
Chapter 140: Scam


When I heard that, the whole person was uncomfortable, and I quickly asked her: "What is Elder Wu planning to do?"

Mrs. Wu sighed deeply and said: "He...he wants..."

Halfway through, she didn't mean to go on, and stopped at me, meaning to let me follow up quickly.

I didn't hesitate, and quickly caught up with Mr. Wu.

Without waiting for me to speak, Old Wu said coldly: "Chuanzi, if you want to save your second uncle and your father, don't say anything!"

His words made me speechless, so I nodded and didn't speak.

Mr. Wu didn't go directly to the dormitory, but wandered around Niuwang Village and bought some things. He bought some sacrifices, such as: yellow paper, fragrant incense, candles, and an incense burner.

After buying these things, Mr. Wu led me directly towards the dormitory.

At this time, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I asked him why he bought these things.

He calmed his face and didn't speak, which made my heart chuckle. Could it be that Elder Wu wanted to do something to harm Du Sanniang

No, it's not right. Since Sanniang Du assured Mr. Wu to build the temple, it shows that Sanniang Du has enough confidence to shock Mr. Wu. Otherwise, with Du Sanniang's years of hard work in society, it would be impossible to leave the building of the temple to Elder Wu.

Along the way, I have been speculating about the relationship between Mr. Wu, Mrs. Wu, Du Sanniang, and Zhang Dequan, and wondering how they are related to the temple and Qishahuai.

After thinking about it for a long time, I went through the whole thing. It was like this: What happened to some girls in Niuwang Village, Du Sanniang thought about building a temple to protect those girls, which is so impressive. What I don’t understand is that Du Sanniang entrusted the construction of the temple to the younger brother of Mrs. Wu, who was bent on destroying Niuwang Village. Mrs. Wu also contracted the work to Zhang Dequan and Liu. uncle.

The strange thing is that the sixth uncle finally disappeared because of a strange thing when calling the girl. With the disappearance of the sixth uncle, the whole thing returned to Mr. Wu, and Mr. Wu went to Sanniang Du.

Thinking of this, my mind is a little confused, what is hidden in the middle, and what does it mean to be the seven evil locusts

For a while, I only felt that the first and the two were big, and I couldn't understand the complicated relationship there.

Just as I was thinking about it, we had appeared at the door of the dormitory, the door was closed, and there was a sound of gambling.

"Three two with one five, do you want it!"

"Four six exploded."

"Four preserved egg tubes."

Listening to this voice, my face sank. At this time, Zhang Dequan and the others should be nervous and uneasy, why are they still thinking about gambling.

Right now, I looked at Mr. Wu and heard Mr. Wu lower his voice and say, "Chuanzi, now I understand why the old man is not here!"

In an instant, I immediately understood, and asked softly: "What do you mean?"

He hummed and said, "Yes, the disappearance of the so-called Xiao Liuzi is just their blindfold. The purpose is to use the disappearance to find the old man to ruin some money. This is a common method on the construction site. It is estimated that Zhang Dequan is watching As long as you are a newcomer, this is how you can be used."

"There is still this kind of operation!"

I murmured, knowing the truth, I almost didn't cry. This routine is too deep. I really thought that the sixth uncle was missing. I was sad for a while because of this. I even blamed Old Wu for being cold-blooded and ruthless. Who would have thought that the truth was actually It would be so cruel.

To put it bluntly, perhaps just like what Elder Wu said, this society can't do anything for money.

This made me, who just entered the society, felt that I was incompatible with this society. It was also at that time that I really understood why the three masters would tell me that it is not enough to rely on ability, and I have to learn to know people, because you don’t know who in this society. It is to help you, who is harming you, and who is unkind to you.

At that time, I was stunned at the door for a long time, until Mr. Wu said, "Chuanzi, you have a long way to go. On the surface, you have to face all kinds of people in society with a smile, but you have to have your own bottom line in your heart."

While talking, Wu Lao raised his leg and kicked on the door.

Only a bang was heard, and the door opened a gap and was crumbling.

Mr. Wu kicked it again.

In an instant, with a bang, the door that was already crumbling hit the ground.

At first sight, there were three tables of people fighting the landlords, and the fighting was quite big, because there was no zero bills on the table, all of them were hundred yuan bills.

"Boss Wu..." That Zhang Dequan reacted first, and immediately stood up and walked over to Mr. Wu, basically telling Mr. Wu that they felt the atmosphere was too depressing and wanted to ease their mood by gambling. Speaking of the last, let's say that Uncle Six gave him a dream last night, saying that it was a terrible death. His eyes were dug out, and his hands were tied behind his back. He also said that Uncle Six had an old man at home and a young man at the bottom. There is also a sweet wife in the middle, and the sixth uncle is the breadwinner of the family. Now that the sixth uncle is gone, the family will collapse.

What Zhang Dequan said vividly and vividly, even squeezed out a few tears.

Had it not been for Mr. Wu to tell me the truth, I would almost believe it, and would even think that Zhang Dequan was sentimental and righteous.

After listening to him, Mr. Wu did not speak. He raised his hand and instigated it with a palm, saying: "Zhang Dequan, when the old man walks in the society, you are still drinking milk. The routine you used is the old man who used the rest decades ago. of."

After that, Mr. Wu took out the kitchen knife he prepared in advance and said coldly: "The old man is here today, there is no money, there is a life, and those who are not afraid of death will come to the old man to ask for money."

As soon as this word came out, the audience was silent, and no one was speaking. That Zhang Dequan was even more stupefied. He squeaked for a while, then slightly raised his head and glanced at the kitchen knife in Old Wu's hand, shuddering, and said : "Boss Wu, you are ruthless, I quit this job."

"Whatever!" Wu Lao said quietly.

That Zhang Dequan stared at Old Wu fiercely for a while, and then ordered the workers under his hand to pack their tools.

As he packed his tools, Zhang Dequan seemed to be a little unconvinced, his eyes kept staring at Mr. Wu.

After about half an hour, Zhang Dequan and the others had almost packed their tools, which made the originally compact room appear empty.

"Call Xiao Liuzi and the missing person away too!" Old Wu said coldly.

"Little Guizi, go call Xiaoliuzi and them." Zhang Dequan ordered a man in his thirties next to him.

The man said nothing, and walked straight to the second floor.

Uncle Six is on the second floor

At the moment, I quickly followed, and what I didn't expect was that they didn't stop after they got on the second floor, but walked straight to the rooftop on the second floor.

I can’t help but swear in secret, rubbing and playing tricks for a long time. The so-called disappearance is to hide on the rooftop. Once they succeed, a few murders, it is estimated that they can defraud a lot of money. Someone at the construction site was missing, and the first reaction was to give money to rest.

It was precisely this that allowed them to take advantage of the loopholes.

But, as soon as I arrived on the rooftop, I was completely stunned, and the little Takako screamed again and again, and ran downstairs.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)