you say that."

I said: "The five elements killed people. Now three people have died. They are wood, water, and fire. The remaining two are definitely dead of gold and earth. There are six brothers in the Xu family. The living one is definitely the whole The initiator of the incident."

As soon as the voice fell, that Huang Jinshan seemed to be a little unbelieving, so I said that I was too arbitrary, and I said, "If you don't believe me, you can go to the pond in the morning and you can definitely find a statue of Hu near that pond."

Huang Jinshan didn't say a word, and immediately got up and walked out.

When he left, the whole room was left with me and Qin Laosan. Qin Laosan was a person who couldn’t be idle. He took a sip of the water on the table and asked me: "Chuanzi, how do I feel that you and Qin are okay? Same as people?"

I let out a cry and asked, "Then how do you think I should react?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)