
Chapter 132: The sow can fly (below)


Listening to this, Zhang Dequan and I looked at each other, then glanced at the heavy-faced Uncle Six, and asked him what was going on.

The Sixth Uncle took a sip of the wine bottle, and then stared at the side warily. Seeing that no one was approaching, he gestured to both of us, which meant that we should be closer to him.

When we got closer, he told us in a low voice that he had gone to Niuwang Village to find a girl before. In order to be cheap, he was looking for a girl in a private house near a word factory.

Of course, saying that it is a private house is actually similar to the one on the first floor in Hong Kong. There are countless small rooms in a house. In the words of Uncle Liu, apart from the heavier smell, the girls are pretty tight. He led Zhang Gong and Zhao Gong to find three girls nearby.

It's strange to say that the three of them were discussing the price with the other girl, and they felt a little uncomfortable in their ears, as if someone was blowing in their ears.

At first, the sixth uncle didn't care much. After all, the beauty was in front, and his heart was even more restless. The three of them didn't care about such a small problem.

But, the strange thing is that they just negotiated the price, and before they had time to enter the room, they only felt a chill in their ears. The chill was like a cold wind blowing out of an ice cave, causing the three of them to subconsciously hit one. Chills.

At this time, the three of them vaguely felt that something was wrong with the situation. Uncle Liu turned his head and looked behind him, and found that they didn't know when, three old sows were standing behind them.

Looking at the situation, the three of them were frightened, and they were ready to leave.

Where do you know, the girl is reluctant, the price has been negotiated, how can you just leave, you must know that there is an unspoken rule in this business, it is called drinking wine, it is more popular, it is easy to talk about anything without discussing the price , Once the price is negotiated, you have to proceed, otherwise, the girl's prize will be ruined.

Because of this, the three girls were naturally unwilling, and pulled their clothes slightly to reveal a puff of breasts, and then whispered to them.

To say that Uncle Liu is also daring, unable to withstand the sugar-coated cannonballs of other girls, and took the lead in following one of the girls. Zhang Gong and Zhao Gong saw that Uncle Six had gone in. How could he fall behind? Forget about the old sow, and followed the other girl in.

When I entered, the room was very dim, with dark red colored lights, and three beds were separated by curtains. At the far left, there was a simple bathroom separated by aluminum-plastic panels.

In the words of Uncle Liu, according to his previous rules for calling girls, he had to take a bath first, but this time, the girl didn't ask for this at all, and went straight to Wushan.

After some clouds and rain, the other girl said she had to go and wash, but the sixth uncle did not stop, lying in the dim room, lighting a cigarette, humming *** in her mouth, she was very uncomfortable.

The evil thing is that Uncle Six smoked a few cigarettes in **, and the time passed for more than ten minutes, but he didn't see any other girl coming out.

This made the sixth uncle anxious. You must know that when he was negotiating the price, he had agreed to come twice in two hours, and this was only once. If there is any delay, the time will pass.

At the moment, Uncle Six couldn't take care of that much. He got up and walked towards the bathroom. He knocked on the door first and said: Girl, are you okay? The uncle's bullet has been loaded, just waiting for the war to ignite.

Strangely, there was no response in the bathroom.

Uncle Six yelled again, still the same, without any response.

After shouting three or four times in a row, Uncle Liu vaguely felt that something was wrong, and Zhang Gong and Zhao Gong in the room also felt that something was wrong, and the two of them also came over.

The three of them had a unified view, that is, the girl they called all said to go to the bathroom to wash.

Upon hearing this, the three of them looked a little bit wrong, because the three of them were old acquaintances here, and they knew that the bathroom was only a tiny bit big and could only accommodate one person.

Without any hesitation, Uncle Six grabbed the lock of the bathroom door, shook it hard, and yelled a few more words, but the bathroom door was locked from the inside and couldn't be opened at all. Uncle Six was also in a hurry. He lifted his leg and just kicked it. Kicked over.

Only a bang was heard, and the bathroom door opened.

The moment they opened the door, the three of them were all dumbfounded. They only felt a numb scalp and stepped back subconsciously.

But seeing, there are three old sows floating in the bathroom. The old sow's back is facing the ground, her limbs are facing up, and the whole body is painted with black and white crossed bars. What makes them fear is that the three-mouthed old sow's The eyes were dug away, blood was constantly spilling out of the eye sockets, and it fell to the ground ticking.

In an instant, the three of them turned pale, and the sixth uncle tremblingly said: Brother two, I...I...we won't...hell

When Zhang Gong and Zhao Gong heard this, he swallowed and did not dare to speak. He wiped his eyes relentlessly, and took a look. That's right, three old sows without eyes were indeed floating above the bathroom.

Upon seeing this, the three of them screamed, picked up their clothes, and ran outside.

As soon as they left the house, the three of them thought that something was wrong. They clearly saw the girl entering the bathroom, how could it be that three old sows were in it.

After discussing, the three of them agreed that they must have been too excited before, and they decided to go back and take a look.

It's okay not to go back, this time, in the words of Uncle Six, he saw the most terrifying scene in his life.

When they returned to the room, they just stood at the door and took a long look, and found that the light in the entire room was dimmer than before. Fortunately, Uncle Liu had good eyesight, allowing him to see the scene clearly in the room.

Uncle Six said that he saw that the whole room had become a sea of blood, and his eyes were full of red blood. The three women who talked to them about the price were lying in a sea of blood. He had the courage to glance at the three. Girls, they found that the eyes of the three girls had been gouged away, leaving only two eye holes. The girls' hands were tied behind them. There were two lines of bloody writing on their arms. , Zixi is difficult to be healthy. It's better to sleep with the animal and reunite under the spring.'

After listening to Uncle Liu’s account, my first thought was the wood sculpture Zhang Dequan showed me earlier. Before I could speak, I heard Zhang Dequan speak: "Little Liuzi, are you sure that the three girls are dead?"

Uncle Six swallowed, and hummed heavily, "The eyes are gone, and with so much blood, can you not die!"

Zhang Dequan asked again, "Are you sure those old sows are floating in the bathroom."

Uncle Six hummed again, and said with certainty: "The three of us have seen this."

When I heard this, I felt that something was wrong. When Liu Shu first came to this supper stall, he was very happy. There was no slightest fear. You should know that normal people saw that scene, not to mention supper, maybe both legs were scared. It's soft!

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)