
Chapter 153: Kindness and resentment


Listening to them, I sighed, and I was not in the mood to ask how the two of them became friends, so I looked at Wu Can and asked him, "Is old Wu's death related to you?"

When he heard this, his expression was stagnant and he didn't speak, but the third master spoke. He said, "This matter is indeed related to Miss Su, but the real mastermind behind the scenes is not her."

"Who is that?" I asked hurriedly.

The third master did not speak, but looked at Wu Can, as if asking Wu Can's meaning, and then Wu Can smiled and said, "Golden Shan."

When I heard this name, I felt like I was struck by lightning, and trembled: "You mean Huang Jinshan killed Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu."

When referring to Mrs. Wu, Wu Can was stunned, and finally nodded, and slowly said: "You may not know that Huang Jinshan is Mrs. Wu's son and my cousin."

I am even more confused. Huang Jinshan is the son of Mrs. Wu.

No, if Huang Jinshan is the son of Mrs. Wu, then Mrs. Wu should not die!

I asked this doubt, and Wu Can explained to me that the old lady Wu was not killed by Wu Can, but committed suicide, in order to protect Huang Jinshan.

I really cannot agree with this statement.

Then Wu Can should have seen my doubts, handed me a lady's cigarette and said, "Little brother, have time to listen to me tell a story."

I took the cigarette and didn't light it, so I gave a hum.

Then Wu Can told me that it was a series of incidents in Niuwang Village, and I had to start talking about Niuwang Village becoming a land of red dust.

It is said that after Niuwang Village was turned into a land of red dust, the original villagers were divided into two factions. One group supported Du Sanniang in turning Niuwang Village into a red dust land, and the other supported Mrs. Wu to follow Du Sanniang with Du Sanniang. Her girls drove out.

In this way, the two factions often contradict each other.

As a result, it was obvious that Mrs. Wu's faction was completely crushed, and it was not until the appearance of one person that this situation was changed.

This person is Mr. Wu.

At first, Mr. Wu knew that when his son followed Du Sanniang's behavior, Mr. Wu's mood was conceivable. Without a word, he beat Wu Can half to death. Later, he didn't know what was going on. This old Wu actually got on good terms with Du Sanniang.

Wu Can said he didn't know how it was so good. However, he told me that Elder Wu and Du Sanniang had a child, and that child was buried alive by Du Sanniang.

Because Mr. Wu got better with Sanniang Du, Sanniang Du took a step back and gave each of the original residents of Niuwang Village a house, and how much money each of them would pay each month. Niuwang Village is getting along peacefully.

However, Mrs. Wu was not reconciled. She always wanted to drive Du Sanniang out, so she found her elder brother, Elder Wu, and discussed the matter.

When I said this, the third master said something that made me completely stunned. He said: "Old Wu is the captain of the eighth team. Later, I don’t know what happened. Mr. Wu left the eighth office. Live the life of idle clouds and wild cranes."

When I heard it, I suddenly felt that the whole thing was a bit eye-catching. If I didn't guess wrong, the reason why Huang Jinshan was able to enter the eighth office was probably because of Mr. Wu.

If this is the case, the whole thing is easy to explain. It is very likely that Huang Jin has used his status as a ghostmaker to work on the Qisha Huai, and even Mr. Wu has also mixed it into it.

When I said this idea, Wu Can said that the facts are almost the same as I guessed. The so-called Qishahuai was actually made by the combination of Huang Jinshan and Wu Lao, and Wu Lao invited me to come over. It was a story of a thief shouting and catching a thief.

Wait, the time doesn't seem to be right. I heard from Mrs. Wu that the strange thing happened 20 years ago on the Qishahuai tree, and the Jinshan is only in his twenties. How could it be on the Qishahuai tree? Hands and feet.

This is how Wu Can explained this doubt. He said that the Qishahuai at that time did have some strange things, but it was definitely not what the villagers said, it was just a little abnormal. The reason why it was so amazing, it was actually Du Sanniang spread rumors in the village, coupled with the villagers' misrepresentation, this deified the whole Qishaya.

Well, this phenomenon does occur in rural areas, plus the fact that rural areas are generally superstitious, and it makes sense to empty the village.

However, there is one thing I still don't understand. Since Mr. Wu and Huang Jinshan are the masterminds behind the whole incident, why did Mr. Wu die

I asked this doubt. Wu Can explained to me that there is a conflict between Huang Jinshan and Wu Lao, that is, Wu Lao advocates building a temple, and uses the pressure of the temple to make the entire Niu Wang village. Business is booming, and Huang Jinshan advocates cutting off the Qisha Sophora tree and taking a piece of wood from the center of the Qisha Soup tree to make a Luban ruler.

Because of this, the two of them often fought, and in the end they quarreled with each other.

It’s okay if he didn’t explain it. I was even more puzzled as soon as he explained it, because the final result was that Mr. Wu designed to chop off the Qishaya. Once the Qishaya tree is cut off, it will inevitably destroy the entire Niuwang Village’s Five Movements, and eventually lead to The entire Niuwang Village became an ordinary village.

To put it bluntly, that is, Old Wu helped Huang Jinshan fulfill his wish. Isn't this contradictory

I asked Wu Can the reason, and he said that he didn't know what Elder Wu thought.

To be honest, until now I don't understand what all of this is going on, mainly because the things involved are too complicated. However, life is the same. Not everything can be answered. Perhaps only Elder Wu knows what's going on.

However, I have analyzed Mr. Wu, and the final result is that Mr. Wu originally wanted to help his sister, so he worked with Huang Jinshan on Qisha Huai, but Mr. Wu found that he was still unhappy with Du Sanniang After that, he changed his original idea, and went back to help Du Sanniang in the past. In the end, it was discovered that Du Sanniang was tired and wanted to be good, so she designed to cut off the Qishahua.

After all, Wu is always trapped by'love'.

As for the specific truth, with the death of Wu Lao, he has completely disappeared from the world. However, it is impossible to deny that Elder Wu’s death was probably caused by Jinshan. After all, in the whole thing, only Jinshan survived. In other words, Jinshan was the biggest benefit of the whole thing. By.

At the moment, I took a deep breath, forced myself to calm down, and asked Wu Can: "Do you know where Jinshan is?"

He was startled slightly, stared at my face for a while, took out the cigarette, lit it, and slowly said, "I know!"

"Where?" I looked anxious and asked quickly.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)