
Chapter 16: The sound of midnight mahjong (part 1)


At the moment, I was about to open the door. The middle-aged man behind Mo Qianxue coughed in a low voice, grabbed my arm, and smiled: "Little brother, I haven't eaten dinner yet. Let's go, Uncle invites you to the town to eat."

I glanced at the middle-aged man, and did not refuse. Since the brother and Wei Dezhen left, dinner has become a problem for me, usually instant noodles to solve the problem.

Now that I can go to the small restaurant in the town to eat, I naturally won't refuse. After humming, I didn't say a word, so I followed them to the outside.

I don't know if the middle-aged man is hinting at me or what is going on. The place he led me to was exactly where Ziyang Tao had eaten before.

When we arrived at the restaurant, it was not too big, that is, it was about twenty flats. There were several tables of guests pushing each other's cups, yelling for five and six.

Speaking of this restaurant, it may be because of the small town, but it is actually similar to the home. However, since the society can get enough food and clothing, people have become lazy, and they don’t want to cook at home. The consumption in this small restaurant is not expensive, and many people in our town love to come here to eat.

As soon as the middle-aged man entered the door, he said to the boss, "Find a box!"

The boss led to the box, and the three of us sat down. The middle-aged man ordered a few dishes, and asked the boss to bring up a few bottles of beer and a bottle of beverage. I said not to drink, just drink a drink. The middle-aged man Said that the drink was for Mo Qianxue, and as a ghostmaker, there is no reason not to drink.

When I thought about it, that's right, I didn't smoke at the beginning, didn't I also call brother a living church

Soon, the boss brought a few beers and a few glasses on the table, and said that the shop was a bit busy today, and the serving might be late. To apologize, the boss gave us two beers. I will count them. The middle-aged man bought almost eight bottles of beer.

After the boss left, the middle-aged man first poured me a glass of beer and said, "Little brother, it was my fault the first time. I apologized to you for these three glasses of wine."

While talking, he poured himself three glasses in a row, and when he drank the last one, he raised the glass and touched it with me.

It was the first time I had a drink at that time, but I also knew some of the culture in the wine. He apologized to me for drinking three glasses. I didn't pretend, so I picked up the glass and had a drink with him.

After a glass of wine, I just put down the glass, the middle-aged man took out a cigarette and handed it over, saying, "I don’t know what to give you when I heard Xue’er say that you smoke. Smile."

I took the cigarette and took a look, good guy, and the world. This cigarette is the most expensive in our land in Hunan. It costs a hundred and one pack. In the past, someone asked a brother to do things, and all they gave were one pack and one pack. Thinking of this guy sending the whole piece.

As the saying goes, the heavier the gift, the more difficult it is to ask for, I did not dare to take it, handed the cigarette over, and said with a smile: "Uncle, your gift is too heavy, the kid doesn't dare to accept it, it's better to talk about you first. Thing."

I said this to imply that if I can handle your family's affairs, I will accept this cigarette. If I can't handle it, I'm sorry, I can't accept this cigarette.

This is the rule of our ghostsmiths. Collecting money and other things must help the owner get things done. You can't just accept gifts and ignore the facts, and the rules will be broken.

The middle-aged man obviously saw what I meant, smiled, and said, "It's okay, this little gift is a meeting gift for my little brother, and it's a good fate."

I frowned. There was something wrong with this situation. In the morning, this middle-aged man asked Mo Qianxue to come over to me, vaguely feeling reluctant to give gifts, but now that he is one shot and the world, the two seem to be contradictory.

I nodded, did not refuse, took the cigarette, put it on the side, and smiled: "Listen to Xiaohua Mo, your house is haunted? I'm afraid this is a bit difficult."

The reason why I say that the three words Mo Xiaohua is to imply that Mo Qianxue, I know that the school was beaten, she was stalking it, meaning that she had to apologize to me, otherwise, even if the cigarettes are collected, I I don’t necessarily do things for you either.

To say that the middle-aged man is also an individual talent, he must have studied us ghostsmiths, otherwise, he would never hear the meaning of this.

However, the middle-aged man obviously heard it, and without a second word, he took out a red envelope and handed it to me, saying, "There is five hundred yuan in it, which is the medical expenses for my little brother."

I was not polite. I took the red envelope, stuffed it in my pocket, and glanced at Mo Qianxue. She saw Mo Qianxue pouting and said to the middle-aged man, "Uncle, what are you doing? He is in our school. It's the person being bullied, why are you so polite to him."

The middle-aged man gave up and said to Mo Qianxue, you are still young and don’t understand what’s inside, so he looked at me with a smile on his face and said with a smile: "Little brother, I don’t know what else do you have? If you are satisfied, just put it forward."

I smiled embarrassingly. As the saying goes, people respect me a foot, and I pay a foot. He said that. I am not embarrassed to make any further difficulties. More importantly, I am not sure whether the two of them saw it. I knocked on Ziyangtao's sap, and said, "I can't eat or sleep. After the meal, I will go to the coffin shop and talk in detail."

As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged man's complexion relaxed, and he said thank you to me and stopped talking.

After drinking and eating, my head was a little groggy because I drank a bit too much beer. Fortunately, I was still conscious. I led them back to the coffin shop, invited them to the second floor, and went directly to the senior brother to explain to the guests. Study room.

I asked them to sit in the study for a while, then went to the bathroom and washed their faces with cold water. The initially groggy mind was soaked by the cold water and suddenly became sober.

Back in the study, I sat down opposite the two of them and asked straightforwardly, "Tell me about your family."

Hearing my question, the middle-aged man looked startled, and quickly told me that it was his surname Li, Chengze, and Mo Qianxue’s third uncle. He opened a trading company in Guangzhou and his family was fairly well-established. , In Guangzhou, you can also be regarded as the owner of a car and a house.

This life is fine, and naturally he will not forget his ancestors. He invited a group of craftsmen to renovate the house in his hometown as it was in June of this year. It looked like he spent about one hundred thousand yuan.

According to local rules, when a new house is built, there must be a housewarming ceremony. In the housewarming ceremony, there is a warm fire, which means to make the new house lively and don’t let the cold down. In fact, it is just a picture. Geely means that this new house is booming and the descendants are full.

Although Li Chengze was in Guangzhou all year round, he went out here after all. The customs that should be paid attention to must be paid attention to. He invited a group of relatives to help warm the fire in his new house. The beginning of his family’s problems is from this warm The fire started.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)