
Chapter 137: Seven evil locusts


But see, the old locust tree is close to the ground, and there is a shrine, and the shrine is dedicated to Lu Dongbin, and a little bit ahead is an incense burner, the incense burner is burning with fragrance, and strands of green smoke are entangled in the old locust tree. On the pole of the tree.

On the stem of this old locust tree, there are seven branches of the big tree, and the branches of the big tree are divided into dense small branches. The small branches are divided into fine branches, and the thinnest stem is the leaves of the locust tree. The strange thing is that the branches of these branches are all seven.

At first, I thought it was a coincidence, and then I stared at the old locust tree and counted it. That’s right, the whole old locust tree is divided into seven big branches, and the seven big branches are divided into seven small branches, as to whether it is seven pieces. Ye Zi, because the distance is a little far away, I don't know how to count, but as far as I guess, it should be seven.

At the moment, I pulled Mr. Wu on the side and said, "Mr. Wu, I need a branch of locust tree with leaves."

He looked at me suspiciously, and said, "Do you want the locust tree branch with leaves?"

I originally wanted to say that I need to count the leaves of the locust tree branch, but to say that, Mr. Wu is definitely not willing, I had to say to him: "I need to judge the age of this old locust tree and some knowledge through the branches."

Then Mr. Wu heard me say this, with a bitter expression on his face, and asked me: "Can't you tell by your eyesight?"

To be honest, I can tell that just now when I was looking at the locust tree, I had already seen it. The age of the locust tree should be around one hundred and ninety years old, but I didn’t say it, so I said to Mr. Wu," The kid has just started his career, he hasn't done that way yet."

Then Old Wu glanced at me suspiciously, without saying a word, and walked straight towards the old locust tree.

Looking at his back, I looked around the old locust tree and found that the vegetation around the old locust tree was extraordinarily lush, but, strangely, the seemingly lush vegetation was a bit strange in color, showing dark red.

I walked to the left side of the old locust tree. The place was relatively empty and there were no people. I squatted down and first touched the soil. The start was very rough. From the perspective of the soil, the soil is relatively plump. He plucked some grass and put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

I don't know if it's my nose problem or what's wrong, I think the grass has a vaguely bloody smell.

This makes my brows frowned. If the green grass smells of blood, those who come here to pray for blessings should be able to smell it, and the bloody grass is a symbol of inauspiciousness in the countryside. In this case The grass is usually removed, not to mention the green grass growing on the edge of the old locust tree, which is even more unlucky.

Just when I flashed this thought, there was a noise from the old locust tree. Turning to see, it was Mr. Wu who was arguing with a few middle-aged men in security clothes.

I gave a wry smile. When I asked Mr. Wu to pass, I knew that the branches and leaves of the old locust tree were not easy to pick. The reason is very simple. Du Sanniang regards this old locust tree as a feng shui tree. How can you let people pick the branches? The reason why I let Mr. Wu go there is to count the leaves, and to avenge Wu out of selfishness. I always don't care about the life and death of those in the dormitory.

What surprised me was that Mr. Wu didn't know what he said to those middle-aged men. In an instant, those middle-aged men became respectful and sent Mr. Wu away.

Live to hell.

I murmured, and I realized that Mr. Wu had already walked towards me. He first handed the locust tree branch in his hand to me, and then he calmed down an old face and did not speak.

I took the locust tree branch and counted the leaves carefully. Just as I expected, there were exactly seven leaves on each thin piece of paper, which made my face sink, and then think of the temperature of the grass on the side of the locust tree. A word flashed through my mind, Qishashu.

I go, it won't really be a Qisha tree!

At the moment, how dare I hesitate, and immediately asked Mr. Wu, "How far is this locust tree from the place where the temple was built?"

He didn't seem to understand why I asked, and he looked at me with a confused expression and didn't speak.

I asked again, and he said: "This locust tree is separated from the temple by Niuwang Village, one in the extreme south and the other in the extreme north."

"It's right!" I murmured, turned my head and ran towards Jianshen Temple. Old Wu asked me what I was going to do, and I didn't hide him, so I said that the old locust tree was probably turned into. Qisha Huai.

The so-called seven evil locust tree is actually the locust tree, and the locust tree has been passed down to this day, and most people believe that the locust tree is an evil tree, a ghost tree, and there is even a saying that "no mulberry is planted in front of the house, and locust tree is not planted behind the house." In ancient times, the opposite was true. The locust tree symbolized good luck and auspiciousness. Before the Tang Dynasty, the locust tree was regarded as a sacred tree, and the year of examination was called Huaiqiu. The month is called Huaihuang.

But all of this was rewritten during the Tang Dynasty. The reasons for this were quite complicated, and some religious beliefs were involved, so I didn’t elaborate on it. After the rewritten locust tree, it became two kinds of locust tree. One is the ordinary old locust tree, which is the locust tree we usually see, and the other is the seven evil locust tree.

At first, the locust tree refers to the seven big branches on the stalk of the locust tree. As we all know, the locust tree has very few branches, usually two to five branches. Later, some carpenters discovered this kind of locust tree. The things created are no different from ordinary locust trees, so the scope of the seven evil locust trees is reduced, and the big tree branches are divided into seven small branches as the seven evil locust trees.

However, later found that the things made by such a locust tree were nothing unusual, and once again narrowed the scope of the seven evil locust tree. Some carpenters believed that the seven evil locust tree should have seven branches or leaves.

It was precisely in this way that the seven evils were completely solidified. Later, some carpenters discovered that the things made with the seven evils were indeed a bit evil, and they said to some people that the seven evils were unlucky.

The Chinese folk tradition is: what is said from Mouth A will definitely be exaggerated in Mouth B, and it will be magnified to countless times in Mouth C. In this way, because of the inauspicious nature of the seven evil sophora tree, the whole Sophora tree was misunderstood, and there is no distinction between the seven evil Sophora tree and the Sophora tree.

As for why Qishahuai is evil, even now there is no conclusion. However, both the carpenter and our ghostsmiths are quite taboo against this kind of seven evil locusts.

When I told Elder Wu all this, his expression was frozen and he asked me: "You mean that old locust tree is the seven evil locust?"

I hummed, and said, "That Du Sanniang worshipped the Qishahuai tree for so long. I guess that Qishahuai tree has aura. I'm afraid there will be no peaceful days for the entire Niuwang Village, even..."

Having said that, I did not dare to go on.

Then Elder Wu asked me why I didn't say anything. I glanced at him and said in a deep voice: "It is rumored that the seven evils have become fine, and everyone who comes close to it will die in seven days."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)