
Chapter 118: nickname


Speaking of the secrets of this ghost maker Zhiwen, I have to mention the graphics of this ghost maker Zhiwen.

Its figure is carved on a small wooden barrel. The wooden barrel is made of fine golden nanmu, which is about 15 cm high and 8 cm wide in diameter. The ghost carvings are carved on the east, south, and west of the barrel. There are four totems in the four directions of north and north.

Each of its totems is like a character, but it is not like a character. It feels weird. Take the first totem as an example, it looks like a herringbone, but there is an extra at the tip of the herringbone. Horizontally, the weirdest thing is that the end of that horizontal line is divided into two forks.

What makes me weird is that the first totem is quite similar to the second totem. At first glance, there is no difference. Upon closer inspection, I found that there is a huge difference. The specific difference cannot be described in words. .

That feeling is really mysterious and mysterious.

If I really want to say the difference, I can only say that the second totem is still a herringbone, the tip is still a horizontal, and the end of that horizontal is straight. The evil thing is, staring at the top one for a long time. Now, people’s spiritual consciousness will be chaotic, as if they were hit hard in the head by something.

The third and fourth totems are also a herringbone, but the horizontal is drawn under the herringbone, and the change of that horizontal is exactly the same as the first and second totem.

When I finished reading the four totems, I was totally confused. In the words of the three masters, I was like a lunatic, with dull eyes and hollowness, as if I had been taken away.

"Chuanzi!" The third master shook me deadly.

I came back to my senses, cold sweat, staring at the ghost writer Jiwen, I couldn't help but be afraid for a while, but I only had one idea in my mind. This ghostmaker Jiwen was too esoteric.

I didn’t dared to study for long. I was about to put away the ghost texts. I heard the three masters say in my ear: "Chuanzi, there are some things that are not suitable for gluttony. If you want to thoroughly study this ghost writing, the prerequisite is that you must first thoroughly study the Gongshi Liyu, otherwise, it will only be in vain."

I agree with the words of the three masters. For example, when I was studying the text of the ghost maker, I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell what was wrong.

At the moment, I hummed, and packed the ghost writer Jiwen in a wooden box.

Suddenly, I stopped, because at the moment when the ghost maker was eager to write, I seemed to find a word on the bottom of the wooden barrel, no, no, it should be half a word, and it was written'?'.

I stared at the word'?' for a long time, without speaking for a long time.

At this moment, the three masters came over and whispered: "Listen to your master, every ghost writing will have such a symbol. If you want to figure out this word, you must find another ghost. If you read the text correctly, you are lucky, and what you got is the first piece of ghost writing."

I hummed, if he was telling the truth, the three ghost writings of the Xu family may be the beginning of the whole ghost writings. Depending on the situation, if you want to learn the ghost writings, you must have gold The two ghosts that Shan had snatched back were brought back, otherwise, all of this might be useless.

This made me feel a little frustrated. I thought that if I took the Ghost Crafter's Writings, I would be able to take my Ghost Crafter's craft to a higher level. Who would have thought that this would be the result.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. At that time, I was exactly the whole reaction. I sighed deeply, put the ghost writer Jiwen into the wooden box, and put the wooden box under the bed.

I just finished all this here, the three masters should have seen my frustration and asked me: "Chuanzi, how long have you been apprentice?"

I was stunned, he asked why this, and said: "One month and six days."

He hummed and said with a smile: "According to the rules of martial arts practitioners, I have been apprenticeship for so long, so I should teach you something."

When I heard, he was trying to teach me the kung fu at hand, and said hurriedly: "Thank you three masters."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Laosan's hurried voice came from the door. He said: "Chuanzi, Chuanzi, hurry, help brother."

Hearing this, the three masters gave a wry smile and said, "You must be busy first!"

I smiled apologetically at Master Three, and hurriedly walked over, and found that the fellow Qin Lao San rushed from the first floor to the second floor in a hurry, and I asked him what's wrong.

Without a word, he grabbed my arm and walked out.

I was a little reluctant. After all, the three masters said that they wanted me to work hard, so they said, "What's the matter?"

He looked at me sadly and said: "Chuanzi, I call you uncle, it is related to my lifelong happiness, please, hurry up with me to school."

I thought, this guy has been with me for a while. Although he is a bit greedy for money, he rarely asks me for anything. Besides, this guy said that it’s about lifelong happiness. I couldn’t help thinking of a person’s name, Ge Yao, and asked. He: "It's related to Ge Yao?"

He hummed, as if he didn't want to say more, he dragged me and ran towards the school.

When we ran to the school, it happened to be time for lunch. Since Xu Shiqing's death, there was a lot of rumors about me killing Xu Shiqing. Later, when the school learned that all eight of Xu Shiqing's family had died, those great students Recalling that I have not been to school for this period of time, I have been classified as a perverted murderer.

Even though Xu Shiqing’s case has now come to light, many students still think that I killed Xu Shiqing’s family because I did not catch Huang Jinshan, and many parents even came to school to make a fuss, saying that they were worried about letting their children commit perverted murderers. The same school strongly urged the school to expel me, and in the end it even raised a banner.

Fortunately, the Xiaozhuo police came forward, which avoided the danger of being expelled.

However, since the Xiaozhuo police came out, it has had two effects. One is that many students think that I have paid for the local police station, and that I am the illegitimate son of a hidden rich man, and the other is that many students in the school see me. I'm all scared, for fear that I will do harm.

No, when I first arrived at school, I just glanced at a sister paper in our school. The sister paper was like a ghost and ran away.

If you say, just run, you have to run while shouting, "No, the murderous demon Luo Dongchuan is back."

Listening to this, I don't know whether to cry or laugh. I can only say that these flowers in the future of the motherland are extremely imaginative. How could a harmless person like me be a murderer.

Right now, I looked at Qin Lao San and asked, "Look, am I like a murderer?"

He glanced at me if it had happened, and said solemnly: "It doesn't look like it!"

I was about to talk. Where did I know, the guy said directly, "Like rape/rape/offender."

"Fuck, have you ever seen such a handsome rape/rapist/offender?" I cursed with a smile, and walked into the school.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)