
Chapter 125: Haoyue Ming Building


In the next few hours, the three masters kept preaching to me, saying that the people in this society are sinister, don't believe people, don't be confused by appearances, whether you look at people or things, you must see them clearly. Essentially, only then can we draw conclusions.

During the time when the third master was preaching, I have been listening carefully until the train was approaching the station, the third master stopped and leaned towards me, and said with an ear: "Pay attention to the girl opposite you."

I didn't understand what he meant. It was only when he glanced at a plastic bag next to the girl that I realized it.

But see, there are four big black characters printed on the plastic bag next to the girl, Haoyue Minglou.

As soon as I saw these four words, I swallowed subconsciously. The note that Wang Runxue’s second brother gave me back then read Haoyueminglou Community. Could it be that the girl opposite me is from that community

This makes me have to admire the insight of the third master. Maybe he found the plastic bag from the beginning. It can even be said that what he taught me just now was deliberately said to the girl. The purpose is very simple. Just to make the girl think that I am a good person.

Of course, this is just my guess. It is estimated that only the three masters know what is going on.

Soon, the train arrived at the station. It was already 8:30 in the evening. We got off the train and still hadn’t left the train station. The third master said that he had something to deal with and asked me to follow the girl to the Haoyue Ming Building directly. Mr. Wu will do.

I originally wanted the third master to accompany me, but when I saw the third master's face, I didn't dare to say it, so I screamed and asked him where to find him.

He said that he will naturally come to me if he handles things well.

After saying this, the three masters walked straight ahead, and I followed the girl behind.

What made me depressed was that the girl went out of the train station and did not go home directly. Instead, she went with her classmates to a place with KFC hanging at the gate. The place seemed to be very high-end, and I did not dare to go in. , The main reason is that the consumption inside is too expensive.

In desperation, I found a place at the door and sat down, quietly waiting for the girl to come out.

While I was waiting, I looked at the night scene around here, not to mention it, it is a first-tier city, this night scene is really beautiful, especially a fountain not far away, soaring into the sky, spreading flowers and rain. The pool on the side kept tumbling, and the color of the pool kept changing as the nearby lights irradiated, and it was truly beautiful.

This made me stare at it for a while, only to think that big cities are really beautiful. Compared with our rural areas, it is a world of difference. No wonder so many people are crowding into big cities.

Staring at the fountain for about half an hour, the girl walked out with her two classmates. I quickly pretended to look at the fountain, while the girl glanced at me suspiciously and walked straight ahead.

Seeing her leaving, I immediately followed.

In this way, the girl and two classmates walked in front, and I followed behind. In order not to let them find out, I deliberately kept a distance.

After about seven or eight minutes, the girl told two classmates and walked to the left. I quickly followed. What made me depressed was that the girl disappeared in just the blink of an eye. Up.

This put me in a hurry. I hurriedly walked over and found that there was an underground passage where the girl disappeared. The strange thing is that there are actually two automatic stairs on both sides of the underground passage, and the girl is standing on the stairs. .

To make you laugh, when I went to a big city for the first time, I didn't know that the thing was called a escalator. I thought it was amazing. However, I didn't think much about it at the time. I bit my head and stood up. I felt my body shake for a while, and I moved down automatically.

Fortunately, my psychological quality is quite good, so I didn't call it out. However, when I got off the escalator, I accidentally fell. The main reason was that I didn’t know that the escalator had to take a step when it came down. I knew that the person standing in front of me walked over naturally.

I wanted to learn from them at the time, but the inertia of my body caused my whole body to lose balance and I fell down firmly.

"Are you okay?" Just when I was about to get up, the girl stood next to me and stretched out a hand towards me.

I said it was okay, and I didn't dare to pull her hand, mainly because I felt that men and women were incompatible with each other and could not pull girls' hands randomly.

After standing up, I patted the'dust' on my body, smiled awkwardly at her, and said, "The first time I sit on this thing, I made you laugh!"

She smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, it's the same for the first time I sit."

Her voice is very nice, like the cry of a lark, which makes people feel a little relieved.

"Hello, my name is Lin Fan!" She stretched out her hand to me generously again and smiled.

I was taken aback and rubbed hard on my trouser legs. After making sure that my palms were clean, I stretched out my hand and shook her symbolically, saying, "Hello, my name is Luo Dongchuan."

In this way, we two met. Years later, whenever I think of the process of meeting her, we both smile. However, life is the same. The two people who meet for the first time always retain a bit of shyness and reservedness towards each other.

At that time, I was very curious why Lin Fan would take the initiative to find me. After all, I was following her at that time. For ordinary girls, I should be considered a dangerous person. At that time, Lin Fan didn't explain it to me. It wasn't until many years later that I knew that the reason she would find me was because of the three masters. She said, what kind of master can teach what kind of apprentice, she believes that I am a good person.

At that time, we didn't talk much on the escalator, she just said, "Come with me."

I followed her stupidly, she bought me a subway ticket, and she led me to the Haoyue Minglou community.

I thought she would lead me directly into the community, but she stopped at the gate of the community and smiled and asked me why I came to Haoyueming Building.

I touched the back of my head and asked her how she knew I was coming to Haoyueming Building. She said that when she noticed that I was staring at her plastic bag while on the train, she was wrong, so she guessed that I might be coming to Haoyueming Building.

What a smart girl.

I gave her a secret compliment without concealing it, so I handed her the note given by the second brother Wang Runxue, and told her that I came here to find Mr. Wu and wanted Mr. Wu to save my second uncle.

After she knew all this, Wei Wei thought about it for a while and said to me: "There is indeed an old man in our community, and now it is late at night, it is not easy to disturb his old man, do you think this is okay? You are nearby first Find a hotel to stay and I will take you in tomorrow."

Hearing this, I nodded quickly and said thank you again, but did not leave.

When Lin Fan saw that I hadn't left, he asked me what was wrong. I smiled awkwardly and said, "The hostels in big cities are too expensive. I will just find a place to make do with it overnight."

She stroked the hair in front of her forehead, stared at me again, and slowly said, "Well then, I'm going in first, and I'll take care of my own safety at night."

I hummed, and Lin Fan didn't say much, and went straight into the community.

After she left, I found a fairly clean place to sit on the edge of the community. The thought of seeing Mr. Wu tomorrow made me very nervous. After all, the hope of coming to Guangzhou this time is all in that old man.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)