
Chapter 106: Unknown wood


Upon hearing this sound, my whole person almost jumped up. Before I put down the three ghostsmiths in my hand, Huang Jinshan walked in. He glanced at me first, and then stared at the old fourth Xu family in surprise. Take a look.

I asked him, "Who died."

He said: "Xu's youngest and Xu's youngest are dead, one was buried alive, with only one head exposed, and the other was alive some sharp weapon..."

I suspiciously said: "What's wrong with being a sharp weapon?"

He glanced at me deeply, and said in a trembling voice, "It was...lively split into...two halves by a sharp weapon."

When I heard it, I only felt cold all over, and Qin Lao San had a tendency to vomit, but Xu Jia's fourth child just frowned and didn't speak.

Then Huang Jinshan said: "Two wooden statues were found in the place where they died. Here, these are statues. By the way, according to your request, I went to the pond specially, just as you guessed. In general, a statue was also found on Xu Shimin."

After speaking, he handed three statues to me.

I took the statue and took a closer look. The wood used for the three statues is huanghuali wood and elm wood. As for the statues found on Xu Shimin, the materials used are quite rare. I stared at it for a long time. Time, I didn't see what kind of wood it was carved from.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Huang Jinshan asked me, "Chuanzi, what's wrong?"

I didn’t conceal him, so I told him, “I can’t see what wood is the third wood carving.”

He was taken aback, and immediately came over and said, "Chuanzi, you are a ghostmaker. You can't even tell the wood, right?"

I frowned. When I was learning art with my brother, my brother once told me all the wood available on the market, and I also memorized all of them. Only the third type of wood, I couldn’t see why. .

In terms of color, the wood is black, and there are only three types of black wood, one is ebony (persimmon tree, different from gloomy wood), one is purple sandalwood, and the other is windmill wood, but without exception , The texture of these three kinds of wood is a bit rough, and the smoothness is not enough.

However, although the wood in my hand is black, the wood is hard and dense, and the texture is even more beautiful. When I reach out, it is even more slippery, as if I had touched a layer of lubricant on it.

Staring at the wood, I looked at it for a while, but I still didn't see why.

Huang Jinshan was a little anxious, and urged him, "Chuanzi, did you see it?"

I shook my head and asked Qin Laosan to find a kitchen knife and made a cut on the wood carving. I spit out saliva and rubbed it hard with my hands, only to find that the saliva could not make the wood wet at all. It is sufficient to show that the wood is resistant to water and humidity.

This makes my brows frown even more. Looking at the whole of China, due to the geographical environment, there are few such woods. No, it can even be said that there is no such wood at all, even the gloomy wood known as the Oriental Sacred Tree. No effect.

Wait, isn't it...

I looked at Huang Jinshan and said, "The origin of this wood may not be China."

"Ah!" Huang Jinshan exclaimed, "You mean this wood comes from abroad?"

I hummed and explained: “All regions of China belong to five climates, namely tropical monsoon climate, subtropical monsoon climate, temperate monsoon climate, temperate continental climate, and plateau mountain climate. I want to nurture this kind of moisture-resistant, hard and dense wood. Only a Mediterranean climate, such a climate, controlled by tropical high air pressure and sinking air currents, can easily cause soil variation to produce this kind of wood."

As soon as the voice fell, the gold stared at me in surprise, "Is there such a particular kind of wood?"

I nodded and said, "You are a layman. You don't understand the ways in it. Due to the influence of climate and geographical environment, the woods everywhere have their own special intentions. Therefore, I conclude that this wood is definitely not domestic."

After saying this, I was even more puzzled in an instant, just as the fourth son of the Xu family said, if she is the real culprit in this matter, she should not be able to get this kind of wood in her capacity!

At the moment, I put away the statues, and I told Huang Jinshan what Xu family's fourth child had said, and finally I even expressed my doubts.

When Huang Jin listened well, he stared directly at Xu's fourth child, "Are you the murderer?"

The fourth Xu family smiled, stroked his hair, and said, "What? The real murderer is standing in front of you, don't you dare to catch?"

As soon as he said this, Huang Jinshan's face sank. Without a second word, he immediately detained the fourth old Xu family, took out his mobile phone and made a call, and sent the fourth old Xu family directly to the town police station.

Considering that this is a rural area, and considering that there is no actual evidence yet, Huang Jinshan did not escort it openly, but waited until midnight before quietly sending the Xu family away.

After the fourth child of the Xu family was sent away, Huang Jinshan said that he needed to be interrogated overnight, so he left with the fourth child of the Xu family, leaving Qin and I alone.

What made me depressed was that although Huang Jinshan had left, Wang Jiong actually lived in the same house with us somehow, and I asked him why he didn't go to town.

That guy was very arrogant and ignored me at all, but he kept muttering a word, saying that it was such an obvious crime that he couldn't play with it, and the golden virtue was also a waste of money.

I agree with what he said. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the fourth oldest Xu family is definitely not a murderer. I have also told Huang Jinshan. However, Huang Jinshan said, whether she is or not, get to the police station for interrogation first, even if it wasn't her, she knew who the culprit was.

It was based on this consideration that he sent Xu's fourth child to the police station.

At my son that night, Qin Laosan and I had been lying in bed without sleep, while Wang Jiong was sleeping on a bed next to us. Outside the door was the sound of the Xu family's funeral.

To say that this Xu family is also very strange, if another family died of five children, it would definitely be extremely sad. But in Xu's family, I didn't feel any sad atmosphere. On the contrary, all I felt was an atmosphere of joy and joy, and even the sorrows and joys of ordinary funerals turned into disco sounds here.

The Xu family’s parents are even more weird. They always have a smile on their faces. They say that he has five good sons, and all of them have gone to the gods. They will definitely be able to go to the gods. .

The relatives of the Xu family estimated that they considered that the Xu family’s parents were pious and superstitious, and they were all smiles. They kept saying joy to the Xu family’s parents, but many villagers in the village tried to persuade the Xu family’s parents. But the result was very tragic, and the Xu family’s parents scolded them away, saying that these people came to ruin his family's glory.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)