
Chapter 141: Hang the corpse


But see, where the roof is near the edge, six bamboo sticks are used to frame two shelves, each of which is triangular, and a wire is used to connect the two shelves together. Between the two shelves, six are hanging upside down. A corpse, just like we usually hang clothes, hang the corpse on it.

The hands of these corpses were tied behind, and the eyes seemed to be pecked by something, leaving only the eye sockets. The bright red spilled from the eye sockets. The ground was like a sea of blood. The most weird thing was that they were all on the arms of these people. Engraved with two lines.

'Under my knees, it is difficult to be healthy. It's better to sleep with the animal and reunite under the spring.'

Seeing this, I subconsciously took a step back. I only had one idea in my mind, and it was this sentence again.

What does this sentence mean

I resisted the fear in my heart, and Ding Qing looked at the six corpses.

At this glance, my scalp was numb, it was Uncle Six.

Uncle Six hung in the middle position. The other corpses beside him were all familiar faces, all the workers who disappeared a few days ago.

This made me completely confused. According to Zhang Dequan's words, they should have used their disappearance to defraud.

But now the body of Uncle Six actually appeared on the rooftop.

This...this...what the hell is going on!

Just when I was stunned, Mr. Wu downstairs should have known the news and was walking towards me.

When Lao Wu, Zhang Dequan and others appeared next to me, I was totally unconscious. Because, my eyes kept staring at the six corpses, and I didn't come back to my senses until Old Wu gave me a push.

"Chuanzi, what's the matter?" Old Wu gave me a push.

I shook my head and didn't say a word, and Wu Lao's actions were simple. Without saying anything, I was going to call the police.

However, Zhang Dequan and others didn’t give him this opportunity, they stubbornly grabbed Wu Lao, and kept saying: "Boss Wu, this matter has been reported to the police. It will only affect your old man’s name. It’s better to be private, and I don’t want it. There are more, six people, you give 600,000, and I will dispose of these corpses for you."

Listening to this, I was completely angry. Six lives are here, and he actually... still thinks about money.

Without waiting for me to speak, Old Wu raised his leg and kicked Zhang Dequan's stomach.

Don't look at Wu Lao's back being a bit lumpy, and his body is not burly, but when he stepped down, Zhang Dequan, who was tall and mammoth, turned pale as paper, and he squatted down, covering his stomach firmly.

"How can human life be bought and sold by money." Wu Lao left these words viciously, and kicked Zhang Dequan's back again.

Following this step, Zhang Dequan lay on the ground, and Wu Lao stepped on his face and said angrily: "Do you believe it or not that Lao Chen slashed you, this beast, and said, Xiao Liuzi could not be killed by you. "

That Zhang Dequan was so scared by Mr. Wu that he squeaked a few words in his mouth. Because half of his face was stepped on by Mr. Wu, the sound from his mouth was inaudible at all.

Old Wu didn't seem to want to hear what he was talking about, so he turned his head and said to me, "Chuanzi, you go to the police."

I was stunned and ran downstairs. The people under Zhang Dequan seemed to want to stop me, but they were so frightened by the look of Old Wu that they didn't dare to move.

Soon, I went downstairs, ran straight to a telephone booth in Niuwang Village, and called the police.

What puzzled me was that when I ran back to the rooftop again, the six corpses were still hanging there, but Lao Wu and Zhang Dequan were sitting on the ground peacefully, as if they were discussing something.

Seeing this, I am a little confused about Mr. Wu. Just before leaving, Mr. Wu still had to fight and kill Zhang Dequan. How long has it been since they left, they can actually sit together peacefully. This is a big change. Up.

At the moment, I walked over and sat down next to Mr. Wu, and found that Mr. Wu was holding a wooden sculpture in his hand. The wooden sculpture was exactly the one that Zhang Dequan had shown me. The sculpture was Lu Dongbin.

When I saw this wood carving, I glanced at Wu Lao and found that his face was very gloomy. I asked him, "Wu Lao, are you?"

He turned his head slightly, glanced at me, and asked me: "Chuanzi, you are a ghostsmith, what do you think about this wood carving?"

Without even thinking about it, I told him that the wood carving material was a good crabapple wood, and I told him about the relationship between Lu Dongbin and the sex worker.

As soon as I finished speaking, Zhang Dequan said to Old Wu with a flattering expression: "Yes, Chuanzi told me the same way a few days ago."

Then Old Wu looked deeply at me, then looked at Zhang Dequan, and finally stopped his eyes on me, wondering: "What can you tell from the sword skills of this wood carving?"

I thought for a while and said straight: "Wood carvings have a history of at least a hundred years. As for the characters on the arms of wood carvings, they have been carved recently."

Hearing what I said, Mr. Wu's expression sank, "You mean this is man-made?"

This is not easy to answer, mainly because the whole thing is too evil. If it is completely artificial, it is not correct, but there must be someone making a ghost in the whole thing. Otherwise, how to explain the words on the woodcarving mountain.

I truthfully stated this idea.

Then Elder Wu didn't speak any more, he squeezed the wooden sculpture in his hand, slowly got up, and walked over to the sixth uncle's corpse.

When he walked to the side of the sixth uncle's body, he held the wood carving in his hand and compared it with the sixth uncle's body, frowning and said: "It's exactly the same."

I walked over and explained: "Old Wu, if you carve wood carvings like this, someone must have hated sex workers, plus the seven evil locusts in the west of the village. The kid dares to assert that the whole thing is at least prepared It's been more than fifteen years and it didn't break out until recently."

"More than fifteen years?" He glanced at me.

I hummed, and continued: "The predecessor of the seven evil locust tree was actually the locust tree. If you want to become the seven evil locust tree, you have to take advantage of the local soil changes and the prosperity of the aura before it can become the seven evil locust tree. The Begonia wood used in this wood carving, from the perspective of wood, the locust tree is gold, and the begonia is the fire. The body of a six-month-old child should have been buried under Huai."

Having said that, I paused, looked up at the corpse of Uncle Six, then looked at the wood carving in Old Wu's hand, and slowly said, "The child's corpse should be in an iron box."

I have a basis for saying this. First, I will talk about the corpse of the child. When I was at the edge of the seven evil locust tree, I once picked a piece of grass and sniffed it, and I found that the grass had a very slight smell of corpse. At that time I wanted to tell Elder Wu that there was a corpse under the Qishahuai, but I was not sure.

When I saw Liu Shu's corpse, I dared to make such a conclusion.

The reason is very simple, I thought of a word, made by five things.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)