
Chapter 143: Chop acacia (part one)


After sitting there for a while, Mr. Wu seemed to think of something and said to me: "Chuanzi, take your things and go to a place with Lao Xie."

When I heard this, I wondered: "Is it going to Qisha Huai?"

He shook his head, then urged me to get my things quickly.

I wanted to ask a few more questions, but when I saw that Mr. Wu's face was wrong, I didn't ask deeply, so I flipped out my travel bag and followed Mr. Wu down to the first floor.

On the first floor, Mr. Wu brought up the kitchen knife, yellow paper, fragrance, candles, and an incense burner that he had brought over, found a flashlight, and led me directly out the door.

After I left the door, it was dark outside. Wu Lao walked in front with a flashlight and walked about seven or eight steps. Wu Lao suddenly stopped, took a look at me, and asked me: "Chuanzi, Do you know Feng Shui?"

I thought about it. If I talk about feng shui, I do understand some, but I don’t understand it very well. I just know some trivialities. However, our ghost maker’s rule is that we can’t learn feng shui, so I asked tentatively, "You ask Why is this?"

He glanced at me and said, "The old man sees you as different from ordinary ghosts. You seem to know a lot, and Feng Shui is involved."

I was taken aback, and I couldn't help but glanced at him vigilantly, and explained: "What's the matter, I don't know any feng shui."

He glanced at me deeply, stopped talking, and led me forward.

What I didn't expect was that the place we went was actually the place where the temple was built. It was an empty place. Many places on the ground were hollowed out, revealing straight and deep grooves. I roughly looked at it. It was discovered that these deep grooves were about 30 cm wide and 28 cm deep, and the length should be about 15 meters. The deep grooves were even more covered with lime.

A lot of logs are piled up on the sides of these deep troughs, all of which are fine larch wood.

If you guess right, this temple is supposed to be built with larch wood, which has excellent antiseptic properties. Sprinkle some lime and bury it in the ground. Not to mention that it will not rot for 10,000 years, but it will be okay to keep it for two hundred years. of.

Right now, I looked at Mr. Wu and asked curiously, "Mr. Wu, why are we here?"

He took a picture of the ground with a flashlight, and said in a deep voice, "That Zhang Dequan said that the wood carvings were dug out from here, and this piece of land was said to be the Tianxin position of the entire Niuwang Village, in charge of the wealth of the entire village. There seems to be something wrong with burying wood carvings in this location."

After speaking, he handed the flashlight in his hand to me and asked me to illuminate him. He began to draw a gossip on the ground, put the incense burner in the center of the gossip, and finally put the fragrance and candles in the incense burner. It didn't ignite either.

I asked him why this is, he said, check the aura.

I don’t understand what he means. Is there any way to check the aura

However, thinking that the interlacing is like a mountain, I didn't ask deeply, and saw that Wu Lao made this, and then folded the yellow paper in half.

I thought he would set the yellow paper on fire. Who knows, after he folded the yellow paper, he sprinkled all the yellow paper into the deep groove on the side, and finally sat on the ground by the incense burner, his mouth began to languish. Reading some words.

It's strange to say that I don't understand the words he said at all, but I can clearly feel that the temperature in the entire space seems to be much lower.

When he read it to the end, I just felt it was a little difficult to breathe.

At this moment, Old Wu’s complexion changed drastically, and he kept knot printing on his hand. His knot printing technique was very strange, not like the knot printing we usually see, but a rather complicated type of knot printing, which makes people feel Look dazzled.

After he finished the seal, he slowly raised his hands, and when he was higher than the top of his head, his hands stopped abruptly, and he shouted, "Xian!"

With these words, the temperature in the entire space immediately returned to normal, and the previous depression also disappeared, which made me shout too mysterious.

More profound things are still to come. At the moment when he fell silent, a white footprint appeared on the side of Old Wu. The footprint was very small, only about ten centimeters.

I wiped my eyes fiercely, and I was damned. Just now, there was obviously nothing in this place. How could a footprint appear inexplicably

At the moment, I quickly asked Mr. Wu how this footprint came about.

He didn't speak, got up slowly, staring at the footprints, his face condensed, he picked up a stone, and wrote a word on the edge of the footprints, which is the word'more', and inserted the kitchen knife that he had brought over in the middle of the footprints. .

This made me curious, so I asked Mr. Wu what the word meant. He turned his head and glanced at me and said, "Geng!"

I asked him again, what did he do with the kitchen knife in the middle of his footprints, and he said, "Kill!"

When he said the word kill, he was full of murderous expression.

To be honest, I don't know why he suddenly had such a murderous intent, but I vaguely think it should be related to this footprint.

As for how this footprint came out, even now, I still don't understand.

But it is relieved to think that each industry has its own abilities. For example, the ability of our ghostsmiths, in the eyes of outsiders, is also mysterious and mysterious.

Having said that, I am very curious about what occupation Wu is. If he is a Taoist priest, his way of getting seals just now is completely different from that of a Taoist priest. It is not like he is a wizard.

Just as I was stunned, Mr. Wu cleaned up those things on the ground murderously, and led me straight to the front. I asked him where he was going, and he said, go to Qisha Huai.

Qishahuai was a little far away from here, and it took us more than half an hour to get there.

Because it was late at night, there was no one on the side of the Qishahua tree, but the light was full, and the location within five meters of the Qishahua tree was shining like daylight.

"Chuanzi, you stay here, I'll find something." As soon as I stood still, Mr. Wu ordered me.

I nodded and didn't say a word, then Wu Lao left in a stride.

In less than three minutes, Mr. Wu came back again. This time, he had something more in his hand, such as a shovel, a hoe, a hatchet, and a shovel.

When I saw it, I hurried up to greet me, and said in doubt, "Old Wu, where did these things come from?"

He stopped and said: "Don't worry about where it came from, the old man only asked you a word, do you want to save your second uncle."

I thought about it, and he said: "If you want to, cut down the seven evil locust for the old man, as long as you cut this seven evil locust, your friend's brother's affairs are covered by the old man, as for your second uncle and your parents, The old do their best."

When I heard it, my voice trembled and said, "Old Wu, this Qishahuai has been in the old age, and it has become the climate. Once it is cut off, I am afraid..."

Without waiting for me to finish, the Qishahuai seemed to understand our conversation, but... unexpectedly... the whole tree pole shook a few times, and the red ** slowly overflowed from the tree pole.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)